The forest was deathly silent around me as I ran. Running in no specific direction just motivated by the hope that I could get as far away from those animals that were pursuing me as possible. The thick silence was broken by their breathes, and rhythmic sound of heavy hooves chasing after me hitting against the ground, crunching the leaves under foot. They were getting faster and faster, closer and closer.

"There's no use trying to out run us!" A scratchy voice mocked from behind me, Durin do I hate Bandits!

I could feel my heartbeat in my ears, booming as I struggled for breath. My chest felt hot as I pushed myself harder, moving faster. I dodged expertly between the trees and stumps, jumping and climbing, trying to manoeuvre through the trickiest route possible, making it harder for the horses following me. I mentally cursed myself for using my last few arrows on the boar I'd attempted to hunt. Making my bow completely useless against these Men, that is unless they get closer enough for me to hit them with it.

"Give in!" Another voice shouted.

The sounds were closer still, they were catching up. Part of me wanted to give in, just so I could stop running, I sprained my ankle and I already had a stitch in my side. But I needed to get away, desperately. I didn't mean to be there, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I looked back over my shoulder at just the wrong time. The Men and their horses were only a few paces away, but I tripped. I tripped on a bloody tree stump. Falling face first onto the thick, wet moss covered ground, I quickly tried to crawl away, anywhere as long as it was away from my followers.

I heard the heavy breathing, the pants of the horses before I saw them. Reigned to a stop around me, the 5 of them closing me in. I stood up and brushed the dirt and leaves off of my dress.

'Don't show them you're afraid, Eska.'

I clenched my hands into fists and looked directed at the one who seemed to be in charge. Staring at him defiantly. His face was hideous, he looked like it had been stapled together clearly a nasty wound had been afflicted upon him. His lips cracking further than they should as he smirked at me, taking raspy breathes as he neared.

The two behind me jumped off of their horses and stood on my flanks, so close I could feel their arms brushing against my shoulders. The other two stayed put, sat in their saddles just in case I made for an escape. The one that I did my best to stare at jumped down and strode towards me.

"Now what do we have here?" His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"I think you'll find I'm a who, not a what." I was quietly proud of how strong my voice came out. One of the men sniggered.

"It looks like a halfling." One snarled, looking at me in a way that made my skin crawl.

"I think you'll find halfling's don't tend to roam these woods." I said casually, trying not to show my fear in front of this group of men, half nearing double my height. Although I couldn't deny the cold sweat that was taking over my body.

"It's not wise to talk back in a situation like this." The one stood next to me spluttered, nudging my shoulder hard.

"She's a dwarf!" Another chipped in.

"What are you doing out here?" The one in front, who seemed to be the only one capable of using any of his brain asked.

"Travelling." I stated.

"Alone? Thats not wise, I hear Bandits hold these woods." That earned even more sniggers from the men. "Where are the others?"

"Others?" I questioned. Was I not meant to be on my own? Well, I knew I wasn't, but I'd left all my companions in Bree, a week away at least. "Why do you assume I travel in company?"

"No one let's a women travel alone. Of course there are others." He scoffed.

"Well not today." I sighed, cursing myself mentally for ever leaving the town on my own.

"Don't play a fool!" The man snarled angrily. I heard swords being drawn by the men around me, but I stood my ground, not without weak knees and sweating palms though. Pulling the small sword I carried on my belt seemed like a ridiculous idea at this moment, one Dwarf against five fully grown men was a death wish.

"I assure you I am not!" My shouts were sounding more like pleas now. The man in front stepped forward and lowered his face to mine.

"Lying will get you no where, Dwarf." He spat out the last word as if it were poison.

"I'm not lying." I sighed, they're not going to believe me whatever I say.

He reached behind his back and my heart started pounding. I heard the 'cling' of metal as he revealed a short curved blade with a rugged, rusty edge. He smiled cruelly and the others attempted laughs as I tried to step away from him, only to back myself against the two behind me who were sniggering at my fear.

"I know exactly how to make little Dwarves cry."

He threatened, reaching out and taking my left arm. I bit back my cry of horror as his hands latched onto mine. He slowly lowered the blade to my wrist, showing were he was going to cut it.

"Tell me where they are!" He demanded, his murky grey eyes staring into mine as I squirmed.

"I promise you there are no others!"

"Not so confident now, are you?" He mocked, raising the knife and slashing across my cheek. I cried out in shock and slapped my free hand to my cheek. It wasn't an awfully deep cut but it stung and I could feel the hot blood against my fingers. All the men burst out into terrifying laughter. Suddenly the Lead man stepped back. "Turon, take her with you. I'm sure she'll come to good use along our travels."

If I thought I was scared before, I was wrong. I knew I could fight, and very well for a women, but I had no chance of getting out of this with my life. I panicked even more when the man to my left grabbed my arms and started dragging me towards his horse. I couldn't form words of argument or defence I just went numb I stopped kicking or trying to wriggle free of his hold I just let him drag me. I wouldn't show my fear to these monsters. The hands around my arms tightened as I was literally thrown onto the Horses back, followed closely by the man that dragged me there.

"Hold tight." He laughed evilly as he readied to leave. I looked up into his cold cruel eyes and glared. Then his eyes went wide with shock, I panicked a little as he started breathing heavily, gasping before clawing at his own back.

"Garen!" He shouted hoarsely before falling to the left off the horse, landing on the ground with a thud. Thats when I saw the arrow lodged in his back. The leader was already alerted to the sudden attack and had his sword drawn just as another arrow flew from the trees, flying straight into the chest of another man to my right. I looked back at Garen, the leader, his eyes wild with panic.

"Leave the girl and go!" A voice echoed from within the trees.

It took a few moments for Garen to register as he started walking his horse back.

"Ferrin, Dera. Come. She's not worth the bother." He clearly tried to sound as though he truly weren't bothered, but the fear in his eyes showed him for what he was. A coward. I watched as the last three men retreated in the opposite direction than that of where the arrows had been launched, when they believed they were far enough away, each turned their horses and hurried out of the forrest, disappearing into the darkness.

Then everything was silent for a moment, while I sat still on the horse, who hadn't seemed bothered by any of the commotion, I couldn't move for fear as I sat staring at the lifeless body of the man who not 10 minutes ago was laughing at my misfortune.

A sudden rustle amongst the trees snapped me from my trance. This time I drew my sword and slid off the horse, backing away from the sound.

"Don't be afraid." A soft voice came before the figure of a man emerged from the treelike.

I didn't reply as he drew nearer, followed by another figure, built similarly to the first. Both put away their weapons away to show they were no threat.

"Please, we mean you no harm." A second voice said, it calmed me a little. In no way did they sound as though he did mean harm, but I wasn't going to trust them just by their voices.

"Who are you?" I asked, again surprised at the strength in my voice.

"I am Kili, and this is my brother Fili. We are dwarves of the blue mountain. We mean well." He stepped closer again, I could now see that they are infect dwarves, not much taller than me. "Please, drop your sword."

Instinctively I trusted them, even as they stepped out from the trees I knew they weren't a threat, not to me at least. I took a breath and put my sword back through my belt. With that, the dwarves stepped closer to me.

"Thank you." From here I could vaguely see his face from the light of the moon. He smiled a little. "What is your name?"

I hesitated, should I tell them my name? What harm could come of telling them that?

"Eska." I answered in the calmest voice I could muster. My heart was still beating a mile a minute.

"Well, Lady Eska, we heard that you're travelling alone?"

"Yes I lost my companions in Bree."

"You've travelled alone since Bree?" The darker haired dwarf, Kili, asked. I nodded. "But that's at least a week away."

"I know now that it was foolish."

"We cannot allow you to travel any further unaccompanied." I noticed the other, Fili look at his brother quickly.

"No, no-"

"Kili's right." The lighter haired dwarf interrupted. "We couldn't allow ourselves to leave you here."

I looked between the two. Travelling with them couldn't be any worse than travelling alone.

"Ok." I stepped closer. "Thank you."

"It's no trouble, honestly, Lady Eska."

"Please, don't call me Lady. I prefer just Eska." I allowed myself to smile.

"Well just Eska, please come with us." Kili smirked as he turned and started walking, I caught up and walked next to the light haired brother.

"He thinks he's funny." He whispered, making me smile. After they relieved the two horses that the Bandits had left, of the bags and saddles, letting the horses run off, free again. We walked through the woods in a comfortable silence for a while, which allowed me to calm down.

"Oh, we should probably warn you about the others in our company." Kili said, out of the blue.

"Oh yes." Fili laughed.


"Yes, you see we're on…a quest of sorts, which means we're travelling in a large number, 15 to be exact."

"Although, our Wizard friend walked off in a foul mood some hours ago." Fili added.

"We're certain he'll be back soon though."

"Wizard?" I've never met a Wizard before!

"Yes, Gandalf the grey."

"Wow." I said under my breath.

"Then there's Bilbo, our little Hobbit friend." Fili said, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Durin! Is their any breed or race that you aren't travelling with?" I asked a little shocked at the mix of people I was about to meet. Both the brothers laughed.

"Don't worry, the rest of us are all dwarves." Kili reassured with a smile I could barely see in the darkness of the trees.

"What sort of quest requires so many? And of such different ways of life?"

With that question both went silent for a moment.

"Well, we're not allowed to tell anyone, I'm truly sorry about that. But I'm sure someone will let it slip sooner or later." Fili answered, sounding genuinely sorry for not letting me know what I was joining. This only made me more curious. It must be something big.