Chapter 1: Are You Serious?

"Check it again" Punk said with wide eyes

"I checked it three times already Punk" AJ replied rolling her eyes

"This…but…do it again just to be sure" Punk replied pushing AJ lightly

"Are you serious right now?" AJ replied with a glare

"Look at my face" Punk replied pointing to his face

"Yeah what about it" AJ replied arms crossed with an un amused face

"It's not joking right now" Punk replied with a raised eyebrow

"Fine hand me that grocery bag" AJ replied through clenched teeth

Punk turned around and grabbed the grocery bag from atop of the dresser and handed it to AJ with a smirk.

"You do realize this is the 4th one I've done" AJ replied grabbing the bag

"I know but…just shush and do it" Punk replied pushing AJ lightly again

*Few minutes later*

"The verdict ma'am" Punk asked sitting on the edge of the bed

"What do you think" AJ replied with a raised eyebrow

Punk laid back against the bed and covered his face with his tattooed hands. AJ sighed softly and crawled atop of Punk laying her head against his chest. Punk sighed softly a soft smile spreading across his face…slowly Punk lifted his hand to play with AJ's curls

"So what now" Punk asked softly

"I don't know…I really didn't expect this" AJ replied faintly

"Me neither…but I mean don't get me wrong…I am happy" Punk replied with a soft smile

"You are?" AJ asked with wide eyes

"Yeah…why are you not happy" Punk asked with a worried face

"Of course I am…I just…I just never expected it this fast" AJ replied with a smile

"Well what can I say…I'm good" Punk replied with a sarcastic smile

"Whatever" AJ replied smacking Punk on the arm

"I can't believe it…I'm going to be a dad" Punk whispered softly

Punk couldn't even believe those words were leaving his mouth…Punk never expected that he would be a father…well not anytime soon anyway. Alas this was reality and AJ was pregnant…four test and many collected minutes solidified that.

"Well I guess that means your going to be out of work soon" Punk said sitting up in bed

"No…no I'm going to work till this baby is ready to drop" AJ replied sternly

"Uh…yeah I don't think so" Punk replied getting up from bed and stretching

"Well I do" AJ replied getting up from the bed also

"AJ…you can't…what we do for a living is dangerous. Maybe the boss could get you a desk job" Punk replied with a shrug of his shoulders

"FUCK THAT" AJ yelled loudly

"I already did…and now it's pregnant" Punk replied with a smirk

AJ glared at Punk and grabbed a pillow throwing it at Punk.

"Hormones already woman…damn" Punk joked tossing the pillow to the side

"Punk you know how I feel about a damn desk job…that's all I did back in New York. Never again I said" AJ replied sternly

"Baby I know but…I just can't be comfortable seeing you out there working a job and pregnant" Punk replied softly walking up to AJ

"Ugh…I can do it" AJ replied harshly

"AJ please" Punk replied softly wrapping his arms around AJ

If Punk knew anything over the time that he and AJ had been together…it was that AJ was a sucker for his sweet ways. It was what got them right here in this very moment.

"Punk please just let me work up until I can't anymore…till I say I can't do it anymore" AJ replied stubbornly

"That's the thing AJ…you don't know when enough is enough" Punk replied with a chuckle

"I know but I promise this time will be different…I swear" AJ replied locking her eyes with those emerald eyes that stole her heart

"Fine…but I swear AJ if you don't do it…I'm going to bitch and moan until you do. And you know how much I love to just bitch and moan" Punk replied with a wink

"I know…but just trust me" AJ replied sweetly

Punk glared at AJ with a stern look…Punk mumbled something before walking out of the bedroom and to their living room

AJ sighed softly…smiling at Punk AJ quickly shut the door.

"Women" Punk mumbled as he flipped the channels on TV

AJ walked over to the full length mirror and lifted her shirt. AJ ran her fingers over her toned stomach and smiled. In a few months she wasn't going to have that flat stomach anymore.

"I can't believe it…this is really happening" AJ thought to herself as she smiled softly.