Prompt: Holding hands
Author: mannd1068
Fandom: Harry Potter/James Bond
OTP: James Bond - Harry Potter
Setting: Babysitting him?

(Note: completely unbetaed) I do not own James Bond or Harry Potter. No really I don't!

James Bond, 007, Secret Spy and now babysitter?! He knew that M was mad at him for destroying Miles Gormich's secret lab before they could download all the data from the computers, but this was a bit much. His eyes strayed down to the small child who was valiantly trying to keep up with him. Harry James Potter was the adopted godson of M, and he had been tasked with babysitting said child while M had been unexpectedly called out of the country. He wanted to snort… unexpectedly my ass.

He had read Harry's file (yes, the seven year old had a file) and had noticed that he had first come to MI6's interests when he had been 15 months old. The child's parents had been murdered and somehow the little imp had stopped the murderer from harming him more than the lightning bolt scar that now resided on the child's forehead.

M had taken an active interest in the child when one of agents in Child Services brought him to their attention. Harry had been sent to live with his only remaining family, after someone named Albus Dumbledore had assured M that the small boy would be fine. However the boy was being severely neglected. Yes, the Dursleys were obeying the letter of the law by providing basic shelter, food and clothing, but they were only doing the absolute bare minimum that they could get away with. The child's bedroom was a boot cupboard, his clothes hand-me-downs from his oversized cousin, and food were scraps that were left over from the family dinner. James looked down at the boy again and snorted, which obviously wasn't much as the child looked to be about 6 and was very skinny. Harry had been taken from the Dursely's by M and had `vanished' from the system to keep the boy away from a `meddling old man', her words not his.

So now here he was, James Bond lady's man, and super spy: babysitting!. He felt small hand tug on his pant pocket and stopped to look down, the boy was panting with the effort to keep up, "Mr. Bond sir, can we slow down a bit?" the boy stared up at him with those clear green eyes.

James tried to stop the quirking of his lips as he took in those green eyes and held out his hand for the boy. Harry stared at it than at him in confusion before his eyes lit up and he grabbed the two last fingers of the secret agent's hand. James smiled before starting to walk again, okay maybe the imp was growing on him.