Chapter one

All it took was one well-placed bullet, and then the youngest Winchester collapsed to the ground in a sprouting out over his white tshirt, from where he was standing on the rooftop it looked like a direct hit to the boys heart. He wished he didn't have to take out a child but in light of the circumstances he'd had no choice. In all honesty he would have thought that someone like the Winchesters would have known he was coming after all, it wasn't like nobody was going to find out who what the youngest was, or would be when he was older anyways. Even as he was taking his rifle apart he watched as Dean and John Winchester scrambled to help their youngest. Even then the man grinning knowing there wouldn't be much that could be done for Sam. for a moment his conscious bothered him after all Sam was still just a kid and he had pretty much just shot him in cold blood. But if the future was like anything he had been shown then he'd had no choice but to shoot him, he couldn't let THAT future happen. Sighing, and silently congratulating himself on a job well done, he stood and shouldered his rifle and before anyone could even think to look up at him, disappeared off of the rooftop that overlooked the street. He hoped even as he ran that John Winchester would never find out who exactly it was that had shot Sam because he had the feeling he would the one with bullet in his heart.


Dean Winchester stepped out of the diner and onto the busy street; he turned and waited for his brother and father to come out.

"Come on Sam" John called as he walked out the door half turned so that he was looking back at Sam, who was still talking to the pretty girl he had met on the hunt. John was glad that Sam was making friends but at the moment they needed to get back on the road. John didn't know why but he kept getting the feeling that he needed to get Sam out of there, he had the feeling that his youngest was in some kind of danger, and it was starting to make him more than a little irritable because he didn't know what other danger was lurking around the corner.

"I'll be there in a second" Sam said before turning back to the young blonde.

"I guess I'd better go before my dad has a fit" Sam said after he had finished programing her phone number into his phone, even though he knew the odds of him actually calling her would be slim.

"Thanks again for saving my butt" she said smiling, even as a small blush crept up on Sam's cheeks. "I know you don't want people knowing what you do because they will think you are crazy, I don't not, anymore" she said "I'm grateful that you guys are out there saving the world even if the world doesn't know it."

"I don't care if the world knows or not" Sam said shrugging "I care about the people that are being hurt by these creatures that they don't even know exist".

"I hope I see you again but under different circumstances" she said softly as Sam was turning towards the door.

"If you see me again it's probably not a good thing" he said chuckling as he ignored his father's irritated huff. He knew John wanted to get back on the road again but he wanted to say goodbye to Sophie before they hit the road again.

"Stay safe" she said reaching out and giving Sam a quick hug, Sam returned the hug gently.

"I'll try my best" Sam said laughing as he turned and followed his father out the door. Sam was right behind his father and barely out on the street when he felt something slam into him so hard it took his breath away, and when he glanced down he saw that his shirt was turning a bright red, confused Sam dropped to his knees hitting the ground hard. The pain hit him hard he wasn't sure what had happened one minute he was okay and now he was falling forward onto his hands, in the background he thought he heard someone screaming and then he felt rough hands turning him over and gently laying him on his back. He looked up and it was into his brother's worried eyes. Sam opened his mouth to ask what had happened but he felt the urge to cough and there was a sudden stickiness in the back of his throat, and he gave a harsh cough to clear it, unaware that he had just covered his brother's shirt in blood.

"Sam, stay with me" Dean yelled as he tried to apply pressure to the gunshot in his brother's chest. Terror filled him as he watched Sam's eyes drift close, and Dean found himself shaking him hard.

"Sam stay with us, you're going to be just fine" Dean said pressing down harder on the wound. Beside him John was barking orders into his cell phone; he had called for help as soon as he'd seen the redness spreading across Sam's shirt. Assured that the ambulance would be there within a few minutes, John slammed his phone shut then kneeled down beside Sam. John watched as Sam struggled to stay awake and to breath and he prayed that the ambulance would make it in time, but as the seconds ticked by John and Dean both watched as Sam grew paler and paler.

"Come on Sam" Dean pleaded softly "don't you dare die on me, it's not allowed didn't you know that?" Dean could feel the tears start to choke him and he struggled not to lose his composure Sam needed him to be strong right now. "You can't do this to me, I can't hunt without my trusty geeky sidekick, who the hell's going to be reading the books to find whatever Latin translation we need" Dean begged softly "You know I hate reading, so you got to stay with me, I can't do this without you." Sam looked up at Dean, sadness clearly in eyes, he wanted to fight for his brother and father but right now he was feeling sleepy, and cold and if he just rested for just a minute he would be alright. Sam's eyes slid shut and this time no amount of shaking from Dean got him to return to consciousness.


The whole time I'm writing this my lights keep flickering, (and irritating the living hell out of me) guess that's reality telling me it's time to call it a night. Hope you liked it thanks for reading and reviewing.