I do not own InuYasha or company. Just this plot.
Chapter 1
"Come on, InuYasha! You may not want to admit it, but you do like sparring with Sesshomaru!"
"No way, Kagome! He is not going there!"
"I'll make you a deal."
InuYasha looked at Kagome out of the corner of his eye.
Kagome got up, walked over and placed her hand on the enchanted beads.
"You want this off?"
That got his attention.
"What the hell kind of question is that? Of course I do!"
"Then here is my deal. I'll take these off if you let Sesshomaru come with us to my time."
"What's going to keep him under control?"
Kagome just patted the beads.
"You mean you wanna put the beads on him?" InuYasha asked with laugh.
"I'll put these on him. Then, if you want, you can run off to Kikyou."
Kikyou had found a way to return to life, claiming InuYasha's interests as well.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm doing this for you, InuYasha."
InuYasha crossed his arms and looked away.
"Then I'm staying."
Kagome blinked back the sudden tears that threatened to fall.
"Very well, InuYasha," she said. With that, she lifted the beads away from him. "There. You don't have to worry about me planting your face in the ground." She turned away. "Goodbye InuYasha."
She walked away.
"Hey, guys," Kagome said as she walked into Kaede's hut.
Miroku and Sango rose to their feet when they saw her.
"Momma!" Shippo said as she sat down. The little fox demon ran over and threw himself at her.
"Hey, Shippo."
"What's that?" he asked, pointing at the beads in her hand.
She looked at them.
"I let InuYasha go."
Miroku and Sango moved over and sat down on either side of Kagome.
"He wanted to go back to Kikyou. So I let him."
Shippo hugged Kagome.
"That InuYasha is such an idiot."
"No. He wanted the love of his life," Kagome said. 'And that wasn't me,' she thought.
Sango grabbed Kagome's hand.
"So what now?"
"I want to talk to Sesshomaru."
Sango gave a tiny gasp.
"Are you certain you want to do that? You know he hates humans with the exception of Rin."
Kagome gave a small smile as she held up the beads.
"I'm going to put these on him."
"But he could just melt it with his poison."
Kagome shook her head.
"I watched him attack InuYasha with his poison claws. InuYasha told me that he wanted to see if Sesshomaru's poison could melt through the beads. Sesshomaru hit the beads several times. Now what do you see?" She held up the beads to the others to look over.
Sango moved them around.
"I don't see a scratch on them."
"But he could kill you."
"Not if I tell him I'm the only one that can remove them."
Kagome left early the next morning to find Sesshomaru. Miroku and Sango had wanted to go as well, to help her if needed, but she had refused. She wanted to go alone.
"Naroku is gone. I only have to worry about wondering demons," she had said. Kagome's only problem was InuYasha. She worried she would run into the half-demon.
As she was coming out of the woods, she felt a familiar demonic aura.
"Hello, Sesshomaru."
She turned to the demon lord.
"What business do you have with me, woman?" he asked in his usual icy tone.
"Jeez! Lighten up!"
He just kept his eyes on her.
"Would you like to take Rin somewhere she'll have love, care and be safe from other demons?"
"Don't bother with your trivial concern," he said before turning to leave.
"Damn it, Sesshomaru!"
He looked over his shoulder.
"Rin needs friends and family! I'm willing to give her both! And I'm willing to take you along!"
"She needs nothing, woman."
"Oh? She's worried about you when you leave. She worries about you when you go into battle. I can take you and her to a different time where you don't have to worry about fighting, where she won't worry, and where she'll be loved by a mother."
"How do you think to make this come to be? Time flows in one direction."
"True. But I'm not from this era."
He didn't say a word.
"I'm from five hundred years in the future. The wars are long over."
Sesshomaru walked away.
"Fine! I'll keep up the hope that she'll not get hurt after I'm gone."
Sesshomaru ignored her.
The Lord of the West returned to his camp, the human woman's words still ringing in his ears.
"Lord Sesshomaru!"
The call of his young ward brought him from his thoughts.
"Lord Sesshomaru! Welcome back, my lord!"
Jaken bowed to his lord.
"I need rest," Sesshomaru said as he walked away.
Rin walked with him to the same tree and sat down with him.
"Tell me, Rin. Do you miss your mother?"
Rin looked at Sesshomaru.
"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru. But Rin has you."
Sesshomaru gave a small nod.
Kagome walked with Miroku and Sango the next day. Sango was holding Kirara, while Kagome was holding Shippo. She would not leave her surrogate son behind. They were all walking towards the Bone Eaters Well. Kagome had decided to take them into the future.
"What will we be doing when we get there?" Sango asked.
Kagome just shrugged. She looked down at the little fox demon in her arms. He was dozing.
He looked at her.
"I need you to hide your tail. We can't let them see you as a demon."
He disappeared in a cloud of smoke for an instant. When the smoke cleared, his tail was gone.
"Thank you. You can go back to sleep now."
Shippo nodded and snuggled close to Kagome.
Kagome looked over at Sango.
"You still have the Jewel?"
Sango nodded.
Just then, a powerful demonic aura filled the air, pressing against Kagome's.
"I guess he decided to join us after all."
The well came into view along with the demon lord.
"If you are lying, woman, I will bathe my claws in your blood."
"I'm not. But if you're going as well," he nodded, "then I need you to put these on."
Kagome pulled the enchanted beads from her bag. When he caught sight of the beads, he growled.
"I must put these on you. If not, you will stay and Rin will go. And if I'm not mistaken, once the Jewel passes through the well, it will close." She looked over at Sango and Miroku. "Leaving you all stranded in my time and no way back."
Sesshomaru growled even louder. He then started walking slowly forward, making his way to Kagome. When he was in front of her, he bowed slightly.
Kagome put the beads around his neck and pulled his hair from under them. She then stepped back a few feet.
"Just so you know," she said, "you won't be able to remove them."
Sesshomaru grabbed the beads and tried to pull them off. They wouldn't budge.
His eyes went red.
"Remove them!"
"No," Kagome said as she started to shake.
Sesshomaru jumped at her.
The beads pulled Sesshomaru straight to the ground.
"Don't make me bury you!"
Sesshomaru got to his feet and went after her again. He found his face in the ground, repeating his dirt snack.
"You kill me Sesshomaru and you'll never get those beads off. I'm not letting you go to the future with a knack for killing. You're being put on a leash." She turned to her friends. "You guys ready?"
Miroku nodded.
"Yeah," Shippo said from her arms.
"I'm ready, Kagome," Sango said.
Kagome turned to look at Sesshomaru.
"Up onto the lip of the well."
He glared at her but did as he was told. She got up there as well and grabbed his empty sleeve.
"See you three in a few."
She then jumped, pulling Sesshomaru with her to her time. When she looked up, she smiled at the roof of the well house.
"Could you get us out of here?" she asked the demon next to her.
He jumped out of the well and returned a moment later without Rin in his arm. He then grabbed Kagome by her neck and took her up there as well.
She set Shippo down gently, trying not to disturb his sleep, as well as her backpack. She then got back up on the lip of the well and jumped back in time.
"You guys ready to get out of this place?" she asked when she saw Miroku and Sango standing there with Kohaku.
"Can we take him as well?" Sango asked.
"Of course. I gladly take him to my time. You need your family."
Kagome had them join her on the well's lip.
"Hold hands, everyone. And on three. One. Two. Three!"
They all took the plunge.
That is the end of the first chapter. I know some of you think I'm not doing a good job by leaving out the suffixes like -sama, -san, -kun, and so on. But this is how I write. I'm no perfect and neither is my story.
Kagome has taken her friends, and an enemy, to her time. How will this affect her time? What will her mother think? And Souta. Find out next chapter. Till then,
Talon Earthstone
Please review.