Chapter 1

Meetings and Quests

Enda ran quickly through the forest, in pursuit of a large buck that would keep her family fed for a week. She was a huntress and a good thing too. Her father was ill and her mother couldn't hunt and neither could her younger brother who was born with a bad leg. So she took up the responsibility of maintaining the family. She knew it would come soon when her father passed for he was an old Dwarf. He was close to 250 years of age. Her mother was quite a bit younger but she was weakened ever since the birth of Dín. Dín was born thirty years ago and he was still a young child in Dwarf reckoning. Enda was almost 72 (which is comparable to a seventeen or eighteen year old human).

Enda had been trained since she was a tween to become a hunter and warrior. Her father knew that she would be the next to run the home. She was very skilled in archery and swordplay. She knew how to live off the land.

Though she was a Dwarf she never lived underground. Her father and mother were from Erebor but they had to flee when the dragon, Smaug, took over the mountain. They, like thousands of dwarves, lived in exile. They moved to the edge of Mirkwood forest not willing to trek all the way to the Iron Hills, the Blue Mountains or any other dwarven cities. They built a home and they thrived on their own and raised a family.

When Enda asked why they didn't live in the underground dwarven cities her father would reply that while treasure is something pretty, it didn't guarantee a full stomach. Her father insisted that living in the wilderness guaranteed fresh meat for the table.

Enda didn't want to stay in the wilderness with only her family to be with her. She wanted to go off on adventures and make friends. She knew it would never happen while her family was dependent on her and she couldn't abandon them. She still tried to convince her family to move but her father was stubborn in the matter.

Enda then saw the buck and she drew back her bowstring, the arrow was fitted just right and she shot. It would have been the perfect shot if the buck had stood still but it suddenly startled and ran away. Her arrow hit a tree a bit farther away but Enda didn't focus on that. She was looking for whatever frightened that buck for she didn't make a noise and she wasn't upwind of the deer. She lay still and then spotted it.

It was a vile looking Orc. She had never seen one this far to the east. It had a determined look to it and he ran with a great sword in his hands.

Enda spared its life for the time being, she was curious on why it would be alone so far away from an Orc area. Orcs were never seen in Mirkwood. She followed it quietly her bow was loaded and she was ready to kill.

"Separated… Stupid squad went ahead and didn't even notice me missing…" he muttered. "I better get my share of the plunder … Stupid raid and stupid Dwarves… Why live alone with no others to help protect-" He stopped short when an arrow went through his neck.

Enda realized what was going on. Somehow the Orc knew that her family was here in solitude and now they were planning on raiding the house for treasure which almost all Dwarves would have. She quickly ran down the game trail and then saw firelight ahead.

It was her home that was burning. Enda's eyes went wide. She saw five Orcs silhouetted against the fire. She didn't see her family anywhere. She saw all the valuables laid out in the yard and the Orcs where all fighting over them. She also saw blood on their swords and then she spotted three still Dwarves.

Her family was dead. Their faces were pale and blood stained their clothes. No breath rose in their chests nor did any of their eyes flutter.

Sorrow and bitter hatred filled her. She slung her bow over her shoulder and drew the sword that she wore at her waist. She then charged forward.

She took the nearest Orc down by decapitating it. The other Orcs were surprised only momentarily but with that extra moment Enda killed another Orc.

The three remaining Orcs gathered their wits and took their weapons and attacked her. She had never faced more than one intelligent creature in combat before and now it was her against three Orcs which all were taller than her. One feigned an attack and while she was ready to block that Orc another would swing at her. The attack stoke took her in the left arm.

They laughed at her and she swung at the biggest Orc, the leader. Her sword was deflected by his sword and another Orc's sword. The third Orc managed to slice at her again. Pain flamed up as the sword blade hit in her in her right side between her ribs and hip. She knew that she couldn't win not with all three of them working together. She barreled straight through them and snatched an item from the pile of valuables. It was her father's bow.

She ran as fast and as far as she could before she nearly fell over. She had run farther into the forest and took lots of turns before she could be certain of losing the Orcs. She continued even after that. While Enda ran her wound in her stomach reminded her that she was hurt. She placed her hand over the cut to try and keep herself from bleeding out.

She eventually came to a point where she couldn't keep from stumbling. Each time it became harder to get back up. She tripped over a root and then struggled a moment to get back up but she couldn't find the strength.

I'm going to die, she thought glumly. Don't think like that, she scolded herself. You have to be strong and fight on for your honor and your family.

She lay on the grassy ground in a semiconscious state for hours. The pain soon was dulled but she knew she was losing blood. She noticed that she was no longer in the forest. She had run all the way south to the road. She heard someone coming. She didn't think that the Orcs would come all the way down here to find her.

It wasn't an Orc, it was an old man with a large grey beard. Enda wasn't able to make a sound nor could she try and get away if he was a threat. She could only lie on the ground and watch him. He glanced at her curiously and then knelt down next to her.

He placed his hand upon her brow and chanted something in an ancient sounding language that Enda could not understand. Then the pain washed away. She felt her skin mend itself stopping the blood flow. She shuddered and she flailed her arms trying to reach her sword.

"Don't worry, you're safe now. I'm not an enemy…"

"Who…?" Enda's voice gave out from lack of moisture.

"I am Gandalf… a Wizard. It's a good thing I found you when I did. Any longer you and you would have died." Gandalf then handed her a canteen and she drank.

"Why did you save me?"

"I wouldn't let someone die when I can save them…" Gandalf then studied her. "Tell me your story young Dwarfling."

"Well my name is Enda, daughter of Díli." She then told Gandalf of the day's events. She then tried her hardest not to cry in front of him when she told him about her family's death. "I should have been there…"

"No, they would have only killed you too."

"I should have been the defender or at least to have died trying!" Enda then started crying.

"There, there…" Gandalf sat with her until she calmed down. "Why don't you come with me? I am off to a meeting for a quest."

"What sort of quest?"

"It's secret so I cannot tell you any detail unless the others want you to come along. But it's a Dwarves quest so I think they would accept you."

"How far is it? The meeting?"

"Oh it's all the way in Bree but I think we should be able to make good time. So what do you say?"

"I've always wanted to go on adventures… I have nothing here now so I will go with you. But first may I go back into the woods and grab some of my supplies that I hid nearby?"

"Of course… It's going to be a quest and I can guarantee nothing for certain."

"Works for me… Nothing is ever certain. I have learned to adapt…"

"I'll make us some dinner and then we should try and travel." Enda then went into the forest and went to a hidey hole she made a storage in case of emergency. She grabbed a knapsack and filled it with all the supplies she could carry. A bedroll, food, and some canteens and flasks. She took off her old long coat and jerkin, for they were bloodied and torn where she had been hit, then put on a different jerkin over her wool shirt. Then she put her other long coat on.

Next she took stock of her weapons. She had stored arrows and extra knives in the hidey hole and she decided to take everything. She always wore two quivers so she was able to stuff all of the arrows in them. She took all the knives and daggers and placed them in her jerkin and coat pockets and slipped a few into her boots.

When she got back the food was ready. The two of them ate in silence and after they ate they started to journey west until nightfall. They walked six days before they got over the Misty Mountains. When they got over they pushed onwards until they got to Bree rarely breaking except for food and drink and very brief rests.

When they got to Bree it was almost suppertime so they went to the Prancing Pony where they were to meet the others. While they waited for the others they ordered some food and they ate.

"How are you feeling?"


"I'm sorry for the speed we went. I shouldn't have pushed you on at such a breakneck pace while you're injured-"

"It's alright. I'm healing well and the trip gives me a sense of purpose. I haven't seen many people before… Well aside from my family and the Men at Lake-Town who I trade with. This is quite an experience and I'm excited to meet other Dwarves." Enda then paused. "How many will there be on the quest?"

"Thirteen so far and I have my eye on a Hobbit for another companion. Then if the both of you come then that will be fifteen."

"What's a Hobbit?"

"I think you will get to meet some and then you can make your own judgment."

"Do you think the other Dwarves will like me?"

"I don't see why not. And I can highly recommend you. You are helpful and you are a good shot with a bow. I'm sure they could use a good huntress." Gandalf then paused. "You are a good traveler. Never once did you complain on the journey here and you had every excuse to. In full health I think you'd be the best Dwarf among the group."

"The only reason I didn't complain because I was too winded," Enda said. She then burst into a grin. She redid her long coppery-brown ponytail and clasped it with the silver hair clasp. "I do hope they show up soon. I'm finding that I would like to sleep in a bed again." Enda quickly suppressed a yawn.

"Gandalf…" Enda turned around in her seat at the deep voice.

Gandalf told Enda the name of all thirteen Dwarves that came into the inn. They each bowed to her with a formal 'at your service' except for Thorin Oakenshield who looked doubtful at her and had a small scowl on his face.

"And who are you?" Thorin asked.

"Enda, daughter of Díli," she replied. "At your service," she stood up and bowed.

"Díli Keyseeker?" Thorin asked ignoring the formality.

"Yes, from Erebor before it was overrun." Enda looked up at Thorin. "He never told me why he decided to live in the forest instead of the mountains with his kin."

"He has no kin amongst us." Enda's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "He was a disgrace to Dwarves. My father exiled him."

"What? Why? What could my father have done?" Enda asked. Her voice lowered to almost a growl from her shock and anger. No one called her father a disgrace.

"He betrayed my father-"

"That can't be… My father was an honorable Dwarf!" Enda stood up and looked Thorin dead in the eyes. Her fists clenched and she was ready to punch Thorin.

"He tried to kill the king and take the key to Erebor. He was caught and because he was once a friend, my father spared his life."

"You're a liar!" Enda lost her temper and tried to punch Thorin in the mouth. Thorin caught her wrist and then twisted her arm behind her back.

"No one strikes me!" Thorin said angrily as he twisted her arm even farther. Enda's face flushed as she held back the scream. She refused to cry out in pain in front of this Dwarf.

"Thorin!" Gandalf scolded. "Let go of her. She is in distress and she isn't fully well."

"I do not take insults from traitors-"

"She is not the one who betrayed you or your father. Now release her." Everyone in the small inn had been staring and Gandalf shot them a warning glare so they all turned back to their drinks.

Thorin shoved her away and she stumbled to the ground. She glared back up at the Dwarf leader. She stood back up as he glared back she also saw a hint of a smirk. She lunged forward, ready to throttle him but Kíli stopped her.

"Let go of me!" Enda shouted. "Let go! I do not take insults or injury from pompous, self-righteous cowards!"

"Hush… You are not helping yourself…" Kíli whispered to her.

"What do I care? I don't! I've lost everything! Why not lose my life!?" She turned and looked at Kíli. Her breathing was deep and ragged as if she were about to start crying, but she kept her face hard and cold. She refused to cry in front of others. She was stronger than that.

Kíli didn't let go of her, instead he led her back to her seat. He sat down with her and his hands held hers. He looked her in the eyes.

"What happened?" he asked. Enda saw sympathy in his eyes.

"I couldn't save them… My family was murdered. That's why I won't allow them to be insulted…" She looked down. Kíli was surprised that she answered. He didn't answer. How could he answer to that? "Orcs attacked my home while I was out hunting. They slaughtered my family then looted our home. I got there in time to see them set the house in flames."

"I found her near to death. She had tried to avenge her family but she was outnumbered. I have brought her with me so she may be among her own kind," Gandalf said.

"You are armed more than a hunter need be." Thorin said gruffly. Enda then looked coldly at Thorin.

"My father taught me to always be able to survive. There are dangers in the world… You have to be ready for anything that may happen. Be prepared to lose your home. Be prepared to wander the world alone." Enda then stood up and looked Thorin in the eyes with a hard and bitter stare. "I may not look like your average hunter and that's because I'm not. I was trained with wisdom and common sense," Enda practically spat out the last few words.

Thorin looked at her with anger. "You best watch your tongue."

Enda sarcastically stuck her tongue out and looked at it. "Who do you think you are to command me?"

"I am the king!"

"You aren't my king… Remember, I'm a child of exile therefor I do not answer to anyone, least of all you. So you cannot command me of anything. I will speak my mind if I choose to do so and you may speak yours but do not try intimidating me for I am not one to be scorned."

"You're excessively bold. It's not a flattering trait-"

Enda threw her head back and let out a bark of laughter. "Tell me Oakenshield, who would I be trying to impress? I'm the only Dwarf of Mirkwood." Enda gestured to the east. "I never was trained in being a flatterer, simply because I was trained to be honest."

"And who told you the nobility of honesty? Your father?" Thorin scoffed. Enda stood up.

Enda's hand went to her sword hilt but she stopped herself. "Only because I don't want to dirty my sword I will let that one pass. But I warn you, do not insult my family." Enda set her jaw.

"And let me suppose that was learned from a strong, older brother whom you admired?" Thorin then smirked. "Of course he couldn't be that, foolish me. Your brother couldn't save your family from a band of Orcs-"

"You've gone too far!" Enda hissed.

In a blink of an eye she drew her sword but Thorin was able to block her blow as he drew his sword. She then lashed out again and before anyone could stop them it became a fight. Thorin soon got the upper hand since she was still weak from the blood loss and exhausted from the traveling. Enda stumbled backwards over a chair as Thorin came towards her. She gazed up at him keeping all fear from her face. She was certain that Thorin would run her through but she wouldn't give into fear. She closed her eyes waiting to die.

"Thorin, stop this madness!" Gandalf yelled and then Thorin's sword went red hot in his hand and he dropped it. Thorin glared at Gandalf.

Enda quickly got up and sheathed her sword. She felt uncomfortable at everyone watching her and all the patrons were watching too. She was about to walk away when the Wizard placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You aren't leaving," Gandalf said. "You have nowhere to go…"

Enda huffed. She then scowled at Thorin. "I would have let it pass… until you insulted my brother. He wasn't older than me nor was he able to defend. But he was good, loyal, and noble at heart. I will not hesitate to defend him if anyone insults him," Enda said quietly. She sat down and rubbed her sore arm. She avoided making eye contact with anyone.

Thorin and Gandalf then went a little ways away and then argued over having Enda join with them on the quest. In the end Gandalf won out and Thorin walked back to the group looking annoyed and then looked to Enda.

"I'm sorry…" Enda didn't like how forced it sounded but it was obvious that he never really apologized for anything. "You are free to join the quest if you so choose."

Enda hid a smirk. "Of course I'm coming." She mostly decided to come just to spite the grumpy Dwarf but she really wanted to go on an adventure and this was her opportunity. "Thank you for the offer." Enda then paused. "Also I will overlook the past. You're forgiven. Just promise that you won't insult my family anymore."


Then Thorin walked away and started talking to Gandalf. That's when two of the Dwarves came over to Enda.

"I'm Fíli, and this is my brother Kíli…"

"Very nice to meet you both." Enda said with a nod of her head. She recognized them but it was nice having an actual introduction.

"We figured we should welcome you. Our uncle can be a bit difficult and things will probably be strained and awkward for a bit."

"Your uncle?" Enda asked and she glanced between the brothers and Thorin. "I see some resemblance…" Enda looked awkwardly down. "I'm just the best with first impressions, aren't I? You probably think I'm quite a fool."

"Not really… I wouldn't have allowed anyone to insult my family. I think I would have drawn a sword," Kíli said.

"Mum always told me that my temper will get me into trouble…" A wistful smile crossed her face. "I'm sorry that I'm not more like her… She was wise and patient. Pretty much the opposite of me…" There was silence for a moment. "Will you two explain the quest to me? Gandalf has been vague on it but I think since I've accepted I should know what I've gotten myself into…"

"Well, we're going on a quest to reclaim Erebor… We are going to take back what is rightfully ours and if Smaug is still alive we will kill him."

"Smaug, the Dragon…" Enda's face paled for a second but then lit up.

"I hope he is alive… Only so I can kill him. What better way to prove myself than to kill that fiend? Imagine, if I could bring him down I could be accepted… I would be Enda Dragon-slayer, the bravest woman to ever live in Middle Earth!"

"A Dragon would not be easy to kill or else he would be defeated a long time ago…" Fíli said to the younger Dwarf.

"I'm not afraid of a challenge…" Enda then grinned, a lopsided grin. "I swear that I will not let anyone regret me coming along."

"Everyone to bed," Thorin then commanded. "You will all start your journey for the Shire tomorrow."

Everyone went to the rooms of the inn and Enda closed the door behind her. She wasn't tired but she didn't dare to defy Thorin. So she lay in the little bed wondering about the quest. Then her thoughts went back to her family. She couldn't rid herself of their lifeless bodies. She then pulled her lyre from a pouch and started to strum it and sang,

'Little brother you are now gone

Why is it you who won't see dawn?

Oh brother lad I miss your lasting hope

You're bright smiles, how will I cope?

Little one you were good and kind

Now forever you'll be in my mind

Mother dear, ever close to my heart

To be now lost, forever we part

You loved me so, your heart was gold

You love was great, your hands now cold

Mother I need you here with me

But that is not meant to be

My father who trained me to be strong

Could you show me where I belong?

If I could go back I would have tried

To be defender or to at least have died

If ever you look down from the cloud

I hope that I can make you proud'

Enda felt better for singing a lament for her family. She never gave them any final farewells and she never had a chance to give them a proper burial. She cringed at what the Orcs may have done to them. This lament was at least one way she could feel that she had done something for them.

She then went to bed and slept until the sun rose.

Hi everyone!

I have become positively obsessed with the Hobbit and I've been messing around with the idea of adding another character for quite sometime. I decided that I would like to share with you all and I hope you will read and review. All constructive criticism is welcome.

I hope to hear all of your opinions soon!
