Hello All,

The Scandal muse that inspired me in 2012 has abandoned me in 2013. So, until she returns, "Wife Swap" and "Close Enough for Love" are going into my story vault. In other words, an indefinite hiatus. Sorry to disappoint those of you who were following these stories but since I can't say when or even if I'm going to finish them, I thought I should be honest and say so.

I'm thinking of doing a new non-Scandal story with completely original characters, not based on a TV series or movie. I guess I could always make it an alternate universe take on Fitz and Olivia, but the characters I have in mind, especially the male, isn't really like Fitz. So, I think it would seem very out of character, even in an alternate universe, to try to make him Fitz.

In any case, I obviously won't be able to post that story here since it's not Scandal-related. I'm not sure which fiction site I'll post it on once it's done, so if you want to read the story when it comes out either tweet me your email address (look for me as "NeoScandal" on Twitter) or send me a pm through this site, and I'll keep you posted.

Thanks very much to everyone who has read, followed and reviewed my work on this site. And a very special thanks to those of you who have sent me private messages or tweets encouraging me to continue. (You know who you are. :) I appreciate every single one of you, and hopefully, I'll be sharing my fiction with many of you again later this summer.

"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting." - Peter Pan



Find me on Twitter as NeoScandal