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Chapter 32: Epilogue – I Came for the Party
One Year Later
Humid night air breezed in through the balcony doors, tickling Anakin's nose. It'd be easy to blame his insomnia on being too warm, but he knew better. His mind had been wide awake for the past hour and it showed no signs of slowing down.
He just couldn't stop imagining different ways of remodeling the Jedi temple. The Jedi's request for a galactic restoration grant had finally gone through after months of planning. Bail Organa was going to lend his personal expertise and artistic eye to the project. Everything was in order and work would begin next week. But damn, if it wasn't tempting to take off to Coruscant right now and take a sledgehammer to all the Sith statues Palpatine erected…
Anakin didn't know what had gotten into him lately. Maybe he was still on the upswing of his recovery. If so, he didn't know how much higher he could get. Nothing had gone awry since shedding his suit once and for all. Little Nela's birth had gone off without a hitch three months ago. Luke and Leia adored their baby sister and spent endless hours vainly trying to get her to practice Force levitation with them.
Padmé's parents were quite pleased they got to be present for this grandchild's birth, at least. It had taken some time and patience to reestablish their trust, though not half as much as Anakin expected.
Just last month, Ruwee and Jobal legally transferred the Varykino cottage over to their daughter and son-in-law. In its master suite was where Anakin now lay, baffled at how his life had changed over the past year.
Nela's distant whimpering reached his ears and he bolted up instantly. Padmé stirred slightly, slower to wake.
"I… I can get her…" she mumbled in a half-asleep stupor.
"Shh, I've got it. Gives me an outlet for my energy."
He slunk down the hall before she could say another word. There was no time to waste – the longer Nela cried, the higher the chances of waking the twins rose.
He found her curled into a ball in the corner of her crib, brown hair plastered to her head in the pale moonlight. Picking her up, Anakin grimaced – the poor girl was sweaty and overheated.
"I see your brother and sister overdressed you for bed tonight," he apologized with a kiss on her cheek. "I'll fix that. Socks and nightshirt come off now."
Her pale blue eyes squinted at him as he unsnapped her clothes and tickled her stomach, earning a giggle. Then Padmé's shadow fell across them from the doorway.
"Don't get her worked up, or she'll never fall back asleep," she warned playfully.
"I had no such intentions!" Anakin threw up his hands. "I'm just changing her out of the sleeper."
"Mm-hmm. That's what you said two nights ago when I found you reading the Unabridged History of the Force to her at midnight!"
Anakin smiled disarmingly. "You're always pushing educational activities!"
"During daylight hours, yes."
"Ah. I understand now. It won't happen again, milady."
Padmé rolled her eyes. "You know I can't stand that nickname."
"What, is there a ban on everything fun? No late night book sessions and no terms of endearment?"
Laughing, Padmé sauntered closer. "You've been more impish than usual these days! What happened to the all-business Jedi who's been rebuilding the Order?"
"He's on vacation. Besides, there are plenty of other Jedi masters running things while I'm away."
He had a point. Under Yoda and Obi-Wan's guidance, Ainar was rapidly ascending in skill, and it wouldn't be long before he was formally knighted. He visited Varykino once or twice a month but found plenty on Coruscant to keep him occupied. Renovating Anakin's old palace was his pet project; he envisioned converting it into a luxury hotel, which shouldn't be difficult given its existing furnishings. With a few softer elements added here and there, he'd have a surefire magnet for high-profile clients from around the galaxy. To say they slept in the former Darth Vader's lair? That was thrilling and exotic.
Most of the other Jedi survivors were camping out in the temple's east wing, which Palpatine had altered the least. It was a little cramped with almost thirty bodies vying for space, but it was a happy inconvenience. They were glad to be reminded that a decent number of them remained. Not half of the strong, proud forces they once were, but enough to make a new beginning.
New beginnings… the concept held more significance for Anakin than anyone in the universe. There wasn't a morning he woke without looking at his hands and feet in pure awe. Nor did a minute pass when he took Padmé for granted. And the twins… Force, they astounded him. From the first day they laid eyes on him, they knew he'd convert. Their faith had never wavered.
And then there was Nela, whose cries he never dared to imagine he'd hear in his lifetime. To be woken from the deepest sleep by her noises was a gift. He knew plenty of parents who'd label him deranged for feeling that way, but none of them had experienced rebirth as he had. None of them could ever share his reborn perspective.
But that was fine with him. He was content sharing it with only his closest relatives – those who deserved it more than anyone, and with whom he intended to shower it every day of the rest of their lives.
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Nine Years Later
"Leia! Where did you put the serving bowls?"
The sixteen-year-old girl sighed. She was draped over the edge of the family room sofa, exuding laziness and teenage angst like it was her job.
"I don't remember – somewhere in the kitchen!"
"That's not very helpful!" cried Padmé. "There are a million things stacked on top of each other in here!"
By accident, Luke wandered into the upturned kitchen. One look and he turned on his heel to escape, but he wasn't quick enough.
"Luke, help me look for the serving bowls!" Padmé grabbed him by the arm.
"But it's Leia's fault they're missing," he whined.
"I don't care! If we start going by who's technically responsible for everything, we'll never get this reunion together!"
Luke sighed, though not as petulantly as his sister. Why go to all this trouble just for a stupid reunion? It'd just be a bunch of people he already saw on a fairly regular basis. And half of them weren't even family. His father applied the concept far too generously, and if he had his way, the entire population of Naboo would be invited – Gungans and all. Creepy.
But every few years, Anakin got an itch for a blowout social event, and Force help anyone who tried to stop him.
"Found them!" Luke announced after knocking over a tower of plates and napkins.
"Thank you!" exhaled Padmé. "Now could you fill them with everything in those bags?"
Luke looked ill when he saw the pile of junk food. Sure, it'd taste great, but he and plenty of others would pay for it hours afterward. Good thing the Varykino house had six bathrooms.
"So when does everyone start showing up?" he asked his mother.
"Within the next half hour, and we still have to set up the patio, and get your sister to change her clothes, and your father's still missing…"
"Mom, take a breath and calm down. Remember last time? The garden fountain motor exploded and everyone got drenched, but we all still had a great time. It can't get much worse than that."
"Yeah, unless a man-eating shark comes out of the lake and eats everybody!" Nela came bounding in, wet hair and swimsuit dripping on the kitchen tile.
"Very funny," Padmé pursed her lips. "Go dry off and get ready."
"Okay!" Nela stole a handful of cheese puffs as she skipped off.
Luke waited until she was out of earshot, then turned to Padmé. "She'd better not have any pranks up her sleeve this time!"
"Force, I hope not too," Padmé confessed. The last thing they needed was another incident involving tooth dye in the punch. It was a disgrace they couldn't look at any of the photos without seeing purple grins on everyone.
"I'll keep an eye on her," promised Luke.
"Make sure it's very close."
Leia shouted from several rooms away. "MOM! Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru are here!"
"Always so gracious and ladylike," Padmé groaned. "Keep working on those bowls, I'll go answer the door."
She found the Lars wearing bright smiles and even brighter apparel. Owen's shirt was particularly loud, covered in an abstract floral print straight from the jungle.
"Padmé! Good to see you!" he buried her in a bear hug. "Beautiful day for a picnic!"
"Yes, it certainly is!" Padmé laughed, looking at Beru incredulously.
Spotting Leia in the background, Owen moved past Padmé and gave his niece another booming greeting.
"Is that the same husband you had last time?" Padmé whispered to Beru, who laughed as well.
"Believe it or not, it is. Best move we ever made was from Tatooine to Naboo, Padmé. We left our second moisture farm six months ago and came here to raise livestock. Owen hasn't been the same since!"
"I knew you'd moved, but I had no idea how much Naboo agreed with him!"
"You don't know the half of it. Who knew that leaving a barren, arid wasteland for a fertile planet would lift one's spirits?" Beru asked sarcastically.
Padmé grinned, marveling at Owen's drastic change in character. "I'm glad it's worked out so well for both of you. Come on in and make yourselves at home."
Padmé hardly had time to take another breath before the next visitors arrived – this time escorted by her husband.
"Bail! Breha!"
"Sorry we're running behind – our transport from the spaceport broke down, and Anakin was kind enough to pick us up," Bail explained.
"Don't worry about it, you're not late. Owen and Beru are the only ones here yet."
Anakin stole a kiss while the Organas struck up conversation with the Lars. "Han will be coming in separately. The summer session at Galactic Academy gets out today."
"I'm sure that will make Leia happy," Padmé gave him a knowing look.
The color drained from Anakin's face. "Don't say that."
"Fine, but sooner or later you'll have to get out of denial and see it for what it is."
"I will not! There's nothing going on between them!"
Padmé shook her head condescendingly. "Whatever you say."
"He's far too old for her!"
"Some would have said I was too old for you," Padmé reminded him.
"That… that's different!" Anakin sputtered. "We're talking ten years' difference, not five!"
"Look, I have way too many things to take care of to argue this right now. Just be prepared, all right? It never hurts to be ready for the worst case scenario."
Worst case scenario indeed, grumbled Anakin. He didn't care if Han was the adopted son of the Organas, and that he'd earned top honors at the Academy that year. The boy split the age difference between Anakin and his daughter in half! What perverted twenty-six-year-old pursued a teenage girl, anyway? It was sick and twisted, and totally inappropriate…
Sort of like falling in love with the queen of Naboo when he was a slave boy of nine.
Anakin shook the matter from his mind when he saw the Jedi consort approaching. Ainar, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and a dozen other masters strolled under the cool boughs of Varykino's trees, taking in the romantic scenery.
Anakin's jaw nearly fell to the ground. He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. Was Obi-Wan walking alongside a woman? With his hand firmly holding hers?
And Ainar… could he really be in the company of Mon Mothma with his arm casually draped across her shoulder?
Both men exchanged amused looks when they came upon Anakin in a state of shock.
"Hello son," Ainar's cheeks dimpled from controlling his smile. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"
In a daze, Anakin stared at Obi-Wan's female companion, who looked incredibly familiar.
"It's been a while, but you may remember Duchess Satine of Mandalore," Obi-Wan introduced, ever polite.
Satine responded before Anakin could, extending her hand with a gracious smile. "I certainly remember you, Anakin. It's quite an honor to see you again."
"And surely you know Mon," Ainar spoke up.
"Y-yes, of course…" Anakin tried to find his composure. "But why are… you… and they…"
Obi-Wan laughed. "Come on Anakin, you of all people shouldn't be surprised! After all, you paved the way for this!"
"I did?"
The entire group of Jedi chuckled to themselves.
"Don't be so modest. Your relationship with Padmé has changed how we see love can be incorporated within the Jedi code," Obi-Wan said. "And we thank you for that."
"So you… and Satine? And Mon… and you, Father?"
"What you see is what you get," confirmed Ainar. "We're not here to give you a brain aneurysm, honest. We just thought it'd be the best venue to announce our engagements."
"Engagements…? I didn't even know you were seeing each other!" Anakin cried, feeling faint.
"We thought it best to keep everything quiet until we knew if things were serious. We wanted to avoid tabloid attention if we parted ways."
Obi-Wan nodded. "A higher level of discretion is needed with high-profile relationships. Surely you can relate, Anakin!" he nudged his former padawan with a wink.
Swallowing his shock, Anakin gave an awkwardly lopsided smile. "That's… terrific. Great news, really! Um… congratulations to you all!"
A flurry of hugs were exchanged before the Jedi meandered inside, where their news stunned Padmé just as much. Soon Varykino was roaring with the lively voices of over twenty people and Anakin feared the roof would blow off from the noise. He couldn't hear himself think at one point, much less hear another friend calling his name from behind.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and whirled around to find Uli Divini, surgeon extraordinaire, staring him in the face.
Anakin's grin was instant and he dragged the man out onto the back patio where they could converse in normal tones.
"Uli! You came!"
"Sorry I missed the last one," Uli replied, taking in the view of the lake. "Quite a place you've got here, Anakin!"
"It's a gift from Padmé's family. And how are you enjoying my old retreat these days?"
Uli's smile broadened. "Just fine. Well, more than fine," he looked over his shoulder. As if on cue, a woman exited the house with a toddler on her hip, straddling her pregnant belly.
"Deniri, I'd like you to meet Anakin Skywalker," Uli introduced. "This is my wife Deniri."
Anakin shook hands with the raven-haired beauty and she, in turn, blushed self-consciously. Being married to the man largely responsible for Darth Vader's disappearance was emotionally overwhelming.
"Lots of empty rooms to fill in that retreat," Uli joked, kissing Deniri fondly.
"Yes, there certainly are," Anakin smiled. "Congratulations."
"And how are your children doing these days?"
"Luke earned early admission to the Academy starting this fall, and Leia starts her diplomacy internship next summer. Nela is… well, Nela," Anakin laughed again. "She's top of her class but can't seem to stay out of trouble!"
"I can't imagine where she gets that from!"
Anakin had no comeback other than a rueful smirk. He and Divini had to have one of the most unique patient-doctor relationships in the galaxy. And in the entire history of the galaxy, for that matter. But Anakin wouldn't have it any other way. Ever since he thanked Uli by giving him his old lakeside retreat, the two had kept in contact over the years, acting like old friends despite their very odd beginnings.
Their reunion was interrupted, however, when Jobal Naberrie poked her head out the back door.
"Anakin! Come inside, there's going to be an announcement!"
Panic filled Anakin's face. Another announcement? How many more could he endure today?
Uli and family followed him into a crowd that craned its collective neck to view the balcony over the family room. Anakin stood behind everyone, perplexed. Whom were they waiting to see?
When he saw a distinctive pair of cinnamon-bun hair rolls appear, he moaned. Leia.
And Han was standing next to her… arm wrapped around her waist…
"Friends and family, thank you all for coming today!" Leia glowed from being the center of attention. "Since you're all here, Han and I decided the time was right to announce that –"
Anakin covered his face in his hands.
"– we're in love and plan to get married next summer right here by the lake!"
Startled, everyone turned toward the source of that loud exclamation. They found Anakin with his fists in the air.
"Han Solo and Leia Skywalker, get down here this minute!" he shouted, furious.
Awkward murmurs accompanied the lovebirds as they descended the stairs. Leia held her head high, but Han stayed a step or two behind, looking somewhat sheepish.
"Yes, Father?" Leia stared him down, hands on her hips.
"Don't take that tone with me! How dare you plan to get married to him, of all people, and without my permission?"
Padmé, the Naberries, and Obi-Wan had all drawn closer to witness the showdown.
"I'm practically an adult and I don't need your permission!"
"To use our beach for your wedding, you most certainly do!"
"What's the matter, you don't want anyone upstaging your & Mom's wedding?" Leia provoked.
"That has nothing to do with it! You're much too young, and there's also the issue of the inappropriate age gap between you and Han!"
"You got married at nineteen, didn't you? I won't be much younger than that next year. And Mom's five years older than you, so drop the double standard!"
Curses. She just had to remember all those details and throw them in his face, didn't she?
Han cleared his throat and dared to speak. "Ehm… sir, Mr. Skywalker, I'd like to add that I've known your daughter for ten years, and our relationship began firmly on platonic foundations, which experts agree is the best way to –"
"You!" Anakin cut him short. "Go wait on the patio! I need to speak to Leia alone!"
Han complied in a heartbeat. He should have known what he was getting himself into, becoming engaged to the former Darth Vader's daughter. But that only proved how irrevocably in love he was with her, that he'd face Anakin's hot temper and pride. And he knew Leia wouldn't back down. She'd never been afraid of him, not even when he was still the Dark Lord.
"Leia, what. Are. You. Thinking?" Anakin turned to her again. "He's a former pirate, for Force's sake!"
"Yes, and now he's graduating in the top five percent at the Academy next year," Leia defended. "Besides, in this family, I thought we didn't judge people based on their pasts!"
Sith, the girl knew her way around an argument. That diplomacy internship would put her wit and logic to good use.
"Ahem, Anakin?" Obi-Wan interjected. "I recall you saying long ago that a certain young man wasn't Academy material. He more than proved you wrong on that one."
"That's right," Padmé chimed in. "And he's never shown any disrespect toward you or Leia. At least they're being open and honest about their relationship, unlike a young Jedi and Senator I once knew," she winked.
Ainar joined the circle. "Face it son, love is in the air! That's the magic of Varykino. You know no one can resist its spell."
Anakin gritted his teeth. Valid arguments were assailing him from all sides. He opened his mouth to protest, but his counterpoints had all run dry. Everyone had stolen his thunder and left him with only one option.
"Fine," he sighed, admitting defeat. "I… give you my blessing."
Leia squealed and threw herself into his chest, jumping up and down. His defenses yielded to her jubilation and soon he was smiling as broadly as she.
"Just promise me you'll avoid the speed bumps your mother and I encountered in our marriage."
"Don't worry, we will!" Leia was already racing toward the patio for Han. "Han isn't friends with any creepy old guys!"
"That's reassuring," Anakin frowned at Padmé.
"Well, looks like this party's far from over – we have something else to celebrate!" proclaimed Ainar, raising a cup of spiked punch.
"Absolutely!" Obi-Wan joined the toast with Satine hanging on his arm.
The carefree spirit quickly returned to Varykino. Padmé and Anakin slipped out onto the balcony, holding each other at the very spot they'd exchanged vows eighteen years ago. They watched Han and Leia nuzzling on the patio two floors below.
"And here we thought it'd be Nela who'd pull a stunt," Anakin remarked.
"Well, the evening is still young," warned Padmé, resting her head against his shoulder. "But life is full of surprises, I'll agree."
"And lessons. Plenty of lessons."
"Like what?" she asked drowsily.
He gazed down at her with affection. "That sometimes you have to go through hell to fully appreciate heaven."
The kiss they shared eclipsed any that preceded it. More passionate than their first, deeper than the one exchanged at their wedding, and sweeter than those they showered each other with on that night they reunited at his retreat.
They were too enraptured with each other to open their eyes and see Nela sneaking up behind Han & Leia with a bucket of ice cold water.
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My staunch tradition of sappy endings continues! My stories start out pretty rough, and I'm stingy with fluff, but only until the end.
And some things don't change - Luke's still a bit whiny and Leia's a spitfire. Anakin still has difficulty accepting surprises gracefully, and he still shouts "NO!" for dramatic effect when things don't go his way.
Duchess Satine is from the Clone Wars series.
A million thanks to all who reviewed & enjoyed this story. It's my first story over 100,000 words!
Also, your kind words have inspired me to attempt a REAL novel! I'll post the details when they're available, and it'll probably be a while until it goes anywhere, but the creative wheels are in motion.
I have another FF in progress (for Beauty & the Beast) which I'll finish first. And then it'll be "real world" writing! Wish me luck. I wouldn't have had the courage without your influence, so thanks again. You're the best! :D
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