Well a lot of people wanted me to do this so now it's finally time we'll let's see how we do. I want to thank VERINCHAN for beta reading my chapters.

Highschool Of The Dead

The Path of Carnage

Chapter 1: The Day Before

Sunlight poked through the dark room shining right on Takashi Komuro's face, causing him to awake from his sleep. The boy groaned as he sat up slowly, squinting his eyes as he looked out the window the sunlight giving color to his dull brown eyes. With an uninterested look on his face the boy groaned thinking to himself 'Today is going to suck I can feel it.' Throwing his legs over the corner of the bed his feet touched the ground as he pushed up off the bed remembering how to walk as he made his way out of his room and into the bathroom.

Knowing he was the only one home due to his father being out of town until next week and his mother being a school teacher who went to work early, he pretty much had the house to himself.

Walking to the bathroom he left the door open and turned on the water, he left a hand in it to feel when the temperature got just right. He finally stepped into the shower. As he felt the water hit his body his mind began to wander and he looked up at the ceiling in a daze. His mind was going crazy swarming in thoughts, in pain; and why the hell wouldn't he? His friend Hisashi Igo was dating the girl he loved; Rei Miyamoto.

He felt betrayed.

The thought of them two together, the image that played back in his mind he was doing this to himself replaying what had happened and he was killing himself over it but he would never let her know that. It would hurt her, and that is the last thing he wanted.

Getting out of the shower now he dried himself off and made his way to his room getting dressed for a day at school. He pulled out his red shirt and the jacket and the pants, putting on shoes not a minute later he grabbed his school bag and headed for the door closing it behind him. Sliding the key under the mat he turned around brown eyes staring into the sky. 'What a hot day.' He sighed and headed towards Fujimi High School.


Reaching the school yard he walked past the gates, bikers would fly past him kids were hanging out with their friends everyone peaceful, laughing and talking.

A boy named Hakami Soriejji would be in the kendo club room on his knees with his eyes closed as if he was meditating.

Hakami had an interesting look, Long silver hair cascaded down past his neck his bangs draping across his forehead shaping his sharp face. He had almond shaped eyes that held the most vibrant of blue hues in them his nose small and his lips as well, he had a clean shaven face. Baby blue jeans dressed his lower half and he was clean no holes in his pants, on his torso a white v-neck T-Shirt, and his feet wore white high top sneakers with white laces to match his shirt.

Hakami heard the door open and knew exactly who it was without even looking "Saeko." he said in a soft tone, being the only ones in the room there was no reason for him to speak any louder.

Saeko smiled as she stepped into the room. "Knew it was me huh?" The purple haired girl smiled gently her soft pink lips curled into a smile. She was the President of the Kendo club and beautiful to boot. Tall and slender elegant and graceful you would never imagine the fury that ran under her skin if pushed.

"Well how would I not? Anyone who is not in the Kendo club wouldn't come here." he stated, deadpan, which made Saeko chuckle ever so softly as she walked closer to his meditating body.

Continuing the conversation she pushed "You always have to be a smart ass, don't you?" Hakami smirked cockily. "It's not being a smart ass it's just me speaking the truth, I can't help what I know." he said flatly once again being a know it all. Hearing the silence he opened one only to see her motion with her head for him to follow her.

"Come on, we have class is about to start." she spoke calmly as he sighed and slowly got up, and began to head to class.

Hakami was a dear friend to Saeko, he was the only one who could defeat her in a Kendo tournament but, not wanting the position of president of the Kendo club he turned it down, but some how she somehow talked him into becoming Vice President.

When they got down the hall a silhouette of a man began towards them. This man had short red hair that framed his firm jaw line. He had bright red eyes that contrasted with his pale skin. He was about the same height as Hakami probably an inch shorter. He had a girl who was walking alongside him. She had light purple hair that was pulled back into a loose ponytail, the bangs framed her heart shaped face almond shaped eyes surrounded with long thick eyelashes. Her eyes were two different colors her left eye was purple and the right one was blue. The boy wore a white T-shirt, with a black jacket over it. He also wore black jeans with white sneakers to match.

The girl sighed as she saw who they were walking towards. As the two boys' shoulders were face to face and were getting ready to pass each other the only thing that could be heard was:



The two would whip around to face each other; they had a cold glare towards each other that could kill anyone who tried to break it. You could practically feel the electricity between the two.

The glare battle began to attract bystanders who were just itching for a fight...

"Is there a problem?" the red headed boy snarled in an obviously taunting manner Hakami just looked at him almost bated by it but remaining uneffected.

"Only if you want it to be." replied the Kendo VP.

"Let's go Miyonji there's no reason to have a fight out here." the girl beside him whispered, fearing the worst. She didn't want anyone to die today or get hurt, she just wanted peace.

Miyonji kept his eyes on Hakami "I'm just sick and tired of this guy trying to act all high and mighty Shiko" he grumbled through clenched teeth. Shiko let out a heavy sigh.

Hakami's ear twitched as he heard the words come from the red headed male, snapping he spun around "Now this is coming from the guy who lost to me in the tournament." He paused and the girls sighed as more student inched closer. "Is knowing that you lost to me killing you inside? Is the thought of you never being able to beat me eating you up?" He inched closer as the redhead clenched his fists. Students began to inch closer and closer. Hakami continued, "Live with it. Let it hurt. Because this, whether or not you like it, is reality." At this point Hakami didn't even care about peace, at this point he hoped he was hurting the boys feelings.

Miyonji steamed his fists clenching , knuckles turning white. "If that's what you think, how about we settle this now?" Miyonji protested. The two stared each other down, waiting for the other to make a move, one desperately wanting to hurt the other.

"Alright that is enough. This is a School not a battlefield!" A loud voice boomed.

The too looked to see their teacher Kyoko Hayashi walk towards them, "If you two even think about laying a finger on each other I will have you suspended immediately do you hear me?" she warned as the two glared at her, then at each other and then stormed off; Shiko and Saeko following suit behind them.

Making their way down the hall, Miyonji and Shiko turned the corner only to see a certain pink haired female this caused Miyonji to smile.

The female had soft pink hair pulled into two pony tails white ribbons holding them together. She had a rather sharp bang the came down across the left of her fore head helping to shape her sharp face. Her eyes were large and sharp as her eyes were like amber stones shining bright brown. She had a small nose and perfect heart shaped lips. She wore the school uniform that complimented her figure well.

"Saya!" Shiko exclaimed as she ran towards the girl, Miyonji on the other hand showed no interest. Saya smiled and waved at Shiko "Looks like you're on time today,that's a first!" Saya teased.

Shiko pouted. "Saya that's not fair! I'm only late from time to time because I'm up all night studying!" Shiko whined.

Saya just chuckled and closed her eyes. "Yeah I guess you're right." Her eyes opened slowly their amber glory began to darken in a darker mood when she saw a certain someone. Gritting her teeth she noticed how Miyonji was about to walk right past her. When the two's shoulders were barely inches apart she whispered hissing "I'll never forgive you."

Miyonji heard this and kept his usual uninterested expression on. "Yeah I know" he simply stated as he continued to walk away from the two girls. Shiko caught sight of this and sighed as Miyonji was now out of sight.

Walking down the hall with Saya, Shiko looked up to see the pink haired girl was still upset. "Saya, please tell me something." She paused to see the Pink haired girl look away slightly, but she continued. "Why are you and Miyonji like this? It's been so long, can't you two let it be?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

Saya's eyes stayed lowered as a grimace remained on her face.. "I really don't want to talk about it." was her simple and her face turned emotionless..

Shiko gave her a worried look "Well whenever you need to talk I'm here for you." consoling her she put a hand on her shoulder and they started off towards class.


Miyonji made his way to the stairs that led to the rooftop and he would find Takashi there, eyes towards the baby blue sky his forearms rested on the railings.

"Still upset about what happened huh?" Miyonji asked with a rather serious tone.

Takashi turned his head to see who it was but by the voice he already know seeing the red head he smirked "Like you're not."

Miyonji gave him a smirk in return. "Have you spoken to her?"

Takashi shook his head with a painful chuckle "What is there to talk about? No matter what I say it's not going to change Rei's mind. She's with Hisashi now, and there is nothing I can do"

Miyonji sighed walking next to Takashi he leaned his lower back against the railing looking up at the sky and then over at Takashi "Do you hate Hisashi for dating her?"

Takashi was shocked by this question and thought on it his brows furrowing as he thought. He was never asked that and he never really thought about it, did he hate him for dating the girl he loved? "I don't know" was all he could respond he couldn't give a clear answer.

Miyonji sighed accepting his answer though and responded "You'll figure it out. You're a smart guy and I know you'll find the answer, you always do."

Takashi looked at Miyonji he could tell there was something on his mind something bothering him. "What about you? How are you doing? I know you two are still having problems"

Miyonji's expression showed it all, for someone so tough he showed a sign of hurt quite easily. "I saw her a few minutes ago. She said she'll never forgive me and honestly I can't blame her" his tone softened and his face gave away to the emotional turmoil inside.

Takashi looked at him slightly surprised "But that was so long ago for god sakes. That was last year and you were going through things at the time she can't just-"

Miyonji cut him off. "Let it be Takashi, I would rather her hate me then live a life in sadness" he said. Takashi felt bad for him, he was going through things himself, but Rei didn't hate him, she just gave up on him. They settled into a silence, content to know they could talk if they needed to.

A few minutes later the bell broke through the silence sending the two boys to class.


Later that day when school ended everyone rushed out sounds of cheering and papers thrown everywhere.

Shiko had got out of her chair looking for a certain someone and noticed that Miyonji was gone.

"What's wrong Shiko?" Rei asked softly getting out of her seat and walking up next to her classmate.

Shiko smiled at the girl. "I was supposed to walk with Miyonji after school but it seems he had other plans. Last time I recall it seemed like he had a lot on his mind" she explained, as the concern was evident in her voice.

Rei rose a brow following Shiko's gaze out the window and then picked up her school bag. "Tell me something, what's the relationship between you two? Do you like him or something?"

Shiko shook her head a small giggle escaped her lips "No way. We're just close friends. I could never see him that way and he could never see me that way." She paused her eyes down casted. "I just worry for the guy, always acting tough and trying to distance himself from everyone else" she explained, "I see under that and sometimes i feel he doesn't and that's what worries me."

Rei closed her eyes listening and nodded her head when Shiko finished giving a soft chuckle in an attempt to brighten the mood."You're right about that, he's always trying to act so cool" She saw that her attempt to cheer Shiko up failed and she put her hand on her shoulder. "Hey cmon let's get out of here you can walk me home instead." She giggled tilting her head at her. Shiko looked towards her friend and nodded grabbing her own bag. The two walked home together.


Miyonji had made his way down the streets of the town heading to his home. He had a lot going through his mind and it frustrated him.

(Flash back)

"Big brother, when are you going to teach me how to use a sword?" an 8 year old boy said as he looked up at Miyonji.

He had long black hair and the same skin tone as the elder boy. Miyonji would pat his head "It's not a sword it's a shinai. It helps you practice so you don't risk hurting yourself. Maybe one day we'll go somewhere in private and practice. If mom sees me teaching you kendo she'll have a heart attack!" Miyonji laughed he closed his eyes and smiled.

His little brother pouted. "I'll be waiting forever! Come on big brother!" Miyonji just continued to laugh.

(Flash into memory 2)

"Why does it have to be this way Miyonji?! There has to be a reason!" Saya yelled as she stood in front of him.

The two were standing in front of their lockers. Miyonji looked to the ground. He knew she was going to freak out like this.

"Listen, I just got a lot on my mind right now it has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry" He said as he closed his locker and began to walk off.

She gritted her teeth. "So you're not going to tell me anything, your just going to walk away, is that it Miyonji?! YOU'RE SUCH A JERK!" she yelled as she watched him get further and further away. Watching him leave her, the back of his head, him walking away from her all of it was burned into her memory and was the cracks that began the tear in her heart.

(End of flashbacks)

"Yuka...Saya." he muttered as he continued to walk. The rest of the walk home was in complete silence and he didn't want to speak to anyone. All he wanted was to be alone.


Later that night Takashi had gotten home and did some homework, he had some rice with beef and noodles. He had taken a shower to wind down and then went to his bed. Laying on his bed in his room staring at the ceiling.

(Flash back)

Rei and Takashi were standing in an empty classroom. The sun was setting as he had just confessed his love to her. She looked at him and sighed softly, her eyes closing.

When she spoke her beautiful eyes struck his soul and she spoke just above a whisper. "I did feel that way once about you, head over heels for you… I tried multiple times to even get your attention for you to even look my direction... But you never even noticed...So I am sorry to say, and I wish I could put it in nicer terms but the moment is over… it's not gonna happen."

Her eyes clouded with tears as her fist clenched and turned around pausing. She tried to open her mouth to say something but she couldn't stop her lower lip from quivering. Rei ran from the room leaving a stunned and speechless Takashi standing in the wake.

(End of flashback)

"One day we'll get married!" He shouted, his hand facing the ceiling as it stretched out. "Hah! Yeah right…" His fist closed. The lonely soul that is Takashi sat beside himself and his thoughts as he continued to look up at the ceiling. He felt as if he was having an out of body experience. He felt numb.

The thoughts of Rei and Hisashi were haunting him how was anyone to get any sleep? Looking at his alarm clock he sighed sleep was prominent now and with that he turned off his light, he needed to sleep for the next day of school.


Well there is Chapter 1 I hope you all enjoyed!

NOW! Get ready for Chapter 2 Its gonna be a hit!