Hey folks! Sorry for the late update, been sick in a whole week and then had to catch up a lot for school. So this chapter may be a bit shorter than the previous ones, but I hope that won't be such a big deal. Enjoy your reading!

Chapter 5

The one-eyed T-Rex walked slowly towards the three paralyzed people. Adam picked up his gun, getting ready to shoot it, but it turned out to be a huge mistake. The T-Rex noticed his movement and did a surprise-attack. The beast got a grab of Adam's right leg and lifted him up, ready to swallow. Adam screamed in pain, and Natasha tried shoot on the animal.
"SHOOT HIM IN THE EYE!" Yelled Adam in pain. And just after then, his leg torn away from his body. Adam fell to the ground, without his left leg, and the T-Rex swallowed the leg. Blood was spurted out from were Adam's leg was before. He screamed in pain, and Natasha and Bruce covered their mouths to not throw up or scream by fear. The colors from Adam's face disappeared, and he stopped screaming. He was dying, Bruce new that. The Tyrannosaur was just about to grab Adam in its teeth and swallow him, when suddenly a giant green beast knocked him over. The T-Rex was lying on the ground, as the Hulk kept on hitting the dinosaur. Natasha was first watching paralyzed, but then rushed over to Adam. He looked half-dead, his eyes were half-open and he hardly breath.
"Adam listen you're going to be alright, just don't give up." said Natasha while she took of her jacket and covered it over the place were his left leg once was, trying to stop the bleeding. Adam didn't answer, for every second he just seemed to be worse.
After awhile, the T-Rex stopped move. The Hulk rose up, and snorted towards the dead Tyrannosaur. Natasha was shaking, looking on the green beast.
"Dr. Banner please come back, you must help Adam" She said, almost crying by fear and shock. The Hulk just walked slowly towards a small trail, without paying any attention to Natasha and Adam.
"Please don't leave me here" Begged Natasha.
"I need you. I was never ready for this"
Suddenly the Hulk turned around, and started to disappear. Soon there was only a half-naked Bruce. A smile appeared on Natasha's face, as she gave the half-destroyed shirt to a shirtless Bruce.
"Thanks" Bruce said and took on the shirt, then bending down to the half-dead Adam.
"I need water for him" said Bruce, turning to Natasha. She quickly took out a bottle from her bag and handed it over to Bruce. Then he suddenly stopped himself, holding the bottle of water.
"He's dead"

Tony Looked paralyzed in from the bush he was standing in. Velociraptors. They seemed to have chosen a prey, and was now surrounding it. Tony couldn't see what it was, excepted for that it looked like a human...

"Hang on man, we're soon there" Said Simon, dragging Thor to the airplane. His concussion was now worse, so Simon was now literally said dragging Thor. Suddenly they were on the runway, and they could see the airplane in the distance. Simon laughed by relief, and pushed Thor the last bit while the sweat was running down his dark skin and shined in the sun. The airplane stood peacefully on the runway in a good condition, ready to take away. Simon left Thor sitting beside the airplane outside, while Simon walked in. He had a smile on his face and was ready to surprise the captain. But inside the plane, it was empty. The captain and the second pilot was gone.
"MR. DANIEL?!" yelled Simon, without getting any reply.
"What is it?" Thor murmured when Simon came out again.
"They're gone..." he said with a sad voice.
"Come, I help you in" Simon managed to gently pull Thor in to the airplane and put him in one of the chairs, and Simon replaced himself on another chair. He putted his hand on forehead and did a loudly sigh.
"What should I do?"

Tony tried to get a better look on their prey. Something was holding the Velociraptors back, because that person should actually be dead by now. Oh it must be the sword that was hurled around, thought Tony. Wait, SWORD?! Tony bent over to get a better look on the man with the sword, which turned out to be a huge mistake. One of the Velociraptors had seen him by now, and warned the others that now all turned around towards him. Tony stood perfectly still, but he knew that this trick didn't work on the Velociraptors. half of the group was still surrounding... Loki? well it actually looked like him. And the other was walking towards Tony. He didn't wait a second. Tony turned around and started to run, without knowing were he was going. But the steps of Velociraptors made him keep on running.

Just when Tony, that had been peeking on them from the bush had ran away, Loki now only had to deal with three of the creepy dinosaurs. He hurled his sword towards the dinosaur that just attacked him, and then managed to defense himself against another one that jumped on him from backwards. Soon they were all lying half-dead on the ground, while Loki only had got a few scratches. He turned around, and started to run in to the jungle.

Tony kept on his run, he had nothing to lose. They were all coming closer to him, and just when it was right behind him he managed to climb up on a tree. The tree was very big, and the Velociraptors had no chance to get Tony now. He sighed by relief, when he heard them growl by anger on the ground. And soon they were gone. Tony just closed his eyes and thought of Pepper.

But I wasn't left alone with his thoughts for long. Soon he could hear something sneak towards the tree...

Loki heard the dinosaurs come closer to him again, so he started running. Luckily, he found a very big and good tree to climb up on. When he was up on the tree, he saw a familiar person.
"Oh it's you" said Tony, taking down the stick that he was ready to use in case it was a dinosaur.

Max, Clint and Steve were all heading to the beach, searching for the lost people from S.H.I.E.L.D. They had come pretty far, without getting stopped by some hungry dinosaurs. Clint led the group while Steve and Max walked behind, talking about the battle in NYC. Apparently Max was a soldier that had been fighting on the street there, actually even talking short to Steve during the battle, getting information. Of course Steve thought it was interesting and a bit funny that they were now talking to each other again. Clint himself weren't so interested in talking about that subject, the only thing he was out after was finding the lost people and the tesseract, and get away from the nightmare island.