Hello Fanfictioners! Welcome back to reading stories of the Timbewolfe. I am glad to have a community that can read my work and review about it. If you haven't yet, please read my other stories that have been completed in order to get a feel for my writing.
Also, check out my other story which will be posted alongside this story. I have no need to tell you the name of it, just look for the picture of the Timberwolfe. I will post faster when there are more reviews, but I will also post every week or if there's a school break, two weeks. hey, I party as much as the next guy or girl.
I do not own Naruto and I don't plan to; I mean come on! Who besides the maker could ever think of this many plot twists and turns, betrayals and affinities. And all those god damn eyes that everyone steals and uses. Go naruto and use the will to never give up!
Now, on with the Story.
Rebirth Of A Sharingan Love
Chap.1 The Battle that Changed It All
A kunai passed through the ever present air and entered the soft skin underneath the jawline of a passing ninja. The ninja fell to the ground, dead before he could cry out in agony. His death had been quick, unlike that of his attacking comrades.
The one who threw it put her hand down beside herself as her target hit the ground. The girl was of obvious athletic beauty standing five seven with the perfect curves in all the right places. Her long pink hair cascaded down to the small of her back and had a slight wave to it. Her emerald eyes looked on into her surroundings with intelligence and confidence. The girl's name was Sakura Haruno.
Sakura looked over to see how her teammates were fairing against their opponents. After all, it would be great to know how a wound she was healing was inflicted. She was the team's medic and therefore the most valuable of the team. She had to be protected at all costs. And for some reason, these missing ninja were trying to aim their attacks at her only.
Sakura felt a giant heat wave approaching from her left and as she turned to see what it was, a gigantic wall of fire made contact with her body and started to incinerate her. Sakura quickly made hand signs and a thick layer of rock grew atop her body. Unfortunately, the fire changed shape, into that of a speeding kunai of fire and headed directly into Sakura's left eye.
A blonde haired, cerulean eyed boy of about sixteen turned to the scream of his teammate and threw a kunai in her direction. A second later, he appeared in a yellow and orange flash by Sakura's side. He almost went into shock as Sakura rolled around the ground covering up her left eye. A single stream of tears flowed out of her right eye, and Naruto had to hold the Kyubii inside him back from going berserk at the sight of his beloved cherry blossom.
Kakashi turned and ran over to Sakura's side.
"Naruto, Sasuke, cover us."
"Roger/Copy that."
"Okay, Sakura…Sakura…" Kakashi placed a comforting hand on Sakura's hand that covered her eye and slowly removed it. The eye that had once been emerald had disappeared. Kakashi quickly shook the shock away.
"Sakura, you need to heal that socket."
"Kakashi-Sensei," it hurts. Sakura cried.
"I know, I know. Come on….stare off into space."
Sakura did as Kakashi told her and placed her hand once more over her eye socket. Green light flowed into and around the wound and healed the cuts and burn marks on the inner and outer skin. Sadly, Sakura had lost her left eye. Kakashi was saddened to see his smartest student end her shinobi career like this.
After a minute, the glow around Sakura's hand disappeared and Sakura tried to take her hand away. Kakashi, having done this before quickly pushed her hand back in place, but not before a whimpering sounded out of Sakura's mouth.
The next thing Kakashi knew, a red strip of cloth appeared in Sakura's awaiting hand. As Kakashi turned around, he saw Naruto's retreating figure and noticed that the bottom of his coat that he now wore had a huge gash in it. Kakashi chuckled at the boy's heart and proceeded to wrap it around Sakura's eye and head.
As Kakashi backed up and looked at Sakura, he had to admit that if Sakura did this look from now on, she'd be a mysterious beauty in Konoha. As it was, there was a battle coming their way.
Sakura watched on with her remaining eye as Sasuke spit out jutsu after jutsu and watched as Naruto and his clones devoured the enemy ninja. Sakura smiled at her teammates before she herself casted a genjutsu on the enemy.
After a couple minutes, Sakura watched in horror as another shinobi appeared and slashed Sasuke's right side. Sakura spurred into action, pushing the distance between her and her next patient.
Naruto wore a pair of black combat boots with black camouflaged pants with orange streaks on the sides. A black mesh and shirt covered his upper frame. Lastly, a red coat covered his entire body, ending with a black streak upon the openings. (Think the coat after he came back as a sage).
Naruto continued to fight with his clones against the apparently never ending army of missing ninja. They all seemed to be mainly gennin to low Chunnin. They could handle this. Suddenly, he heard a jutsu being called and looked on to its source.
"Earth jutsu: Crushing Boulder!"
Naruto flashed his eyes at the shinobi and looked in his direction as he looked towards Sakura-Chan. Naruto immediately threw one of his new kunai towards Sakura and an instant later appeared by Sakura's side.
Sakura saw Naruto appear next to her and felt reassured by his possessiveness. It was one thing that made her always feel safe. That was why what he did next stunned even her so badly. Naruto pushed Sakura away from where she was currently standing. Sakura watched in what appeared to be slow motion as a humongous rock fell right where she had been currently standing.
Sakura almost sighed in relief until the dust settled and low and behold, Naruto was trapped; laid underneath that very boulder and his clones started to disappear from the world. Sakura ran over quickly to her previous standing position to look at Naruto more closely.
Naruto's entire right side appeared to be smashed and crushed underneath the rock. Sakura stifled a tear with her hand as Naruto slowly smiled at her. It was only half of his regular smile, but it was at that moment that Sakura knew that Naruto had to live. She'd be dammed if she could never see that smile again.
Sakura charged chakra into his fist before ramming it into the boulder. The nearby ninja gulped as they knew that that one hit from their target and they wouldn't make it out alive. The boulder splintered and fractured into small pebbles.
Sakura quickly looked down and sighed as the Kyuubii did its work on Naruto's right side. Just like Sakura, Naruto's eye appeared to be in no condition to be kept intact. It would only cause damage to Naruto in the future. Sakura thought for a few seconds that the Kyuubii's chakra would start to appear on Naruto's eye, but none appeared.
Sakura moved to repair what she could of the socket that remained. As her green chakra entered Naruto's skin, the red chakra suddenly formed into that of a claw and striked at Sakura's right shoulder. Sakura held in her painful scream as she had a job to do. The claw sank into Sakura's skin and Sakura started to tear up.
Sakura leaned in as the process finished and whispered to Naruto that it would be okay. The chakra around Naruto dissipated and evaporated from Sakura's arm. His right side seemed to be okay and somewhat healed, but he'd be fine besides his eye that would need to be replaced, much like herself. Sakura giggled as they could probably go shopping together to find a pair of fake eyes. Naruto would take it as a date, but…..oh well.
Sasuke and Kakashi moved towards the two. The last of the enemy had been killed, and the battle was now over. Sasuke looked towards the two in their position and smirked as he shook his head. Sakura clearly had a look of happiness and awe and wore a blush upon her cheeks as Naruto simply smiled. When would that girl realize her feelings for Naruto?
Off about five yards from the group, an injured ninja gasped lightly for breath. He was the Jounin in charge of this attack and it had failed miserably. He had never failed a mission before, but these teens and their sensei were off the charts. They synchronized their attacks and their teamwork was the best he'd ever seen. If they lived to tell the tale, his master would have trouble if a war broke out. It was great then that he had enough chakra for one final jutsu.
"Earth Jutsu: Spiked Valley!"
Sasuke and Kakashi's Sharingans spotted a line of spikes heading towards them. Kakashi charged up his chidori and Sasuke prepared to jump when suddenly, another spike appeared right in front of Sasuke and moved upwards through his stomach and out the other side.
Kakashi looked for the attacker and watched as the soldier slumped to the ground, now dead for the lack of chakra. Kakashi chopped the spike ends out of Sasuke and brought him over to the waiting Sakura.
Sakura moved to Sasuke with both hands, but as her right hand held the green color, a red appeared upon her arm and Sakura whimpered as she stopped the healing in that limb. As she tried to close off the wounds, she saw that Sasuke had simply lost too much blood and his organs were already giving out.
Sakura turned to Kakashi with tears in her eye as she shook her head to indicate that he couldn't make it. Sasuke saw the signal and chuckled once before blood flowed out of his mouth.
"You guys…I'm …not meant for this world anymore…it's as simple as that."
"Don't say that, Sasuke!" Naruto pleaded. Sakura wrapped her arms around Naruto as he started to cry into her shoulders. Sasuke smiled at the scene.
"Na…Naruto…I want you to become Hokage…you will lead this world into the new age…You were my brother, truly…"
"As are you, Sasuke…"
"Yes, Sasuke-Kun…"
"Come closer…"
Sakura placed her ear next to Sasuke's mouth.
"Sakura," Sasuke whispered," you've known for a year now that I see you as a sister, right?" To Sakura's nod, Sasuke continued, "Then as my sister, promise me that you'll…you will give Naruto a chance at your heart…of all those that deserve you…he is the one…for you to give a chance for…promise me…"
"I-I…" Sakura thought about it. Naruto wasn't so bad; in fact he was more mature now and he was an Adonis in many a girl's eyes, sometimes including Sakura herself after Sasuke had admitted the sister quote a year ago. Sakura nodded, "I'll give him a chance."
As Sakura backed away, Sasuke looked at his last and only sensei.
"Kakashi-Sensei, I'm sorry for being such an arrogant kid all those years. Please, don't mourn over me the way you do Obito and Rin."
"I can't promise that, Sasuke."
"I had to try. But be happy."
Sasuke looked to his teammates and noticed their eyes and smiled.
"You guys, can I…I ask…for another favor?"
To the team's nodding heads, Sasuke continued.
"I want…I want to see the world…through your eyes…," as Naruto and Sakura's respective eye widened, Sasuke smiled, "therefore…Sakura…tr…transplant my eyes into you and Naruto. I've seen you do it Sakura, and it's possible through an hour interval and we…" Sasuke coughed more blood out of his mouth, "still have time. Please, I want to see the world that you two create…"
Sakura nodded as she cried into Naruto's shoulder.
"Naruto? I-I…I'm scared…I truly don't want to die…"
Naruto bent down and gripped his hand tightly Sasuke. "Don't worry Sasuke, go and see your family…"
"Baka…you are my family…I'll be watching…"
Sasuke breathed in and breathed out slowly. He did not breathe again. Sakura wiped her tears upon Naruto's sleeves before instructing him to lie down next to Sasuke.
"No Sakura-Chan, you first. A medic has too many functions to use only one eye."
Sakura smiled at Naruto's comment and she pecked him on the cheek before starting her own procedure. Naruto just widened his left eye as he was too stunned to speak. Sakura set herself down next to Sasuke with his left eye in her hand.
"Kakashi-Sensei…Naruto…hold me down please…I'm going to spasm…"
The boys did as they were told. Naruto held Sakura's head still and Kakashi held her legs still. Sakura breathed in deeply before started the one handed procedure. As the eye filled itself into the sockets, the nerves connected and true to her word, Sakura began to twist and turn in every direction.
Naruto held her head in place as her left hand stayed steady and on target. After about a minute, the spasms lessened before stopping entirely. Sakura slowly leaned upward and for the first time, her eyes showed three colors; emerald, blood red, and midnight black.
As Sakura leaned deeply into Naruto breathing deeply, Kakashi leaned into Sakura's face to study it. Sakura truly knew this procedure. Her agony was nothing like his and her tears weren't appearing as if in irritation. Kakashi motioned for Sakura to listen to him.
"Sakura, I want you to try to turn the Sharingan off. Place chakra into your eyes and try it…"
Sakura did so and at once the red and black disappeared. Kakashi's eye widened as the emerald that he and Naruto thought they would never see again appeared in Sakura's eye socket.
"Well? How does it look?"
"You look beautiful, Sakura-Chan…"
"Thank you, Naruto…you're next…"
Naruto nodded as he moved next to Sakura. This time Kakashi still held Naruto's legs, but he also created a clone to hold Naruto's head. Sakura herself widened her legs before sitting on Naruto's pelvis. Naruto, unconsciously became a little horny and Sakura for one reason or another felt that symptom as a mental link to Naruto.
Sakura placed Sasuke's right eye next to the socket and breathed deep before repeating the transplant. Red Chakra appeared around Sakura's hand, but this time instead of attacking her, it seeped into Naruto's new eye and within two seconds had the procedure finished for her.
Sakura starred at Naruto's new eye in wonder. Naruto's eye was the opposite of Sasuke's. The background was that of the midnight black and the tomoe's were the ones to be blood red. Kakashi asked Naruto to do the same thing as Sakura, but unlike Sakura, his eyes couldn't change back or turn off. Sakura reached down to her skirt before ripping it in half and wrapped it around Naruto's eye to cover it and save his chakra.
Naruto started to blush before his love before he realized that she still had her boy's boxers on. Why she'd worn them on a mission was beyond him. She usually wore the tight black biker shorts but oh well. Sakura and Naruto smiled at one another and leaned towards the other.
Kakashi thought they were going to kiss when they simply hugged each other before passing out. Kakashi chuckled. It appeared that his team would be a completely red eyed team now. He created two more clones and picked up his living and dead members before walking back to Konoha.
Up above the clouds, Sasuke looked down upon his brother and sister as he saw that they were safe and sound.
"Don't let my sacrifice be in vain."
Sasuke smirked as he remembered his last will and testimony. Oh boy would they be surprised when they found out.
Yes, I killed Sasuke, but he died as a hero! that better than what most people do, ne?