A/N- So, uh, hi? I'm so incredibly sorry but I had a lot of health issues, along with end of the year exams and everything just kind of piled on top of each other and the story was frustrating me and I just had to stop writing for a bit. If it makes you feel any better, I feel like a complete and total ass. I promise to update more frequently this summer. I do have to have surgery on my hand at some point this summer but we'll cross that road when we come to it. I should still be able to type. As always, let me know if there is a specific scene/headcanon you would like to see in this story.

Dean yelped, although he would never admit it, as he was tugged out from underneath the Impala.

"What the hell-" Dean laughed as Cas dropped down to straddle his waist, bringing their lips together.


"Hi to you too." Dean grinned and tugged him back to his mouth, tangling his right hand in Cas' hair and his left pressing their hips together. "You alright?"

"I suppose," Cas sighed and rested their foreheads together. "My brothers are just being difficult." He smiled at him before hopping up and pulling Dean along with him.

"You wanna get something to eat?"

"Is that the only thing you think about?"

"Well…not the only thing," Dean smirked at him and slapped his ass before throwing his wrench in the toolbox and walking towards the car.

"You really are incorrigible,"

"Y'know, Sam says that word all the time but I've never really known what it meant." Dean shrugged as they climbed into the car. Cas only had to look at him like he had grown two heads for about three seconds before Dean burst out laughing and started the car.

"You were joking, that was a joke, right? Please tell me you're not a 17-year-old who doesn't know the word 'incorrigible'."

"Why? Will you have to stop letting me suck your dick if I don't?" Cas' cheeks flushed instantly and Dean just smirked before running a hand through the other boy's hair. "I was kidding, Cas, I know what it means."

"Good, because I would really hate for you to have to stop sucking mine before I got to suck yours." Dean choked on air and the car swerved in the road before he pulled over on the side of the road and pulling up the emergency break so they didn't get killed.

"I thought I was the sassy one!" Dean laughed after he got his breath back. Cas' cheeks flushed again and he shrugged, biting his lip. "I wish you would stop doing that," Dean groaned, "I get so cramped up when we make out in the car." Then their lips were attached and Dean's tongue was pushing into Cas' mouth, tasting as much of Cas as he could. Cas' hands automatically tangled in Dean's short hair and pulled him in tighter. Dean moaned and pressed his mouth even tighter, as if he was trying to physically make them become the same person. Dean's left hand found its way to Cas' pants and as soon as his fingers slipped below the waist band Cas groaned and bucked up before shoving Dean up against the driver's side. Dean let out a breathless laugh into Cas' mouth and slotted their hips together again so they fit perfectly.


"Hmm, shut up." He licked his way down Dean's throat and bit gently on the other boy's collarbone.

"No, Cas, are we…are we moving?" Dean moved his head around, thoroughly confused as the car started picking up speed and veering towards the trees. "Shit! Move!" Cas practically flung himself to the opposite side of the car as Dean situated himself and slammed on the break, almost causing both of them to bash their heads into the dashboard. "What the he-" Dean suddenly burst out laughing. "You kicked the emergency break, Cas."

"What? No I didn't!"

"You're the one who pounced on me; you totally kicked the break off!" Dean looked like he was close to tears with how hard he was laughing and Cas couldn't help but join him. "I'm so fuckable you almost killed us."

"You're the one who stuck your hand down my pants!"

"Yeah, well, I didn't expect you to react like a damn virgin."

"I did not, I just got excited."

"Like I said, virgin." He chuckled again before dragging Cas over and kissing him again. "Don't worry, I like it."

"I'm not a virgin." Cas grumbled as Dean started the car up again and pulled back onto the road.

"Sure Chachi, let's get something to eat."

"I don't look like Chachi!"

"Yeah, well, I don't look like Fonzi."

"So you're going to a dance." John was staring at his son while slowly chewing his food.


"And you don't have a date. You are willingly going to a school dance without a girl." Dean huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, my friend wanted me to go."


"Yeah, uh, Sam and I have gone to a couple football games with him, Cas. I think I mentioned him before." Dean had, in fact, not mentioned him before but he wasn't about to get into the whole 'imkindasortagoingwithaguywhoireallywannafucksohar dhecantrememberhisownname' discussion right now. John nodded slowly and took a drink.

"Okay then, just don't stay out too late and make sure you take a gun and some salt in the car with you."

"Yessir, always do." Dean smiled at his dad and clapped him on his good shoulder before bounding up the stairs to throw on his clothes.

"Does this look okay, Sammy?" Dean had thrown on a pair of black jeans and a white button up he had scrounged up enough money to buy from Macy's; the thought of ever entering that store again made him want to shoot himself but it was for Cas.

"You look fine, stop being such a girl." Sam rolled his eyes and continued reading his book.

"Oops," Dean casually smacked him upside the head as he threw on his leather jacket before walking out to the car.


"Bitch!" He wasn't sure if Sam could even hear him anymore but that was their "I love you"s, and responding was obligatory. He hopped in the Impala, which was finally fixed, and ran his hands over the dash for a few minutes before starting her up and grinning. "Let's go pick Cas up and show him how nice you ride, baby."

They never did make it to the dance. Dean was too excited about Cas having his first ride in the Impala and Cas, laughing for the most of the way, indulged him. He directed Dean to a lake just outside of town where they parked the car and sat on the hood staring at the stars.

"You're not mad we didn't go to the dance, right?"

"Of course not, I'd rather spend time alone with you then hang out around a bunch of our obnoxious classmates." Dean let out a laugh and grinned at Cas.

"That's a good thing I guess."

"Hmm probably, but Dean? It's kind of freezing outside." So they moved back into the car and instead of turning the heating on, Dean pushed Cas so he was lying flat on his back and locked their lips together once again. His fingers trailed down Cas' dress shirt as he flicked the buttons open, following each new splotch of exposed skin with his tongue and teeth.

"Dean, fuck," Cas wound his hands through the short hair on Dean's head as the button on his pants was popped and along with his underwear, they were dragged down to his ankles. Dean kissed back up his legs before slowly licking up the underside of his cock, moaning when Cas tugged on his hair sharply before swallowing half of him in one go. "FUCK!" Dean hummed as he continued to pull up, then back down, swirling his tongue around the head. "Oh fuckfuckfuck, come here, I swear to God, you make me act like a virgin, I'm really not; but if you don't stop I'm going to come right now and I really, really don't want to yet." Dean tipped his tongue into the slit at the top of Cas' cock once more before pulling off and going straight for his mouth, tugging his own clothes off.

Without any warning Cas wrapped his hand around Dean who was so hard it hurt in the best way possible, and used the precome leaking out to slick his way up and down. Dean moaned into his mouth and gripped his ass tightly, forever trying to push their bodies closer together.

"Wanna taste you," Cas panted, "wanna taste you like you tasted me, please Dean, please."

"Fucking Christ you're going to be the death of me, Cas." Dean maneuvered them so they were in the opposite positions and watched Cas grin as he snaked his way down Dean's body before licking his balls and enveloping the head of his cock between his lips. "Jesus Christ, you're not the only one who feels like a virgin right now." Cas hummed out a laugh as he moved down Dean's cock, and more precome shot against his tongue.

"Ok, shit, no," Dean tried to pull Cas off after five minutes but the other boy wouldn't budge. "Cas, I'm gonna come, come on," Cas just sucked him down deeper, rutting again the seat as Dean shot down his throat with a yell and Cas spilled against the seat. "Fucking hell, Cas." Dean let out a laugh that was cut short when he noticed someone moving by the trees. "Cas, get up, I need to drive." The figure was moving closer and Dean ended up almost shoving Cas off him as he threw the key in and backed up just as it started running towards them, screaming.

"Shitshit, why is my gun in the trunk, SHIT."

"Gun? Why do you have a gun? Dean, what the hell is that?" Cas finally looked freaked out and was making himself as small as possible in his corner of the Impala. Dean finally reached the road and booked it, occasionally glancing in the rearview mirror to make sure they weren't being followed.

"Dean, what is going on?" Dean sighed, rubbing his one hand down his face before realizing they were both still practically naked and headed straight into town.

"Pull your clothes on quick; we don't need to get arrested."

A/N- I know I only wrote two real scenes in this but I wanted to get something out for you guys, the next chapter will have more development.