Author's note: Well, this is it guys, my last chapter for this story! Thank you all so much for reading it, and I'm glad to know that I've helped relieve some of the stress from having to wait for three weeks until episode 13 aires in the US.
In New Zealand tonight, we have the season one recap of 'Magic is comming' and season two premieres on Valentine's day!
So, I think I've finished this story with perfect timing!
Thank you to those of you who gave me ideas for this chapter, I really hope you enjoy it.
Just a quick disclaimer: I do not own the song featured in this chapter at all, it belongs to Christina Perri (can you guess which one I picked?)
Welcome to Rumbelle's wedding day!
Bae knocked on his father's bedroom door
"Are you ready, Papa?"
He opened the door gingerly to see his father fiddling nervously with the cufflinks on his jacket.
"Son," Rumple said softly, "I think I'm going to have a heart attack."
"Hey, it's your wedding day," Bae grabbed his father's shoulders reassuringly, getting his attention. "It's natural to be nervous."
"I'm not nervous," Rumple told him. It wasn't a lie, for he was so much more than that.
"You're not gonna stand Belle up, are you?" Bae raised his eyebrows.
Rumple's head shot up indignantly, "No!"
"Do you love her?" Bae asked.
"With everything I have," Rumple told him.
"And does she love you?"
"Of course, she even died for me," Rumple reminded him.
"Then what are you afraid of?" Bae asked his father. "You've got nothing in this world to worry about."
"Now come on," Bae clapped his father on the shoulder. "As your Best Man, it's my job to get you to the altar in one piece," he said as headed for the door. "You don't want to let your bride down, now do you?"
"My bride," Rumple repeated in a whisper. "Is it possible to be both excited and terrified by that idea?"
Bae smiled.
"Yes," he told him, "but the excitement normally wins out."
Time seemed to running strangely for Rumple that day.
It seemed to only take an instant between getting himself ready at home, and now, suddenly, he was standing before the altar, his son and Best Man beside him, as the last of the guests arrived, waiting for the wedding music to begin.
And now the minutes were passing like centuries…
"Just keep breathing," Bae whispered.
Eventually, Rumple heard the first notes of the piano, and the wedding guests hushed.
Unable to take the suspense anymore, Rumple turned around to view the wide aisle.
Ruby, as the Maid of Honour, was the first to appear, followed closely by Snow and Emma, who were bridesmaids.
Then came Henry, walking proudly as the ring bearer, followed closely by Grace, who was the flower girl, strewing red rose petals along the aisle.
Then, everyone in the hall stood up, and as Belle appeared, all of Rumple's fears melted away to be replaced by pure awe.
In her resplendent white gown, Rumple couldn't remember Belle ever looking more beautiful.
The dress was reminiscent of the golden gown, which she'd been wearing when they first met, and as she walked, Rumple caught a glimpse of glass slippers which, he assumed, was Belle's 'something borrowed' from Ella.
"You may not have a heart attack," Rumple heard his son mutter beside him, "but you are going to faint if you don't breathe soon."
Rumple took a deep breath as his bride came to stand before him.
"Welcome everyone," The Blue Fairy began- why she had offered to perform the ceremony was a complete mystery to Rumple, but Belle was happy, so he'd agreed to it- "we are all gathered today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Rumplestiltskin and Belle. If there is anyone here who think that these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace."
Rumple met Belle's eyes and he could see his own worry reflected back at him.
For they knew there were people who would object to their marrying today…Belle's father had even refused to attend his daughter's wedding, even though the two of them had invited him personally.
But still, the silence dragged on…
"Very well," Blue smiled, "let us continue."
"Thank the Gods for that."
Rumple hadn't realized he'd spoken his relief aloud until a ripple of laughter travelled through the hall, relieving the tension.
"May we have the rings?"
Henry stepped forward carefully, wanting to do job right.
"Rumplestiltskin," Blue began, "do you promise to love and cherish this woman, and be true to her alone, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," Rumple said softly, not taking his eyes of his bride for a moment as he slid the golden ring onto her finger, where it would remain forever.
"And do you, Belle," Blue continued, "promise to love and cherish this man, and be true to him alone, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," Belle's smile was radiant as she slid the gold ring onto Rumple's finger, marking him as her husband.
"Then, by the power vested in me," Blue smiled, "I pronounce you, Husband and Wife."
Rumple couldn't stop smiling.
"You may kiss your bride," Blue told him.
As they kissed, Rumple relished the fact that he was now not only kissing Belle, the woman he loved…
But his new wife.
After the ceremony, everyone filed off to the town hall for the reception, and once the obligatory congratulations, handshakes and speeches were over, Rumple noticed a figure standing in the doorway of the town hall.
Getting his wife's attention, Rumple pointed over to the man who stood, half in shadow.
When she realized who it was, Belle rushed over delightedly.
"You came!" She cried, throwing her arms happily around her father.
"I just…wanted to make sure you were happy, sweetheart," Moe said awkwardly.
"I am, Papa," Belle smiled, "and now that you're here, everything's perfect."
Moe looked over his daughter's shoulder as Rumple approached slowly, coming to a stop a respectable distance away from the man he knew hated him.
"Rumplestiltskin," Moe began firmly. "My daughter is the most precious thing in my life. All I've ever wanted was her happiness." He paused, thinking, and Rumple waited patiently for the man to finish.
"You are nothing like the type of man I would think would be worthy of my daughter," Moe continued, "but Belle loves you… So you had better take care of her."
"You have my word, Mr. French," Rumple vowed sincerely. "I will love and care for Belle for the rest of my life."
Having said his piece, Moe nodded, turning to go.
"You're not leaving, Papa?" Belle asked.
"I think it's best if I do," Moe said slowly, his eyes drifting back to land on Rumple.
"Please stay," Belle pleaded. "I have something I need to do, and I'd like for you to see it."
Moe looked at his daughter questioningly.
"Please?" Belle asked, "I need for you to see this, to see how happy I am. To see that you have nothing to worry about."
Cautiously, Moe nodded, but as Rumple led Belle back inside, Moe opted to stay by the door.
"What are you going to do?" Rumple asked, curious.
"You'll see," Belle teased as she bid her husband to sit down.
Moments later, Belle took everyone by surprise by taking the stage.
"Excuse me," Belle spoke into the microphone on stage. "May I have everyone's attention please?"
Silence descended throughout the town hall.
"Thank you," Belle smiled. "I would like to thank you all for being here tonight, helping me to celebrate, possibly the happiest day of my life."
Applause rippled through the room as people clapped and cheered the blushing bride.
"But, most importantly," Belle continued, "I would like to say thank you to my new husband," she smiled tearfully across the room at Rumple, who returned the look to his bride, "for letting me into his heart, and into his life."
Everyone raised their glasses in a toast, and took a sip.
"And," Belle continued, "In honour of my husband, and our story, I have actually prepared a surprise, which will, hopefully, turn out as well as I imagined." Smiling shyly, Belle nodded to the musicians.
The wedding guests became still as the music began playing softly, and Rumple's eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen.
Holding her head high, Belle kept her eyes on the man she loved as she brought the microphone to her lips.
"Heart beats fast
Colours and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall,
But watching you stand alone?
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow."
Belle moved slowly toward the stage stairs.
"One step closer."
Rumple could barely breathe. It was their story, perfectly. For he had been afraid to love Belle, in the beginning.
"I have died everyday waiting for you,
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more.
'Well, it wasn't quite a thousand years,' Rumple thought to himself as he smiled, 'but it certainly felt like it.'
Belle lifted her chin, her eyes sparkling as she met her husband's gaze, moving slowly to the song.
"Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this"
Belle slowly made her way down the stage stairs to stand on the hall floor.
"One step closer."
"I have died every day waiting for you,
Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more.
And all along, I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more."
Rumple barely registered the applause that rang through the hall as Belle spun slowly to the music.
He couldn't take his eyes of his bride.
His wife.
For truly, the woman before him was the most beautiful and brave person in his world. She had never given up on their love, not even when Cora had taken his freedom away from him.
"One step closer."
Slowly, Belle began to walk across the hall floor, making her way to her husband.
"One step closer."
As Belle reached him, Rumple stood up from his seat to meet her, stroking her face lovingly with the back of his hand, gazing into those eyes that were like the sky on a cloudless spring day.
"I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more.
And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more."
As the music came to an end, Rumple forgot that there were other people in the room as he kissed his bride tenderly, trying to pour as much feeling as he could into the gesture.
No one had ever professed their love like this for him before…
He should've known that Belle would.
Moe left not long after Belle's song, but not before giving his daughter one last hug goodbye.
As the party wore on into the night, Rumple was able to share a couple of dances with Belle, and even a dance with Emma, before his bad leg began to protest too much. So, he settled down with a drink to watch the other guests.
He watched Bae dance with Emma, both of them looking happy.
Snow and Charming, Ruby and August…
Rumple even got to see Regina share a dance with Henry.
After everything that had happened, Rumple was very impressed with the efforts Regina had taken to be better for her adopted son over the past months. And he was greatly surprised that she accepted their invitation to the wedding, after Henry asked that she be added to the guest list.
Hook, on the other hand, had refused to give up on his revenge, and eventually had to be sent over the town line, as there was no way now for him to return home to The Enchanted Forest. He was now rebuilding his life as Killian Jones, once more, working down at the Marina. He was currently sitting in a corner, glass of rum in hand, waiting for Regina to finish dancing with her son.
Rumple still didn't like the former pirate but, as he no longer remembered…
Rumple knew that barely a handful of people in the room right now were there for him, but watching Belle, now dancing with Jefferson, twirling happily to the music, Rumple didn't really care what they thought of him.
His Belle was happy, and that was all that mattered.
"Hi, Grandpa Gold," Henry greeted as he came up to his table, a glass of lemonade in his hand.
'Grandpa Gold' was what Henry had started calling him not long after the events in the vault, and while Emma and her parents still felt awkward sometimes, knowing they were now related, 'Grandpa Gold' became a title that Rumple found he was quite proud to be called by the boy.
"Hello Henry, I saw you dancing with Regina just now."
"Yeah," Henry smiled. "She's a lot better. Still doesn't like Grandma or Grandpa, but she's getting along better with mom and dad."
"That's good, at least," Rumple commented, happy to hear the word 'dad' come out of Henry's mouth in reference to Bae.
"Hey, you two," Bae himself greeted as he came over.
"I saw you dancing with mom," Henry said quickly, still excited every time he saw his parents do something together.
"Yeah," Bae grinned. "You know, for someone who claimed she didn't know how to dance, she did very well."
"Grandpa's been teaching her," Henry supplied, and the two men nodded their understanding.
"Hey, Henry," Bae said quietly. "Why don't you go over and ask Grace to dance?"
Henry's eyes widened, "Uh…."he mumbled as a blush crept across his cheeks," I can't."
"Why not, Henry?" Rumple asked mildly, pretending he couldn't see the rising panic in the boy's eyes and relate to it completely.
"I'm…scared." Henry confessed quietly.
"I can understand that, Henry," Rumple told him. "Do you think I wasn't scared to ask Belle to marry me? I was terrified."
"But, you still did it," Henry said.
Rumple nodded. "Because I knew that, if I didn't," he explained, "I'd regret it for the rest of my life."
"Have a look at her, Henry," Rumple gestured to where Grace was talking with her friends. "Now think: if you didn't dance with her tonight, not even once, would you regret it?"
Henry thought for a minute.
"So," he said slowly, "what do I do?"
"Tell you what, Henry," Bae took over from his father. "There's a secret formula for this, and it's very simple: You take a sip of your drink, you take a deep breath, and you just walk right over there."
"But what do I say?" Henry asked.
"What would 'Prince Charming' say?" Rumple suggested.
Thinking hard, Henry seemed to come up with an idea. Taking his glass of lemonade, Henry took a sip before placing it back on the table. Then, taking a deep breath, he turned and walked over to where Grace was, his father and grandfather watching with bated breath.
They watched, impressed, as Henry walked straight up to Grace, bowed smoothly, and held out his hand.
Smiling, Grace curtsied in response, letting Henry lead her onto the dance floor.
"Yes!" Bae cheered. "That was brilliant."
"He gets that from his mother's side of the family," Rumple said drily, taking a sip of his own drink.
"Hey," Bae nudged his father's shoulder, "give our side of the family some credit."
After a few minutes talking with his son, and watching August dance with Emma, while Ruby danced with Charming, Rumple thought he might get some air, and made his way outside.
After dancing a song with Belle, Bae spotted his father standing on the stairs outside the town hall, and made his way over.
"Hey," he greeted his father, who started, apparently lost in thought.
"Hey, son," Rumple said breezily, which Bae didn't buy for a minute.
"Getting sick of the party?"
"Well," Rumple admitted, "I've never been one for social occasions. But Belle's happy," he added, gesturing to where Belle was now dancing with Henry, Emma and Charming dancing nearby. "So, as long as she's enjoying herself, I'll stay."
But, Bae knew his father better than that.
"Are you nervous about leaving?" He asked gently, wanting to help, but not wanting to make his father push him away.
Rumple opened his mouth only to close it again. Sighing, he hung his head.
"What do you think?"
Bae nodded, and stepped forward, waiting until his father looked him in the eye.
"I think," Bae said slowly, 'that you should follow the same advice we gave Henry: Take a deep breath, go in there…and ask her if she'd like to leave, now."
"And if she doesn't?"
Taking his father's shoulder, Bae turned him back towards the dancing.
"Take a look at her, dad," he whispered. "That's your bride. Now, if you don't go over there, right now, and ask her if she wants to leave the party with you…would you regret that?"
After staring at Belle for a moment or two, Rumple closed his eyes briefly before turning to his son.
"Using my own words against me, boy…" he muttered sullenly as he made his way back inside.
"I get that from you," Bae smiled as he followed.
Rumple's heart was pounding in his chest as he closed his bedroom door.
His wife had led him through their house by the hand, and as the bedroom door closed behind them, Belle reached up shyly to remove the pins from her hair.
"Have I told you how beautiful you are, today?" Rumple asked softly as Belle turned away to place the pins on the dressing table.
"Yes," she smiled as she met his eyes in the mirror.
Approaching his wife slowly, Rumple reached out to gently run his fingers through her long, hair, now hanging around her shoulders in loose, chestnut waves.
Gingerly, his fingers traced the elegant curve of her neck until he reached her shoulder.
Carefully, shyly, Rumple placed a soft kiss on the spot where his fingers rested, on the nape of her neck, and was rewarded as a soft gasp escaped Belle's lips.
Turning, Belle stroked her husband's face, her fingers tracing his forehead, his jaw, his lips…
"Rumple?" Belle's eyes showed concern as she gazed into his face. "Why are you shaking?"
'Because it's been over three hundred years, and I'm terrified,' he thought. Though thankfully, this time, Rumple was able to keep his thought to himself.
"I love you, so much, Belle," Rumple whispered reverently. "I…I'm just afraid I'll disappoint you," he confessed slowly.
Belle's face softened, and she kissed him tenderly.
"I don't think you'll disappoint me at all," she told him surely as their lips parted.
Possibly seeing the confusion in her Love's eyes, Belle elaborated.
"The kiss you gave me?" Belle's fingers reached up to stroke the base of her neck, "It started a fire," she whispered.
"And if you can do that with a kiss…" Belle's lips claimed her husband's before trailing across his jaw towards his ear…
"Then I don't think you could ever disappoint me, Rumple."
Gently, Rumple took cupped Belle's face in his hands. This was the woman who loved him… Who had always believed in him… Who had died for him…Who had married him…
And he was determined to be worthy of her.
Throwing his fears out the window, Rumple claimed his wife's lips with his own…
Nine months later…
Rumple brushed Belle's hair out of her eyes gently as she sat up in the hospital bed. Again, he was in awe of this amazing woman he was fortunate enough to call his wife. For even though she was exhausted, her smile was still radiant and strong.
Belle had always been the most beautiful thing in his life.
And as his eyes trailed down to the bundle she held in her arms, Rumple now found he had even more beauty in his life.
"Truly, this must be the most powerful magic of all, Rumple," Belle said softly as she gazed at their newborn daughter, "the power to create life."
"Of course it is," Rumple whispered as he placed a hand gently on his daughter's tiny head, stroking her dark hair. "It's True Love, Belle."
A knock at the door made the pair look up.
Bae stood hesitantly in the doorway, Emma and Henry behind him.
"Can we come in?"
"Of course, son," Rumple waved them in.
"How are you feeling, Belle?" Emma asked.
"Tired," Belle said simply. "It was a long labour."
"Now, Bae," Rumple carefully picked up the precious bundle his wife held to show his son, "I'd like you to meet your baby sister."
"It's a girl?" Henry asked happily.
"Oh, my god," Bae whispered as he slowly received the baby from his father. "Hello, baby sister!" He gushed. "Welcome to the world."
The little girl shifted slightly in her big brother's arms, waving a tiny hand in the air.
"She looks just like you, Belle," Bae observed as he noticed blue eyes staring sleepily up at him before they closed again.
"Yes," Rumple agreed, "thank the Gods for that."
"What's her name?" Henry asked as Emma carefully took her turn.
Rumple and Belle smiled at each other, knowingly.
"Rose," they answered at the same time.
"Beauty and the Beast, huh?" Bae smiled.
"In honour," Rumple nodded.
"Rose Gold," Emma tried out the sound of the name.
"It's perfect," Henry grinned leaning forward to see the baby.
"Hi, Auntie Rose," he greeted.
Rumple eventually reclaimed his daughter, and for the longest time, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.
'In every tale of Beauty and The Beast, a rose is always mentioned somewhere,' he reminded himself. And surely, his Rose, his daughter, was the most beautiful rose of all…
Looking slowly up from his baby daughter, Rumple's eyes scanned over his wife…his son…his grandson…
'This,' he told himself, closing his eyes to fully appreciated this warm, almost forgotten feeling in his heart. 'This must be my Happy Ending,'
Gazing down, once again at his daughter, Rumple noticed that Rose's eyes, so much like her mother's, were studying his face with a curious expression that he saw so often in Belle's eyes.
'And it's a new beginning, as well.'
Author's note: What did you think?
I know I didn't go into a lot of detail about the actual wedding, but I really just wanted the essentials in the ceremony itself, and use the reception to focus on the characters.
My apologies to any Hook fans reading this story, but even though The Dark One is dead, I honestly don't think that Hook would consider his revenge complete with anything other than Rumple's death, and there was no way I could do that. So, I thought it better for Hook to start a new life in Storybrooke, forgetting the grudge that he's held.
I really do want Regina to reform, and I'm sure she can, but, after being 'The Evil Queen' for so long, I know it'll take more than a few months. But, I wanted her to be shown here making an effort and reconciling with Henry.
I just had to include a 'father-son-grandson bonding moment' between Rumple, Bae and Henry, and I hope you approve of what I came up with- my guess would be that Henry is around twelve here, if you're wondering.
I chose 'A thousand years,' by Christina Perri, as Rumbelle's wedding song, as I thought it embodied them perfectly, as it was about overcoming fear and becoming brave to protect those that you love, and never giving up, being true...
I couldn't think of a more perfect song, and having Belle be the one to sing it to the man she loved...I just thought that reinforced everything that they had overcome to achieve their Happy Ending.
I was a little iffy about including the segment of Rumbelle on their wedding night, in their room...I've never written a scene like that before, and I really wanted it to be romantic scene, so... did it come out okay?
Lastly, I just had to have one last shout out to Beauty and the Beast, by naming Rumbelle's daughter Rose...I couldn't think of a better tribute for their story than by giving their daughter the name of the symbol of love that is in every version of my favourite fairytale.
Well, that's it! Thank you so much for reading everyone. I have really appreciated the feedback, the comments and the continued support you have given me while writing this story.
Now, let's see if any of my theories come true in the show, shall we?