Disclaimer. All publicly recognizable characters, settings etc., are the property of their respective owners. The original characters, ideas and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I only do this for fun.
Crazier Than It Seems
A/N: This story is written as a collaboration by both Xo Bella Italiana oX and Casey21791. If you have any questions or comments, post them in my reviews and I will answer them in my next Author's Note! We hope that you enjoy the story and look forward to hearing your thoughts. – B
Chapter 11
(Emma's POV)
Bella and I stood at the curb, waving Edward and Jasper off as they drove away from the house in Edward's silver Volvo. I couldn't help but notice the immediate pain that began to blossom in my chest the further and further they got. It felt like there was a lasso-like rubber band around my chest, connecting with his and the further away he got, the tighter it stretched and urged me to follow. But in a way, it gave me a sense of peace to know that if I ever needed to, I could find him by following the pull.
When their car stopped at the corner at the end of the street, I noticed a dark car pull up to the same curb coming from the opposite direction, facing us as the rain got louder as it glanced off my jacket.
I tried to make out the shapes in the front seat of the other car, but it was too dark. I could see Edward and Jasper illuminated in the glare of the new car's headlights; they were still staring ahead, their gazes locked on something or someone I couldn't see. Their expressions were a strange mix of frustration and defiance.
Then, Edward revved the engine, and the tires squealed against the wet pavement. The Volvo was out of sight in seconds as the dark car pulled up out front of the house next to my own car.
"Hey, Bella," called a husky voice from the driver's side of the little black car.
"Jacob?" Bella asked, squinting through the rain. Just then, Charlie's cruiser swung around the corner, his lights shining on the occupants of the car in front of us.
The boy named Jacob was already climbing out, his wide grin visible even through the darkness. In the passenger seat was a much older man, a heavyset man with a memorable face – a face that overflowed, the cheeks resting against his shoulders, with creases running through the russet skin like an old leather jacket. And the surprisingly familiar eyes, black eyes that seemed at the same time both too young and too ancient for the broad face they were set in. I realized that he must be the boy's father, and Charlie's friend that Bella had called Billy Black.
Billy was staring at Bella and me, so I smiled tentatively at him. His eyes were wide, as if in shock or fear, his nostrils flared. My smile faded.
In the car ride here, I believe Edward had called them a 'complication'.
Edward and Jasper had told us the Quileute Legends on the way here, though I had a feeling that there was more to it than a scary story. I learned all about the treaty that their family had formed with the Quileute tribe, but what stumped me was why the Cullen's would be so worried about them, they were only humans, after all. What could a tribe of humans do against a coven of vampires?
Billy still stared at Bella and me with intense, anxious eyes. I groaned internally. Had Billy recognized Jasper and Edward so easily? Could he really believe the impossible legends? Bella told me that when she heard them from Jacob, he had scoffed at them. But did Billy really take them seriously?
The answer was clear in Billy's eyes. Yes. Yes, he could.
"Billy!" Charlie called as soon as he got out of his cruiser.
I turned toward the house as Bella beckoned to Jacob as we ducked under the porch. I heard Charlie greeting them loudly behind us.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't see you behind the wheel, Jake," he said disapprovingly.
"We get permits early on the rez," Jacob said while Bella unlocked the door and flicked the porch light on.
"Sure you do," Charlie laughed.
"I have to get around somehow." Billy chuckled.
The both of us went inside, leaving the door open behind us and turned the lights on before I hung up my jacket next to Bella's on the rack. Then I stood in the door, watching as Charlie and Jacob helped Billy out of the car and into his wheelchair.
We backed out of the way as the three of them hurried in, shaking off the rain.
"It's good to have you over," Charlie was saying.
"It's been too long," Billy answered. "I was anxious to meet this new daughter of yours." His dark eyes flashed up to me again, their expression unreadable behind the excitement and curiosity.
"I agree; it has been too long." Charlie beckoned me over to his side, and I dutifully made my way over. "Emma, this is my good friend Billy Black and his son Jacob. I've known them for years. Even Bella used to play with his two older daughters, Rachel and Rebecca, as well as Jacob when she would stay for two weeks in the summer when she was little."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," I smiled, holding my hand out for him to shake.
Billy nodded, reaching for my hand, "Likewise."
I then released his hand to shake Jacobs as he grinned down at me, "It's awesome that Bella has a sister. She always used to complain about being an only child, right Bells?"
Bella rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I know."
"So, you're staying for the game too, right?" Charlie asked, putting his hands on his hips.
Jacob grinned. "I think that's the plan – our TV broke last week."
Billy made a face at his son. "And, of course, Jacob was anxious to see Bella again and meet Emma, here." He added. Jacob scowled and ducked his head.
"Are you hungry?" Bella asked, turning toward the kitchen.
"Nah, we ate just before we came," Jacob answered.
"But some chips and salsa would be good," Billy butted in.
"How about you, Charlie?" she called over her shoulder as I followed after her, zipping around the corner.
"Sure," he replied, his voice moving in the direction of the front room and the TV. I could hear Billy's chair follow as Bella and I exchanged a knowing glance.
The grilled cheese sandwiches were in the frying pan and I was slicing up a tomato when I sensed someone behind us.
"So, how are thing?" Jacob asked the two of us in general.
"Pretty good," Bella smiled and I nodded, grinning. His enthusiasm was hard to resist.
"How about you?" I asked.
"Yeah, did you finish your car?" Bella added.
"No." He frowned. "I still need parts. We borrowed that one." He pointed with his thumb in the direction of the front yard.
"Sorry. I haven't seen any… what was it you were looking for?" she asked.
"Master cylinder." He grinned. "Is something wrong with the truck?" he asked suddenly.
"Oh. I just wondered because you weren't driving it."
She stared down at the pan, pulling up the edge of a sandwich to check the bottom side. "I got a ride with a friend."
"They took me up to the school to get registered and then we went to hang out at their house. Bella was trying to help me get to know some of the people that I will be going to school with." I added as she shot me a grateful glance.
"That's nice," he smiled slightly. "I didn't recognize the two dudes in the car, though. I thought I knew most of the kids around here."
Bella nodded noncommittally, keeping her eyes down as she flipped the sandwiches and I finished with the last of the tomato and put the knife in the sink.
"My dad seemed to know them from somewhere."
"Jacob, could you hand me some plates? They're in the cupboard over the sink." Bella attempted to get him off the topic.
"Sure." He got the plates in silence. We hoped he would let it drop now, but unfortunately, we were out of luck. "So who was it?" he asked, setting three plates on the counter in between the two of us.
Bella sighed in defeat. "Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale."
To my surprise, he laughed. I glanced up at him. He looked a little embarrassed.
"Guess that explains it, then," he said. "I wondered why my dad was acting so strange."
"That's right," she faked an innocent expression. "He doesn't like the Cullen's." Her eyes flickered in my direction as I bit my bottom lip.
"Superstitious old man," Jacob muttered under his breath before looking over in my direction. "Did Bella tell you about the legends my tribe has about their family?"
I nodded, "Yeah, it's kind of…unbelievable."
He nodded his agreement and scoffed, "I'll say."
"You don't think he'd say anything to Charlie?" Bella asked, the words coming out in a low rush.
Jacob stared at her for a moment, and I couldn't read the expression in his dark eyes. "I doubt it," he finally answered. "I think Charlie chewed him out pretty good last time. They haven't spoken much since – tonight is sort of a reunion, I think. I don't think he'd bring it up again."
"Oh," she said, clearly trying to sound indifferent, but I knew better.
Bella and I stayed in the front room after we carried the food out to Charlie, pretending to watch the game while Jacob chattered with us. It was obvious that Bella was really listening to the men's conversation, watching for any sign that Billy was about to rat us out. I'm sure we could come up with some way to stop him if he began.
It was a long night. Luckily, Bella had done her homework the night before, so she didn't have to worry about anything tonight since she hadn't gone to school today. So we sat with the men and during the commercials, everyone asked me questions, trying to get to know me. I responded with questions or my own, wanting to know as much about my family as possible now that I'd found them. So, it wasn't bad, even if I really wasn't into watching the game itself.
Finally, the game ended.
"Are you and your friends coming back to the beach soon? I'm sure Emma would love to check it out, too!" Jacob asked as he pushed his father over the lip of the threshold.
"I'm not sure," she hedged.
"That was fun, Charlie," Billy said.
"Come up for the next game," Charlie encouraged.
"Sure, sure," Billy said. "We'll be here." He turned his attention to me. "It was really nice to meet you, Emma. I'm glad that you found your family." His eyes flickered over to Bella, and his smile disappeared. "You girls take care." He added seriously.
"Thanks," I forced a smile as Bella nodded, looking away.
Bella and I headed up stairs to get changed into our PJ's. Since the sun room wasn't usable for me to sleep in yet, it was agreed that I would sleep in Bella's room tonight. Charlie worked the night shift tomorrow night, so during the day he would go out and everything needed for me while Bella and I were at school tomorrow.
"Hey, girls, wait a second," he said relaxed and still grinning from the Black's visit. "I didn't get a chance to talk to you about everything. How was your day?"
"Good," I smiled. "We got me registered to start school tomorrow and I met a few kids that go to my school, so we hung out for a bit at their house today after they drove me around, showing me a little bit of the town."
"That's great, Em. Who were the kids?" He asked, looking in Bella's direction.
She hesitated with one foot on the first stair. "The Cullen siblings." She admitted.
His brows shot up. "Dr. Cullen's kids? That's great. Dr. Cullen's a great man and a brilliant surgeon who could probably work in any hospital in the world making ten times the salary he gets here. We're lucky to have him – lucky that his wife wanted to live in a small town. He's an asset to the community, and all of those kids are well behaved a polite. You definitely picked a good group of kids to become friends with."
"Really?" My brows shot up.
He nodded. "Sure. I had my doubts, when they first moved in two years ago, with all those adopted teenagers. I thought we might have some problems with them. But they're all very mature – I haven't had one speck of trouble from any of them. That's more than I can say for the children of some folks who have lived in this town for generations. And they stick together the way a family should – camping trips every other weekend."
I nodded in agreement. "They seemed really nice to me."
"They're all very attractive," Bella added, trying to sound complimentary.
"I agree," Charlie said, laughing. "It's a good thing Dr. Cullen's happily married. A lot of the nurses at the hospital have a hard time concentrating on their work with him around."
We laughed, as well, before lapsing into silence. "So, Bella, I didn't get to ask you with all the excitement, but how was school the other day?" He asked.
"Good," she nodded. "My badminton team won all four games."
"Wow, I didn't know you could play badminton."
"Well, actually I can't, but my partner is really good," she admitted.
"Who is it?" he asked with token interest.
"Um… Mike Newton," she told him reluctantly.
"Oh yeah – you said you were friends with the Newton kid." He perked up. "Nice family. You'll probably like them too, Emma." He mused for a minute. "Why didn't you ask him to the dance this weekend, Bella?"
"Dad!" she groaned. "He's kind of dating my friend, Jessica. Besides, you know I can't dance."
"Oh yeah," He muttered. "But don't you think that Emma would like to go? You both can go together."
Bella and I exchanged a look before I answered for the both of us. "Actually, I think that a dance would be a little much for me just getting settled and all. So, if Bella doesn't want to go, that's more than fine with me."
He nodded. "Were you gonna go with Bella to Seattle then, that night?"
I looked over at Bella and she nodded to Charlie. "Yeah, I figured we could go together."
My brows shot up at these new plans, though, I guess that it sounded fun. However, I had a feeling that we wouldn't be going alone.
He smiled at us apologetically. "So, I guess it's good you'll be gone Saturday… I'd made plans to go fishing with the guys from the station. The weather's supposed to be real warm. But if you wanted to put your trip off, I'd stay home."
"Dad, you're doing a great job." Bella smiled and I nodded my agreement.
"I know I've just met you guys, but I have to say that I couldn't be happier with my new family." I smiled warmly at the two people who have come to mean more to me than I had imagined in such a short time. He smiled his crinkly-eyed smile as Bella blushed.
Yes, I couldn't be happier…
A/N: So, what did you think of Emma's first meeting with Jacob and Billy?! Any idea's what her first day at school will be like?! What about her progressing relationship with Jasper?! I'd love to hear what you think will happen next! Review!
If you have any questions or comments, post them in my reviews and I will answer them in my next Author's Note!
To see more, go to either mine or Casey's FF page: Xo BellaItalia oX or Casey21791
If you enjoyed this story so far, check out some of my other stories on my FanFiction page! Also, I am still accepting Twilight stories that involve Jasper/any female leads or Bella/selected male leads if anyone is looking for a Beta Reader. I will make exceptions on the characters depending on the plot. I am also now accepting Phantom of the Opera FanFictions that include Erik! I will also be accepting Bones featuring Agent Seeley Booth, Dawson's Creek, Titanic FanFictions featuring Jack, Snow White and the Huntsman featuring Snow White or Eric (the huntsman), The Ghost Whisperer that feature Melinda and Law and Order SVU that feature Elliot. I will accept OC characters as well depending on the other lead character. PM me for details!
- Bella'Xo
Xo BellaItaliana oX