Hi my lovely readers, how have you been?

Did you see the new pics of Rob from the movie sets of 'Life'? Personally I thought he looked like 'Edward'. It made me miss Twilight : P

Well, that's probably the reason why we're still here to keep our favorite characters alive in some form or another, so without further ado…

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fanfiction using characters from the Twilight world, which is trademarked by Stephenie Meyer. I do not claim ownership of said characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Any and all mistakes are mine.

Chapter 9- Vegetarians

"Looks like you've been busy."

"I had to do something to keep my mind off things." She said shrugging.

"It looks really beautiful, Alice." She smiled real big at the compliment.

We were standing outside the house and it looked nothing like it did when I last saw it. Gone were the broken windows and peeling paint, instead the windows were covered with glass that could be moved easily. The lawn in front was manicured. There were delicate looking flowers of different colors planted within every foot of the garden. There was also a flower bed with mostly roses on the left hand side corner of the house just below the bay window. It looked absolutely amazing. The trees had been groomed and looked liked they belonged there. I also noticed a delicate creeper hugging a huge trunk of an oak tree on the right. The place looked as if it had been cut off right from a story book.

"Wait till you see the inside." Alice replied enthusiastically and started pulling towards the door.

The inside was just as gorgeous as the outside. The living room had been furnished in shades of white and dark brown. The white being the walls and the brown consisting of the dark wood furniture. The huge room beyond the living area that had once been the dining hall had been converted into a library with my piano right in the middle across from the fire place. It was perfect.

I knew Alice would outdo herself like always. I was more amazed at the fact that she had accomplished all of this all by herself in just over two days even given the fact that we were Vampires and I had yet to see the rest of the rooms. I really had to give her some credit.

"Wow, Alice, this is just amazing. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you out with this. But I promise I'll make it up to you somehow."

"Hush, Edward this was nothing, you know I love decorating, and I really had to find something else to occupy my mind instead of dwelling on the future."

"And that's my fault entirely." I sighed, "I'm so sor–"

"Shut up and listen to me, Edward. It's not your fault okay? And I'm not going to repeat myself, though I'm sure you will make me like a damn broken record!"

I looked at her with eyes wide open.

"I had a lot on my mind. It was not just about you running away, though I was worried about that, I knew you would come back as soon as you had calmed down. It was more about what Bella had said and what I had already been seeing about The Cullens."

"The Cullens?"

"The gold eyed Vampires from my visions."

"What does Bella have anything to do with The Cullens?"

"Almost everything. I think."

"Alright Alice, I really don't have time for any riddles right now, just tell me what is going on?"

"I think I'll just show you."

Then I saw exactly what had happened when I had to run out two days ago.

Bella was standing on the top of the stairs just as terrified as I had left her.

That made me feel guilty, I put that on her face. I made her feel scared.

Alice moved towards Bella with her arms out trying to calm her.

"Bella, its okay I promise. I won't hurt you."

But Bella took a step back and slipped on the floor and whimpered. She was hurt!

I don't why but I had the same urge to help her that I had when trying to save her from those men in the ally. But it was just as futile as that ally as I could not get into Alice's head to get her or pull her out into my arms– where did that come from?

Shaking my head I tried to concentrate on Alice's thoughts.

Alice jumped towards Bella to try and help her but Bella screamed bloody murder stopping Alice in her tracks.

"Please don't hurt me. Please, please!"

"I won't hurt you Bella, I swear!"

"B-But y-you have red eyes. H-how c-can I trust you." She said, her voice breaking in places.

"Red eyes?" Alice asked in a stunned voice which made the question appear as a statement.

"Your e-eyes are r-red, so must hunt humans!"

Alice blinked, stunned.

"You know who we are?'

"Yes?" Bella whispered sheepishly trying to look around. She had stopped crying now, but her eyes were still wet and swollen red.

I felt that sudden urge again.

Alice kept on staring, more stunned and a little confused.

"I didn't realize at first when I woke up because I didn't know where I was but when he- um- Ed-" She seemed to swallow a little and continued, "Edward, started growling, I- I realized what you were."

I was shameful for my behavior but in the next second I felt a weird kind of thrill go through me as I heard her say my name. I couldn't understand it.

"What are we?" Alice asked in monotone. She wanted Bella to be specific for Alice could not believe what she was hearing.

And me for that matter.

"Vampires." She whispered.

Alice kept on staring which made Bella fidget nervously.

I was getting really annoyed at Alice for making Bella nervous. It was obvious she was scared. But then I realized I was being a hypocrite.

"How did you find out?" Alice asked.

"Um… I- I just know." Bella replied, trying to stare at anything but Alice. It was obvious she didn't want Alice to find out.

"The red eyes don't specifically tell we are Vampires, Bella. You know more than you are letting on."

"I just know." Bella said rather stubbornly.

I fought an urge to laugh. Bella standing up to Alice, it would have been really funny if it wasn't serious.

"Bella–" Alice sighed. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you. We don't hunt innocents."

"But you still hunt humans." Bella stated.

"Yes, and that's because we didn't know there was an alternative until you. So tell me Bella, what other thing can a Vampire hunt other than humans. " Alice asked Bella in a rather sarcastic way.

"Animals. You could hunt animals instead." Bella stated.

And that's when Alice remembered a few of her visions about the yellow eyed vampires.

"Yellow eyes…" Alice whispered to herself.

"What?" Bella asked.

"That's why they have Golden-yellow eyes!"

Huh, that explains it.

"You know The Cullens?" Bella asked surprised.

"The Cullens?" Alice asked.

"Yes, The Cullens are the only Vampire family that has known to have an alternative hunting style. They call themselves vegetarians." She said with a smile.

So that's how she knew we were Vampires.

Thank you for reading!

Please leave me a review 'coz reviews are like chocolate cake with Edward on top.

You can find me on Twitter- sanutaz

If you have any question about Moonward and his Bella PM me. I'll always answer or better yet leave me a review; I always answer those without fail.

If you want teasers you'll find them on facebook (link on my profile)

