Hey guys, I'm back! It has been a long time since I write anything Percy-related. My school will have a week off for break, and I take this chance to write at least two chapters. And here's the first one! :D
Btw, you will see some... weirdnest close at the end of this chapter. Not that I purposely put it there, I'm just tired after sitting for 5 hours writing.
Editted: If you guys are reading this line, it means the last few chapters are modified to make more sense. It's just some changes in details, nothing much important.
Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HoO. Susan and some other characters are mine though :)
Susan's POV
Really, another test?, I thought.
So it's Friday again, and Mr. Thomas decided to give the weekly test, as he said, "To make sure we understand the notes and to reinforce the lessons we learned." Well, for me it's more like he want us to get bore of music or something.
To introduce myself, my name is Susan Allen, a Apollo demigod and also a 7th grader at BAG. Alright, that should do the job of introduction, but if you want to know more about my past, it all happened in my 6th grade year:
-o- PAST -o-
I'm just a normal 6th grader, with everything a normal person have. Good school, good friends, and a good home. Except for my parents. Well, my mom still love me more than anything in her life, but I'd never see my dad before. My mom said he was lost in the wood when he travelled with his buddies on some camping trip. "That has happened before you were born", my mom has said. I still couldn't understand why no one can find him, but that thought disappeared when I reach 5th grade. Still, sometime I would look outside the windows of our house (it's near a small wood) to see if my dad would find his way out and return home. That also didn't happen. From this, I never went on any camping trips my school offered, and you know the reason.
I attended at Wooden Elementary School, and the school was not made out of wood, mind you. I have an average grade, since dyslexic and ADHD keep me from reading and concentrating. But the school have special programs that helped me on improving everyday, so it wasn't all that bad.
I do have some friends at my school, but they're not that close to me. Except this one girl named Laura Alexander. She was my classmate who has brown hair and big brown eyes that shine every time there's an announcement of no homework. Yes, that's her personality. She don't like homework, and anything that deal with exercising. But the thing she like involve troubles, like making pranks on people, stealing stuff (occasionally). Without me giving her advice, I think she could go farther. Also, she was ADHD and dyslexic, and her dad leave her mom a long time ago before she was born, so it's the only similarity between us. Here you are, two different people, becoming best friend throughout the years.
Laura was on the Top Troublemakers List, and even though I'm not like her, between her and I on that list is about twenty people, making me someone the principal will keep an eye on. Why? Because she sometime asked me to do certain part in her plan, which mostly involved throwing. I forgot to mention that somehow I got perfect skill at aiming. I would hit the target from a distance with a very high chance. And throughout my childhood, I always bought those plastic guns with fake bullets to practice my skill.
Back to the story, it was a normal Wednesday when Laura spotted her next victim.
"Look", she pointed to a boy who was walking weirdly, looking around the school like he was lost. "Probably a new student. Let give him an introduction show, shall we?"
I know exactly what's going to happen. Laura come up with a plan, set it up in no time, the poor boy will get all of it, and the school will surround the scene, with Laura hiding somewhere else. Along the way, I will have to do my aiming job. Even though I don't like it, aiming was like my hobby, so I always accept Laura's "terms and conditions".
Before Laura can set up the plan, the boy spotted us and walked over. How he know we want to do something to him, I have no idea. Or maybe it's just a coincident, like he asking something from us out of three hundred students.
"Just in case, we have to act naturally", Laura whispered to me.
"Hello", the boy said. "Are you Susan and Laura?"
How does he know our name?, I thought. We never see him at school before.
"Who are you, and why did you know our name?", Laura asked the same question on my mind.
"We got no time", the boy began to look worried. "Trust me, you don't want to know. And my name is Jeffrey Stewart."
He grabbed my arm and began to pull me somewhere when Laura pulled me back. "We don't know you, and why we have to follow you?"
"It's a long story", he said, trying to pulled me again. "Come on! We have to hurry!"
Laura and I look at each other. The boy look worried, like our lives were in dangers. Even though our parents said to never follow stranger, I think it would not applied to this situation.
"Alright, lead the way", I said, running after him out of the school, as Laura also did behind me. I know, you will ask why follow a stranger, but my instinct told me to follow him since dangers is behind.
We got on a bus, in which the boy himself drove it. I didn't know someone that young can drive, but before I can think more about it, Laura cut my thought.
"What is going on? Sixth grader that can drive bus? Am I going crazy!?"
"No, it's real", Jeffrey said, starting the engine. He look in the car's mirror, and yelped, "Oh Hades, not now!"
I turn to see what he was looking at. And then it appeared.
To be honest, I tried to blink my eyes more than twice to see if that is my imagination. But Laura, being the second one to see it, gasped, "What the..."
Behind us was something about ten feet tall, with big arms and big legs like a muscle man, but in the worst way possible. On his head is one big, round eye. The creature, I thought, was mentioned somewhere in my school. Something in history class, maybe in Greek mythology...
"In case you're wondering, it's a Cyclop", the boy stated in a matter-of-fact way. I remember it now, in those Greek mythology books about gods and monsters. But I though cyclops were good guys?
The one behind us was still looking around confusedly. A bunch of students were walking right next to the monster, and they still act like nothing is different. It picked up a car, look under it, and dropped it back with a THUMP! A few of the walking students look at the cyclop weirdly, but that was it.
"Why... why no one react to the cyclop?", I asked Jeffrey, stunned at what happening.
"It's complicated", he said, finally taking hold of the driving wheel. "Just know that normal people won't see it as a cyclop, maybe a pickup truck or something."
The bus began to rolled its wheels on the street, letting us escape from the monster. Meanwhile, I saw the cyclop sniffed the air, and look straight at me with its single eye.
"I think we've been spotted", I said, worried. Laura, sitting next to me, was looking a bit scared, which is a very rare expression from her.
"Sooner or later, it will happen", the boy said. "After that,... let's hope we will make it home."
I wondered what "home" he is talking about, when I heard the sound of metal grinding and glasses breaking. I turned back to see the cyclop picking up the car it earlier dropped, then throw it at us. With its terrible aiming skill, the car skidded right next to the bus, smoke coming out from it. When we were a few feet away, the car exploded.
Even with this distance, we could hear students screaming and running around. Obviously they had not see the monster, but definitely saw the car exploding into pieces of metal. The cyclop, however, was looking really angry, either because we are getting away, or because it failed at its attempt to throw.
Even though I know cyclops don't run very fast, our bus wasn't much faster than them. It was gaining speed, and so were we. The cyclop behind us keep picking up random cars and stuff along the way, throwing at us but failed to scratch even one inch of the bus. And it was getting farther too.
"Finally we have left him behind!", I exclaimed, then look at what was happening in front of us.
I couldn't believe how today was not a day for me. After losing the cyclop, we're now stuck here in the traffic! All types of cars and trucks were waiting to get pass the intersection. To make it worst, there's no other roads around here, the both side of this road were full of steep hills, not very suitable for a large bus. Our only escape is to reverse the car, but it's like giving ourselves to the cyclop.
"We should have stolen a convertible or something!", Laura pointed out. "It is faster than this stupid bus, and more easier to drive around!"
"Hey! Don't call this bus stupid!", Jeffrey replied furiously. "Do you know how much time I put into begging Chiron to get this bus and save you two?"
I don't even know who is Chiron, but at the moment we don't have much time, so I just asked, "Jeffrey, do you have any ways to escape this?"
I hoped he would say something like, Sure can, I can transform this bus into a helicopter!, or, I'm a kung-fu master. Cyclops are nothing!. But as I expected, he said, "No. This traffic was unexpected. Our only way is to run, but it will be too slow."
He turned to both of us, looking like he will burst into tears, "I'm sorry to be a bad protector. I shouldn't have volunteered to protect you, then Grover can go instead of me."
He was just making the two of us confused, with all these names and stuff he blurted out at times. For me, I'm deciding whether to tell him something nice and comfort, or to grieve myself before death.
Laura, being the least to talk, now asked something I never think of, "Is there anyway to kill the cyclop?"
"Well, we can use some weapons and slash him", Jeffrey said quavering. "He would disintegrates, if we hit him right."
I realized there was still hope, so at least we can live. I asked Jeffrey if he has any weapons stocked on the bus, which he replied by opening a luggage storage on the side. Swords and spears fell out from there, making a pile of various weapons except modern one.
"What year is it? Why you still have these things?", Laura complained, probably hoping for a sniper rifle or something. I was also stunned that our chance at winning over the cyclop was now reduced even more.
"No, you don't understand", Jeffrey said, throwing a yellow-blade sword at Laura who barely catched it in time. "Monsters required special stuff to kill, normal weapons wouldn't do any good."
"These weapons didn't look any different", Laura pointed out. "And how two sixth graders kill a cyclop?"
"These are Celestial bronze", the boy replied. "For the latter question, I do not know. We have to try our best."
Suddenly, I hear a CLANG! follow by a howl. Behind us was a long line of cars, and some of them were being thrown by the cyclop. I know our time was up.
"Ok, everyone grab a weapon and follow me!", he ordered, taking out something from his pocket. For some odd reason, I instantly knew it was a reed pipe.
I look at the stack of weapons, all types of swords, shields, bows, spears,... Wait, a bow? I took out the wooden bow from the pile along with the quiver of arrows. Hmm, aiming and shooting, I thought to myself. Maybe more use for me than some bronze swords.
I hurriedly hung the quiver of arrows over, then followed Laura and Jeffrey. Together we ran through the busy traffic, ignoring glances from adults, who probably wondered why three kids were running in the middle of the road.
Despite our effort, the cyclop was also making some gain. He has stopped throwing cars, and now focus on running straight to us. I tried to shoot some arrows at him, but it's nothing against his skin. Then the world turned upside down.
The cyclop probably has stopped to pick another car up, but this time he didn't throw at us. He let the car fly out of his hand, and hit a truck few feet in front of us. I don't know why he does that, but then I smell gasoline, and realize the two colliding cars were leaking fuel out.
"Everyone DUCK!", Jeffrey said, jumping to the ground with us following. A BOOM! was heard, and few pieces of metal and glass fall by my side.
I stood up to see people running out of their cars, scattering the road. Again, they also didn't notice the big cyclop standing on someone's Honda Civic, crushing it under his feet.
"I will distract it!", Jeffrey yelled over the sound of people screaming. "You two try to run away to this address!". He gave me a crumbled piece of paper, with the address of some farms. Then, the boy blow his reed pipes, and suddenly plant and vines grow out of the cement, tying the cyclop's feet to the ground.
"Let's go, Susan! We can't waste time...", Laura said, trying to pull me away from the scene. At that moment, I would've just run, leaving Jeffrey behind. But I don't want anyone to die, even though he's just someone I didn't know.
"We can't leave him", I said to the worried Laura. "We cannot let him sacrifice for us. Besides, what if there will be more monsters after this?"
Laura calmly look into my eyes. The she nodded, agreeing to my decision. This is not one of Laura's prank. This is serious stuff, and when those stuff happen, Laura always look up to me.
I studied the scene where the cyclop was. Vines had grown onto his leg, stopping him from walking any further. But these were plants, and they won't hold for long. I had tried to shoot at his body, which was no use. There must be a weakness, I thought. And then I see it.
His eye, the only one on his face.
Right then, the cyclop escaped the tangled vines and swing his hand, throwing two cars at Jeffrey. The boy ducked at one side, with the car crashing right next to him. Then the cyclop turn to us.
"Try to do your awesome aim, I will keep him occupied", Laura gave me a reassure smile. I know she wasn't a fighter, and sword was something foreign to her. But she still do it for me.
"Thanks", I said trying to keep the tears from my eyes. Sometimes Laura, being a troublemaker, was as brave as me.
She ran into the cyclop, her sword ready. I tried to aim at the cyclop's eye, but it was moving a little too fast for its heavy body. At the ground, Laura was trying to poke it with her sword and dodge the attack at the same time.
I shot my first arrow, which whiz past the cyclop, missing by few feet. I reloaded and this time, really concentrate on the single-eye of the cyclop.
Then I saw Laura's mistake on jumping to her right. The cyclop's hand hit right at her, sending her over a SUV, her sword skid over under some cars. . She tried to stand up, but that's a lot of damage being done.
The monster just throw the SUV away, maybe it wants to finish Laura off with its bare hand. I ran to her, lowering my bow. Before the cyclop swing his hand at my friend, I pushed her out of the way and released my arrow. At its eyes.
It was a millisecond earlier, because I was hit with such force that it sent me away a few feet, smashing myself on a car's windows. Before the impact made me unconscious, I saw Jeffrey standing up and the cyclop was no longer there but a golden cloud being carried by the wind
I wake up to the brightly lit light in the room. Wait, room? The last thing I remember is being throw a few feet away, saving Laura's live. But why I am here?
I noticed that I'm laying on a bed next to the windows, with a beautiful view of the grasses and hills. At the door was a guy standing with his shirt off. He looked like a typical surfer you will find at any beaches, except for hundreds of eyes on him. Even though the guy was looking outside, the eyes on his back were watching me.
I tried to get up, but something hurt at my back, making me dropped myself to bed. Then I see Laura and Jeffrey entered the room, follow by a teenage boy and girl, looking a few years older than me.
"Oh, thanks the gods you're still alive!", Laura exclaimed, hugging me tightly.
"I will always be alive", I answered.
"Great job, Susan", Jeffrey said. "For someone who has no practice, you seem to handled the cyclop pretty well."
I wanted to tell him that it almost take out me and Laura's lives, plus he's the one bringing us in this mess, then suddenly I heard someone arguing outside.
"...The point is, they're safe", the green-eyes boy with dark hair said. "There's nothing more we could ask from them."
"But they were being chased by a cyclop", The blond girl reasoned. "There are people behind this. Perhaps someone, or something, had planned this. What we could do is..."
"Percy! Annabeth!", Jeffrey said. "Oh gods... I'm so sorry about the rescue mission. I..."
"No, you're doing fine", the boy patted his back. "You know, for someone's first mission like yours, it takes guts."
The blond girl offered her hand, which I took it, "Hi there. I'm Annabeth Chase. And this is my boyfriend, Percy Jackson", she wave her hand at the boy, who gave them a welcome smile.
"Oh gods, the infamous Percy Jackson!", Laura gasped.
"You know him?", Annabeth asked, looking confusedly at my friend.
"He's that one boy that got expelled out of almost every school he attended", Laura explained. "He even made it to the newspaper. But he is not pro enough at trouble-making, since he got catch and all..."
"Laura!", I said, trying to stop her. I don't want my friend to make an enemy on first day meeting.
"No, it's fine", Percy frowned at Laura. "Although, it's not that I almost got kicked out of every school I attended. It's I got kicked out of every schools I attended."
"Okay, okay, can I now ask why I'm here instead of my home?", I asked, still confused at this whole thing.
"Don't worry, Chiron will explain it all", Annabeth said.
I walked through rows of cabins and very impressive buildings. Throughout talking with the others, I realized I'm in the Infirmary, a place like the hospital. Why they didn't use the term "hospital", I don't even know.
At the Big House, what they called the obviously big building, is a guy wearing a leopard-spot shirt, sitting in the opposite direction of another man sitting in his wheel chair. They seemed to be playing a board game I never seen before.
"New demigods, huh?", the man in leopard-spot shirt said, not giving a bit of interest. "So, welcome and blah blah blah, hope you have a nice day." After that, he went back to play his board game. Even without knowing him, I felt he is not going to be any help to me.
"Pardon Mr. D here, he usually do that to campers", Percy said, staring at him.
"Welcome, Susan and Laura, to Camp Half-Blood", the man in wheelchair said. "I'm Chiron."
"Uh,... the trainer in Greek mythology?", I asked, knowing full well that if monsters even existed, why not mythical people?
"Yes, dear", he confirmed. "Now, let's talk about why you're here first.
He and the others went on describing the Greek gods and goddess, the Mist, how monsters still live nowadays, and that the grumpy man being Dionysus, which at first I think was a joke or something. But apparently Chiron's face was full of seriousness, so I didn't even want to say the idea.
"And you", he said, finishing his ten minutes lecture, "Are a demigod."
Me and Laura were stunned, knowing nothing to said. So after all, our dads were gods living up on the Empire State building. Beside, we even have half brothers and sisters. The news was too much I just stood there dumbfounded.
"I know it's a lot to take", Annabeth said, reading our minds. "But we just want to let you know, your dad is always watching you."
I remember not so long ago, when I'd let the arrow fly to hit in the cyclop's eye. With only my skill, that will be too hard. But I made it, saving everyone else. I made a mental note to remind myself to thank my dad later.
"You two should go to the dining pavilion", Chiron said, turning into a centaur, something I only see in cartoon and books. "We will contact your mothers and let them know about you."
After that, things passed by like a breeze. We eat, then go to the campfire where some danced and sing. Me and Laura went along pretty well when suddenly a symbol appeared on Laura's head. A caduceus.
Everyone stopped whatever they're doing, gasping at the sight of the symbol. Murmurs began to run through the crowd.
"So Laura is determined", Annabeth said. "She is..."
The daughter of Athena stopped mid-speech,staring at something over her head. Laura, with the symbol fading, also looking at my direction.
"Susan, look at you", she started.
I look above myself, and there it was, a symbol of the lyre, a musical instrument. What does all these symbols mean?
Chiron then kneel to us, along with the other campers. And then he spoke.
"The gods had determined", Chiron turned to the confused looking Laura. "Laura Alexander, daughter of Hermes, god of travel and messenger."
Then he turned to me. "Susan Allen, daughter of Apollo, god of music and medicine."
-o- Few weeks later -o-
You could say that my life has get back to normal. I'm getting used to life at camp, although there's too much training need to be done. To be honest, I'm not even good at sword fighting, Laura can easily beat me. But in the archery field, I'm the outstanding student. I don't know why, but I keep winning over my half brothers and sisters in shooting contest. But I was not good at healing, even though an Apollo camper should be good at that. For music and poetry, eh, I'm just average, nothing special here.
I've stayed with Laura almost everyday, doing everything together (well, except training). But today, I don't even see her from the morning already. I was looking for her when I spotted Laura running from the hill where Thalia's tree is.
"Hey! I have news!", she yelled out. I run up to her, and she gave me an advertising paper of...
"What? You want to join the Hunters?", I asked, remembering what Percy has explained. The Hunters, lead by Artemis, travel everywhere to kill monsters and stuff. Thaila was also part of them.
"Yeah, I will get to travel with Artemis and get to be immortal", she replied excitedly.
"But you're not like gods", I explained. "You still die when you're kill in battle."
Her smile disappeared. But it came back instantly, "You know, I'm not that easy to kill. Beside, with a friend like you teaching me how to shoot arrows, I can be good as any Hunter in no time!"
"But then we wouldn't be seeing each other anymore", I said, not wanting to see my best friend leaving.
Laura still keep her confident smile, "If we're still alive, we will still able to see each other". She paused, then continued, "There's also Iris Messaging, if you've forgotten that."
After a long moment, I just stand there silently. What else could I said? After all, she was more of the adventure type, going around places and exploring stuff. For me, I would just like camp better.
"Don't worry, I will try to make people's life as miserable at it could", she joked, in which bot of us laughed. I know she would do that, being Hermes's kid and all.
"So I guess... Bye?", I said, unsure. Laura, on the other hand, was very happy.
"See you later, Susan. I would always remember you", she said, gave me one hug. She waved me goodbye after packing up, then followed the other Hunters who had appeared out of nowhere.
And I haven't seen her from that time.
-o- End of Past -o-
So what do you guy think? I know I always make the few last paragraphs seem... weird. Just because I felt tired when I almost finish writing every chapter, and I don't have lots of ideas on the part I don't focus on. Anyway, hope people understand me, that I no longer have bunch of time to do stuff. Thank you for your support, and hope to see you some time later!
Question: Anyone interest in being beta reader for this story? PM me or review if you would like to :)
Updated on Sunday, October 20, 2013.