I came up with a story last night and when I told my sisters about it they didn't like it much and my older sister RUMad she came up with this idea so I hope you guys like it.

Just a bit of background, Shannon died in a car accident when Gibbs was away in desert storm leaving Gibbs with new born baby Kelly, when he realised he couldn't cope raising Kelly and having a job he asked his father Jack to come and live with him in DC and help him raise Kelly. Don't worry it is a Jibbs story! Why would I write anything else.

Oh and Paris never happened.

Raising Kelly

"I'm sorry Gunny she'd dead" Gibbs look's down at the baby girl in his arms, she was asleep, she looked so at peace as if she had no idea of the pain and suffering going on around her, unaware that she'd just lost her mother.

He didn't know how he was going to raise this little girl, his little girl, but he knew he had to, he was all she had left. All of a sudden everything went dark around him, he felt the little baby slipping from his hands, he tried to hold on but couldn't….

Gibbs all of a sudden felt a prodding in his side "Dadddddyyyyyyy" came the nine year old girl's voice.

"Kel" go back to sleep, he pushed her away without even opening his eyes, kind of glad that she had woken him from his dream.

"But daddy, grandpa's made us pancakes and he said I couldn't have them until you got up" the little girl began to jump up and down on the bed.

He sighed tiredly opening his blue eyes to meet Kelly's that matched his "I'll be up in a minute, tell grandpa I said you can start without me" he assured his little girl before reaching up and pressing a kiss to her head before letting her skip off.

Gibbs didn't know what he would have done if he'd had to raise Kelly by herself, always being away with work, at least he worked at NCIS now where he went away less and for shorter amounts of time and he did work long hours. Like last night he'd gotten in late as they had been so close to closing it at the end of the day it would have been stupid to leave it for the next day.

Ten minutes later Gibbs walked into the kitchen, dressed in his normal work attire to find Kelly sitting at the table eating her pancakes and Jack made a pot of coffee.

"Morning son" Jack greeted him.

"Dad" Gibbs nodded before taking the mug of coffee he was offered and took a big gulp. It had always surprised Jack how his son could drink gallons and gallons of coffee a day.

"Daddy have some pancakes they're really good" Kelly grinned at her father and showed him her clean plate.

"I bet they are, but we don't have time, I have to get you to school and then go to work" Gibbs ran a hand through Kelly's auburn locks that Jack had put into two plats for her, something Gibbs couldn't do "So go grab your back pack" Gibbs instructed her.

"Yes sir" Kelly gave him a mock salute before going to grab her bag for school.

Five minutes later Gibbs was already in the car on the way to school with Kelly "Daddy can I ask yah something?" the inquisitive nine year old asked looking up at her father.

"Of course you can Kel, you know that" Gibbs replied with a soft smile as he kept his eyes on the road.

"How comes you don't have any lady friends?" she asked cocking her head to the side.

"What do you mean?" Gibbs asked in return.

"Well Emily's parents are div…dev" she began

"Divorced" Gibbs finished for her.

"Yeah" Kelly nodded "So her mummy and Daddy aren't together and her Daddy has a Lady friend, but you don't" the little girl explained, she'd always been very bright for her age.

"Well, I don't need one, I've got you" Gibbs smiled at her as they pulled up at her school "Grandpa will pick yah up at the end of the day" he reminded her.

"Ok" She leant up and kissed him on the cheek "Love you daddy" she grinned at him before hopping out of his old truck.

"Love you too" he yelled out the window after her as he watched her run off to her friends. Now he just had to get to work which he was sure would be very boring and very long.

Jenny Shepard was the first female of a federal agency and the youngest. She'd been the director for six months and so far got along with most of her employees.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs was the cause of the most, he was a chauvinist pig, who was stubborn, rude and didn't play well with others, all things she hated. They had butted heads many times, but she wouldn't and couldn't fire him, he was very good at his job, the best they had.

Yet she couldn't help but find herself thinking about how handsome he was, how very very attractive she found the mystery that surrounded him, his husky voice when he was angry, how his muscles showed through his layers of shirts, his very cute ass.

"Woe Jennifer get a hold of yourself" she told herself when she found her mind wander as she sat, bored out of her head in her big lonely office.

Lonely. That was what her life was, she had no one, no one to come home to, to love and be loved in return, no one to wake up to and go to sleep with. It was just her in the old George town house that had been her child hood home.

Groaning she looked at the time it was four o'clock in the afternoon and she'd been without coffee for almost three hours, that couldn't be.

"Cynthia, I'm going for coffee, if there is a national emergency call my cell" she instructed her faithful assistant before walking out into the bullpen.

She took a moment to survey her kingdom, lingering a little bit more on the MCRT area but found only the team, no Gibbs. She then sighed before making her way down the stairs.

When she reached the elevator she hit the button and waited patiently for it to arrive.

Moments later the ding told her that it had arrived, what she hadn't expected when the elevator doors opened was to have a child run straight into her legs.

"Oops sorry Miss Lady, I should have looked where I was going" came the little voice.

Jenny looked down to find a pretty little girl, she had dark auburn hair and shocking blue eyes, she looked about eight or nine and had a very pretty smile and the thing that got her most was her politeness.

"Oh it's ok Sweetie" Jenny assured her with a comforting smile before she crouched down to her level. She hope the girl wasn't here because she had lost a member of her family.

"Your pretty" the girl complimented the redhead.

"Thank you" Jenny smiled "I'm Jenny, what's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Kelly" Her dad had always told her not to talk to strangers but something about this Jenny lady made her feel safe and like she was someone who didn't mean any harm.

"Did you come here with someone Kelly?" Jenny asked wanting to find the little girl's family

"Uhuh grandpa Jack" Kelly nodded her head just as an older man came over.

"Kelly what have I told you about running off, your father will kill me if something happens to you" Jack scolded the little girl.

Jenny got up from her crouching position "You must be Grandpa Jack" Jenny gave the older man a smile, he also had the same shocking blue eyes, they seemed oddly familiar but she just presumed it was from Kelly's.

"Grandpa this is Jenny" Kelly explained.

"Well it's nice to meet you Jenny, I'm sorry she bothered you" Jack gave the redhead a smile.

"She wasn't a bother, I've never met such a polite little girl" Jenny explained "Is there anything I can he…" she began to ask if they wanted any help but was cut off by Kelly.

"Daddy" she squealed before running off, both Jack and Jenny turned to watch none other than Leroy Jethro Gibbs scooped the little girl up in his arms and hugged her close before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Daddy…" Jenny mumbled in shock. Oh had she just fallen even more….


Do you guys like it? Should I continue? Got any suggestions?