A short little oneshot for my Hunger Games Roleplay prompt of the week, "Finnick/Annie, Popcorn". Pure fluff. Hope you enjoy it. :)

AU, four years after the rebellion. Annie's pov.

Kernels of Love

One of my favorite parts of the day is tucking my three-year-old son into bed with my husband, Finnick. Even at such a young age, Kai reminds me so much of my favorite person. He has the same facial features as Finnick, from his sea green eyes to the texture and style of his hair. The only difference is that he has inherited my dark hair color. His personality is as sweet as honey, something Finnick and I are both convinced he inherited from the opposite parent. My mother-in-law says it's from both.

"I wuv you more dan dere are fishes in de sea!" Kai exclaims with a grin as his father wraps the blankets tightly around him.

"And we love you more than there are stars in the sky." I assure him, kissing his forehead. This normally simple task has become difficult lately, with my now very large belly always getting in the way. Nth, Finnick and I will welcome another baby into our lives, a little sister for Kai.

We say goodnight one last time before softly closing the door behind us and making our way slowly downstairs.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Finnick asks. As much as we both love Kai, it's nice to have time to ourselves too. Sometimes, though, we just don't know what to do.

I think for a moment before suggesting they watch a movie, and Finnick agrees. About a half hour into the movie, I say sweetly, "Finn, I need something… salty."

Finnick smiles. "Can that something be buttery too?"

"That would be perfect."

Finnick pauses the movie and goes to the kitchen. He comes back a few minutes later with a large bowl of popcorn. He sits down on the couch and drapes his arm around me, just as he did before and balances the bowl on his lap where we both can reach it. He then begins to throw popcorn up in the air on kernel at a time and catches them in his mouth. Soon I am more amused by him than the movie.

"Why can't you eat popcorn like a normal a person?" I giggle.

"It's fun this way!"

"Any other reason?"

Finnick thinks about it. "Each kernel that makes it into my mouth represents something that I love. Example, popcorn." He tosses another kernel in his mouth. "You try."

I laugh again, but try it anyway. "Finnick Odair." I say, and eat a kernel. But because I'm not very good at catching popcorn like Finn is, I just eat it without the tossing.

Finnick grins. "Annie Odair." Another kernel lands in his open mouth.

"Kai Odair."

"Our little girl."


"My adoring mother."

"My first family."

"The sea."

"Our friends."

"The color of your eyes."


The list goes on and on. I'm sure we both could have come up with a million more things, but suddenly there is a tiny voice coming from the doorway. Sure enough, there is Kai, clutching his stuffed whale, Blue, in his tiny hand. "Mama? Daddy? I had a bad dweam."

Before I can even get up, Finnick is up from the couch and lifting Kai into his arms. "Come on, Tiger Shark," he says, using the nickname that refers to Kai's favorite animal. "Daddy will tuck you into and make you feel better, okay?" To me he mouths, "I've got this."

I smile as I watch my favorite boys go back upstairs. Finnick is the best father. Not only is he there to protect me, just as he's always been, but he protects Kai too. We can always count on him to calm us down after nightmares, and the great amount of love he has for us is clear. Out of the long list I made, I have no doubt in my mind which I treasure most, excluding my son. Finnick Odair. By a mile.