Something Ridiculous

Time JUMP! Harry is just about to turn 11!

Harry heard the mail flap sound and heard several papers hitting the floor and grinned at his father. James looked up as well and nodded, "go on, scamp see if it's here."

Harry scampered away and into the hall. He knew that all the mail they received had already been carefully screened by MI6 so no letter bombs or such. He grabbed the stack and began flipping through them. "It's HERE!" Harry yelled happily racing back into the kitchen and his father. He hastily dumped the rest of the mail on the table before throwing himself into his father's arms.

James smiled as he caught his son and settled him on his lap before nodding, "go on open it."

Harry smiled and flipped the heavy parchment envelope over and carefully opened the envelope. He pulled the heavy parchment out his eye rapidly scanning the words. "It's real." He breathed than gave a happy yell of joy, "It's really real."

James pulled Harry close to him and wrapped his arms around his son, kissing his messy black hair, "yes, son it is really. You are now officially Harry James Potter-Bond."

Harry looked up at his father than back down at the official certificate from the office of Records recoding and approving his name change. "Harry James Potter Bond… Harry Bond." He snuggled close to his father his eyes never leaving his new name. "Where can we hang it?"

James looked around the kitchen and did a mental image of the living room, "how about next to our portrait?" He asked, "and we will get a copy made up and it can go in your bedroom if you want."

"Brilliant," Harry breathed and grinned, than scampered down to call Sylvia about his new name.

James chuckled as he turned to the rest of the mail and he quickly sorted through. He froze when he found another official envelope and sat hard on his chair. "Harry James Potter, Front Bedroom, London, England." It had finally come, "Harry," he called his voice soft so he cleared his throat and called again, "Harry there is another letter for you."

Harry came back absent mindedly into the kitchen, "I think that's a great place for the certificate," he grinned at his dad, but it faltered when he noticed his father's expression, "is something wrong?" he noticed the envelope his father held out for him and he hesitantly took it. He read the front than flipped it over and opened it. He pulled out the two page letter, his expression changing from curious to blank, "is this a joke?" he asked his father, "isn't this ridiculous, a school that teaches magic, there is no such thing as magic. Right, dad?" He scoffed but stopped at his father's expression, "dad?"

James tilted his head, "and how did you turn Mrs. Carly's hair blue? How did you vanish from your bedroom when you had a nightmare and end up at Grandma M's grave? How about how you can make Q's computers go buggy when you get upset?" he leaned over and kissed his son's hair when the boy's expression grew upset, "you have magic, I've always known it, and so… deep down did you."

"It's why Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia hated me," Harry whispered.

"And why I am so lucky to have you," James confirmed pulling his son closer.

"But I wanted to go to Eton," Harry pouted a bit.

"Did you?" James asked looking a bit surprised.

"Well sorta," Harry amended, "not really."

"So… do we reply that you will be attending?" James asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," Harry said not sure of the new turn of events.