Sophie opened her eyes, and realized that she wasn't in the Express Yourself coffee shop any more. She was in a forest, and her feet ached. She did, however, see a light in the trees ahead. She lurched forwards, remembering the backpack that she had memories of putting on her back.

As she approached the fire, she saw an unexpected sight. It was either both Aidan Turner and Dean O'Gorman in full costume in the middle of the woods, or it was Fili and Kili sons of Dis. Scarily enough, the latter was more likely.

"Hello? Hello, I'm lost! Can you help me?" She called as she came nearer to the camp. The brothers looked up, and she knew for certain of where she was, Middle Earth.

"Hey, are you okay? And what is a human doing so near to the Shire?" Weird memories of a world beyond the Grey Havens, and its destruction, came to her and made her feel momentarily offended. She brushed her dark brown hair out of her deep green eyes and her Irish accent became very noticeable.

"I'm not a human, my race has no name, and as I said before, I am lost." She told them. They nodded,

"Well," Kili spoke up, "You can travel with us. We are heading for Hobbiton where we might be able to get you directions home."Sophie sighed.

"My home shattered and burned. The Spire of Glass was collapsed, and the wooden homes burned to the ground." This information was provided by her Middle Earth memories, her Earth memories telling her that this was all fake, but she played along.

The brothers nodded again.

"It's settled then, you are coming with us, then we will find a place for you." Sophie nodded; glad she had worn her brown leggings, green long-sleeved shirt, and black converse, even if she did stick out. She missed her big coat that her older sister had dubbed Sophie's "dwarf coat" because it was warm. She scooted a little closer to the fire, pulling the dark blue backpack from her shoulders, rooting around and finding an apple, and, surprisingly, her battered and well loved copy of The Hobbit. The book stayed in the pack and the apple emerged.

As she munched, the brothers were talking, as this resolved, they both came over and Fili asked,

"Do you have a weapon?" She shook her head,

"No, but I'm not bad with swords and knives." Sophie told them after swallowing. Fili pulled a knife out of an elbow sheath. He flipped it around and handed it to her. The girl cocked her head to the side and sent him a confused look.

"It's dangerous, especially in the woods, you should be armed." She smiled at him and took it, then closed one eye most of the way and cocked her head slightly again, her thinking face. She didn't have a sheath, which could be interesting.

Kili tossed her something on a belt, and she realized it was a sheath. She smiled at the younger brother, her eyes slowing warming up.

When two of them, Fili and Sophie, went to go to sleep, Kili on watch, Sophie was freezing, but to proud to ask for help. Even still, Kili noticed and grabbed an extra blanket and laid it over her. She curled closer on herself.

The next morning, she tried to return the blanket, but Kili insisted that she keep it. They moved out and reached Hobbiton after night fall, and they were knocking on the door.