Me: This is based on episode 105, where Naoki thinks Aichi might be a gang leader! I found that hilarious! Imagine little wimpy Aichi as a tough gang leader! And then, I decided to actually imagine it. And then I got this fanfic!

Astral: We do not own Cardfight Vanguard

Me: I own the idea though!

Astral: Doesn't Naoki own it?

Me: Well I'm borrowing it from him them! Anyway, AU story, possibly OOC Aichi, you have been warned!

The Other Side of Cardfighting

"….and this is what we call the age of globalization." A teacher at Miyaji Academy High School said as he walked in front of the class. "In this age of globalization, what used to be common knowledge no longer applies."

He looked down at his attendance book, then looked at a blue-haired student sitting next to the windows. "Um, how will you survive, Sendou Aichi?!"

Aichi immediately looked up from his book nervously and stood up. "Y-Yes?"

"Sendou, as a young man living in this age of globalization, how would you like to get by?" The teacher asked him.

"U-U-Um…" Aichi stuttered. He hadn't expected to get called on at school to answer questions. His original plan was to just lay low for as long as he was at the school finishing his education.

"What's he so nervous about?"

"It's probably just an act."

"I think this is the first time he's spoken since transferring to this high school."

"What's the problem, Sendou?" The teacher adjusted his glasses as said.

"I-I, uh…." Aichi said as he began thinking about what to say. "I-I guess I'd like to take good care of my hobby…"

"Hobby? What is it?"

"Eh?" Aichi looked around the class. Everyone was staring at him, waiting for the answer. "Um, it's, uh…."

Aichi couldn't say what he really did afterschool, so the closest thing to it would be, "Cardfight, for example…." He said unconfidently.

"Cardfights?" His teacher scoffed. "And that's how you live your life?"

You have no idea….

"N-No, never mind…" Aichi said quietly. Even if cardfights were one of the most popular games out there, and they could be used for both good and bad, some people just didn't seem to accept them. His teacher would be an example. Cardfights were one of the most globalized games in the world, and his teacher didn't accept them. Many teens new about what cardfights were really used for, and you had to be extremely strong and skilled to be able to cardfight.

"Cardfighting is his hobby?"

"There's definitely no way he's able to actually cardfight!"

"Jeez, he already looks like a little kid. He doesn't have to dream like one!"

"You could say he's pathetic on a global level!"

"Quiet!" The teacher commanded. "Our goal here at Miyaji Academy is to cultivate young people so that they thrive in the age of globalization. Certainly, the object of your devotion seems to be popular, but don't you think focusing on academics would be better than wishing you could cardfight like those who actually can do, Sendou?"

"S-Sorry…." Aichi lowered his head and sat back down. Well, that was embarrassing. Nobody here knew about his reputation on the 'other side', so of course, it was very laughable that little, wimpy Sendou Aichi could play Cardfight Vanguard.

As the bell rang for Miyaji Academy to let out, Aichi walked out of the gates of his school. He crept around a corner and into an alleyway. At the end of the alley was what looked like an abandoned cardshop. Aichi stepped inside.

"Yo, Aichi, you're here!" A boy with blonde hair pointing up at the sides waved at him as he entered. The store's lights flickered and the tables and counter were strangely clean.

"Miwa." Aichi nodded at him, then looked at the brown-haired teen sitting next to him. The two were cardfighting each other. "Kai-kun."

"Aichi." Kai said, acknowledging the boy with just that.

"Where's everyone else?" Aichi asked.

"Downstairs." Miwa pointed at a door at the very back of the store. "Manager said he finally got the fight table's mechanics ready! We got here early so we saw it already. The rest are checking it out!"

"Thanks." Aichi said and proceeded to the door. He opened it and went down the steps down to the extra-large basement of the store. The manager was one of his gang's member's uncle and had offered to try and perfect the standing fight table's shock system for them. If it was ready, then that meant it could be used tonight against them.

"Oni-san!" A twelve-year old boy with extremely spiky black hair at the top yelled as he and two of his friends ran over. "You have to check it out!"

"Kamui-kun. Reiji. Eiji. I heard from Miwa. Is it ready?" Aichi asked.

"It sure is! Manager managed to fix it!"

A cat walked by and meowed angrily.

"Um, I meant sub-manager! Sorry!" The boy corrected himself.

The cat then meowed happily and walked away, jumping into the arms of a tall girl with short, lilac hair and the girl's Miyaji Academy outfit.

"Well, it's more or less fixed." She said, petting the cat. "The circuitry won't fry for a while. Until then, it will work just fine."

"It's still good that we can use it." Aichi said. "Tell manager—"

The cat meowed again.

"I mean Sub-Manager," Aichi smiled slightly, "thanks."

The manager also owned the store and had agreed that they could use it as their gang's base. Ten years ago, cardfighting had gone into the Underground fights, which later had been the start of gangs which fought for which areas they had ownership over and the shops that were in the area, along with all of the rare cards there. Because Aichi had Blaster Blade, that had made him a target, which eventually had made him into the leader of one of the biggest gangs in all of Asia, Team Q4.

"That's not the point here! Anyway, Aichi," A teen with black hair in the shape of two mountains suddenly put his arm around Aichi's shoulders. "Why don't we practice on it then! I bet I can beat you with my super strong ultimate deck!"

"Morikawa…" Aichi sighed and slid out of his grasp. "The table's only for fights against other gangs. Everytime a card goes into the damage zone, you get shocked really badly, and we can't afford to lose any members."

Morikawa blinked. "Oh. So just use a regular table then! Anyway, Gouki from Team Handsome sent us a note saying we had better get working again."

"I see. Tell him we'll be back after tonight." Aichi said to him. Team Handsome was one of the gangs that they had taken over through battles, and eventually they decided to become a branch of their gang. There were four main gangs in all of Asia; Team SIT Genius of Singapore, Team AL4 of Hong Kong, Team Dreadnought of Korea, and his gang, Team Q4 of Japan. Most of the gangs in Asia were a branch of one of the main four, but there were a few individual gangs that weren't part of any alliance and decided to just do their own thing.

Speaking of individual gangs, there was one that was the most mysterious of them all. Team Ultra Rare. Like their name, they never appeared anyplace unless absolutely necessary. There were only four of them, and their leader was Tatsunagi Takuto, boss of the most influencial company in all of Asia, the Tatsunagi Corporations. The other three were Rekka, Suiko, and Kourin. They, for some reason, showed up at every gang fight there was to oversee it, but never fight themselves. Even rarer was their leader coming to a fight. The last time Tatsunagi Takuto had appeared in person for anything involving the gangs was when his Q4 had gone up against Dreadnought. The fight had ended in a tie at the end, with the score 2-2.

"He'll most likely show up to this one." Misaki said to Aichi. "Takuto, that is."

"Yeah." Aichi nodded. "It's another fight between two of the main four. We have to fight with everything we got."

Misaki was the Manager, or Sub-Manager's, niece. She had lost her parents when she was little because of the gang wars, and eventually joined Team Q4 as one of the main members.

"Oh, there's another thing on the note." Morikawa said and smirked at Kamui. "It's from Nagisa."

Kamui gulped. "W-What is it?"

"It says she want's to have another fight with her 'dear' Kamui! If she wins, you two get married!" Morikawa said, using a very lovey-dovey tone.

"Oh shut up Makemi!" Kamui yelled and suddenly jumped onto Morikawa as the two began fighting each other in their own way. Another teen with brown hair came over and worked together with Reiji and Eiji to try to stop them from hurting each other.

"Cut it out Morikawa!" He yelled, holding Morikawa back.

"Let me go Izaki! That little brat's gonna get it!" Morikawa yelled.

Kamui was the second member of Team Q4's main members, and he was also the youngest. His two friends, Reiji and Eiji, always cheered him on.

Morikawa was a person who, one day, stumbled into the shop with his friend Izaki, and they refused to leave until they became members of Q4. They were in the shop for a month before Aichi agreed. The main reason was, while Izaki was an okay fighter, Morikawa was terrible in every way. But for some reason, he was amazing when he had an actually balanced deck, so that eventually allowed them membership.

"Why is it so loud down here?" A voice said calmly throughout the room. Even though it was a calm tone, it was scary as well, and everyone immediately froze as Kai walked down the stairs with Miwa following behind him. "I can't cardfight with all of this noise."


"Keep it down. I'm practicing." Kai said, his voice still cold. Kai had originally been a member of AL4's gang, but after getting into a fight with the leader Suzugamori Ren near the start of the gang, Kai had left and eventually joined Q4, easily becoming one of the main members. "You should all be too. For tonight's fight."

AL4 had challenged Q4 to a fight tonight to settle things once and for all. Winner gets all of the territory the other had gathered throughout the years and all of the members as well. Loser would have to become a part of the winner's gang, further strengthening it.

"Well, it's better to settle things peacefully now than to have a full-scale gang war starting out." Misaki said, putting the cat down and taking out her deck. "I'll be out for a while visiting our territory's fighters."

"Where are you gonna be?" Miwa asked after popping out from behind Kai.

"Wild Angels said they'd like to help out." Misaki said. "I'll be in Osaka then. Be back before eight." Then she went up the steps and out of the store.

"She'll be fine." Miwa said, walking over to them with Kai. "She knows better than to take her deck out in public."

When gangs had barely started out, thugs began recruiting and forcing whatever players they could see on the streets as their members. It became too dangerous to fight in public at stores and in other places, and tournaments kept on getting interrupted by riots. Eventually, the only way you could actually Vanguard fight someone was by having you and a friend, who already has a deck, hide inside your house with all of the blinds down so nobody would see, or join a gang. Many times, it became violent between gangs when they tried to get the best players for themselves.

"Anyway, Oni-san, you want to practice?" Kamui said, taking out his deck. "I gotta be super strong for tonight!"

"If you want to be super strong, then you should learn from the super strong, number one, Morikawa-sama!" Morikawa bragged and pointed at himself proudly.

"Oh?!" Reiji said. "Who was it that lost a hundred times in a row to Kamui-san?!"

"HTIAR-su?!" Eiji said, abbreviating what Reiji had said.

"W-Well…." Morikawa tried to think of an excuse. "That was my old deck! This deck is extra super charged with more grade 3's than a world of grade 3's!"

"Just Grade 3's won't get you anywhere!" Reiji shrugged, sighing while smirking. "Makemi is really hopeless!"

"MIRH-su!" Eiji shrugged as well, smirking.

"Excuse me?!" A girl's voice called from upstairs. "Is Aichi here?!" Then a girl around Kamui's age with light-brown hair and a Miyaji Middle School outfit came down the steps holding a basket.

"E-E-E-E-Emi-san!" Kamui's face immediately turned bright red and steam came out of his ears.

"Emi? What are you doing here?" Aichi asked as he walked over to his little sister. "We're practicing for tonight."

"I brought dinner!" Emi gave the large basket to Aichi. "You're definitely going to go overboard with the cardfighting and forget to eat dinner and then when you have to face AL4 you'll be so hungry you'll lose immediately!"

"A-Am I that bad?" Aichi sweat-dropped, but still took the basket and put it on a table. "But still, thanks Emi. Are you coming to the fight?"

"Yeah! After all, you're hopeless without me!"

"Don't worry about it Emi-san!" Kamui immediately ran over to her. "I'll watch over Onii-san so it'll be just fine!"

"Oh, well that's good! Thank you Kamui-kun!" Emi smiled at him.

Kamui's face turned even redder than it had been before. "Y-Y-Y-our w-w-w-welc-c-c-come E-E-E-Emi-s-s-san…."

Aichi laughed internally at Kamui's stuttering. The boy's crush was just about obvious to everyone except his little sister for some reason, even though she usually noticed things before he did.

"Anyway, Kamui, you want to have a fight to practice?" Aichi said.

"Yeah Onii-san!" Kamui yelled excitedly. "We're gonna beat up AL4 for good!"

Aichi smiled. "Definitely."

"And also, Aichi." Kai said. "We have over a thousand new challenges. You're going to have to handle them all."

"We got that much in just a week?!" Aichi yelled. "And why me?!"

"You're the leader. You're in charge. By taking down the leader, you earn your rights to everything of the gang. Don't lose. The first one's tomorrow at night in Kanto. Try not to make the other gang laugh too much this time."

Many times, when Aichi had gone to challenges between gangs, the other gang would laugh at his wimpy figure and his stuttering voice and his tendency to apologize over and over. It was pretty funny to others though. To see a gang begin entering from the other side of where they would be fighting cooly, and then the person walking in the middle trip and fall on their face. And then it turns out the person who tripped over themselves was the leader, it is pretty laughable. Of course, when Aichi won against them, they weren't laughing anymore.

"I-It's not my fault…." Aichi turned away, his face red from embarrassment.

"That's right!" Kamui stepped in to defend him. "It's not Onii-san's fault! It's the other gang's fault that they make the ground so rough and bumpy that Onii-san falls over on it!"

"Is that so?" Emi asked. "Aichi, does that mean we should make the ground softer in our house so you won't fall over that much?"

"U-Um, I don't, I think, maybe,"

"What Aichi?! You fall over in your house?! And you call yourself the leader of Q4!" Morikawa pointed at himself. "Maybe you should make me leader instead?!"

"U-Uh, that's not—"

"Who'd make you leader of anything Makemi! Aichi Onii-san is leader and that's that!" Kamui yelled at Morikawa.

"Um Kamui, what about our fight…."

"Later! I'm beating up Makemi now!"

"It's Katsumi you brat! You're on!"

The both went to a table and got out their decks angrily while glaring at each other. "STAND UP, VANGUARD!"

Aichi sighed. "They're at it again." Miwa laughed at him.

"Well, if they didn't argue, they wouldn't be them! You have to admit, things get real interesting with all the yelling!"

"Hmph." Kai didn't bother looking at the fight. "They're both too immature."

Aichi laughed slightly. "It's nice that they have so much energy though."

"Too much. They really aren't suited for these gangs and how dangerous they are."

"Are any of us?"

Kai didn't respond.

"Most of the gangs out there are all dangerous grownups with dangerous weapons. We're teenagers. We're not supposed to dea l with that stuff." Aichi said. "But we still do."

Kai looked at him for a long time. "Don't lose to Ren." He finally said. Then he stood up and walked out of the basement.

Aichi smiled. "I won't."

None of them were suited to be a gang member at all, which is why all of them put together made the strongest gang.

Me: Might make a sequel if I have time. Also, sorry about cheesy ending. Had no idea how to end it properly. Computer crashed and lost all data for Socials assignment. I'm gonna go try to recover all of the information I lost now. Bye! Review! See ya later! If I do make a sequel, I'll try to make it funnier!