chapter 1: from where i want to begin

Day one of my life, I was born you know they basic stuff woman screams swears cries until baby is born holds baby, continues to cry. I laugh at how some people could say they remember being born, gosh don't give me that crap. So anyway my life has been simple, I am a younger brother, a twin and an older brother. I have great friends and I am happy at home, well reasonably no big drama like my dad is horrible or my mother is an addict, it's a normal life I live. I have normal school life, I get bullied…yeah not one of my fond moments of being normal, I have had girlfriends and boyfriends, yeah I am bi-sexual. Don't like that might as well stop reading about my life right now. So yeah I haven't told you my name have I? Yeah my name is Roxas Marne I'm 16 years old and go to school much to my dismay. I am a nerd and I can play sports but no one knows it's me except my brother because I wear a hat and thick glasses when I am not playing sports, not a soul recognizes me. I am terrible at maths and you know I don't care anymore if I am not good at maths. My best friend Hayner isn't good at anything really makes me feel much better, wait no…he is good a whining. Anyway yeah that's enough about me and my life.

"Roxas time for school! Bus will be here soon, you ready?" shouted Sora my twin, he is older by about 3 seconds I swear but he holds it over me. I walk out my door and shut it closed dressed in my usual clothes for school, black trousers with my usual shoes, I can get away with trainers, white shirt with red tie and my favourite black jacket with a red nobody sign, from a game Sora loves and he bought me a jacket of it… don't ask. I walk down the stairs and see Sora holding my bag and he hands it to me.

"You took you're time, making yourself pretty?" he teased. Laughing in response I grabbed my money off the side and left with Sora, he is an idiot while driving to Riku in a rush he crashed, basically Riku went to the hospital because he crashed his car, so what does Sora do he crashed his car on the way. So bus until it's out of the shop, I can't believe I have to catch the bus.

"So Rox plans for today, you only have half a day right due to exams?" asked Sora while we waited.

"Yeah I err…believe Hayner wanted to go catch a movie, I got the money with me, I think he invited Pence and his new girlfriend… not sure though" I told him

"What happened between him and Olette, have they broke up again" he laughed. It seems mean to laugh if you don't know they story but them two break up like every couple of weeks, only been going out 6 months, broke up 23 times no wait…24 now.

"yeah, different this time pence found someone new instead of Olette, so I am not sure if they will get back together this time" I said thinking it over.

"yeah well whatever right" just as he said that a car parked out in front of us, it was Seifer with his girlfriend Fuu them two just bug me, they show their fake relationship in everyone's faces thinking they are cool, ugh, In the back Rai and Setzer. The thing with Rai he was harmless really he did nothing just says "don't mess with Seifer ya" god I hate it when he says ya. Setzer is a freaking pervert, I know he is when I went to a school party with Riku and Sora he planned on getting me and Sora pissed so we would make out for him, luckily I wasn't pissed and Riku wouldn't allow it.

"Hey kiddies, still walk huh? Wait where is your car wait you don't have one do you…awww how about a life. Wait no…room in my car sorry kids" he voice went right through me, I seethed in silence.

"Go away Seifer" ahhh Riku thank you for catching the bus today but that mean I am sitting on my own again doesn't it.

"Fine see ya losers" he shouted as he drove off. Just then the bus came I got on and sat at the back of the bus and watched as once again Sora and Riku went upstairs…most likely to make out…I wish I had a boyfriend I am so lonely I make loners look beloved. While sitting on the bus some more kids from school got on the bus and filled the bus some sat near me and shouting and throwing stuff around, bus came up to the school. Once I got off I noticed Sora had already gotten off and was walking into school with Riku, I can't be mad at him it's his boyfriend, I can't blame him. I walked towards the gates and I saw Hayner and he began to walk towards me then suddenly a car almost hit me and Hayner shouted at the person in the car and I stood in total shock of almost being hit by a car. I can't believe it, I stood still while Hayner shouted and a young man get out of the car and looks at me and I recognized him instantly.

"AXEL! YOU ALMOST HIT ME!" I shouted and Hayner stood shocked this time round, he didn't know I knew Axel, the thing is Axel is 18 I met him when I was 8 he lived next door to me then Riku family moved in their when he moved away, he didn't move far just closer to the beach like his mother wanted in her declining years, sadly his mother was dying of an illness, only my family outside his family know, well maybe except Riku who is Riku's best friend. So yeah I and Axel are close friends. I knew he went to this school I kind of never spoke to him outside home life, he was popular I wasn't I didn't want to get in his way. So yeah we kept our friendship strictly private for he was on the football team, with Seifer and Riku and all those guys I didn't get along with.

"Sorry Roxy" there he goes again using nicknames on me like I am a child, makes me laugh. All the silly nicknames he gives me, like Blondie short-stuff, pancake, that one is kind of personal… yeah so he gives me lots of nicknames, ahhh I'm angry stay focused.

"Sorry I could have died you know, do you even care!" I shouted people started noticing us, that's when my head noticed people gathering a nerd shouting at a jock the nerve right? I paused.

"I said I was sorry" he moaned "I care I could go to prison if I kill you, lose my license" he continued complaining.

"Yeah no one would actually care if you weren't around Roxas, don't think just because he was alone and you weren't you could grow a backbone." Seifer spoke. He walked up to Axel and put and arm on his shoulder and walked off as Axel locks his car with his keys.

"See you later losers" he shouted back towards us.

Once inside class Hayner was talking about my total shout at Axel to everyone in listening distance. I laughed at how happy he was about me standing up to a popular guy, one who hangs out with his crush, he denies it but we all know it's true.

"Maybe this could be the start of a beautiful love hate relationship Roxas imagine that you and Axel could possibly find love"

"Nooooo I would never go out with Axel Lena, EVER!" I shouted and we left for lunch and I noticed Axel and his girlfriend Larxnene, god I hated her…god I love him…I remind myself of one of those love struck teenagers in corny films, but I have loved him ever since he had an experimental kiss with me when I was 12, he said he felt nothing so I just agreed, but really I felt a spark of joy.

God I would die of embarrassment if anyone ever found out, and I would embarrass Axel and make him lose his friends and popularity, no, my happiness doesn't matter at this point.

my first attempt at a story like this, go easy please if you like it let me know, then i know if i should continue.

luvs Emdem