AN: Here we go it's the last chapter. It was fun but everything have to come to an end.

Highschool Of The Dead

Path Of Carnage

Chapter 27: The End Of Carnage

Alice looked on as Garasu winced in pain as the zombie bit down harder. Alice ran after the zombie and stabbed it in the knee. "Let him go!" She screamed. She then turned to Miyonji. "Please big brother help him!" She cried as tears appeared in her eyes. Miyonji quickly unsheathed his sword and dashed over stabbing the zombie in the head and quickly pulling the blade out. The zombie fell to the ground not moving an inch.

"Fuck." Garasu cursed under his breath as he flicked his wrist and noticed the life ending wound. The assassin glanced behind him at a gathering horde of the dead, his mind emptied of all thought; accepting his now inevitable doom. 'Five minutes, roughly, that is all that I have left.' he thought to himself before nodding.

"I'm going to buy you all some time, since it won't be long until this place in inundated. I'll deal with this horde; all of you go." Garasu commented calmly.

"No..." Rika muttered in disbelief.

"You can't stay here! Its suicide!" Vergil yelled, more off put by the assassin's calm of the inevitable.

"I'm going to die anyway." Garasu replied. "Whether I die in the fight or I turn before it ends. Survival is the responsibility of those who wish to survive and naturally I've been too careless."

"We can just take off the arm though, maybe that'll..." Saeko began as she unsheathed her Katana but stopped as Garasu reached into his pocket and pull out an explosive.

"Go or I'll kill you all myself." He states firmly, his eyes burning into those of everyone looking at him. "Besides, even if you took off my arm, then what? I become burdensome and I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

'I thought I was one or two explosives short!' Virgil thought to himself as he instinctively slips his hand to his pack. Garasu simply followed up coolly.

"You really need to keep an eye on these. I'm taking this one by the way, Virgin." Virgil scoffed at the remark but said nothing more following. Garasu looked across the group, pausing a moment as Souichiro glanced at him briefly; the two men silently voicing their respect and honor.

"You're one crazy bastard Garasu." Hakami declared with a humorless laugh before becoming sincere. "Sure wish you could've stuck around."

"Hmph… I'll see you in hell." Garasu joked cooly, to which Hakami simply smirks and replies.

"Yeah, in hell."

"Try not to knock anyone else up." the assassin commented as Runo was about to speak. The sentence causing Runo to rub the back of his head as Shizuka held onto him.

For Alice the whole scenario was overwhelming. Before Miyonji or Saya could stop her, the girl lunged at the assassin's legs and started bawling her heart out.

"Please, Mr. Garasu! Please don't die! Not like my mama or daddy!" Alice sobbed. Garasu simply glanced down at her without any emotion. 'Friend?' the word still haunted him from Miyonji's statement. Huffing under a breath, the assassin knelt down and pushed Alice back a little before pulling her close and whispered in her ear something that no one else could figure out. Alice's eyes widened in surprise as Garasu then pushed her away and showed her his true face behind the face mask. The young girl took in all of her best friend's features; one could barely have imagined him to have been a cold hearted killer, as she backed up against Rika.

Rika looked sadly at Garasu and with a hint of amusement; Garasu never showed his face to anyone, the young girl had clearly reached some recess of his soul that had long since been forgotten by the world.

"Don't need to look at me like that; it was only a matter of time." He simply stated as he stood up, took off his rucksack and tossed it to the group before turning to face the horde still staggering in their endless hunger. Garasu unzipped his hoodie and tore it from his body; the group noticed the bite mark along with the assassin's well toned body, a feat from years of his work. His face was obscured by his dark hair which trailed to his lower back.

"The mission objective always comes before everything else; sticking to this principle is the reason why I have never failed a task. The girl is safe, as we agreed and with my life at its end; our score is settled." Garasu spoke aloud, directed at Miyonji.

"Now all of you, go and let my life end on my terms." With that Garasu strolled boldly and calmly towards the mob of Zombies, tossing off his facemask as he walked.

"...Yamato Nakamura..." Alice whispered, tears still coming down her face.

"...I know." Rika being the only one to hear her nodded and replied. Before the little girl turned around and hugged her before crying, Rika held her own tears back as she watched her childhood friend walking to his death and knowing him as she did, he would take as many as he could with him.

"We have to go." Miyonji finally declared as he picks up Garasu's backpack, filled with what he figured was week's worth of supplies along with the silenced pistol, bowgun and machete. Everyone then begin to make their escape after Alice quickly rushed and grabbed Garasu's facemask and hoodie. Miyonji then looked back for a brief moment and said appreciatively, "Thanks for looking out for her for so long, Garasu."

His arm throbbed, his body ached and yet despite it all, Garasu's mind was at peace. He had accepted his fate and he walked quietly into the middle of the horde in absolute silence. When he felt close to the middle, he paused and posed.

"I wonder how many of you I can end, before your numbers drag me down into the abyss which you reach from." Garasu spoke loudly, the voice turning the head of each of the ravenous zombies to his direction. One of them hissed through what little remained of its lips before snarling as it lunged.

Garasu's reaction was flawless; grabbing the Zombie's wrist, he used the momentum to pull it behind him and snapped back the head in an instant before shoving the body towards several others, knocking them down.

"IS THIS ALL YOU HAVE?! COME AND CLAIM ME!" Garasu roared as his resolve ceased, the assassin lunged at the closest Zombie which retaliated along with several others. Garasu took off the head of his target with a single palm thrust uppercut as another Zombie sunk it's teeth into his shoulder.

The Assassin roared as he grabbed the zombie's head and yanked it clean from it's socket. Blood poured violently from his new wound. Garasu felt the violent urge to throw up as he suffered vertigo but resolved to last out a little longer. The assassin shoved back a rogue Zombie before rushing behind the entire mob, having suffered several more bites and was, to his credit, able to kill another two or three Zombies.

"YOU CAN'T BE THAT FULL! COME ON!" He yelled again before suddenly feeling short of breath and coughed up a substantial amount of now blackened blood.

"S-shit." He heaved as the horde came closer. "This is it." the assassin said to himself, his eyes filled with rage as he charged with as much ferocity as he could gather and the horde was on him. Garasu was immediately pinned by several of the cannibalistic corpses and immediately felt their powerful jaws clamp into him. Resisting all he could, the assassin knew he would not get back up. With the last bit of effort he could summon he reached for the explosive with his free hand. He coughed more blood as his vision faded.

"Life and death… are only, by a pane of glass… apart." He managed to finally mutter with a grin and with it, his life expired as the horde eagerly tucked into his carcass, unaware that with a twitch from his nerves. The Assassin would have the last laugh in death as his thumb activated the detonator.

The group watched from afar as a huge explosion engulfed the horde. Alice ran to Miyonji and Saya and hugged them. The two got down on their knees and hugged the crying girl. "It'll be alright Alice. He did it to protect you and everyone here. He might not be here anymore but he'll always be in your heart." Miyonji explained. Alice sniffled and nodded her head as she continued to grieve.

It took a few minutes before Alice had finally calmed down. She was still hugging Saya as Miyonji looked at Garasu's backpack. Miyonji goes through Garasu's backpack and notices his diary; filled with elaborate created sentences written in English depicting each and every important moment in his life including the many jobs he had taken as an Assassin and Mercenary.

To Miyonji's astonishment Garasu had also written each day how many he had killed since the end of the world up until the day he had sacrificed himself to save their lives; a grand total of 3,234 confirmed deaths. At the end of Garasu's diary Miyonji discovers an enclosed letter addressed to both Rika and Alice.

Miyonji gives the letter to Rika who reads it to Alice as it's written in English. It reads the following.

"I'm writing this on the night of -Whatever the date is that Alice was sitting next to Garasu and thanking him from saving her from the paedophile- And if the two of you are reading this then that means that I have perished, whether from the hands of the dead or the deeds of the living or perhaps even my own discretion.

Right now I can assume you are still mourning my demise; especially you young Alice and to which I will say, typical of you. If there is one thing I can trust, is I have taught you is that in a world where the ways of old have long passed much like the chronicles of days passed; your survival is dependent on how well you adapt. Alike the precepts of natural selection, those who adapt and survive become stronger and better than they ever were prior.

As much as I consider the acts of your peers as foolish wishful youthful antics; I cannot imagine I might have been much different had i not chosen the path to which i have walked my entire life without regret. That is one thing I will teach you now if I have not taught you before; whatever action you take, ponder not on the consequence and aspire only on the directive. The mission directive takes precedence over everything else; holding to that principal is the reason I had never failed a mission I had embarked prior the worlds end and the aftermath of such.

Rika, to you, even as children before I made my father, Hito, my first mission objective for the sum of twenty thousand yen, you never revealed much of yourself that you would deem personal to anyone; it's that what I will bestow my thanks of teaching me as it has assisted me many times over the years. Ironic perhaps that your occupational selection of law enforcement would conflict with my much sneered path yet your nature is what assisted in honing my craft.

It has always remained amusing that despite our differences in choice; that even though you may have unveiled the identity of Garasu to the authorities, you chose not. The reasoning behind such I may not know but I suppose I should thank you there also.

The reasoning for writing this last time i have only to direct toward easing my mind of thoughts and perhaps maybe it might bring comfort? Whether or not will not concern me when i meet my fate, guaranteed so if you are reading this; but it is my contribution.

Young Alice, Rika, my old friend I trust you will stay strong and survive in this post apocalyptic world.

Stay well and farewell.

PS. Tell the two leaders that your last destination will be to east of Shido's mansion. If you walk now it should take you an hour to get there. Once you get there you'll see a tall red warehouse, wait in front of the warehouse gates. Something will arrive there for you shortly after you arrive.

Takashi looked at Miyonji "Think we should go?" He asked. Miyonji nodded "We have no choice but too. He saved us so I'm going to follow his orders this one time." Miyonji stated.

Everyone nodded and agreed that they at least owed him that. Rika looked to the sky and sighed 'Yamato… even now after you've died, you're helping us.' she thought to herself. The group soon set off and headed to the east.

An hour later the group had finally made it to their destination and waited at the main gate like Garasu had stated in the letter. "Well we're here." Hakami stated. Sota smirked at his son. "Well that's an obvious statement." he replied which made Hakami sigh.

Everyone prepared for the worse knowing that the two didn't get along that well. "For some reason I'm just not in the mood to argue with you today or better yet argue with you at all… I mean arguing with my… dad just doesn't make sense. I might despise you for the shit you did to me way back, but I can't forget the fact that you brought me into this world with mother by your side." He replied which earned him a smile from his mother and Saeko.

'He's slowly changing.' Rin thought to herself as did Saeko.

"Guys look!"

Everyone heard Kohta's voice and looked to the sky. When they looked up they spotted two Columbia Helicopters approaching them. "Wait a minute. Don't tell me that he knew these were coming." said Vergil. Miyonji just started to laugh. "This guy is something else." Is all Miyonji could add.

As the planes landed four men walked out of the planes "Looks like we have some survivors." One of the men said. "Chief Minami and Lieutenant Tsukomo is that you?" One of the other men asked. "Sure is!" Vergil exclaimed. "Job well done finding some survivors chief. We're here to get you guys out of here." The man said.

"Where are you bringing us?" Takashi asked. The man looked at them and smiled "We're bringing you guys to Rome, Italy! For now that will be your new home." He explained. Rei and Shizuka smiled and hugged one another in joy as Kohta stood in awe. "That means we'll be where the Coliseum is!" He said in shock. "That means I'll truly be a father. WE SURVIVED!" Runo exclaimed as he thrusted his fist into the air.

"That's right, you guys made it out of hell. We have Rome Italy quarantined to keep those freaks from walking in. It's going to be a long time before we can get this world back to normal, but we'll make it happen sometime." He explained. "Well what are we waiting for? We should all get out of here before they show up.' The pilot said.

Everyone nodded and board the helicopter. Once everyone was strapped in, the helicopters engines started and they began to rise and flew into the air. Alice looked out the window and had a sad face on which Miyonji noticed. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. He kissed her head which made her look at him "Alice… smile. You know Garasu wouldn't want you to be this way. Remember what I said, he'll be in your heart always." He explained. Alice nodded and looked into his eyes "Big brother, promise me you and Saya won't leave me." She said. Miyonji smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I promise." He replied which made her smile.

Takashi's POV

If you asked me if the impossible could ever happen, I'd tell you yes in a heartbeat. Running from dead people made me believe that anything is possible in this world. If you asked me if I thought I would survive I would tell you no with no hesitation. Everyone is facing the facts that things have changed and that you could lose your life at any moment.

We boarded the helicopter and made it to Italy six hours later. The place has a nice environment and feeling to it. We were granted a free house with free electricity and food for the time being. Everyone who was victims to the crisis was offered that deal.

But honestly I think this crisis changed things for all of us. Five months have passed and a lot of things have changed. For starters, Rei and I are back together again. We're doing better than we ever were before. Saya and Miyonji are still going strong. I think Miyonji told me that he and Saya was thinking about adopting Alice. I think Alice would like that a lot seeing as losing her parents and then Garasu hit her hard.

Hirano is dealing with the loss of Shiko pretty well. Our parents didn't bother asking us about her because they figured since she wasn't with us that she had been killed. Hirano is currently enjoying Rome and everything it has to offer.

Hakami and Saeko are taking their current relationship step by step. It's obvious the two love each other but don't know how to confess. I think sooner or later she'll end up becoming his wife. His mother see's that Saeko is the only girl for him. As for Hakami and Sota's relationship, they were able to put the past behind. They might not be the best of friends but they're able to have some civilized conversation. I overheard that once things were back to normal Hakami might be taking over his father's Dojo and estate.

Shizuka and Runo's child is soon to be born. It seems even with all the running around the baby is healthy and soon to appear. It's suppose to be a baby girl who is soon to be called Reena Tora, I honestly like the name.

Vergil and Rika went back to the force to help find more survivors. They visit occasionally to make sure we're alright. Vergil told me that Rika is an important girl in his life and he's looking to be by her side, now that's a good friend for you.

As the Pilot told us the police and Army have Italy blocked off from any walking corpses. They have people switch off day and night for a 24 hour watch. Their working on running a school for the kids and I think Saya is trying to get Alice in that school so she can learn, I think she wants Alice to be more like her then Miyonji.

Normal POV

"Takashi, who the fuck are you talking too?" Miyonji asked.

"Well… our fans." Takashi replied.

"What fans? Who in the hell would be fans of you two idiots?" Saya asked

"Come on Saya, be nice!" Rei added.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure big brother has a lot of fans." Alice stated as Zero barked.

"She's right though, nobody cares about these cry babies. You'll never see me crying over a girl which is why they respect me." Hakami said.

"Is that so Hakami?" Saeko asked as she did not believe him.

"Guys I think they can hear you." Kohta informed.

"They sure can." Runo added.

"I don't think they mind though." Shizuka laughed.

"Guy's we're running out of time!" Vergil informed.

"Say what you all wanted to say before we leave." Rika ordered.

"See You Later." Everyone said in unison.


Authors Note: THANK YOU FOR READING! I want to inform everyone that this story will have two Spin-offs, "HighSchool Of The Dead: If Things Were Different" will be a what if story where we will see how things would have played out if the infection never happened featuring all the characters from this story. The there will be "Highschool Of the Dead: Grand Theft Auto" Where we will see how the characters react when they are living their life Grand Theft Auto style. Be ready for this...

Because you're not going to want to miss this!