Stories of the Spiral
The Gal with the Golden Gun
One morning, a few days after our search for Gunn's treasure, Bonnie approached me at Nikolai's general store.
"Captain, I need to talk to you about something important." Bonnie said as she sat down across from me at the picnic table in the far corner of the general store.
"Sure, what is it, Bonnie?" I asked as I poured her some tea.
"Captain, the time has come for me to be a true sharpshooter. My mentor, Old Fish Eye, can give me his blessing and then I'll be ready." Bonnie answered as she downed the tea in one sitting.
"He lives under the East Bastion up in Skull Island Fort. Let's go see him!" Bonnie said as she stood up.
I nodded as I stood up. I followed her to the East Bastion, to the left of Captain Avery's manor. One of the men on duty opened the trapdoor leading downstairs and we went down the stairs.
The Musketeer's Roost, as I heard the pirates on Skull Island call Old Fish Eye's home, was filled with cannons and containers filled with guns, bullets, and gunpowder.
An old pelican sat atop a crate, reloading a rifle with a rather long barrel with a scope attached.
He wore an eyepiece over his left eye, a faded green coat and pair of trousers, and a brown hat filled with bullet holes.
"Old Fish Eye, I'm ready to be a sharpshooter." Bonnie said to the old pelican.
"So you want to be a sharpshooter, eh? Well, you don't need me – you've learned everything you need to know." Old Fish Eye said as he finished reloading.
"You need a better weapon – your sparquebus won't do at all. I have it! Well, I don't have it, but I know what you need. You know what I mean."
"My old friend Adolphus had a Scaramanga Musket. Scaramanga – Valencian, the best! Less than a thousand were made. Get that gun, and you'll do fine."
"Adolphus ran off and joined the Cutthroats, which wasn't very smart. He was on a ship called the Old Chum – it's been seen up on Skull Mountain."
We left the Musketeer's Roost, and we crossed the rope bridge to Skull Mountain.
"Well, this brings back memories, doesn't it, Captain?" Bonnie asked as we entered the pirate camp in Skull Island.
"Yeah, it does." I answered, remembering when Rena and I recruited Bonnie here.
We left the safety of the pirate camp and snuck past the Troggy scouts to find the Old Chum docked near where Fin's crew camped.
Bonnie and I crossed the gangplank and snuck onto the Old Chum, where a small crew of five Sharks was meeting on the quarter deck.
Bonnie aimed her sparquebus and fired, stunning the farthest one, and the other Sharks drew their cutlasses.
One Shark had a trident for a left hand, and he tried to pierce me with it like a fish. I dodged it and then parried a slash from his cutlass with my sword.
I kicked him in the stomach and then delivered an uppercut with my left fist to his jaw, sending him reeling before falling unconscious onto the deck.
Another Shark rushed towards me, and I sidestepped to avoid him, and then I put out my foot at the last minute, tripping him, and I knocked him out with the flat of my blade.
Bonnie fired her sparquebus again, and stunned another Cutthroat running towards me.
The two remaining Sharks tried to double-team me, but I stepped out of the way of the first Shark's sword and twisted it so that the flat of blade into the second's head, knocking him out.
The other Shark turned to face me, and I headbutted him to knock him out. The first one I knocked out began to stir and we ran over to him.
"Where is Adolphus?" I demanded as I grabbed hold of his collar and pointed my sword at his face.
"Enough – I'll talk! You want Adolphus the musketeer? We roughed him up and left him for dead. We left him on Refuge Isle, at the end of Corsair's Channel." The Cutthroat said.
"Thank you." I said as I raised the hilt of my sword and slammed it into his head. I turned to face Bonnie. "Gather the crew and meet me at the Aquila in a half hour."
Bonnie and I gathered the crew and set sail aboard the Aquila. After an hour at sky, we arrived at Refuge Isle, the home of Captain Gunn.
We soon found the Scaramanga in the wreckage of an old boat, which I had noticed before, but didn't think too much of.
I could see the Scaramanga was a fine gun, made of high quality Monquistan steel and golden wood from Skull Island, with Valencian craftsmanship, but it was very rusty, and it flaked off my fingers.
"Ah, here it is! Or was…" Bonnie said. "She looks to be a fine Musket, but she's in terrible shape. I know just who we need to talk to! Lucius Fox, down in Gullet, he'll fix this easy."
We boarded the Aquila, and we sailed to Jonah Town, where we docked next to the Highwind, where Brody was preparing to set sail.
"Ahoy, Brody, how are you?" I called as I stepped down from the Aquila. Brody looked up from repairing a net and waved back. "I never got to thank you for the Highwind, so thank you!"
I waved back as we entered Jonah Town and walked to the giant boatswain's chair that lowered people down to Gullet.
As we arrived in Gullet, the familiar unpleasant of dead fish assaulted my nose. Bonnie led me to Lucius Fox's workshop, which had a sign depicting a wrench hanging above the door.
We entered the workshop to find a Fox wearing glasses and a red bowtie and blue waistcoat over a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and brown trousers and shoes.
He was sitting a work table, drawing a diagram for some kind of machine. Bonnie handed me the Scaramanga and stepped back into the shadows, and I set it down in front of Lucius's diagram.
"Why hello, what have we here – a Scaramanga!" Lucius said as he looked up at me. "A shame, it's in very poor condition. But it can be fixed… for a price."
"It's for Bonnie Anne." I said as Bonnie stepped out of the shadows.
"Then repairs will be free of charge. It's the least I can do for an old friend." Lucius said as he rolled up the diagram he was drawing and put it away. "Just give me a half hour."
A half hour passed, and Lucius Fox presented Bonnie with her new Scaramanga, and we got to see it in all its glory. "Here, this should do nicely. Congratulations!"
"It's time to celebrate! Let's go to a tavern!" Bonnie cheered.
We said goodbye to Lucius and we rode the boatswain's chair up to Gullet, where we, along with the rest of the crew, entered the Golden Fin tavern, where Bonnie ordered rounds for the house.
"The Scaramanga – she's a beauty! Let's go put this Musket to good use, eh, Captain?" Bonnie said to me as the others drank Yum merrily.