
So you want to know where this story starts? It starts in the fair land of Minecraftia, a land of rolling hills, of high hills, and vast forests. I assume you've heard of this land where most of its human inhabitants journey down into the very belly of the earth and mine. Where every night is a test of their survival skils. The night being when such creatures such as the moaning zombies shuffle, where the mysterious Endermen use the very land against you, and let's not forget the creepers! Though, that is just the tip of the iceberg, I assure you.

Who knows how long ago when a very terror came out of the desert? One so horrible no one spoke his name so they may not ever see his pale face at the door. Some people even said they'd rather come across the mysterious Herobrine than come across such a tyrant!

No, our story is not focused on the terror of the desert or even his greatest enemies, a dwarf, a spaceman, or a knight! No, this story is about someone more humble just who has a lot of bad luck stemming from just one encounter with this evil of the desert. Though, the story starts with not this humble character but her brother.

Her brother's name was Farrell and his thrist for power and adventure streched far into the lands surrounding their small village. All it needed to grow was a seed, of evil or good to grow it into a mighty tree. Sadly the wrong sort of seed had been planted inside of him.

His younger sister's fascination with the Kingdom of the Saplings was what probably what done them in, seeing as the kingdom was one of great good and a certain pale-faced man was anything but. He knew where she fled after their encounter but he didn't see pursuing it useful until he had to.

He felt he had to when he found that Farrell, now in his late teens, lusted for power. The young man had wandered into the desert, trying to get over to the next town. He had pursued a pig into the desert for he was on the verge of starving and had to get something to eat. The pig escaped due to the man's deterioted state. At this point he had resigned to sitting down and giving himself up to the harsh forgiving world. Though what he had thought was a miracle had come up to him and stopped. He raised his head slowly, fatigue already setting in, and looked at the figure who was a pale man with a creeper-esque face. They sat and stared and each other for the longest time until the pale man quietly withdrew a piece of cooked pork out of his pocket and waved it slowly in front of Farrell. Farrell's eyes followed it until the man stopped and held it in front of him, as if Farrell was a dog. Farrell lunged but fell face-first onto the grainy ground. The man taunted, "No, no, no."

Farrell yelled, "Give it to me!"

The man turned his head ever so slighty and asked, "How much do you want it?

Farrell growled, "Well seeing as that would be the thing that saves me from starving...".

The man threw the pork at the young man and disappeared like a desert wraith This saved Farrell but he din't know he now owed that man a favor.

Said favor, whatever it was, was repaid sometime in the summer. It had to do with the utter and total destruction of his village. Though, let's not get ahead of ourselves for such things don't happen on the drop of a gold coin! Others said that they witnessed changes in the young man, such as nervousness and a decline in outdoor activity. These symptoms seemed to escalate until a breaking point, one balmy night, in which his young sister had returned from a friend's house not too far away. She came to find her older brother standing over the two bodies of thier parents, with his hand encased in fire. She looked at him and fled towards her father's room with the one thought of getting his bow and arrows.

She very narrowly escaped her brother's manipulated cruelty with a bow, arrows, and a few supplies. Though there was only a single problem and that was that it was night, when the mobs roamed. Only two things saved her that night: pure adrenline to outrun everything and her love of climbing trees which allowed her to scale a tree like a squirrel. After that she traveled away from her forest village with no rhyme or reason to her journey. Eventually she came to a desert/mountain village that welcomed the fourteen-year-old and marveled at how she traveled so far for one so young. Though she yearned for her own way and climbed into the mountains.

Not far from the village was a lake encrled by mountains adorned with roaring waterfalls. She cut down some o the trees to make a spiral staircase up and found she had picked an ideal place; somewhere she could see the village and watch her base. In time she built herself a small cottage built into the cliffside and bridges over the lake and the small peaks around. She planted a pine forest and after a bit of archery faceoffs with skeletons she obtained enough bonemeal for her forest which grew green and soon had a wolf pack roaming in it. This all took a year and once she was finished she settled down for two years, watching, exploring, and finding out. And one spring this all collapsed in a fiery inferno.