I tried to make this as long as I could! Every time something seems long, it ends up being really, really short! Also sorry for making you guys wait so long for this. I left my computer at my dads on accident.

"Vlad! Skulker! What do you want!" Sam was so shocked, she almost fell out of her chair. "What we want is Danny Phantom." Skulker said deviously. "And you will give him to us." Vlad added. "No I won't!" Sam was worried, she didn't want Danny showing up here. "Of course you won't!" Skulker acted like she was stupid. "You will lead him to us, cause he will be worried about you and come to find you!" 'I need to save Danny!' Just like he read her mind, "You will not be able to save him my dear child." Vlad devilishly smiled. "Put her back in the cage!" Skulker ordered. Vlad grabbed Sam by the shoulders and picked her up. Sam started squirming and kicking. "Stop kicking or I'll drop you!" "Isn't that good?" "No, look how high up we are." She looked down. She swear 5 feet up in the air! Sam stopped kicking immediantly. They reached the cage and threw me right in. Sam busted her lip and it started bleeding. "Oh sorry Samatha. Would you like something to clean that up?" "Yea." "Too bad! Suffer the pain." Sam growled but didn't attack. She knew it was useless. Danny I need you, she thought.

Back at Danny's house, "Where is she! It's just not like her to run off without telling us!" Danny was freaking out over Sam's absence. "Maybe she was kidnapped?" Tucker suggested. "Yea but by who?" "Ember? Skulker? Johnny? Kitty? I can make this list go on forever you know." Tucker didn't want to go through all of the ghost that they have captured. "Doubt it. None of them have a reason to kidnap her." Danny was really worried about Sammy. "Dude they all actually do! Skulker wants to hang your coat on his wall-" before he could continue Danny shutted him up. "Yea but that's me... I'm so dense! Their using her to get to me! Now which ghost?" Danny started pacing.

"Can I at least get some food around here!" Sam pleaded, she was starving. "No!" Skulker was going crazy. Sam was driving him crazy. Sam noticed this and made a plan. "Oh no! Skulker! Let me out please!" Sam said in her most annoying voice. "Ugh! Stop being a pain in my butt you child!" Skulker growled. Sam silently giggled to herself before she realized that she felt someone by her shoulder. "Danny?" she whispered. She felt him put his arms around her. "I'll get you out of here, Sammy." she heard Danny whisper in her ear. His breath tickled her neck. He kissed her faintly then she felt him walk away. Sam started to hear yelling. "Yes we've got him!" she heard Vlad yell. "Let her go!" Danny was yelling. Sam tried to move to the edge of the cage to see what was happening, but she was tied to the bars. Sam heard someone get thrown against the cage, she expected it to be Vlad or Skulker getting beat up by Danny. But no, it was Danny and he was blacking out. "Great! He might not remember a thing when he wakes up!" By the time Sam had figured out that Danny was hurt she had wriggled out of the ropes and was attacking. "This is for hurting Danny!" The ghosts had no time to react.

"Get off me child!" Skulker screamed. "Not until you let us go!" Skulker yanked Sam off of him and started beating her up. Sam pulled her arms up to her face and started crying, "Why, why are you doing this to me?" When she pulled her hands away from her face, you could see the bruises already forming. Skulker smiled appovingly. "Have you learned your lesson?" Sam nodded her head slowly. "Good, then won't mind me doing this." Skulker raised up his hand and punched Sam hard in the face. All Sam saw in the last seconds, was Technus and Skulker putting Danny in the same cage, then everything went black.

"Sam!" Sam awoke to someone screaming. "Danny?" she whispered. "What happened to you?" there were tears in Danny's eyes. "Skulker." was the only thing Sam could get out, she was too weak. "I'm going to get us out of here." Danny tried to turn intangible, but couldn't because the ropes were draining his ghost powers. "Danny, stop struggling. It's gonna be ok." Sam was trying to stay awake but she kept seeing black splotches out of the corner of her eyes and she had a pounding headache. "Sam! I want you to be safe!" Danny looked at her, his eyes full of worry. "It will be fine Danny, trust me." and with that Sam fell asleep.

I promise you guys! I'm trying to write longer it's just not happening for me! Just hold on. PS I have another new story coming out, you know after I finish chapter one on my ipad. Ok well bye now, I need to work on my Total Drama story.