A.N. Its party time! let it begin! xD Just a little warning there will be some man on man love in this chapter but not much

Tsukune stood outside the hotel on the side of the building waiting for mizore and moka. Looking around every so often for them he wondered if they where going to show. He waited about five to ten minutes before both the girls finally arrived and they headed out together, walking to the address written on the flyer that the boy had given them. As they walked they talked, "So what do you think this party is going to be like?" asked Moka. Tsukune shrugged his shoulders, "Im not really sure but going sure beats sitting in that hotel and doing nothing, right?"

They both nodded. They reached the town square again and where surpised to see that all the people that littered the streets earlier that day where gone. It bothered Tsukune a bit walking past all the buildings, It was dead silent, ominous. When They reached the end of the first street they turned right onto a side street, Then left onto another side street, finally turning right onto the street that the house should be on. They knew immediately which house it was too they could see the flashing lights coming from inside and hear the blasting drum and bass dubstep from down the block. Reaching the front door Tsukune knocked hard hoping someone could hear him. Sure enough a very muscular man with a buzzed haircut opened the door for them to come in, When they enetered they where stopped at the door by the same boy that had invited them there.

"So you guys decided to come check it out huh?!" The boy had to yell for them to hear him over the music. looking around it surprised Tsukune, Mizore and moka how many people where actually here, It wasn't to crowded but there was definitely a decent amount of people around. There was a DJ set up in the corner of the room they where in and it even had a dance floor where the majority of people where dancing. Blue, green, and red lights where spinning around the room along with a few strobe lights going off, It astounded the three how well put together this party was.

The boy with red hair waved his hands in front of them to catch their attention. "I don't believe I introduced myself last time we met, Im hiroto! and before you guys are allowed to come in fully and enjoy the party you need to take these!" Hiroto Held out three small capsules. Tsukune picked one up, Mizore and Moka followed suit but didn't take them quiet yet. "Whats are these!?" Tsukune yelled out. The boy laughed, "Take them and find out!" Holding it up to one of his eyes Tsukune observed the pill, 'Whats the worst that could happen?' With that thought In mind he tossed the pill in his mouth and swallowed it down. The girls watched tsukune take the capsule and figured they should do the same. (Peer pressure is a bitch lol)

Hiroto patted Tsukune on the shoulder and yelled out. "Theres drinks in the back, feel free to help yourself and have some fun!" The three watched him back up and disappear into the crowd of people on the dance floor, Tsukune looked back at the girls and gave them a reassuring smile, grabbing both of their hands he lead them to the back. Looking around he spotted a table with a bunch of cups and bottles on it along with a huge glass bowl filled with what looked like red punch or some type of juice. Grabbing the three of them a cup he poured the two of them and himself a drink.

"Are you sure we should be drinking Tsukune?" asked Mizore, Moka stayed quiet. He tilted his head and thought about it for a moment. "One drink wont do to much harm, and then we could go dance ok!" The girls both looked alittle uneasy about the idea but figured one drink wouldn't hurt, Tsukune raised his glass.

"Cheers!" They all tapped there glasses together and downed their drinks. Unfortunately they didn't have any knowledge on what happens when you mix alcohol and pills but they would figure that out soon enough. Finishing off their drinks they headed back into the room they where in before and found there way into the crowd of people dancing and joined in.( Go to youtube and listen to (Nero - Reaching Out Wilkonson remix) The music was loud and the lights where bright, jumping up and down to the music Tsukune found himself becoming more and more infused with the rhythm and beat of the song that was playing.

It had been about 20 minutes since he had taken the pill Hiroto had given him and he was beginning to feel it. As was Mizore and moka who had disappeared from Tsukune side into the crowd of dancing people. Tsukune hadn't noticed he had lost his friends, he couldn't really focus on anything but the music and lights for some odd reason, it was like the beat and rhythm of the song was living inside him. The feeling he was having at the moment where overwhelmingly pleasurable.

Tsukune kept dancing until he couldn't dance anymore. eventually getting worn out to the point that he exited the crowd and took a seat on a nearby couch located on the opposite side of the room, next to a couple of other people. He was still feeling incredibly good, The feeling was unexplainable, literally to good for words. Looking around he finally realized that he had lost Mizore and moka. Focusing on the crowd of people on the dance floor he was actually able to spot both of them out dancing with the crowd. 'They must be feeling it to.'

Leaning back into the sofa he closed his eyes( Cue Oscillator Z - On My Own). a minute or two passed, pulling himself out of his feelings of ecstasy and standing up he walked into the back room. He needed some fresh air, he was hot. Looking around he found a door that led to a deck and backyard. Tsukune was surprised to see hiroto standing out there alone smoking what appeared to be a cigarette.

Hiroto looked back when he heard the door close behind Tsukune. "Oh hey man, how are you enjoying the party?" Tsukune smiled, "Its really fun I'm glad we came." walking over to the edge of the porch and leaning on the guard rail Tsukune continued, "How are you doing?" For some reason Tsukune got the feeling that Hiroto wasn't happy. "Better now that your here." Hiroto said moving a bit closer to tsukune. Hiroto held his hand out, offering Tsukune the cigarette. He took it but had never smoked before, holding it up to his lips he inhaled, coughing almost immediately after the smoke entered his lungs. Hiroto laughed and grabbed the cigarette from Tsukune, "Let me help you out..." Hiroto took a hit off the cigarette and leaned close to Tsukune grabbing his chin and pulling him into a kiss.

To say Tsukune was surprised was an understatement, but for some odd reason he couldn't find the will to pull away. Inhaling the smoke that Hiroto exhaled Tsukune could feel him deepening the kiss between them.

The door that Tsukune had come out of opened, someone gasped harshly. Pulling away and looking over he could see Moka, who had a very intense blush on her face. "Shit..." Tsukune tried to think of a way to explain himself but he really couldn't, his mind was hazy and not functioning correctly due to the substances he had taken. taking a step towards moka he struggled to find something to say. "Its not what it looks like Moka...he was just...I was..." Moka walked over towards Tsukune, not giving him a chance to move away or even end his sentence she grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. 'What the hell is going on!' Tsukune thought, The rosary around his neck began to glow a dim purple. Tsukune pushed Moka away softly and quickly ran around her back into the house, trying to get away from both of them.

Moka P.O.V.

'Oh my god, what is Tsukune doing with that boy?!' Moka gasped at the sight not knowing how to process what she was seeing. She watched Tsukune look at her and take a step toward her trying to explain himself. 'He must be afraid that Mizore might somehow find out.' Moka thought. Quickly walking towards Tsukune, Moka pulled him into a kiss. but was pushed away, She watched Tsukune run back into the house and then looked over at hiroto. "What the hell where you doing to my Tsukune!" Hiroto grinned and even laughed a little, "I didn't hear any objections out of him." This caused Moka to blush again, "You stay away from him he's mine..." Hiroto looked hard at her, seeing doubt in her eyes. "You don't sound very sure about that, and I'm sure if he was yours he wouldn't have pushed you away like that." Moka was at a loss for words, she looked down at the ground. "He is mine...he just, doesn't know it yet..." With that Moka walked back into the house leaving Hiroto to himself.

Mizore P.O.V.

Exiting the dance floor Mizore took a moment to collect herself and catch her breathe, 'Where is Tsukune?" She thought looking around. Walking to the back room she found herself standing at the table of refreshments again, looking around she saw Tsukune walk through a door that she figured must lead outside or something. She walked behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder making him jump.

Regular P.O.V.

Tsukune jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, Thinking it must have been Moka or Hiroto. He was happily surprised when he turned around and saw Mizore though. Giving her the biggest hug he could he couldn't help but to feel safer around her, knowing moka and hiroto wouldn't try anything when he was with her. Tsukune grabbed Mizore by the hand and led her into the living room and onto the same couch he had been sitting on earlier. Sitting down he let her sit down on his lap. Mizore curled up slightly and rested her head on his chest closing her eyes.

Tsukune looked down at Mizore, "Hey are you ok?" She smiled up at him, "Yeah I'm fine I'm just kind of tired.." Tsukune could hear how tired she was in her voice. 'We should get out of here, get back to the hotel and rest.' Tsukune thought for a moment on whether or not to get Moka, deciding it would be wrong to leave her he picked up Mizore and walked to the back room. Spotting her over by the refreshments he called out, "Hey Moka Were getting out of here come on!" walking out of the house Tsukune looked back one last time at the house and spotted Hiroto looking at him from the window, He had a look that made Tsukune feel bad for him but there was no way Tsukune was going back in there. They walked the same way they had come but about half way through the trip back to the hotel Tsukune had to take a break, he was getting extremely tired from carrying Mizore who had fallen asleep in his arms. Sitting down with her still in his arms he took a few deep breathes, it had been about three hours since he had taken that pill and was starting to come down a little.

Moka sat down next to Tsukune, "I'm sorry..." That surpised him. "About what...?" He asked. A tear ran down her cheek, "About everything, I just want you to be mine so bad and sometimes I don't even know why. ever since I met you I felt a connection with you, you were the first human to accept me and not care what I was or what I had done. Then I took away your humanity, and tried forcing you to be mine...Maybe someday you will feel the same for me that I feel for you but for now I realize your with Mizore...I'm sorry Tsukune."

Tsukune wrapped one of his arms around her pulling her close to him, "Its ok Moka...It isn't your fault." They sat like that for awhile and when they finally got up and made their way back to hotel Tsukune could feel a huge weight being lifted off of his shoulders.

Tsukune set Mizore down on her bed in the girls room and made his way to his room, when he fell onto his bed he fell asleep almost immediately.

A.N. Ok guys I know the ending was a bit rushed but I was in a bit of a hurry I might make some changes later but for now enjoy