
This story begins on a seemingly regular Monday morning at Seaford High. Kim,Eddie,Jerry,and Milton were standing at the lockers when Jack ran up.

"HEY,GUYS! YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" Jack yelled when he ran up.

"You caught a mermaid!"

"You won the falafel raffel?"

"You cured cancer?!"

"NO! I'M DATING DONNA TOBIN!" Jack shrieked.

"OW! Okay,Jack. I know your excited,but...QUIT SCREAMING-OR I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO SCREAM ABOUT!" Kim yelled back.

"Okay,just to get this clear. You didn't catch a mermaid?" Jerry asked,seeming confused.

"No,man! He caught Donna Tobin!" Eddie answered happily.

"Woah. DONNA TOBIN'S A MERMAID?!" Jerry yelled,clapping maddly. Everyone just sighed and rolled their eyes.

"Yeah,Jerry." Kim said sarcasticly. "And there's a unicorn in the parking lot!" She said with a big,fake smile.

Jerry's eyes went wide. "Dude,really?! I gotta catch it!" Jerry ran outside. "I'M COMING FOR YOU UNICORN-IE!"

Kim just growled and slammed her locker.

"Woah,Kim. Are you okay?" Jack asked,worried.

"Just peachy!" She fake smiled and stalked off.

"Wow,someone's in a mood." Jack thought.

"Do you think she's on her period?" Eddie asked,looking as confused as the rest.

"HEARD THAT,EDDIE!" Kim called back.

Eddie's eyes went wide,Milton patted him on the back. "You'll be fine," He said. "Just remember,since your partners at science lab,DO NOT let her near the fire. Or at P.E the baseball bats. Or at biolgy,the knives. Or-" At that point Eddie ran off screaming.

"Hey,guys! I found her!" Jerry yelled,riding in on a...unicorn?!

"How did he-"

"I don't know man..."


Mean while,Kim was going crazy in English.

"How could he be dating her?! Why not anyone else in Seaford? He just had to pick that slutty,over painted,daughter of a-" Her thoughts were cut off when something landed on her desk.

"Aww! Is the wittle Kimmy mad I took away her Jack? What a shame...For you! But back off,he's mine now!" -Donna

Kim scowled,then smirked. "Well,I was always taught not to play with fire...but who says I can't watch it burn?" Kim thought,then wrote.

"Aww! Is the wittle Donna trying to make me mad? Well guess what,hun. Your failing! So very sorry! And by the way,you can't own a person! So shut it,Hoebin!" -Kim

Kim tossed it,and glanced back after a moment to see Donna's face redden in anger. She smirked in pleasure,till 'Hoebin' glared and tossed it back,trying to hit her neck,but failing horribly. Some how she managed to hit the teacher's head.

He glared,"Detention,Tobin." He called out.

"B-b-b-but." The bell rang while she was still stuttering. Smirking in victory in Kim walked out towards the door. For some reason her foot kicked the note as she walked out,she picked it up.

"Be realistic,Jack would never go for a southern belle like you. Just wait. He's gonna drop you,and your suckers soon. Just you wait..." -Donna

Kim glared and crumpled up the note,ignoring Donna's look of victory as she walked out.

"Jack would never leave us."


Jack was sitting in biolgy thinking. "Wow,am I lucky? Donna Tobin! Wow! The hottest girl in school...well,second hottest."

Yeah,you guessed it. He was thinking about Kim.

"Kim would never think of me that way,anyway. Speaking of Kim,she was acting kinda weird... Was she angery about Donna and I? Jealous? Nah,not possible,right?"

Before he relized it,the bell rang. He grabbed his books as Donna walked up to him.

"Hi,Jackie!" Donna called out,placing a kiss at the side of his mouth.

"Hey,Donna." 'Jackie' replied.

"Sit with me at lunch?" She asked.

Jack hesitated. "Well I usually sit with the Warriors at lunch...Oh,what the heck! A little while with the pop's wont hurt."

Jack smiled. "Sure,great idea."

Little did he know how wrong he was...


Kim craned her head to look at the popular table,again.

"Seriously,Kim. If you keep looking over at Jack,your going to get a crik in your neck." Milton said in a low voice.

"I just don't get it,Mil'. Jack has ALWAYS sat here,ever since he joined this school! It just doesn't make since." Kim said. Milton sighed.

Milton was the only one who knew about her crush on Jack-well,besides Joan. He figured it out on his own.

Now what he saw is one of his best friends seemingly deserting them. And on top of that,Kim subconciously feeling being rejected by Jack. Not a good mixture.

"He's just sitting with his-them..." Milton cut himself off. "I'm sure he'll be back sitting with us soon! It's just his first experiance with the pops. He'll be back soon!" He said a little overly cheerfull.

"Really?" Kim asked like a sad five year old.

"I'm sure." Milton smiled.

But the truth was,he wasn't so sure.

~Time skip~

It had been two months-two freaking months- since Jack had sat at the popular table. Since then he changed,completely. And Donna was behind it all.

He had stopped hanging out with the Warriors at school,because they were "Bad for his image". The only time they saw him,and talked to him was at karate practice. But soon he started to cut that too.

Jerry was duller without Jack around. He seemed to have lost his "swag",and began to walk around like a lost puppy.

Eddie seemed less determined and confident in anything. He was suddenly shy,and barely spoke,even to girls.

Milton became even more asorbed in his studies without Jack getting him to take any risks.

And the one taking this all the hardest was Kim. She couldn't forget how miss "Hoebin" told her what would happen,her smirk,her glare. How she was sure Jack would never do something like that. She had begun to stop eating,Milton was the one keeping her basicly alive because of it.

"You got to eat,Kim. Your not going to do any good starving yourself." He would say. But Kim still only began to eat once a day,when Milton was around to make sure she did.

Kim had also changed. She quit cheer (Mostly because of 'Hoebin'.),and started to care less and less about herself. Her skin was paler,her eyes duller,and her clothes darker and more worn looking.

But she started to excel in karate,despite the fact Jack wasn't there to cheer her on. It was the one of the only things she could relise her emotions in,that the guys knew of.

No one knew she had started writing songs,and music. And that she had basicly became adicted to Adele.

Right now she was in her kitchen listening to Milton going on and on about how she had to eat breakfest.

"...and you can get all kinds of diseases,and can't fight them because your weak without food. Also,without eating you suffer risks-"

"ALRIGHT ALREADY! I'LL EAT THE STINKIN' FOOD! YA HAPPY NOW?!" Kim finally cracked,and yelled at him. She jerked the bowl of fruit out of his hand and started eating a banana,ignoring his triumphant look.

She was begining to regret he had her house key.


Another Saturday. Another dull karate practice. Rudy was begining to cry in his office after practice,and even Tip Tip was seeming depressed.

"Hey,Jerry. Did he come?" Kim asked in a flat,hopeless voice. Jerry shook his head. It had become a thing before every practice,though everyone was sure what the answer would be.

Rudy came out of his office with a new sweater and a tissue. For some reason he had taken up knitting.

"K-kim," He sniffed,"you spar with Jerry and Milton with...with...with Eddie!" He burst out crying. Milton went over to help him,and Eddie walked over to a punching dummy instead.

Jerry through a few kicks and punches at Kim,she just jumped over and ducted them. Finally she kicked him to the ground insted of flipping him like usual.

"Yo,good job,Kim." Jerry gasped out as he got to his feet.

Kim alowed herself to smile a bit,this was the old Jerry they all knew. "Thanks,you too."

"Come on everyone,lets get some falafel!" Milton called out,then looked at Kim. "You are comming." Kim groaned but agreed.

They walked out in tho court yard to see someone too familiar with his new friends. Jack. He flashed a fake smile at his 'friends' as one of them told a probley perverted joke,and walked into Falafel Phills.

"You know what," Milton started quietly. "Lets go to Captian Corndog's," and with that,he led them away.

~Time Skip to that night~

Kim was all alone in her house. Her mom was away on business,Milton was on a date with Julie,and Eddie and Jerry were busy annoying Joan for some reason. Kim was sprawled out writing a song in her notebook,or trying to atleast.

Ever since...Jack...her song book had become pretty full. It was a outlet for her. I guess they were right when they said you needed big emotions to songwrite...whoever 'they' were...

"Knock,knock,knock," A familar voice said. Kim's head jerked up,and her shocked look became a glare.



"What's wrong,Kim?" Jack asked,confused. Kim scoffed.

"Oh,I don't know. One of my best friends ignores me and all his other friends for two months,comes randomly at night over to my house,and you ask me what's wrong?!" Kim spat. The weakness she had felt recently had vanished,replaced by rage.

"Kim,I'm-" Jack started,but was cut off.

"Your what? Sorry? Well,I can't possibley see why!"

Jack sighed,"Look I didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to what,Jack?!" Kim snarled.

"I'm just trying to say-"


Jack finally lost it. "WILL YOU LET ME SPEAK,YOU LITTLE BITCH?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH,OR WHY I'VE DONE WHAT I DID!" His voice faltered when he looked at Kim's face. "Kim,I...I didn't.."

Kim blinked hard to keep tears back,"No,Jack. J-just get out."


"I SAID,'GET OUT',JACK!" Jack nodded,and sprinted for the door.

When she was sure he was gone,Kim broke down. Through her tears she stumbled to the kitchen to get some water,some how it always helped calm her down.

The tears where almost dry by the time she filled the glass. After taking a nice,long sip. Her eyes skimmed over the kitchen,landing on something.

A glinting,silver knife.

She walked over,and grabbed it in her hands,sliding her fingers along the smooth blade. She glanced at her wrist.

"Why not?"

She slowly lowered it to her wrist,the blade almost touching her delicate skin,when something screamed at her to stop. Some voice. She could almost see the dark beyond her vision.

She sighed and put it down,grabbing a pencil instead. She had an idea.


When she got back to her room,she wrote one word at the top of the paper.




It was the next day at school,and Jack couldn't stop thinking about the last night with Kim. He had gone over to appoligize,but he ruined it. He was a jerk...a big one.

As he walked through the doors,he instantly walked over to his locker.

That's when he got shocked.

As he got his books out,he felt a light tapping on his shoulder. He wipped around to face someone he didn't expect. Kim.

"Wha-" He opened his mouth to say something,but was shushed.

Kim glared,"Look,Jack. You are going to stand here,and you are going to listen-without interupting-or so help me,I will smash you skull in the lockers." Jack nodded,knowing she was deadly serious.

Kim began to play some cords,and Jack suddenly relized that she had a guitar in her hand.

"No shit sherlock." His brain said.

"Shut up." He answered back.

"Uh huh, life's like this
Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is
'Cause life's like this
Uh huh, uh huh that's the way it is

Chill out, what you yellin' for?
Lay back, it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see
I like you the way you are
When we're drivin' in your car
And you're talking to me one on one
But you've become...

Somebody else 'round everyone else
You're watching your back like you can't relax
You're tryin' to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this
You, you fall and you crawl and you break
And you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
You promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it
No, no, no

You come over unannounced
Dressed up like you're somethin' else
Where you are ain't where it's at
You see you're making me laugh out
When you strike your pose
Take off all your preppy clothes
You know you're not fooling anyone
When you've become...

Somebody else 'round everyone else
You're watchin' your back like you can't relax
You're tryin' to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this
You, you fall and you crawl and you break
And you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
You promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it
No, no, no

No, no, no
No, no, no
No, no, no

Chill out, what you yellin' for?
Lay back, it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see...

Somebody else 'round everyone else
You're watching your back like you can't relax
You're trying to be cool,
You look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this
You, you fall and you crawl and you break
And you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
You promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? (yeah, yeah)
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this
You, you fall and you crawl and you break
And you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
You promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no no"

Jack was speechless at the end,when he finally got his voice,he stuttered out,"K-kim,I...I don't know what to say..."

Kim's hurt toffee brown eyes looked up at him,"Of corse you don't." She sighed,then said,"You broke the Wasibi Code,Jack. I had faith in you,we all did. Your not the same person that...that...that I fell for." She looked up with a tear in her eye,and walked off.

"She...she liked me." Before Jack could go to her,the guys steped forward.

Eddie spoke first,"Jack..." He just shook his head and walked off.

Jerry spoke next,"Dude,what you did was not swag,yo." Jerry walked off too. (And some how managed to knock over a trashcan on his way).

Milton spoke last,"Jack. Do you relize what has happened?" Jack was slient. "Do you know how this effected us, the dojo, Rudy, Kim." Milton noticed the change in him when he mentioned Kim. He decided to use this.

"Jack...Kim has stopped eating." Jack's heart stopped. "She was so depressed,that you,and you alone,drove her to this!" Milton's voice rose. "I've been keeping her alive,making sure she ate atleast something! And you know through that who she wanted?! Who she needed to help her the most?! YOU!" Jack's eyes went wide as Milton jabbed him in the chest. He barely lost his temper.

"And it doesn't stop there! Jack,Rudy has been crying,a lot,and the dojo is struggling since there is only one black belt showing up! Eddie has become suddenly shy! And don't even get me started on Jerry! He lost his best friend! You Jack! YOU!" Milton was now shouting,and Jack's eyes were wide as he pressed his back against the lockers,and processed what he was hearing.

But Milton wasn't done,his voice dropped down a little,"I had to be the strong one for once. The glue holding us together,clinging to the shards,trying to hold to the pieces. You where that glue,Jack. You know that." Milton then sighed,"Talk to us when you get you prioritys straight." He said and walked off.

Finally,Jack was alone in the hallway.


"Kim! Kim wait!" Kim didn't turn around/

"Just keep walking,Kim. Maybe he'll go away..." She told herself. She didn't want to see that douchebag ever again. Not here,not now,not ever.

"Kim,please!" The sound of footsteps pounding against the sidewalk echoed behind her as someone tried to keep up with her brisk pace.

Kim sighed,her blond hair flittering behind her,"Go away,Jack."

But Jack's voice came again,"Kim,just listen. Hear me out! Please!" Kim stopped at the agony in his voice.

Kim looked around at the trees in the park,her absent minded walk from school had taken her. They reminded her of a memory not so long ago.

"Jack,remember the forests of Hollywood? The day we fought for our lives underneath the big,mighty oaks? I do. You promised me something,Jack." Kim slowly let saddness seep into her words. "You promised you'd never let anything hurt me." Her voice shook,"Odd isn't it? That your turned out to be the one to hurt me the most."

"Kim,I-I'm sorry" Jack managed to get out.

Tears filled Kim's eyes,"You know,Jack? I am too,because sometimes when sorry dosen't cut it." She felt her makeup begin to drip,but she couldn't care less.

As she began to walk away she heard something,"What about,I love you?" Kim stopped in shock at those words.

"Did...did he...?"

"I don't deserve you,Kim. Not as a friend or more,not after what I did. M-milton,he told me everything after you walked off. I got caught up in being popular,and never thought about how it would affect others. I-I rather jump off a bridge then make you-I mean you guys hurt." He broke off. "I know I don't deserve it,but please forgive me."

Kim slowly turned around and forced her eyes to meet the ragged,skater boy with his head down,and then began to walk towards him.

"No,you don't." Jack looked up in shock to see the beautiful blonde standing infront of him.

"But," Kim continued,"I belive in second chances."

A wide smile lit up Jack's face,and he rushed foward to hug her,very happy when she didn't flip him.

A frown flickered across his face when they came apart,and he took her wrist in his hand. It was too bony. Kim bit her lip as his gaze flicked up to her's.

"Milton wasn't lying...I-I did this to you,Kim." Jack said,pale like a ghost.


"This happened because of what I did."


"You could've died!"

"Jack!" Fed up with his rambling,she smashed her lips against his.

When they broke apart,Jack looked dazed and happy. Like a thousand fireworks had went off in his head,and according to him,they did.

Kim faced him,"Look,your going to set things right with Rudy and the guys. Your going to break up with 'Hoe'bin,and your going to be a warrior again,got it?"

Jack was still dazed,"Yes ma'am."

Kim smiled and began to walk away,"Wait,Kim!" Jack called after her and Kim turned around.

Jack smiled hopefully,"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Kim bit her lip,"Yes."


Okay,I know. You want to kill me for not finishing the last one. But I've decided to use it in a future story,so please don't kill me!

I'm sorry for the wait! I hope this extra long chappie made up for it.

Now,please,for the love of kick!