Me: Just saying before getting any questions, but I'm an Aichi x Kourin shipper. Always have been, always will be. So please don't say stuff like 'make Aichi x Misaki happen' cause I won't. Also, I'm more towards Miwa x Misaki rather than Kai x Misaki. Sorry again. I write what I like.

Astral: But if she gets enough requests she might write it.

Me: Yeah, hey what! Ugh… I'm a pushover with this stuff. Anyway, I don't own Vanguard…. Yet…. Just you wait Bushiroad….

Astral: Thank you to Sakura Hyuga for reminding her to actually working on this. She finished one fourth and then completely forgot about it.

Chapter 3:

"Kourin-san…?" Aichi said, not understanding what was going on at all. He watched as Kourin bowed to the class, then smiled. It was probably just his overactive mind, but he thought Kourin was watching him. Probably not… But then… This was getting weird, too weird in fact.

Of course, the fact that an actual IDOL had just entered the class made everyone immediately start whispering to each other. Aichi would have inwardly sighed at them, but he was a little occupied with another emotion. Panic. He was panicking. He had absolutely no idea why Kourin was there, and he was panicking about it. It wasn't proper, it wasn't manly (not that he was a man), and it definitely wasn't becoming of a gang leader, but he was panicking. He blinked. Maybe he was still dreaming. Maybe he was still asleep and Emi would wake him up any minute now.

Yeah, that just so wasn't going to happen. He knew that too.

"Quiet, people. Quiet!" The teacher said, silencing his students. "Tatsunagi, your seat if over there." He pointed at the empty desk behind Aichi and Aichi inwardly gulped.

"Okay." Kourin said as she walked down the aisle of desks, with all of the students still staring at her. Why did she automatically have that aura that made her command the room like that? Why couldn't he just crawl under a rock right now?

As Kourin came near her desk, Aichi took a breath, then finally decided to say something. "Um, I-I, u-uh…" That didn't go well. He was still all muddled in the head.

But then, being Kourin, she responded calmly. "It's been a while, Sendou Aichi."

All thought abandoned him when he heard her say that. She didn't forget about him or anything like that! And she responded, instead of possibly ignoring him like he had panicked about. "Yeah, long time no see Kourin-san!" He smiled. Then he felt something weird. It was the feeling of people looking at him, mixed with soon-to-come embarrassment. He turned around, much to his own displeasure. Now every single student in the class was staring at him.

Aichi knew coming to school today was a bad idea. And what had he learned during these first 5 minutes of class? Never greet an idol publicly. Especially if his entire class was watching while he did it.

Where was a rock when you needed it?


"I-I'm sorry! I can't!" Aichi yelled, being overwhelmed by the pile of boys all chasing after him, trying to find out why the hell HE of all people knew their beloved Kourin. He ran faster down the hall, trying to escape the angry mob after him.

"How would you know Kourin!"

"Get back here!"

"Sorry!" Aichi yelled. He turned a corner, then ran into the room which led to the balcony. It was through the staff room, which hardly any teachers were ever in. He went in then hid in a corner behind a bookshelf as the students burst in, trying to find him. When they couldn't find him, they left disappointedly. Aichi breathed out in relief, then stood up.

"Sendou Aichi?" He froze when he heard the voice, turning around slowly.

"U-Uh…" Were all that came out of his mouth. Standing at the doorway to the teacher's office was the very reason why he was in the room in the first place. Kourin had a textbook under her arm, a hand on her hip, and she was looking at him with a confused expression.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

-linebreakofsomesort (yeah I use these a lot)-

"And, what are you going to do about it then?" Kourin said. It was part question and part statement. They sat on the bench of one of the school's balconies as Kourin ate her lunch, which was practically a five star bento. But then, that probably wasn't weird to her since she was an idol. He ate his homemade lunch made by his mom. It was a bit embarrassing.

"I don't know…" Aichi mumbled. "I guess I should just try and start a cardfight club then, since Takuto said so…"

He thought about it. How was he supposed to start the club all by himself? There were lots to do, and he'd probably not be able to get it done… uh…

"Hey, Kourin-san! How about you create the club then!" He suggested. That was probably a way better idea, since Kourin was way more responsible than him.

"Create the club with your own strength."

Huh? Aichi looked at Kourin, who had stood up and began to walk away.

"You're the leader, so be a leader. You'll be able to do it." She said, looking at him seriously. "I know you can."

Aichi watched her walk out, then looked down at his uneaten lunch. He blinked.

He had an, idea?


"Emi, can I borrow your markers?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth when he got home.

"Huh? Aichi?" Emi looked at her big brother in surprise.

"Please Emi!"

Emi nodded slowly. "Sure." She took out a box of colourful markers and gave them to Aichi.

"Thanks Emi! I have to get to work now!" Aichi ran upstairs to his room. Aichi's mom walked over to Emi, a towel in her hands.

"What has Aichi so worked up?" She asked.

Emi shrugged. "I don't know."

Upstairs, in Aichi's room, Aichi picked up his cellphone and dialled a number. "Hey, Gouki, can I call in a favour?"


The next day, the entire student and teacher body was shocked to find half of the school covered in posters of vanguard cards and cardfighters, mainly of Team Handsome. Every sign said 'Join the Cardfight Club' on it.

Amongst the staring students was Aichi himself. Kourin walked up to him, some fanboys trailing behind her.

"This is your idea?" She asked.

"I didn't plan on all of the Team Handsome." Aichi admitted. "I just asked them to help out a bit. Not this."

Kourin sighed. "You're not very good at this."

"No I am not." Aichi admitted. He took a deep breath. "Well, there's nothing I can really do about it but go along with it." He took a stack of flyers out of his backpack and started trying to hand it to people. "Please, join the cardfight club! The cardfight club!"

Kourin watch him. She made a mental reminder to have a long talk with Takuto later. "I'm joining." She said. "Now come on. We have flyers to hand out."

Aichi stared. "Eh?"

"I'll join too then!" A boy yelled, jumping in front of his gaze. He was one of Kourin's fanboys. "If Kourin-san's going to be in the club, then I want to be in it too!"

"Me two!"

"Me three!"

"Wait!" Kourin yelled, turning back to face them. "Only those who are really serious will be allowed in!"

"Of course I'm serious!"

"I am too!"

Serious about being with Kourin, maybe. Aichi resisted the urge to say out loud, and stepped between Kourin and the boys. "Okay, let's just all calm down a bit. How about a cardfight, since this is the cardfight club. You can have a fight with me or Kourin-san, and if you show that you really are serious, we'll let you in."

Kourin shrugged. "Works for me. Let's get started."


"It's no good… they're too strong…"

"I don't get the rules…."

"None of them could do it." Aichi said. He sighed.

"It can't be helped. Let's start the club just the two of us then." Kourin said, but was cut off as a red-head walked up to them.

"Just wait a minute…" They turned to see a red-haired bow walk up to them. "I wanna join…"

"Naoki-kun!" Aichi looked at him happily. "So you were interested in Vanguard!"

"W-Well, just a little…" Naoki admitted.

"Wait wait wait wait!" Someone yelled behind them. A girl with short green hair and long blue bangs ran up, out of breath. "I, well, I wanted to join... as well…"

"Oh, sure." Aichi nodded.

"Well then, let's do it like this. I'll fight Naoki, and you can fight her Aichi." Kourin said. Aichi nodded.

"That works. What's your name?" Aichi asked.

"Ishida Naoki." Naoki said.

"Yamamoto Harumi." The girl said.

"I was more asking Harumi-san… but sure!" Aichi nodded. "Let's start."

Naoki and Kourin glared at each other. Kourin smiled slightly.

"At least it looks like you're not after me." She mused.

"Sorry, I'm not a fan, Ms. Idol."

"Don't worry about that. I'm not gonna go easy on you."

"Bring it on!" Naoki pumped his fist in the air. Harumi stared. He didn't want have it easy on him? From Kourin?

"Let's worry about our fight." Aichi said to her, who looked at him and nodded.

"Okay!" She said.

The four got ready their decks, and held a hand to their starting vanguards.

"Stand up, vanguard!" They all yelled.

"Dreaming Jewel Knight, Tiffany!" Kourin said.

"Stone Bullet Eradicator, Houki!" Naoki said.

"Wingal Liberator!" Aichi said.

"Arboros Dragon, Ratoon!" Harumi said.


"Liberator of the Round Table, Alfred attacks Arboros Dragon, Sephirot!" Aichi said. "With Alfred's skill, he gains 2000 for each Liberator on the field!"

"N-No guard!" Harumi called, as she was hit on Cray, the sixth damage falling into her damage zone. Her shoulders slumped. "Aww…"

"That was a nice fight." Aichi said. They both looked at the other fight, which was still happening. "Now let's just watch this one."

"Sure." Harumi replied.

"Gleaming sword! Piercing light! I ride Leading Jewel Knight, Salome!" Kourin yelled as her avatar formed on Cray.

"Especial Counterblast! Salome's skill. I choose one card from my deck and call it." A Jewel Knight in white and gold appeared next to the leader. "Pureheart Jewel Knight, Ashley, superior call! I also call Toypugal!"

"Woah… that was fast…" Harumi said.

"Five rearguards in no time at all. Kourin-san's mastered Royal Paladins then." Aichi said.

"Ashley attacks!"


"With a boost from Tiffany, Salome attacks your vanguard! Limit Break!" She yelled.

Naoki reacted. "L-Limit Break?"

"It's a skill that can be activated when you have 4 or more damage. If there are four or more Jewel Knights in my rearguard, Salome gets plus 2000 power and an extra critical."


Aichi nodded. "He doesn't know about limit breaks?" Harumi mumbled.

Naoki studied his hand. "Guard!" He finally yelled. A 10000 shield.

"So he's betting on no triggers?" Harumi asked.

When Kourin got no triggers, Naoki pumped his fist in the air. "Yes! I protected myself!"

"Turn end."

"Now it's my turn!" Naoki yelled. "How's that, Ms. Idol? We both have four damage. Right now, we're evenly matched, right?!"

"Not at all."

"W-What's that?!"

"You're an absolute beginner, aren't you?" She said. "You've just learned the rules."

Naoki did a double-take. "No way! H-How did you know?!" Aichi laughed nervously.

"Oh, that's why he only guarded with 10000." Harumi said.

"He didn't know." Aichi replied.

"During my last attack with Salome, you guarded with a 10000, but if I'd drawn even one trigger with my drive check, what do you think would've happened?"

"Oh, um…" Naoki thought about it, then realized.

"Salome had an extra critical, so that would have been 2 damage." Kourin explained.

"And right now my damage is four…. So…."

"You would have lost…" Harumi tried to smile.

"I see… you have to think that far ahead in vanguard… Awesome! Vanguard is a blast!" His eyes were sparkling from excitement.

"Well, straightforwardness is your good point." Kourin said. "So, do you want to continue playing? I don't mind if you get a little better at it before taking the challenge again."

"No, I'm ready now!" Kourin eyed him with curiousity. "This match isn't about whether I have a chance of winning or not. I really wanna be a part of this club. I wanna play Vanguard with Sendou Aichi."

"Ishida-kun?" Aichi said, not understanding.

"With Aichi?" Kourin wondered.

"I remembered, Sendou. You went to Miyaji Academy once before, didn't you?" What?

Aichi nodded. "Yeah, for elementary school." Harumi looked at him. He had?

"I've been here the whole time. But you went to another middle school." Naoki continued.

"R-Right." Was Aichi's reply.

"I'm thinking the reason was something that happened in elementary school." Aichi nodded again. "You always used to get beaten up back then, both in and out of school."

"Yeah. I was really lonely in those days. It was sad and painful… That's why my mother couldn't take it anymore, and suggested I switch schools."

"I noticed it too. I knew what you were going through! But I pretended not to see anything. It may sound like I wasn't interested… But I didn't try to save you. I didn't do anything… I'm as bad as those jerks who drove you away."

"No, that's not true!" Aichi suddenly said.

"No, it's bothered me all this time! So now that you've come back to this high school, and I see you trying to make a new club, I can't help but wanna be a part of it!" He smiled.


"You've changed. You're completely different than the way you were back then. It's gotta be because of this!" Naoki held up his hand. Aichi nodded.

"That's right. Vanguard changed me."

"I wanna change too. In the middle of this lousy high school life I wanna find something I can really be passionate about!"

Aichi smiled with him now. "Ishida-kun!"

"Call me Naoki, Aichi!"

"Do your best Naoki-kun!" Aichi cheered.

"Go Naoki!" Harumi cheered, not really understanding but going along with it.

"All right! I'm fired up!" Naoki yelled. Kourin sighed.

"Don't forget. I'm your opponent." She stated.

"Yeah! I'm imagining it loud and clear! The image of me beating you!"

Kourin was taken aback by his claim, but quickly regained her posture. "There's something wrong with that picture. It's an illusion, or a hallucination!"

"Is that right, Ms. Idol." Naoki smirked as he drew his card. "Strike, my avatar! I ride Eradicator, Vowing Sword Dragon!" He yelled as the electric eradicator dragon roared into the sky.

"I call Eradicator, Spark Rain Dragon!" Naoki yelled. "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

"Gallatin guards! Iseult perfect defense! Rachelle and Prizme guards!" Kourin countered.

"T-Three attacks and no damage?!"

No damage… So Kourin was getting into it too? Aichi hadn't seen her this fired up about a fight in, forever. In fact, he had never seen Kourin this drawn into a fight before.

"Now it's my turn!" Kourin yelled. "Ashley attacks!" Naoki flinched as he took the damage. "Salome attacks!" Naoki held up two cards to guard. "Tracie attacks!" He threw down his entire hand to guard.

"S-Somehow, I protected myself!" Naoki grinned. "And it's my turn!"

"Naoki-kun, you're doing great! You only took 1 damage from Kourin's attacks!" Aichi praised. Naoki smiled awkwardly, agreeing with it as if it was easy.

"But you don't have any cards in your hand, and barely any rearguards. What do you plan on doing?" Kourin asked, her victory coming closer and closer into range.

Naoki growled. "Draw!" He looked at the card. "This one's cool! All right! Strike, my avatar! I ride Discharging Dragon!"

An orange vanguard circle burned, and the three others looked at it in surprise.

"That's a…" Harumi began.

Naoki stared. "W-What? I rode a grade 3 on top of a grade 3! Is that against the rules?"

"No, that's not a problem. But that…"

"It's a Break Ride." Aichi said. Naoki looked at him in confusion.

"Break Ride?"

Aichi looked at Kourin, who nodded, letting him know it was okay to explain. "Well, Vowing Sword Dragon has a new skill. It's called Break Ride." Naoki looked at his vanguard. "When you have 4 or more damage and ride on top of it, you can retire one of your opponent's front row rearguards, and have +10000 on your vanguard. That's the skill of Vowing Sword Dragon! That's a Break Ride!"

"It's really cool and useful!" Harumi added. Naoki's eyes sparkled in excitement.

"That's awesome! That's so awesome!" Naoki yelled happily. "Right? Right?"

Aichi nodded. "Yeah."

"Come on, be more impressed! It's so cool!"

"It's really great." Kourin frowned, not understanding why she was being ignored by the boys.

"Oh yeah! Can I ride it, from the beginning again?!"

They looked at Kourin. "Well Kourin-san?" Aichi asked.

What was up with boys? "Fine by me." Kourin answered. Might as well go along with it.

Naoki picked up Discharging Dragon again and focused. "Okay… My heart is burning! It screams out, 'Let me join the Cardfight Club!' Gaze upon my lethal, my invincible, my miraculous Break Ride! Discharging Dragon!" He yelled, the huge dragon burning in flames and thunder.

"Since I have at least 4 damage, the Break Ride activates! I retire one of my opponent's front row rearguards! I retire Tracie! And then for this turn only, my vanguard gets +10000 power! That's my Break Ride! This is my Break Time!"

"That's wonderful Naoki-kun!" Aichi clapped, thinking about the name. "But…"

"Break Time means taking a break…" Kourin said.

"Is he serious?" Harumi wondered.

"Break Time! BREAK TIME!" Naoki kept yelling, not caring about anything else.

"Kohkaiji boosts, Discharging attacks! With Kohkaiji's skill, it gets another +4000! And Limit Break!" Naoki yelled. "Since I have at least 4 damage, Discharging Dragon gets +5000 power!"

"That's 35000 power!" Aichi said.

"Woah…" Harumi said.

"You're able to get that kind of power?!" Kourin stared. She looked at her hand. Not enough. "No guard."

Naoki smiled. "Drive check!" A yellow flash appeared on the second.

"Critical trigger!" Aichi yelled.

"That's just enough to give 6 damage!" Harumi said. Kourin stared.

"I got a critical trigger!" Naoki yelled happily, practically bouncing from happiness. "That's +5000 power and an extra critical!"

And as the dragon struck the Jewel Knight with lightning, the sixth card fell into Kourin's damage zone. The match was over.

"I won?!" Was Naoki's first reaction. Aichi smiled and nodded.

Naoki threw his hands up into the air. "YES! I WON!" He ran over to the other guys who had lost and began dancing up and down, screaming the words in happiness over and over. "I WON I WON I WON!"

"Um, Kourin-san?" Aichi looked at Kourin, who sighed and smiled.

"Oh jeez. I lost to that beginner? Vanguard's scary that way." She said.

"Naoki's attack before, maybe you should have taken a damage from it."

"You're right. I wasn't thinking clearly. I guess I got ways to go too." Kourin said.

"U-Um…" The two looked at Harumi. "Well, I know I lost and everything…"

"You can join too!" Aichi said. Harumi stared at him in awe.

"Aichi!" Kourin shot him a look, which he ignored.

"I said if you show that you're serious in the fight, you can join. While you didn't win, you can still join."

Harumi's face slowly split into a smile. "YAY!" She yelled, then ran over to join Naoki in jumping up and down. "I'M IN THE CLUB I'M IN THE CLUB!"

"Excitable members we have there." Kourin stood beside Aichi to watch the two jump in unison. "Are you sure about this? Involving innocent people like that in all this?"

"Takuto is strange. But his plan does usually work out in the end." Aichi replied. "Who knows what could happen?"

"Yeah." Kourin sighed, smiling at the new club members. "Well, there could have been worse members."

Aichi looked at her. He shrugged. "I guess. This could be fun actually, this club. Vanguard at school. Something new."

Kourin nodded. "We'll just have to wait and see."

Naoki ran back to them, with Harumi following behind him. "Alright! We're the cardfight club!" Naoki yelled.

"Let's have a fun club together then!" Harumi smiled hopefully.

"Yeah! Aichi! Harumi! Ms. Idol!" Naoki held out his hand. Harumi grinned and put her hand in. Aichi looked at the gesture, and at the two waiting for him to join them, then smiled as well. He put his hand in.

"I'm looking forward to it. And you call call me Kourin." Kourin said, putting her hand in too.

"Nice to be in a club with you then, Kourin!" Naoki said.

"Miyaji cardfight club!" Aichi cheered.

"Miyaji cardfight club!" They all cheered.

Me: Well… I think I procrastinated enough on this. Will accept some OCs for this through PMs. Please note that they should be balanced and interesting OCs, or have some sort of relation to the history I've given. I will change around some things to account for the OCs being used and the new history of vanguard. So until then, in probably another 3 months or something, I'll update. I might do it faster if someone (preferably not Astral) reminds me.

Astral: Basically, more reviews, quicker update.

Me: That's sorta how I roll. If nobody reminds me, I can't update cause I don't remember it. Ah well, review and bye! PM me if you have any ideas!