Hey there everyone, Lazersword88 here! I'm looking forward to starting my first story ever. First here's a little about me. I'm a college student and I do a lot of club sports. I just got into anime this semester because of good friend of mine. Feel free to PM, I really like helping people with concepts, getting advice for my own writing or just chatting. Plus if you give me inspiration I'll probably get chapters out faster.

This will be a High School of the Dead fan fiction with OCs from you guys. That being said, I hope to take this story in a different direction than your average story in this universe. Let me get a few things about the concept and disclaimers out of the way. The bulk of the story will take place 3 months after z day, but there will be semi-frequent flashbacks to past events including z-day and before. While zombies will be a constant threat as always, anyone who has survived this long is semi-capable. This story will have a heavy emphasis on conversation, relationships and combat. Friends will be made and lost. People will be betrayed. There will be about as many fights between OCs as there will be against zombies. On a completely separate note, while I will try to keep things semi-realistic, some of the action may get over the top (sort of like the original series or your average anime).

Now it's time for the disclaimers. I don't own High School of the Dead or their characters. Some characters from the main series may appear in the story. All OC characters that I'm using that are not my own belong to the users who sent them in. Also, events in the stories in no way reflect my political or religious views. They are just concepts that I'm using for fun in the story and are by no means meant as an insult to anyone.

Now here are the characters that are already in the story. Here's the list:


Phil Angelo/Lane Easton/? (Lazersword89)

Rexan Tsuki (rexan tsukino)

? (Awesomestprime8)

Rikio Hiroshi (RicBP)

Aito Hakagame (SSJ5 Kiezan)


Alice White (PG), need permission to use character but fits into the story well.

Horus Issac (Lazersword89)

Korina Adachi/Ikki Adachi/Emiko Nagasaki (Fairylust)

The characters above are either characters I like or of people who let my characters into their stories. Since I already have characters to work with, I can start my story without having to wait for applications. As I get characters that I like I can think of creative ways to add them into the story.

Here is my OC(s):

Name: Phil Angelo (alive) and Lane Easton (angel)

Age: Both would be 18 (Lane died at age 17)

Birthday: 11/7/94 (Phil), 12/3/94 (Lane)

Nationality: Both American

Ethnicity: (Phil) Italian/German, (Lane) Belgian/German

Family members: (Phil) mother and father deceased, doesn't care about the rest of his family because they abandoned him and treat him like he doesn't exist. (Lane) While she was alive she hated her family for treating her like an object only there to please themselves (more on that later)

Personality: (Phil) Phil is a very selfless person, willing to put his life on the line for others. Part of this is due to the fact that Phil has had to live with the deaths of his parents and his girlfriend (Lane), whom he was closer to than anyone. He doesn't want to see anyone else have to suffer the things that he has had to. He has a moral obligation to try to save anyone who is in danger and will blame himself should he fail. However he won't be saddened by deaths, he will just use them as even more motivation for him to protect others. Even though sad things have happened to him and he carries moral obligations, he is still a very positive person and always has a grin on his face. He believes in not living in fear and facing problems head on. Phil has no problem even killing another human if they threaten others, because he has been cleaning up the streets where lives for long before z-day even happened. Phil always has a confident grin or smile on his face, always finding ways to get a chuckle or smile out of others with his witty, sarcastic sense of humor. Phil thinks very strategically, always having a back-up plan. Phil is a competent leader, but he prefers more of a second in command gig in case he has to run off for a bit to save someone. Phil's actions have a way of inspiring others. Phil would do anything to help Lane, except risk other lives. He trusts and loves her very much. Phil picks the people he trusts very carefully, and is good at picking up on lies. Phil is a good listener and has good advice for people. He while cautious in his actions, Phil is uncomfortable sitting in one place for too long.

(Lane) Like Phil, she is very confident women. Since she is dead and only Phil can see her (for now maybe), she sometimes feels a little lonely and wonders what it would be like to live again. However, she truly loves Phil and wants him to live on for the both of them. Her top five priorities are: help Phil and his friends stay alive, find out if there is a way she can come back to life, find out why she is a ghost and only Phil can see her, find out what or who killed her, and see if there is anyone else out there that can see her. Whenever she is around Phil, she feels complete. Like Phil, Lane has no mercy in combat. She appears before Phil during the day to let him know things that are vital and they spend their time in dreams together.

History: Phil was born an orphan, since his mother died in conceiving him and his father subsequently committed suicide because of her death. Phil, while a smart young boy, always got into fights. However he only got into fights to stick up for people being bullied. He made a few good friends at the orphanage but I he didn't feel really happy because he thought they only were obligated to be friendly with him because they had been helped by him. Rather than opting for adoption at age 14, he set out on his own to make it into the world. Because of his local reputation, he received a unique offer. By day he was a top student at the local high school who did many sports like tennis and track, but by night he was being trained in many different hand to hand combat types as a part of a secret police group training high school students. After a half a year of this Phil had developed his uniquely effect fighting style, which is a mix of krav maga, kickboxing and street fighting. He was then sent to integrate in with local gangs of thugs as a special agent to take them down from within. In exchange, Phil made enough money to afford a small condo on the outskirts of town. However, Phil was too good at his secret job and his reputation became so great that any gang the police sent him to become part of wouldn't be fooled. Phil moved on from the old group and became an off the books police contractor on the side. However Phil wouldn't take any assignments that involved hurting innocents or killing people. One day after a particularly long mission while Phil was visiting his parent's grave, he heard members of a gang he thought he broke up trying to take advantage of a young woman. However the woman, who is Lane, was holding her own very well using her fencing skills. Phil still went and helped her. The two fought side by side until all but one of the thugs was left standing. Phil realizes the thug was going to throw his knife at Lane, who had her back turned. Phil used himself as a shield to save her. After the last thug is downed, Lane can't understand why Phil did this because no one had ever done anything selfless for her before. Everyone who helped her had always only been interested in her parent's money, yet Phil saved her without knowing who she was. Lane rushed to the hospital, carrying Phil on her back and making it just in time to save him. In order to save Phil, Lane had to give blood in a transfusion, with both of them being blood type o. After Phil finally recovered from near death, they formed a close friendship, which quickly became romance. They were both truly the happiest they had ever been with each other. Phil finally felt that he had someone who loved him for who he was and not what he did. Meanwhile, Lane finally had someone who loved her for who she was and not because they were trying to get something from her parents through her. Before they became boyfriend and girlfriend, Phil warned Lane of the danger that might befall her because of what Phil had done before, but Lane told him that dying with him would be more fulfilling then living alone. Lane taught Phil all she knew about fencing and Phil taught Lane many martial arts. They traveled all over the world together on breaks from school using Lane's parent's money gifts to her. They both lived together in Phil's condo because she wanted to be away from her family and with him. This happy relationship came to a sudden end after about three years when Lane was killed. The police claimed she was hit by a car but Phil suspects something else might have happened. In her will, Lane leaves Phil her fencing sabers and a note. The note reads "take these sabers and fulfill both of our dreams. I will always be by your side." Phil always carries two of the fencing swords with him, holstered to his belt almost all the time, even in school. The two swords were the ones that Lane and Phil used when they competed against each other and weren't practice swords but actual rapier sabers. Phil continued to develop his fencing skills and became one of the best fencers in the country and one of the three best in his age group, aided by his martial arts/combat experience. For his contracts he developed a unique dual wielding fencing style he currently uses along with martial arts. After a while Lane started to appear before Phil in his dreams and sometimes in real life in dire situations. Though she is dead, her spirit is very much alive to him in his blood and swords. When the zombies attacked, he was one of the few who were not at all fazed by them. In his time as a secret agent of the police he had seen things far worse than zombies. He sets out to save as many of his friends as he could.

Appearance: Phil is tall at 6'4", weighs 190 lbs., has muscular legs and trim, muscled upper body, tan skin, brown eyes and brown medium length curly hair. Lane is 6' even, 140 lbs., slender muscled body, medium sized breasts, trim waistline, white skin slightly tanned, green glowing eyes, brown hair flowing to shoulder length, looks very attractive, wears a white dress in both dreams and real life visions. During Phil's dreams she can be seen with a halo and white-gray angel wings.

Sexuality: Both straight. Lane allows Phil to date other girls while she is not alive in an attempt to relieve him of some of the pain he feels. Phil likes a girl who is tough and doesn't need constant saving. Phil also loves girls who love him for who he is and not what he does. He is not a pervert but he is not shy when talking to girls and even if he is not in a relationship with them, he cares about them and their feelings. He is even willing to step in on someone's behalf if they are getting harassed. Lane is solely interested in Phil and once he Phil figures out how to get Lane back he feels the same way.

Special attributes/abilities: Phil can syphon some of Lane's power in times of need when he is pushed to the brink. His eyes glow bright green like Lane's and his strength and speed get a significant boost, but are still within human parameters. Lane has the ability to aid anyone who can see her in combat by briefly possessing them, as long as they are willing to let her in. Their eyes glow green while possessed.

Likes: (Phil) Lane, a good fight, real friends, Italian food, adventuring/exploring, meeting new people, saving people, smiles on strangers faces, fencing, tennis, track/field, the Caribbean, women who are strong.

(Lane) Phil, fencing, being away from her family, exploring, music, cooking, dogs, sports, feeling alive and free.

Dislikes: (Phil) People dying, people who let others die, chocolate, super spicy food, Lane being dead, liars and untrustworthy people, big dogs, cramped places, the cruel truth of this new world

(Lane) Being dead, people not remembering her, being lonely, watching Phil suffer, snakes, big bites

Weaknesses: Phil has an obsessive desire to save lives and the risks he takes to save people put him in danger from time to time. Usually his combat skills help him immensely, but from time to time going off to save people separates him from the group and puts them in more danger too until he gets back. Lane is already dead, but her desire to help Phil and return to life sometimes has negative consequences.

Strengths: (Phil) hand to hand cqc, fencing, swordsmanship, speed, footwork, dexterity, parrying, battle tactics, cooking (with advice/help from Lane), marksmanship, keeping the peace in a group

(Lane)- Fencing, thrown projectiles, cooking, peace keeping, slight foresight being an angel, speed, dodging, footwork, bow marksmanship

Weapon(s): (Phil) Dual fencing rapier sabers (primary, school weapon), halberd (heavy melee weapon with lance body, spear tip and axe and hammer sides of tip), bow/arrow/lighter, MP5SD suppressed submachine gun. (Lane, if alive) rapier fencing saber, throwing knives, repeating crossbow


(Phil): Black fencing protective jacket, fencing helmet with neck guard (worn during combat, otherwise worn like a hood), Oakley shade (worn out of combat), dark blue jeans, running shoes, belt with saber holsters sown into it, red t-shirt (worn under jacket)

(Lane): Not alive, wears white dress when in visions. If she is back to life, she wears dark blue jeans, dark green girls t shirt with a white fencing jacket unzipped overtop and white sneakers, Oakley shades like Phil.

Nicknames: (Phil) Angel (nickname from orphanage), wandering death (nickname given by gangs he destroyed)

(Lane) Easton's girl, Lay (by Phil occasionally)

Fighting Styles:

Phil: When Phil fights he wields both his fencing swords in a semi open stance (right foot forward, chest angled about 45 degrees to my left from the target. Phil can vary how he holds his sabers depending on his current needs. He can wield both blades forward. He can still stab well but he losses effectiveness in slashing. In return he can block with his two blades, parry or dodge. He can shift his left hand blade backwards for more slashing capability, but he loses the ability to block. If he wields both blades behind him, it makes his attacks faster and more deadly but his only form of defense is dodging. Even with his sabers, Phil still can utilize his kick boxing or krav maga throws. Phil likes to light his arrows for his bow on fire to exploit the zombie's vulnerability to fire. Phil won't use non silenced guns and even so enjoys using blades or a bow more.

Lane: (if she has her own form back) Lane utilizes a traditional closed fencing stance (shoulder and blade hand towards target) and wields one saber. In her off hand she throws or stabs with throwing knives which are stored on her left hip. She mostly stabs, parries and blocks with her saber while her knives are her primary offense.

Theme Music: Dash Berlin- Disarm yourself (club mix)

Phil will be the main character of the story. However, every character I accept will have a chapter(s) told from their perspective and I want to give every character the development and attention to detail that they deserve.

Here is the OC application:


Age: Between 13-19 years old please




Family members: Status (alive, deceased, zombie, unknown, other?) and brief description of relationship with your character.

Personality: Be very descriptive, I have to know how to make them act. The more interesting the character seems, the higher chance I will use them. I understand that suffering builds character but don't make your character's life up to now awful. Either give them some happy and redeeming traits or some way to grow/evolve as a character.

History: Like with personality, be very descriptive. Also, come up with a creative yet believable story of past events that could have relevancy to the universe

Appearance: Height, weight, body build, skin tone, eye color, hair color/length/style, female characteristics (if female, cup size ect…)

Sexuality: I'm cool with anything you get and I'll try to match up a few characters based on their personality and sexuality.

Special attributes/abilities: Any skills or abilities, as long as they aren't super powers. For example, you can't give a character mind reading, but you can give them above average awareness (something that can be explained)



Weaknesses: Come up with one or two (or more) good weaknesses. Nobody's perfect.

Strengths: Any helpful qualities or talents possessed by the character.

Weapon(s): Include school weapons (be unique, but nothing to that you couldn't get at a school) and multiple weapon options for the group leaves the school.

Clothes: No school uniform, but dress code in school. Nothing to super obscene or revealing worn at school. After school you can give your oc another set of clothes if you want.


Fighting Styles: Be very descriptive here. Unless your OC is a noncombatant, you need to fill this out. If they are a noncombatant, describe how they assist the group here. Otherwise, give me a detailed description of your characters fighting style with all weapons they wield and how they acquired the skills to wield said weapon (should the weapon require skills to operate) if you didn't say how in the character history.

Reaction to Phil Angelo: Be descriptive.

Theme music: Optional but it would be cool

Phil will be the main character of the story. However, every character I accept will have a chapter(s) told from their perspective and I want to give every character the development and attention to detail that they deserve. As I mentioned before the original characters will probably make appearances, but there will be no original x OC, just OC x OC. I've decided that the story will be set in Philadelphia.

You can submit characters via review or PM. I would prefer PM because you have more room to be descriptive with your applications. I check my account every few hours and I can quickly decide whether your character is in, possibly in or not in the story. Each person can submit up to three OCs if you please, however I will only put in two characters max from one person and two characters from the same person can't be in a relationship.

I hope to hear from you with your characters! I'm shooting to get the first two chapters up by Tuesday (hopefully). This story will be long (30-50 chapters most likely) and I'm going to keep OC applications open until near then end. I'm looking for a 15-20 characters in the story until around the end. Feel free to PM me. Until then Lazersword88 signing off!

*P.S. – I need a few (2-3) characters to be members of the secret police group that Phil is a part of in his backstory. I also need one or two more characters to be living in the same orphanage Phil did when he was younger. This may give your OC a better shot if they are close to making the story.