I have traveled for a long time...I feel immensely old. And others seen to agree upon seeing my face. They are afraid, so afraid of touching and accidentally breaking my ancient body that it is hilarious to see their disgusting faces frowning when they realize that I am not breakable! Yes. Disgusting. The whole world is disgusting for me. Minecraftia is a terrible realm, full of the stench of rotting bodies and filthy creatures.

I once saw a delicate child screaming for help even without voice. It's broken body was disgusting.

I once saw a mother weeping for her lost child, unable to accept her loss. Her hope was disgusting.

I once saw a man talking about better times and happy places. His words were disgusting.

I once saw an enderman fighting the invisible creatures bearing terrible pain. Its mind was disgusting.

I once saw a dog whispering things to people while carrying a wide smile. Its orders were disgusting.

I once saw a person just as old as me but way younger carrying a sword and yelling nonsense at the air. Its existence was disgusting.

I once saw a Spider Jokey made like a couple of humans laughing and smiling. Their bond was disgusting.

I once saw my reflection on a mirror...And it was DISGUSTING.

I see what every single thing has inside...Not their feeling, not their souls. What is really inside, not abstract things. Their anatomy is never a mystery for me. The child emptied slowly, filled with white and water was too much for my eyes. The man talking about happiness was a mess inside, a mess of fused things, blackened bones and scarred parts. The pain of when that happened made me scared. The enderman was being TORN APART piece per piece by things that did not exist. The possibility was terrifying. And when I saw me...The old things that were dying, the fragility of each thing made me wonder...Why am I even here?

Walking in these lands is not beautiful, so why do I still care? Why do I still wander without destiny? I could die. But I don´t. WHY? I see no answer for my questions...So I seek for them.

I once met a king. He asked me for advice, he said that wanderers were rare, but valuable. He asked me for advice again and said that he could pay me for information. What I told him?

"Information I have? The world is sickening. Nauseating. My advice? Kill yourself before it kills you."

He was angry, of course. I ran from his castle before he told someone to kill me. Why did I run, anyway? I need my own answers before I can give them to someone else... I need to know...WHY am I not gone yet? Do they need me for something? Am I destined for something bigger? To make this land beautiful?

Everything makes me want to throw up. When I see these creepers, the way they are made looks painful. I cannot look. When I see a zombie, rotting inside, I can´t stand and run away. When I see a human, their familiar ways make me remember of myself and I close my eyes. When I see ANYTHING I want to disappear just so I can stop seeing it!

There is only one thing that makes everything look supportable... The Immortal one and her realm.

The Void is the nothingness. And when I look at the Immortal Child...I see nothing too. Just a big heart with light glow... I feel at peace while dead, just before respawning again to see the sick place I live in.
Everything is disgusting...Everything...Everything... I cannot let it be away yet, thought. There must be someone to tell people how dirty this place is. There must be someone wandering around to whisper of sickness, nausea, infection, disease. The world is not good. The world has no dreams. The world is the world.

I hate to be alive. But I must make sure everyone hates it too. Just so they can give me my answers.

Just so they can realize that they too are DISGUSTING.