I own nothing

Author note: I have a quick question. I do have the beginning of a sequel to this story ready. I want to know if you want me to post it before I finished this story. It's my take on what Victor does after the first X-men movie. Let me know if you want me to post it or not in the reviews or PMs.

Remy led Arianna into a small room upstairs in the bar. He ushered her into the room. After shutting the door he looked at her. She truly did not look like she aged a day. There was new necklace around her neck. It looked a bullet. She took in his room. Her eyes travel around the room before she sat down on the bed. He looked at her questioningly. The last time he had heard from her Victor was after them.

"Cherie, what do you need?" Remy asked.

"I'm sorry Remy," Arianna said patting the spot next to her on the bed.

Remy came over to sit next to her on the bed. He looked so worried. For her to come to New Orleans something bad had to happen. He placed a comforting arm around her.

"Anna, what happened?" Remy asked.

"Someone looking for you. Someone that wants to take you back to the island. Someone from my past. He does not know I was one that got you out. And whatever you do you cannot tell him. He is bent on revenge at the moment. I fought him once already. Because he thought I knew where Viktor, his brother, is at. But Creed and I hardly see each other. After Stryker has done to him I doubt I would survive the fight with him again," Arianna asked.

"He will not know, and ill be damned if I going back to the island, Thank You, Cherie for the warning," Remy said.

Arianna walked out of the room. She looked over her shoulder at Remy. Remy and eyes met locking their gaze.

"Be safe Remy," Arianna said.

"I will Cherie and you," Remy said.

Arianna walked back down into the bar. She looked around the room. She let out a long sigh taking one last look at the bar. Remy stood at top of stairs. He was watching her. He tipped his hat to her. She smiled before ducking out the door.

"I kept you safe till now. Now you are on your own," Arianna whispered as she walked the streets of New Orleans.

Arianna arrived back to the safe house. The door was fixed. She smiled as she entered Victor stood there shirtless. He was doing pushups. He looked up as she entered. He hopped to his feet picking her off the ground throwing her over his shoulder. He carried up the stairs. He growled at her slapping her arse as she struggled to get down.

"Kitten, I am going to tie you to the bed and you're never hanging on anyone arm again," Victor growled.

Arianna stopped struggling. He must have found the photos of her and Erik from the time she got the bullet. He threw her on the bed. She made the move to get up but Victor was on top of her before she could. He pinned on the bed with his bulk of muscles. He growled at her as he shredded her top. She growled back at him as his talons bite into her flesh of her love handles. He roared at her as her claws shredded his chest down to his happy trail. He leaned down clamping his teeth on her neck on the mating mark. It was enough to cause her scream out his name. He removed his pants and quickly shred her bottoms. She looked into his eyes. He had the need dominate. He reached down removing her underwear bringing to his nose. He took in a deep breath of her scent left on her panties.
"Kitten is turned on by pain," Viktor chuckled at her.

Arianna got out of his hold attacking his chest with her claws. She straddled his legs. Her sex was kissing the top of his manhood. She leaned her lips near his ear. Purring at him as her claws played with his nipples.

"No, need to be put in my place," Arianna teased biting his earlobe.

That caused him to growl a deep chest growl before he thrust upwards thus, making them one. They locked eyes with each other. They both let out growls and she let out little mewing sounds that went straight to his dick. One of his hands stayed on her arse while the other one curved its way up her bra. He grinned at her when he cut it off her body. He quickly flipped her back on the bed. Her ankles were around his waist. They quickly got lost in each other.

After they were sated, Victor's clawed fingers found the bullet. He let out a displeased growl at the bullet. Arianna purred moving closer to his chest. She looked up at him shyly.

"It's from Germany like the photo. It was my first mission with the brotherhood. You can take a guess what it involved give if I or you are involved. It was at a party that the target was at. Raven was busy with another mission at the time. So, Erik took me. The photo was taken before the chaos started. We were posing as a married couple, Romilda and Alrik. I got close to the target. He made angry that he brought the animal out in me. My eyes went cold I was told. I slit his throat in front everyone. That was when the riot started. The guns firing in rapid succession much like wars were like I imagine. After the chaos and most of the people were dead, I slowly made my way over to Erik. Covered in blood the gown destroyed. My midriff was exposed and most of my legs. I left one of the men alive. As I was nearly at Erik side, the sound of a gun firing caused me to turn. The bullet would have pierced my heart. But there it was hanging in mid air inches from my chest. I remember his words to this day, "animals". He saw me in my full feral form and he called them animals. He pulled a metal chain from woman necklace pulling it through the man's jugular. Then he formed the necklace the around my neck now." Arianna explained.

Her eyes met Victor. He was thinking about what she said. He was still sure that this Erik wanted his mate. But Stryker would let the bullet hit her or him before he would get his own hand dirty. He let out a deep chest growl pulling Arianna closer to his chest. His claw fingers never left her chest. He started to purr making Arianna slowly close her eyes as she and he drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other embrace.

A few hours later, Victor was getting ready to complete his mission. He looked over to bed. Arianna was dressed only in her panties and his shirt. She looked at him coyly with a lazy smile.

"Where are you going Vic," Arianna asked trying to draw him back to bed.

"I have something I have to care of kitten," Victor said coming over kissing the top of her head.

Arianna hopped off the bed pulling on a pair of jeans that were left by Raven. Thankfully they were the same size. The jeans were maybe a little tight but they would work. She pulled on green camisole as she shrugged off his shirt. She pulled her messy sex hair into a messy ponytail. She was sitting on the bed pulling on boots. When Victor stilled her hand as she was zipping up her left boot. She met his eyes then her eyes went to his clawed hand.

"What do you think you doing?" Victor growled.

"I'm coming with you," Arianna said.

"No you aren't" Victor roared.

"We are a team, Victor. You and I we are better together. As long as you not going after another cub I have no problem with your jobs. You know that. I don't care what it is. Whether it with or without you, I am coming. Whether I follow you or we walk out her together," Arianna growled at him.

"Aria," Victor roared.

There was look in Victor's eyes. He knew that he would likely run into Jimmy and he did not want Jimmy to know that they were together. He would not put it past Jimmy to have him kill her to prove a point. What was the old saying an eye for eye? Jimmy thought he killed Kayla. Arianna brought her clawed finger down his mutton chops. She gave him a knowing look.

"If you get in fight with your brother I will get out of there I swear. Vic, I know I'm no match for a male feral one that bent on revenge at that. Jimmy, I'm sure would gladly play an eye for an eye," Arianna voiced Victor worst fear.

Victor crushed her to his chest let out a deep chest growl. His talon claws molded the back of her head. His mouth crushed her lips in passion, fear-filled kiss. He then trailed kiss to the mating mark on her neck. That act was a reassuring act for his inner beast that she was still there. Arianna started to purr reassuring Victor even more that she was not going anywhere. After a moment that they relished in each other's arm. Arianna tilted her head to look him in the eye; her green eyes meeting his hazel-blue eyes.

"So, who the target," Arianna questioned.

"Wraith," Victor said.

"Okay, know Jimmy he will confront Remy. Wraith will play guard guarding the back door figuring Remy will rabbit," Arianna assessed. Victor chuckled at her assessment. It was the truth. He had thought the same thing. She gave him a vicious smile. It was the smile of predator. He returned the predatory smile. "How about I lead him to an alleyway where you are waiting for him. He would see me and want to know why I am there," Arianna said with deadly smile on her face.

Victor crushed his lips against hers. He trailed his talon down her jawline. He pulled way surveying her face. He had the same deadly smile on his face.

"I love the way your devious vicious mind works, kitten," Victor growled.