I walked up to my kingdom throne
I am happily heading home
But then my evil brother came
Looking as a person who is insane

He then said "stampede, in the gorge, Simbas down there!"
For I moment I was covered in despair
But then I ran along and followed the bird
Worrying that Simba will be trampled by the herd

I then saw those wretched things
I then thought 'holy kings!'
I then saw that Zazu point to a small tree
As I saw Simba, a shock came to me

I then noticed the tree started to break
I felt the trampling give me a head ache
Then with all my fear
I jumped out to save Simba like a spear

Simba had fallen off the tree
Right in the middle of the stampede
I then picked him up
I found myself in death's cup

I then ran as fast as I could
As they started to catch me, I knew this wasn't good
Then he slipped out of my mouth
So I was forced to change my direction from north to south

I ran right through
And a roar a blew
I was almost there
I got him just before he was tramped into despair

I then ran a little way back in-line with the stampede
I jump up, and hoped I was freed
But I wasn't I fell back in the gorge
And again the stampede slowly immerged

Then I jumped out and climbed for my life
Each rock I grabbed felt like a knife
I continued to climb despite the pain

I almost got to the top, and then to the rocks I tried to cling
I yelled "scar, brother help me" But all I got in reply was "long live the king"
Those claws dug into my skin, as I was thrown
I hoped Simba wouldn't be killed, and scar to take his throne.

Finally I fell down
I knew I had lost my crown
As I fell I saw Simba Frown
And in the stampede I was drowed