Ch.7: What to Do Next

"'And so Ayden and Princess Charlotte were married," Pythor read, "'and he lived happily ever after with his new wife and eleven sisters-in-law, the Twelve Dancing Princesses'. The end." He then closed the book gently and looked down at little Vipera, who has just fallen asleep. He just couldn't believe he forgot how cute she looked when sleeping.

It was already close to noon by the time Pythor, the Generals, the Serpentine, and the awakened Anacondrai have returned to Ourobourus. They then showed their fifth Tribe how much they had fixed the city up in their own image so far, and the Anacondrai couldn't be more proud and happy.

Soon night has fallen, and it was Vipera's bedtime. That gave Pythor the perfect opportunity to fulfill his promise to her: read her a bedtime story after he had awakened the Tribe. Vipie didn't mind, of course; she had quite a day of excitement that tuckered her out good. And her favorite fairy tale The Twelve Dancing Princesses is the best way to end her day.

Carefully and slowly, Pythor settled the book on the desk beside the bed and got up from it, careful not to wake up Vipera. He then pulled the covers up to her chin and kissed her on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Vipie," he whispered softly before quietly and slowly slithering out of the room. Once outside, he closed the door and turned to his Generals and other sisters who were waiting outside.

"How is she?" asked Flora.

"Sleeping like a hatchling," Pythor answered with a smile before slithering down the hall with the other seven behind him. Boanya then slithered up to his left side, and Skales slithered up to his left.

"Today was a joyous day indeed," Boanya said with a smile. "The Great Devourer is destroyed, and the Angelic Uniter is free. The Anacondrai Tribe has awakened from its long slumber, and all five Tribes are united as one once more. What more could we ever ask for?"

"We still have to make peace with the humans once more," Skales stated matter-of-factly. "Remember, the Great Devourer placed the curse on them as he did to us." Fauna sighed sadly.

"I don't think they're ever going to believe that we were their friends," she stated with a shake of her head. "Their ancestors and elders have probably taught them to never trust snakes, let alone Serpentine."

"And I am still curious about how you're going to win Pamela over, Pythor," Acidicus stated. Boanya then turned to her older brother.

"That reminds me," she said to him with a look of interest in her yellow-green eyes with a pinch of teasing. "Who is this 'Pamela', dear brother? Skales told me that you have fallen in love…and with a human, no doubt." The twins giggled, but Pythor brushed it aside as they approached the Council Room.

"Did he and the other Generals tell you about the Ninja?" he asked. Boanya nodded in answer as they entered the room. "Well, Pamela…she's the most amazing woman I had ever laid eyes on. She has the mind of an art genius and the voice of an angel with amazing moves with graceful swan movements to boost. She came to join the ninja after the Great Devourer was destroyed, playing the role as the Yellow Ninja of Wind and teaching Lloyd how to know Spinjitzu so that he'll be ready when the time comes to fight his father."

"Oh, yes," Flora giggled as they gathered around the table. "Your little brother figure. I hope I get to meet him soon."

"I hope I do, too," Fauna concurred with a smile. "I bet he's as cute as a bunny's button nose."

"Well, he should be," Skalidor answered with a chuckling shrug. "I mean, he's like ten years old."

"That boy is going to break a lot of hearts when he gets older," Acidicus concurred. Boanya, however, just frowned.

"It sounds so sad, though," she stated sadly. "He has to defeat his father in battle, and yet they still love each other dearly. It would just devastate the poor boy if his father…" Skales then placed his hand on hers and gently squeezed it to comfort her.

"Don't worry, Boanya," he said to her. "Maybe we can help the ninja and save Lord Garmadon at the same time somehow." The female Anacondrai turned to him with a loving smile.

"You always were the one there to comfort me," she stated sweetly. Skales blushed a deep blue on the cheeks. Pythor couldn't blame him. With the curse no longer on them, Skales was able to remember his crush on Boanya. And Acidicus and Skalidor remember their feelings for the twins; Acidicus on Flora, and Skalidor on Fauna.

Pythor doesn't mind them liking his sisters as more than friends. As he recalled, he likes to think of them as brothers. Plus, this is his sisters' choice of whom they want to be with. Who knows? They could end up as one big family…

Oh, almost forgot about what the Angelic Uniter told me!

"There's something else that you should all know," he said. "The Angelic One told me about it. Apparently, the curse on the humans can only be broken if I, the one who frees her brother, marry a human. And Pamela is that human."

"But why her exactly?" Fauna asked, not rude but confused.

"Is it because you got it bad for her when you first laid eyes on her?" Flora then teased him. Pythor just smirked at her sarcastically.

"Yes," he answered, "but it's also because Lloyd is the one who connects the two of us."

"Lloyd?" the Generals and the sisters asked in confused unison.

"When Lloyd freed me and we became 'friends'," he explained, "I felt a sort of brotherly bond with him. Almost like he's my responsibility as much as he is the ninja's responsibility. And almost like I want to call him my little brother.

"And then I learned about the brother-sister bond he now shares with Pamela. That's why the Angelic Uniter chose her to be my bride; Lloyd's the connection."

"So by marrying Pamela," Fangtom replied, "you will gain a little brother through the destined Green Ninja."

"Ooh, how I'd love to have a cutie like him for a baby brother!" Flora squealed like a fangirl.

"So how are we to help you win Pamela's heart and get her to marry you?" asked Fauna with a smile of delight.

"Well, truth be told," her brother answered, "I haven't thought it up yet. But I promise I'll think of something. In the meantime, we should get some sleep for tomorrow. I talked with a few of the Anacondrai, and they agreed to use their magic to help fix up the Slither Pit Arena. Since they have been dormant for so long, they'll want something to warm up on their spells."

"I agree that our powers could use a good wake-up workout," Boanya concurred. "I wonder if I can still do my self-weaving spells…"

"I could sure use a little brushing up on my herbal tea and medicines," added Flora.

"And I'm just dying to find out if I can still talk to animals," Fauna finished as she took Arctica into her arms and began massaging her soft throat.

"Then it's settled," Pythor replied. "We will start on reparations on the Slither Pit Arena first thing in the morning. I have already started on the plans on them so that we can still use it for future events and retrieve the treasures from underneath." He then took out one of the minera crystals he had plucked from the tomb this morning and showed it to them. "I still wish to study these crystals to see if they have any use besides moneywise."

"Understood, brother," Boanya replied before giving him a hug. "Good night; see you in the morning." She then turned to Skales as she was leaving the room. "Good night, Skales."

"G…Good night, Boanya," the Hypnobrai General replied with a blush on his face and a shy smile.

"I might as well turn in as well," Fangtom said. "Alura will be waiting for me. See you all tomorrow." Then he left to return to his wife as the twins gave Pythor a hug good night.

"Don't stay up too long," Flora said to him with a smile.

"Or we'll have to nurse you back to health," Fauna added. Pythor just laugh in reply before returning the hug. Before the twins left, they turned to Acidicus and Skalidor.

"Uh, Skalidor?" Flora asked. "Acidicus? Can we ask you a favor?" The two Generals blushed in reply.

"Uh, sure," Skalidor answered nervously.

"What do you need help with?" asked Acidicus.

"We were wondering if perhaps you could help us with our agendas tomorrow," Fauna answered. "We have a feeling that we're going to need some help, and well…you two seem like good candidates. It could give us the chance we need to catch up on old times."

"We…we love to," Skalidor answered happily. Acidicus nodded in agreement, liking the idea.

"Great," the twins said. "See you in the morning." Then the two of them left for bed. Acidicus and Skalidor then wished Pythor and Skales goodnight as well before leaving, but the Snake King and his second-in-command have a feeling those two will be too excited to sleep. Skales then turned to Pythor.

"Well, I should probably turn in as well. What we had was a tiresome day. Are you going to bed as well soon?"

"In a minute, Skales," Pythor answered. "I just need to think things through a little longer. Good night." With a nod and a goodnight to his king, Skales left the room to turn in for the night as well.

Now Pythor was alone in the Council Room. Just him and the two minera crystals. He then looked down at said crystals, his arms folded as he leaned them onto the table. He can tell that these crystals can be of great use besides money, but what else can they be used for?

A potion, perhaps? Then again, they would have to be in liquid form rather than solid, he thought to himself. Well, what about a weapon? I think they could be sharp enough to be the head of an arrow or a spear…but I probably would have to check how strong they are. He then yawned and covered his mouth before another theory could enter his mind. I guess I can't do much more thinking in a sleepy state. Might as well turn in; I'll think this all over tomorrow.

Gathering the two crystals into his arm and taking his Tribal Staff with the other hand, Pythor slithered out of the room and headed down the hall to his own bedroom. As he approached said door, he pause when he realized that he's standing between two doors across the hall from each other. Smiling to himself, he placed the minera crystals into his tail's grasp and quietly opened one door with his now free hand to look inside.

Vipera was still sleeping soundly in her bed, and Boanya was in the bed across from it. Pythor isn't surprised of course. As the eldest sister, she had always watched over Vipie and the twins and took care of them as if they were her own children. That's why she's staying in the bedroom with Vipera. Seeing that they are sleeping just fine, Pythor closed the door and check the other room just across the hall. Inside, the twins were in their own beds, sleeping peacefully as well. Satisfied with his findings, Pythor closed the door again and headed to his own room.

Just like his sisters' rooms, his room consist of: an oil lamp on a stone pedestal; a stone slab bed with its top sunk in a little and a bed sheet, pillow, and comforter; a bathing pool in the floor; and a large looking mirror made of a smooth polished crystal. What's different is that there is a stand against the wall to hold his Staff. Also, his bed sheet, pillow, and comforter are pale blue like his head and heart gem. His sisters' bed covers each have the same color as the owner's head and heart gem.

With another yawn, Pythor placed the minera crystals on the pedestal and his Staff in the stand. He then slithered up to the large open window with violet drapes overlooking the Slither Pit Arena and placed his hands on the windowsill before looking up at the full moon and bright stars. He then sighed heavily at the thoughts of what occurred today.

"To think," he said to himself. "The very deity we were loyal to turned out to be nothing but a tyrant."

"Curso wasn't always like that." Pythor's head shot up at the sound of his voice.

"Angelic One! How…How long were you there?"

"Just long enough to sense you come into your bedroom. I wish to check up on you and find out how you are fairing." Pythor smiled in reply before looking up at the moon again.

"I am doing alright," he answered. "But…what did you mean by 'Curso wasn't always like that'?"

"Some time after my brother was banished, Father told me that something happened to him when he and I were still babies. Some dark shadow came into our nursery one night and enveloped Curso. Father drove it away, but we didn't realize that we were too late to save him. Evil has consumed his heart."

Pythor then looked down in shame. That was why the Great Devourer was evil; some dark shadow infected his heart with darkness. Now knowing all of this, Pythor feels guilty about robbing his people's Angelic Uniter of her twin sibling.

"Please forgive me, Oh Angelic One," he said, tears stinging his eyes. "If I had known sooner, I—"

"There was nothing any of us could have done," she assured him. "We couldn't think of a way to help him except to destroy him."

"Still, I wish I could see him one last time…so that I may forgive him."

"I am certain he knows of your forgiveness," Blessa replied, a bit of happiness in her voice. Pythor smiled as well, feeling like a great weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. He then looked up at the moon again.

"I am just curious about something, though," he said. "Where did that shadow that consumed your brother come from?"

"No one knows for sure," she answered solemnly. "All we know is that it was of a great evil." Pythor sighed with closed eyes.

"I see."

"Get some rest now, Pythor of the Anacondrai," the Angelic Uniter said with a bit of happiness in her tone. "You have a busy day ahead of you." Pythor smiled in reply.

"Very well, Oh Angelic One. Good night."

"Sleep well, Snake King." Pythor then slithered up to his bed and climbed in. As he lifted the covers over him, he turned to the minera crystals on the pedestal by his lamp.

I wonder if perhaps these minera crystals could be of use to the ninja as well, he thought to himself. After what they, Lloyd, and his father has done for us, I know I owe them a great debt…if only I can help Lloyd defeat his father without actually destroying him. Feeling sleep taking him over, Pythor reluctantly closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber.

On an island about ten miles off the coast of the Ninjago shores, Blessa was watching the moon as well from the top of a lush mountain, a smile on each of her five faces. Pythor has forgiven her brother, setting his tortured soul free.

"So how are you feeling, brother?" she then asked, turning to the figure behind her. With the full moon's light, Blessa can see that it is her brother Curso, the Great Devourer. However, he is now different. His scales are now spring green instead of dark green, and his blood red eyes have become an amber gold. And he now has golden orange wings just like his sister's. He then looked at her with an overjoyed smile.

"I feel wonderful," he answered her. "The darkness from all those years ago has left me forever. Father had prophesized that the Snake King would free my tortured soul, and he did…by forgiving me for all I have done to him and his people." His smile then became a frown as he lowered his head. "I…I pray that you will forgive me too, Blessa. If I hadn't tried to eat Anacondrai, none of this would have happened." Blessa just hugged him in reply.

"You shouldn't blame yourself," she stated. "That darkness was controlling you."

"That wasn't just any darkness," Curso said. "It was…him." Blessa released her brother in shock.

"Are you certain?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered with a nod. "I felt his presence with the darkness inside of me." Blessa then turned to the dark horizon.

"Then he is still out there…"

"Yes…we cannot let him do to Ninjago what he has done to me. If only I can help…But how?" Blessa then thought of something.

"There just might be a way," she answered turning to her twin. "Do you remember Garmadon?"

"How could I forget?" Curso answered with a shudder from his wings. "He was one I bit after Father banished me, and he returned the favor by destroying me with the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu."

"Well, I overheard Pythor wishing to help him," Blessa explained. "According to the prophecy, the Green Ninja will defeat the Dark Lord."

"Garmadon's son Lloyd?"

"Yes, and Pythor wishes he could help Lloyd fulfill the prophecy without killing his father. This is just the opportunity you need to make up for past sins."

"Of course," Curso replied with realization. "A vision about it. And since he and the Generals have discovered the minera crystals, he could use those for it as well!" Blessa nodded and took his wings into hers.

"Afterwards," she added to him with a smile of faith, "let us watch over the descendants of our siblings…together." She then pressed her middle head into his. "It's so good to have you back, brother."

"It's good to be back, sister," he replied with a smile.