How are my favorite readers?! Good? Good! We're nearing the end. :( Well, I'm gonna post my chapter now. Please review, please do. xD Don't forget about the contest. The prize if you win the Austin & Ally one is you can HELP me write the sequel to Something More. And the prize for winning the Good Luck Charlie one, is you get to HELP me write the sequel to GLC: Grown Up! :D Sound fun? Good! xD

Chapter 20 -Congratuation-


Well, I'm about 8 months now. And it's almost time for Dustin and Danielle's graduation. Austin got Dustin a 50 dollar gift card for Game Stop and Danielle a 50 dollar gift card for Wal-Mart. I got Danielle a heart locket that had a picture of everyone in her family. And I got Dustin a watch. Not super terrific, like gift cards. But I'll see what they say when they open them.

I'm excited. I've never been to a graduation. But neither has Austin. I think.

"You ready to go Alls?" Austin asks grabbing the gifts.

"Yeah, just let me grab my purse really quick." I say, going as quick as my 8 month pregnant belly would allow me to go.

"Now you ready?"

"Yep. Ow."


"Nothing, ugh. She's just kicking a lot more today. She's getting excited."

"I am too Ally."

"I hope she won't be kicking like this at the ceremony. I don't wanna look weird with my pain face."

"Ally, no one will be paying attention to you."

"Yes they will. I'm Austin Moon's pregnant fiancé."

"I won't let anyone get near you. I promise that."

"And I promise I'll let you be in with me when I'm having Abigail."

"Thanks." Austin says.


Ow. Damn, Abigail has been kicking more than usual today. And it's hurting. For some odd reason. Maybe it's time. No. No, it can't be. Not a whole month early.

"Ally, you okay? You seem distracted."

"Yeah, I'm, I'm fine Mrs. Moon."

"I know something's wrong."

"Abigail's been kicking. And it's been hurting."

"Hey." Danielle says as she and Dustin come over to us.

"Hi. Um, we got you presents." Ally says.

"Aw! Thanks guys." Danielle says.

"I just wanted to say congraduation before we sat down."

"Thanks Ally." Dustin says.

"She's just probably getting ready. And Braxton Hicks." Mimi says after the twins leave.


"Come on, let's get some seats."

"Austin! Here! How do you feel about Ally being 9 months pregnant? Are you ready for her to pop yet?" An annoying paparazzi says coming over to us.

"One, she's 8 months. Two, get a life. And three, leave us alone. I'm here to see my brother and sister graduate, not to answer stupid questions." Austin says with clear anger in his voice.

"Ally! How do you feel about losing one baby. There are rumors saying you were pregnant before you and Austin were together, was it his? Did you really have an abortion?" The nerve some people have.

"Um, no. I wasn't pregnant before Abigail and Aubree. And I would never have an abortion, no matter how young I was. And I feel horrible about losing her." I say almost crying because of who they brought up.

"Guys! Just leave us alone!" Austin says. Then pushes a paparazzi.

"Okay, that's enough. Please leave us alone." Mimi says trying to get to our seats.


Well, they've called some names, and now they're about to call- Uh oh.

"Danielle and Dustin Moon." As the announcer said their names, I just felt something. Something's not right. But I can't. It's almost a whole month early. About 3 weeks. It can't happen. Not now. Not today.

"Ally? What's wrong?"

"N- nothing Mrs. M- Moon. Every-thing's- fine." I say in between kicks.

"Okay. Are you sure you're not in labor?"

"It's j- just Braxton H- Hicks, I'm f- fine." Just then. I felt it. It's official. My water just broke.


"Yeah Mimi?"

"Let's get in the car."


"Don't pretend like you don't know. I know you're in labor. Come on."

"I can wait. Graduation is important."

"But so is having a baby at the hospital."

"I- ow. Can. Wait."


"Yeah mom?"

"Get in the car. Ally's water just broke."


"Don't make a scene. Come on. Mike, stay here so you can tell the kids."

"Ow." Austin, Mimi, and I start out to the car. And sure enough, the paparazzi were following us.


"Please, Mrs. Moon. Drive as fast as you can." I say in between breaths.

"Come on Ally, you can make it. You can make it."

"Please. Just, get me to. The hospital." I say, in tears, heavy breathing, and feeling like I am going to die.


"Mom, is she gonna be okay?"

"Honey. No matter how many times you ask, yes. She will be fine."

"What if something goes wrong?"

"Sweetie, she's not that far from full term. The worst that could happen is they take Abigail away to make sure she's breathing okay, and maybe keep her in ICU if she can't breath on her own. Okay?"

"Okay. It's just- I'm scared."

"Everyone is. No matter how many times you've done it before. Okay?"


"Hey. Is she okay? We came as soon as we heard." Trish says coming down the hall into the waiting room."

"Where's Ally's parents?" My mom asks.

"They're coming." Trish says.

"Austin Moon?" The nurse says.

"Yeah?" I say getting up.

"Ally wants to see you."

"Okay." I say going to her room.


"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, just contractions."

"When can you have the epidural?"

"When I'm about 5 centimeters. So it won't wear off."

"Do you know how far you are?"

"About 1 and a half."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. I think this is gonna be a long progress."

"I'm so sorry."

"About what Austin?"

"Doing this to you. I fell, horrible."

"It's not all your fault. But yes. Some of it is."

"Which parts?"

"Your extremely sexiness."

"Thanks." I say blushing.

"Can you send in my mom?"

"Um, if she's here. I don't know if she's here yet…" Then I step out the door to see Penny, and, even Lester.

"Hi. Um, Ally wants to see you." I say to Penny.


"Hi honey."

"Hi mom."

"How are you feeling?"

"Horrible. I hate childbirth."

"You haven't even gone through the worst part yet sweetie. But I can promise you. As soon as you hold her for the first time, you'll realize it's all worth it."


"Promise." Then she hugged me.


It's been 12 hours, and she's 5 centimeters. Half way until she can push. She can have the epidural anytime. But she's contemplating on whether or not she wants it. Girls.

"Ally, if you don't want to go through a lot of pain, have the epidural. But if you wanna know what if feels like, then don't have it. It's not rocket science."

"It is if you're a girl… Austin, you wouldn't understand."

"Fine. Then I'm getting your mom. She's done it before."


"Hey sweetie." My mom says as she walks in my room.

"Hi mom."

"So, you don't want epidural?"

"I don't know. I do, but I don't."


"I don't cause I wanna know what it feels like, so in future births, I'll know if I want it. And I do cause I don't want it to hurt."

"Well, I had epidural. And it hurt for me. But then again, I had twins. It's your choice honey."

"I know what I'm gonna do."

"Okay. I'll send Austin in."

"Hey babe."

"Hi Austin. I don't want it. I don't want epidural."

(A/N: I know, brave, right? Being it's her first birth, and she's 16… I know…)

"Are-are you sure?"



"Well. It's been 19 hours, and she's at 7 and ½ centimeters. If I'm losing it, I'm positive she already has. 19 hours in labor, without epidural. Can you spell painful?" I say to Dez after I step out of her room.

"How many chances do I get?"

"I bet she's really tired. She's barely gotten sleep."

"Neither have you."

"But I haven't cause I chose to stay awake. She's been awake cause of the pain."

"Why didn't she have an epidural?"

"Because she didn't want one. I'm gonna go back in there." Then I go back in the room.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"I'm in labor, with no epidural, and I'm fat, and in horrible pain. What do you think?"



"Okay, Miss Dawson. You're 9 centimeters, you'll be pushing soon." The nurse tells Ally.

"Hey Austin?"

"Yeah Alls?"

"C- can you send in my mom? Please?"

"Sure." Then I go out and tell Ally's mom that she wanted to talk to her.


"Yes Ally?" My mom says as she comes in to see me.

"Um, c- can you tell Austin something?"

"Sure, anything. What is it."

"Well, I just. I don't want Austin in here while I'm pushing. Not that I don't want him to see his daughter. It's just."

"You're feeling embarrassed about how you're going to look while you're pushing?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"I did too at first. But I had to get over it because your father was the only one that was with me."

"Oh. But, can you tell him quick, cause it's starting to hurt, really bad."


Well, everyone besides my mom, Ally's mom, and I are home.

"What'd Ally need to say?"

"She wants you to stay out here while she's pushing." Ouch. That hurt.

"Why doesn't she want me in there?"

"She feels insecure about how she's going to look. And she doesn't want you seeing her like that. It's common with a lot of girls. I felt that way." Ally's mom says.

"I felt that way too, with all you kids." My mom says.

"I just don't understand why she thinks I'd judge her."

"It's not that, Austin, she just wants me to be in there because she knows I know how she feels."

"She told me she'd let me be in there with her yesterday."

"Austin, that was before she was even in labor, things change." My mom says.

"Okay." I say sitting down. Then Ally's mom goes back in the room.


"Hey. I'm back." My mom says coming in.

"Hi. How'd he take it."

"Eh, better than I thought he would. But he was still a little hurt."

"I feel horrible."

"Okay, you ready to push Miss Dawson?" The doctor says as she comes in.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Who'll be in here while you're pushing?"

"My, mom."

"Okay. I'll count to three and you give me a big push, okay?" The doctor said as I got ready and grabbed my mom's hand.

"Okay." I say.

"One. Two. Three. Push." And I gave it my best.

"Okay, just a few more and we'll see the head." The doctor says as I collapse out of breath.


I was pacing back and fourth. I could hear Ally screaming in pain. I feel horrible.

"Austin, calm down."

"How much longer mom?"

"She just started pushing, it could take a long time, but it could be over in a few minutes."

"Hey Austin. Why are you pacing?" Trish says as she comes in the hospital. She just got here with Dez.

"I'm going to the cafeteria." My mom says leaving me with Dez and Trish.

"Hey, no reason." I say, still pacing.

"Is Ally's mom in there?" Trish asks referring to Ally's room.

"Yeah." Then there was another scream.

"Austin, why'd I just hear Ally scream?" Dez asks.

"Because Ally's pushing you doof. Wait- why is she pushing when you're not in there?"


"Austin. Come on, I'm Ally's best friend. You can tell me anything."

"She, didn't want me in there with her while she was pushing." Then there was another scream. This one lasted a little longer.

"Why?" Trish and Dez both say in unison.

"Because, she feels insecure about how she was going to look. And she didn't want me seeing her like that. Apparently, it's common with a lot of girls."

"She was afraid you'd judge her or something?" Trish asks.

"No, it's not that. She just wanted her mom to be in there because she knows that she knows how she feels." Then there was another scream. They keep getting longer and stronger.

"Is it just me, or are her screams getting longer and louder? Can you guys hear it?" Trish asks.

"I hear it." Dez and I say together.

"Well, I'm sure you'll get to see her after she's done, right?" Trish asks.

"Yeah. Trish?"

"Yeah Austin?"

"Don't ever make a stupid mistake like we did. I love Ally to death, but she promised her parents she'd wait until marriage. And, I promised my older siblings."

"Don't worry. I'm learning from you both right now. And I'm learning to have an epidural when I'm in labor."

Trish says the last part a little louder because there was a scream interrupting her mid-sentence.

"Just wait until marriage." I say.

"No worries. I will." Trish replies.


Well I've pushed about 5 times.

"Great job on that last one Miss Dawson. I can see the head."

"Mom, I can't do this."

"Yes you can Ally. You have to."

"I can't mom."

"Yes you can. You're a strong woman. I know you can do this, Ally, I have faith in you."

"Okay, push." Then I pushed and it felt like I was going to die. I'm never having another baby in my life.

(A/N: Haha, that's what she thinks…)

"You're doing great Miss Dawson." The doctor says while I'm pushing.


"It's been 30 minutes. Isn't she done yet?" I ask my mom impatiently.

"Sweetie, don't be impatient. These things you can't rush."

"I just don't want her to be in pain anymore." Then came another scream.

"I know sweetie. Just be patient and she'll be done before you know it."



(A/N: I know, you probably hate it when I just switch from POV to POV, but I'm telling you how Austin feels while Ally's pushing. Or how Ally feels when she's pushing, since Austin isn't in there with Ally. Okay? Okay!)

Well, I've pushed about 21 times. This sucks.

"Okay, another big hard push Miss Dawson." Then I push again, and I think my mom just lost the feeling in her hand at around the third push, so she probably can't feel me squeezing it anymore.

"Okay, she's almost all the way out. Just a few more pushes, okay? Then you can see your little girl."

"Mom, I seriously can't do it anymore." I say collapsing onto my pillow after the 22nd push.

"Honey, you can. Just a few more and she'll be out. You held up this long, you can hold up a few more minutes. I know you can." Well, she hasn't lost her hearing. So that's good.

"Okay, let's try and make this one your last push. Push as long and as hard as you can for this one."

"Okay." I say getting ready.

"One. Two. Three. Push!" And I gather up all my breath and strength and push as long and as hard as I can. Sweat pouring off me like I'm a fountain, screaming like I'm being murdered, squeezing my mom's hand like I'm about to fall off a cliff, and pushing like there's no tomorrow. As soon as I collapse onto my pillow for the twenty-third time, I hear the cries of Abigail, and me.

"Congratulations. Meet your baby girl." Doctor Smith says as she shows me my beautiful baby girl before she rushes her off to be weighed, cleaned, and measured.

"Oh, Ally. She's beautiful." I smile, take one good look at her, release my hold from my mother's hand, and fall asleep.


I just heard one of the biggest screams of my life. Although it was probably a lot louder in there.

"Austin." Ally's mom says as she steps out of the room, in tears.

"Yeah? Is everything okay?"

"Everything's just fine. And so is Ally. And so is Abigail."


"Yes, you're officially a father. To a beautiful baby girl." Then I lost it, I started to hug Ally's mom, then my mom, then Trish, then Dez, then back to my mom, and I'm now in tears. This is officially the happiest day of my life.

"This is definitely the best day of my life." I say.

"Hey lil' bro." Dustin says coming in the hospital with Danielle. They both had little stuffed bears, and an 'It's A Girl!' balloon in their hands.

"Hey." I say.

"Is she here yet?" Danielle asks excitedly.

"Yeah, Abigail Rose. She's finally here." Which reminds me, I need to go on Facebook and Twitter and tell the world. I'll do that after I see her.

"Austin? Ally woke up. She wants to see you." Ally's mom says.

"Okay. Thanks Ms. Dawson."

"Please, call me Penny."

"Okay." I say going in Ally's room to find her in her bed, smiling.

"What's with the grin?"

"I did it. I said I couldn't but I did."

"And I'm proud of you. I bet you did great."

"20 hours 30 minutes in labor, and 30 minutes pushing, I better have."


"And 23 pushes."

"Wow. Again."

"I am so tired."

"Then rest."

"Austin, I can't."

"Why not Alls?"

"Because, they're bringing her in here in a few minutes. After they weigh and measure her."

"Oh, okay. Then I'll stay in here. Can I?"

"Yeah, you can."

"Hello. I'm back with your daughter. I need to fill out the Birth Certificate with the mother's and father's name on it." A nurse says rolling Abigail in here.

"Her full name is Abigail Rose Moon." Ally says. Then spells it out for her.

"Now I need you two to sign." Then we sign it.

"Thank you, I'll leave her in here, the doctor will be in here in a little bit."

"Thanks." Ally and I say to the nurse.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Ally says tearing up a bit while she's holding her.

"Yeah. She is." I say, myself tearing up a little.

"Wow. She looks a lot like you Alls."

"But with your blonde hair." She says.

"Yeah, maybe it'll get darker like yours. And she'll grow up to be just like you."

"Not just like me. She'll wait until she's married to have babies."

"Good point."

"You're gonna be a great dad Austin."

"You're gonna be a great mom Ally."

Then we kiss.


I do NOT know what the sequel will be named. But when it's up, it WILL say it's a sequel to Something More. :)

Abigail Rose Moon:

6 pounds 7 ounces

19 inches long

blonde hair

brown eyes

I will have a picture of her on instagram soon. I need to sleep. It's currently 2:13 A.M. And I have a birthday party to attend to today. :D

Well, until next time. BYE!

Oh yeah, and when school start, I officially WILLNOT be updating when school starts, only on weekends if I'm lucky. Which means I won't have a life until weekends :(

Well, wanna review? Let's see this story hit at least 100 reviews before I get its sequel up! Please? Pretty please? Love you guys! BYEEEE! xD
