The Lament of the Lamia

Part Two

Disclaimer: Rachel Caine owns everything but the plot and setting. Enjoy and please R&R :)

"When will you learn, you foolish girl?" Myrnin snapped at Ada, as he leaned against the stone wall with his legs crossed at the ankles, his arms folded across his chest.

"I don't know what you mean,"

"Amelie wants you dead and you bring attention to yourself. She needs no more reason to stop your heart." Myrnin tried to ignore the smell of death – almost decay – that seemed to cling to her skin.

Her eyes widened and he knew he had said the wrong thing. "Like yours?"

"I beg your Pardon?"

"Your heart. It's still, isn't it?"

He tried to laugh but the sound was choked. "Don't be absurd, my dear. You are cleverr enough to know that with a still heart comes immediate death."

"Not when you're one of the Lamia," her eyes narrowed, daring him to object. Myrnin recalled that the word Lamia was Latin for Vampire.

"That's the stuff of myth and legend, my dear girl." His voice was patronizing on the surface but underneath ran a current of pure panic, like blood gushing through the veins. But she wasn't wrong. His heart hadn't beaten in almost a thousand years and his veins had long since dried up - like thirsty vines in the afternoon sun.

Ava was silent before stating, "You're lying. I know about you. Of what you are. Of what Amelie is. I've seen it. You have been on this earth for more than a thousand years. Sunlight burns your kind, blood sustains them. Silver weakens you, and wooden stakes destroy you. I know, Myrnin."

"I'd advise you to hush now."

"I'm not going to expose you." She revealed, surprising him. "Even I know that exposure means war between humans and vampires and I don't believe I want that blood on my hands."

He raked his nails across his face in exasperation. "Then what do you want? Gold? Jewels?"

She waited until he met her gaze and then replied with a confident tilt to her head, "I want you to change me."

Myrnin almost lost his balance and if not for the wall beside him he was sure he would have fallen down. "I'm sorry, what?"

"We both know I'm dying and I won't last much longer in this fragile body. Changing me would heal me and give the means I need to gain the knowledge I crave so much."

She knew. Myrnin had no idea how she could possibly but she did. She knew she was dying and she was asking for immortality. Myrnin closed his eyes and fought the urge to grab her around her slender waist and run with her. To get her away from here. Away from Amelie. He needed to protect her. From Everyone. But he was a danger to her – like he was to everyone. He'd learned to control his blood lust many centuries ago but the temptation was still there - a constant reminder that he would never be human again. That he would never feel the warm of the sun, never taste the richness of a fine wine. He would never be able to take a wife or have a family. He would never have normal. Because he would always be this. Unchanging. Frozen. Never moving forward. He would never wish that upon anyone.

He took a moment to collect his emotions before he answered. "Are you sure you know what you're asking, Ada?" It was the first time he had called her by her name. It surprised him.


He pursed his lips, clutching at any reason to deny her – to find a way out of the guilt that would consume him for eternity if he acted out her wishes. Eternity was a very long time. "Amelie will not like this," he finally uttered.

"Tell me," she challenged with a cocked eyebrow, "do you always do as Amelie says?"

"No. Only when she is right."

"And is she right now?"

"Perhaps. Regardless, I will not change you. Even if you are dying. Your death makes no difference to me."

"Again, you lie. You say you keep me alive for my mind but I know that is not true." She met his gaze. "You love me."

Myrnin became very still. "Don't be ridiculous."

"You don't know yourself, but I do. You love me. A mere human."

"Dear," Myrnin remarked, "you think entirely too much of yourself if you believe that."

She shrugged. "Perhaps. But I also know when I'm right."

Myrnin let his fangs snap down and felt his eyes flare red. "Watch what you say, my dear. You do shine so brightly, you know. I believe your blood would bring me great pleasure. Yes, I'm sure of it."

"You don't scare me," she retorted. She wasn't lying. Her heartbeat was steady.

He regarded her for a moment then retracted his fangs. Myrnin was a selfish man. He had been alone for so many years, wandering from place to place, watching humanity change before his eyes whilst he remained the ultimate outsider. He hated what he was – what had been forced upon him. He was a monster, a murdering beast and he detested the vampire who had turned him a thousand years ago. But somewhere underneath all that hatred and self-loathing he felt his humanity stir. And suddenly he wanted this. He wanted her. He didn't beliAva he could handle the loneliness any longer. He needed this. She was asking – almost begging him for immortality. She was dying – she needed to change to live. He was doing this for her, not himself. He was saving her life. He just had to keep telling himself that for the rest of eternity and then maybe the guilt wouldn't destroy him.

He drew in a deep breath that he didn't need and announced, "All right. I'll change you. Just don't complain to me when the hunger takes hold and you rip your family to pieces."

Ada nodded once. Her eyes were wide and glassy.

Myrnin approached her cautiously, like one might approach a frightened animal and stood in front of her. Slowly he brushed red curls from her slender neck, exposing her throat. Ada's eyes closed and her lips parted. Myrnin allowed his fangs to slide down. He leaned forward, angling himself over her jugular. Ada swallowed. He gently pressed his teeth to her neck, denting, but not quite piercing the fragile skin. He pushed aside his guilt and let the monster in him take hold. His fangs bit into her throat...

Then there was pain. Pain everywhere. He was burning from the inside-out. He pulled away from Ada and fell to his knees in front of her. Myrnin watched as she pulled a wooden stake from his own chest and let it clatter to the floor. Blood stained the front of his waistcoat. He gasped for breath he thought he no longer needed and questioned Ada with his eyes.

She stepped back from him. Her chin was high and her expression was hard, unreadable. "That was for my sister, Clarissa."

"Your sister?" Myrnin wheezed. He couldn't think beyond the pain.

"The girl I watched you kill earlier. As she died in my arms I promised her that I would destroy you and that's exactly what I intend to do."

Before Myrnin could reply Ada was there again, stake in hand and then the pain intensified. He couldn't fight back, couldn't even run. He was consumed by it. Until – finally – Ada twisted her delicate wrist and he felt the sharp wood pierce his heart. As he left the world he had been roaming for a thousand years Myrnin realized that Ada hadn't loved him at all. He was almost glad to be leaving this world behind. He should have died a long time ago. He'd cheated Death. Now Death had come to collect. He felt a sudden peacefulness wash over him. He closed his eyes and succumbed to the darkness tugging at his mind.

And then there was nothing.

So there you are. R&R please. Thanks! :)