What's up guys? Here I come with another new story. Another request from WWE'sFinestDiva2012. I'm basing it around the song 'Keep Me Away' by Nobody's Angel. I own nothing used in this story. The Superstars (and potentially Divas) used are property of the WWE and Sara is the OC of WWE'sFinestDiva2012. I hope you all enjoy. =)

"You're such a bully, Seth!" Sara Rollins shouted at her older brother.

"Come on, Sare. I'm just looking out for you. You should know by now that a lot of the guys that go to school with us are no good for you," Seth Rollins said, trying to calm his sister down.

"That doesn't mean you had to beat him up so bad that you broke his nose and knocked out two of his teeth! Now, Keith's never going to even talk to me ever again!" Sara said.

"He wasn't any good anyways. He's been with too many girls before, not to mention, did you not hear that he cheated on the last girlfriend he had with her best friend. If anything I was doing you a favor," Seth said.

After taking some time to let what Seth just told her sink in, Sara swallowed her anger and got up to walk over to her brother and hug him, while saying "I guess you have a point. I'm sorry I snapped on you. Can you forgive me?"

Returning the hug, Seth rubbed Sara's back and said "Of course I forgive you sis. I'm just looking out for you, that's all."

Looking up to her brother, Sara smiled and said "Thanks again for being so protective of me. I guess maybe I shouldn't be looking for a boyfriend at our school."

"Don't worry, Sare. There's a perfect match for everyone. You just haven't found your perfect match yet. Just keep looking for him," Seth said.


Sara and Seth were about as close as any two siblings were. They always played together when they were younger and when Sara started going to the same high school Seth went to, Seth always made sure to keep an eye on his sister so that no one could hurt her, although sometimes his methods were a bit on the physical side, he only had the best interests of his younger sister in mind. When Seth expressed interest in wanting to be a professional wrestler, Sara, who was doing modeling at the time, decided to join her brother in the same company he went to.

The first day the siblings had in the WWE was possibly the biggest day of their young careers. They started out in their developmental company FCW, where they immediately made a big splash in their own respective divisions. After spending a year in FCW, the two Rollins', along with two other rookies on the roster with them, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, were called up to the roster. When the three were getting close to making their debut, they decided to join together and form a faction that would shake things up in the WWE more than anything else in recent years.

The night of Survivor Series, Sara was sitting backstage with Seth, Dean, and Roman while the three men were watching and waiting for their signal to go down during the match against Ryback, CM Punk, and John Cena for the WWE Championship. All the while, Sara sat back and played around with her phone.

"So, Seth, tell me again why it is that you three are going to do something like this?" Sara asked.

"Because, dear sister, this is all just the start of our campaign to end some of the injustice that is currently happening in the WWE right now," Seth said.

"Couldn't you, Dean, and Roman just do what Punk does and just have a little rant about what you three see as injustices here?" Sara asked, shrugging.

"It just doesn't work that way, Sare. Around here, your actions have to speak louder than your words do. That's why we're going to take out one of the most glaring problems in the WWE now," Seth said.

"Damn it Seth. For her to be your sister, she sure does ask a lot of unnecessary questions. Makes me just want to tape her mouth shut," Dean growled.

"Hey, shut it Ambrose! This is my baby sister you're threatening! Save that talk for any of the other bitches around here," Seth said, glaring at Dean.

"Guys, we shouldn't be fighting like this. We need to be focused. In fact, we need to head down to the ring anyways," Roman said.

After sharing a glare, Seth said "Fine. But remember, you can hurt any of the other girls around here, just keep your paws off Sara. Is that clear, Dean?"

Growling, Dean said "Sure, whatever. Let's just go get this done and over with."

Once the three men had left, Sara sighed, an irritated and annoyed sound. She didn't feel like waiting for Seth and the others to come back from their bit in the ring, so she decided to take a walk around the backstage area. As she walked around and took in the sights of most of the roster members around her, she noticed that it seemed like everyone was talking about her and the three men she had come to the arena with earlier in the night. Instead of stopping to say anything to them, she kept walking around until she had accidentally bumped into someone. Falling to the ground, she landed and groaned from the impact of the fall. "Ouch! That hurt! I'm sorry to whoever I bumped into, but didn't anyone ever tell you that it's just plain rude to stand around in the middle of walkways?" she asked.

After taking the chance to look up at who she bumped into, she saw that it was none other than reigning World Heavyweight Champion, the Big Show. When Big Show looked down and saw that it was a Diva that bumped into him, annoyed, he said "Now I know you Divas aren't really here to be wrestlers, but just because you've got a pretty face doesn't mean that you can just go around bumping into people. I'm the World Heavyweight Champion here and I demand that you apologize right now."

"Why should I apologize when you were the one standing around, blocking the walkway just for people to bump into you? Are you trying to start a fight with someone?" Sara asked, getting irritated.

"It's not my problem that people can't seem to watch where they walk. And quite frankly, little girl, I don't care if you are a Diva. I will knock you out and I won't think twice about it," Big Show said.

"Just try it. With all of these people around us, someone is going to stop you before your fist can even get near my face," Sara said, leaning toward Big Show.

Taking this as a challenge, Big Show made a fist for the infamous knockout punch that made him such a threat to the other roster members. Just when he had gotten close to hitting Sara, he had gotten stopped by Randy Orton. As Randy stepped in between the two, he said "Now, now Big Show. Didn't anyone ever tell you that it's not very manly to go around hitting girls?"

"This has nothing to do with you Orton. This girl started just running her mouth and I'm doing the right thing and shutting it," Big Show said.

"If you so much as lay even one of those big fat fingers on her, I'll kick you so hard in the head that by the time you wake up from your little nap, I'll be World Heavyweight Champion," Randy said, coldly.

Flinching at the coldness of Randy's voice, Big Show pulled his fist back and, walking away, said "If I was you, little girl, I'd be watching my back. Because you never know when I'll get you back."

Once Big Show was gone, Randy let out a sigh of relief and, turning to take a look at Sara to make sure she was OK, their eyes met and immediately, neither one of the two could think of anything to say. After Randy had spent minutes lost in Sara's eyes, he cleared his throat and said "Are you OK? It must've been pretty scary getting yelled at by Show."

"I'll live. After all, he was the one that started it. If he hadn't just been blocking the walkway, I wouldn't have had to get vocal with him and deal with nearly getting knocked out. And for saving me, I want to say thanks," Sara said.

"No problem. I guess maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Randy Orton," Randy said.

"Nice to meet you Randy. My name is Sara Rollins. I'm one of the newest wrestlers to sign on here," Sara said.

"That's pretty impressive. It's interesting to see another Diva around here, especially after the year we've had, seemingly losing one Diva after another," Randy said.

"Well, maybe wrestling just wasn't for them. After all, most of the girls that left looked more like they belonged on runways anyway," Sara said.

"Truth be told, most of the Divas that left were only here just to get their names out there so that they could possibly either land acting roles or modeling gigs. So it isn't all that often that we actually come across Divas that can actually wrestle," Randy said.

"And how exactly would you know if I'm a good wrestler or not when I haven't even had my debut match yet?" Sara asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Considering the fact that you've got guts enough to stand up to someone like Big Show, you've got to have some kind of in-ring skill. So, I'll be sure to keep my eye out for when you finally have that debut match of yours," Randy said, smirking.

"You just might Randy. And watch me prove to you that I'm great," Sara said, grinning playfully before leaving Randy.

Once Sara had walked away back to the room that she was in earlier with Seth, Dean, and Roman, she spent the rest of the time she had to wait thinking about Randy and how, in a matter of minutes, he managed to worm his way into her life.

Don't forget to R & R please. =)