Naruto of the vizoreds
When Naruto was born the Kyuubi was sealed in him but what would happen if is mother and father were the spirit king and queen thus making Naruto a prince. the villagers bannished him when he was thirteen but luckly the other vizoreds took him in. Now watch as he throws a monkey wrench into Aizens plan with the help of Ichi (fem Ichigo) and a sister he never knew he had.
All characters will be OOC, some major change in cloths as well
Naruto's sword 28" of stainless steel with an 11" handle the blade is 3" wide
Hello talking
Hello thought
Hello Zanpakuto and Kyuubi talking
Hello Zanpakuto and Kyuubi thought
Hellohollow talking and vizored talking
It was a beautiful day in konoha as a thirteen year old boy about 5'0" with spiky blond hair and blue eyes walked to the hokages office he was wearing a pair of white loose baggy pant with black trim and a sash that held his Zanpakuto Kekkei Genkai at his side while he also had a matching jacket with black trim that he left it open it show off his abs since he didn't wear a shirt (it was the same as Grimmjow's outfit) you couldn't see his face due to a white mask that had the shape and look of a fox.
He's lived a nice life but deep down he hated the village and wanted to get out but it not like that was going to happen any time soon he always had the clans backing him because of who his parents were but the civilians hated him because of the Kyuubi. It didn't help much with a mask that can appear at any time you are mad at some one he's only had the mask for three years. He was nowhere at keeping it in control for no more than six hours with out his tenant taking control it was around that same time he met his Zanpakuto spirit she was nice a little flirty but nice she didn't have an actual name beside the Zanpakuto name Kekkei Genkai he started to call her Naru since she looked like a female version of him.
"So Naruto what do you think the old man wants." A feminine voice said in his head.
"Don't know Naru-chan but it sounded important." Naruto said to his Zanpakuto spirit.
"A word to the wise kit you better drop the mask soon it almost been six hours." Another feminine voice said.
"All right Kyuubi-chan I'll drop it when I get into the old man office the bitch at the front hates me." Naruto said to the Kyuubi.
"All right but just be careful." She said nodding to her host and smiled at Tsukihime.
"Ok." Naruto said as he walked up to the tower and past the bitch at the desk glaring at her while releasing so much killer intent the woman fainted. "Bitch." He muttered as he walked to the door of the old mans office and opened it and noticed three people he never seen be for. One was a well rounded man about 8'5" with golden eyes and pink hair wear what looked like to be an olive green suit, the standing next to was a man wear a green track suit he was about 6'11" he couldn't tell what color his eye were do to a pair of sun glasses and hair looked almost like a shuriken, the last man looked at little crazy his was about 5'11" with brown eyes Light gray/silver hair the two shorter men to be about thirty while the tall man looked maybe thirty-four.
"You wanted to see you old man." Naruto said making the three unknown men look at him shocked.
"That's a hollow mask but how." The three men thought at the same time looking at fox like hollow mask on the boys face.
"Yes I did Naruto! I can see you have more control of the mask." The old man said looking at Naruto.
"Not really just level 1 I can barely control level 2." Naruto said as his mask started to crack and fall off his face showing he had six whisker marks on his face three on each cheek.
"I see but to the main reason I called you here you see do to the village's constant death threats on your life you will have to leave the village but luckily there are people who will take you in." the old man said seeing a smirk on Naruto's face showing that he was happy to be leaving the village.
"I see so the council is banishing me than." Naruto said seeing the old man nod his head. "Fine than I want everything that belongs to my parents everything in the house and bank accounts I want to leave nothing to those assholes." Naruto said as the old man spoke up.
"Already done Naruto these men over here have everything that belongs to your parents even the house." The old man said getting an even bigger smirk out of Naruto.
"Good when do I have to leave?" Naruto asked looking at the old man.
"The council wants you to leave with in the week but knowing you." The old man said as Naruto cut in.
I leave with in the hour and disappear from this village never to be seen again." Naruto said as the man with pink hair spoke up.
"Very well then young man if you are ready we can leave and head for are home in Karakura town you will be more welcome in are family." The man said looking over at the boy and smiled.
"Right well I guess this is good by old man for good." Naruto said as he looked over at the three and nodded his head as though he was telling them he was ready.
"Well then lets go we have a long way to go." The man with the afro said walking to the door.
"Bye old man." Naruto said as he walked out of the office for the last time in his life never to see the man again everything then started to fade to black.
Dream fade
"That dream again what is going on?" A sixteen-year-old Naruto asked as he woke up and tried to move on to feel weight on his chest upon looking down he noticed a green haired girl sleeping with her head on his bear chest with a smile on her face this is none other than Mashiro Kuna to the normal eye she may look like a normal five foot girl with green hair and hazel eyes but to other who knew her she was ex-lieutenant of ninth squad and a vizored who just so happens to like wearing a white bodysuit with orange gloves, boots, and scarf with a set of goggles on top of her head.
"Mashiro get up." Naruto said shaking the girl making her open her eyes and looked up at Naruto for a little bit before kissing him and than using a shunpo to disappear. "Damn pervert." Naruto mumbled getting out of bed over the years Naruto's been here he's grown only five inches but still kept what he wore a hundred years ago
"What's wrong Naruto?" A voice asked coming up from behind making him jump only to see that it was Kensei Muguruma another vizored and one that Naruto looked up to like an older brother one of the one's that brought Naruto here in the first place over a hundred years ago he had Light gray/silver hair with Brown eyes and was about 5'11" he was wear a dark purple A-shirt with white trim, in addition to green cargo pant, black combat boots, and a pair of orange fingerless gloves, and a series of piercings one on his left eyebrow and three on his left ear.
"God damn it Kensei don't do that you asshole." Naruto shouted while he glared at the man.
"Sorry Naruto but anyway what's wrong I heard you mumbling something as I walked by your room." Kensei said looking at young man.
"It's Mashiro." Naruto said making Kensei raise an eyebrow at him.
"What she do this time." Kensei asked looking at him hoping that she didn't cause trouble like she usually does.
"Lets see you pick she was in my room, sleeping on my bed, laying on me." Naruto said as Mashiro came back into the room wearing a white skirt and matching shirt that hugged her showing off her C-cup chest. "Get out of my room you green haired pervert." Naruto shouted.
"What you didn't like that kiss." Mashiro asked as she came over to Naruto swinging her hips making Naruto's eyes follow her hips as they swung left and right.
"Kensei do something about her man." Naruto said shaking him self free from the perverted thoughts to looking at Kensei only to see that he was gone. "You asshole don't you dare leave me up here with this pervert." Naruto shouted as Mashiro came closer to him.
"What's wrong Naruto-kun don't you like me?" Mashiro asked a little sadly.
"Mashiro-chan of course I like you." Naruto said, as she got closer to him.
"Than why does it seem like you want to push me away I really like you Naruto but why won't you let me get close to you." Mashiro asked looking Naruto in the eye.
"Because Mashiro it's not that I don't want you close it's just the way you do it you come into my room every night while I sleep and curl up next to me it's a little weird Mashiro since we aren't even dating." Naruto said making Mashiro stop and walk over to the bed and sat down.
"Naruto that's the thing I want to be yours and only yours but I don't know how to approach you about it." Mashiro said looking up at him with a smile. "Every time I approached you about it I would chicken out that's why I started doing stuff like this I thought maybe it would tell you how I feel about you." Mashiro said to him as she got up and walked to the door only for Naruto to stop her.
"Hey Mashiro." Naruto said making her look at him.
"Yes Naruto." Mashiro asked looking over at him.
"Would you like to go out for breakfast?" Naruto asked making Mashiro do a double take at what he said.
"Wh…wh…what." Mashiro stuttered.
"I said would you like to go out for breakfast." Naruto said making Mashiro go wide eyed at what he said.
"Sure Naruto I'll meet you down stairs." Mashiro said walking out of Naruto's room with wide eyes.
Down stairs
"Hey what the hell's with all the yelling up there?" A girl yelled she was about 4'4" with blonde hair done up in spiky pigtails and brown eyes she was wearing a white shirt with a red jogging suit that had white strips on it with the first kanji of her name on it and flip flops.
"Shut up Hiyori." Kensei said coming down the stairs.
"How about." Hiyori tried to yell only for a man with a shuriken afro look to hit her on the head this man was Love Aikawa he was about 6'3" with black hair wearing sunglasses so no one knew what color his eye were he was wearing a green jogging suit.
"Quit yelling you idiot." Love said removing his fist from the top of Hiyori's head.
"Damn it Love stop hitting me." Hiyori yelled rubbing her head.
"Than stop being annoying." Love said sitting down with a plate of waffles and bacon.
"Would you two stop." A feminine voice said walking into the room three others following her this girl was Lisa Yadomaru another vizored with long black hair and turquoise eyes red oval glasses she about 5'4" wearing a sailor fuku. The next was Rojuro Ohtoribashi or as everyone called Rose. He had purple eyes long, wavy blond hair and is about 6'2" he was wearing a black suit with a thigh length black jacket. He also was wearing a white frilled shirt with frilled cuffs and a high collar, which was untucked. The man next to him seventh vizored in the house was Shinji Hirako a man with chin length blond hair brown eyes and was about 5'9" he was wearing a Karakura school uniform with a long gray coat and newsboy cap. The last was a well rounded man about 8'5" with golden eyes and pink hair wearing what looked like to be an olive green suit this was Hachigen Ushoda.
"So where are Naruto and Mashiro." Shinji asked looking around the kitchen.
"You look in for me." Naruto said appearing right behind Shinhj with his mask on it was different than the mask in the dream this one covered him from head to toe except for one leg his hands looked like a foxes paw and the face instead of just the fox shaped mask his whole head was covered to make it look like he had a foxes head.
"What the hell Naruto!" Shinji yelled as he grabbed his chest for the heart attack he almost had.
"You should have seen your face Shinji I thought you were going to piss your pants." Naruto said laughing as his mask started to break into pieces.
"Good one Naruto." Hiyori said rolling on the floor laughing at what Naruto did to Shinji.
"You still can't control level 7 of your mask." Kensei said looking at Naruto breaking mask.
"No not yet." Naruto said, as the last of his mask broke apart. "Besides level 7 is much harder then levels 1-6 Kensei unlike you guys my inner hollow is a demon." Naruto said.
"True but I'm surprised that you can have that much control over it at that age." Hachigen said looking at Naruto.
"True but remember I've had my inner hollow since I was born." Naruto said as Mashiro came do the stairs.
"Naruto." Mashiro said shockingly since she just left him in his room
"Oh Mashiro yeah you ready." Naruto said looking at the green haired girl.
"Yeah." She said snapping out of her daze.
"Hey were hell are you two going." Hiyori yelled.
"I'm taking Mashiro out for breakfast so bye." Naruto said placing a hand on Mashiro's shoulder and disappeared via body flicker.
With Naruto and Mashiro
"So Naruto where are we going?" Mashiro asked as the cloud of smoke to appeared around when Naruto used his body flicker to take them somewhere in Karakura town final faded.
"Don't know where would you like to go Mashiro-chan." Naruto said as Mashiro had a tomato red blush on her face.
"I don't know Naruto-kun what about Karakura buffet." Mashiro says as she points of to a building that says Karakura buffet with a huge smile on her face.
"All right then!" Naruto says as he started to walk to the restaurant.
An unknown place in Karakura town
While Naruto and Mashiro were heading to Karakura buffet two shinigami's came to Karakura town through a Senkaimon the first was a girl with blond pigtails and blue eyes wearing a shinigami uniform that was open just enough to show of her cleavage which was a perfect round D-cup with her Zanpakuto on her waist she looked about fifteen years old with a height of 5'6" this was Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze the spirit princess and third seat of squad three. The second was another girl with short black hair and purple eyes she was wearing the same outfit as Naruko with her Zanpakuto on her right side she look about fifteen years old with a height of 4'9" this was Rukia Kuchiki of squad thirteen.
"Princess Naruko you didn't have to come with me." The black haired woman said.
"True I didn't have to Rukia. But I wanted too something was calling me here and I thought I told you not to call princess." Naruko said to the girl next to her.
"But it's improper for me to call you anything else." Rukia says looking up at her.
"True but I'm not the heir Rukia once my older brother is found he will be the one to take the throne." Naruko said looking at the lieutenant of squad thirteen.
"But prin… I mean Naruko everyone as been looking for him for years now and no one as been able to find him." Rukia said as both of them jumped up to one of the buildings.
"I know that but I can feel it in my heart he is out there somewhere." Naruko said looking over Karakura town not knowing that today would be the day she would final meet her brother.
With Naruto and Mashiro
Thank you for breakfast Naruto-kun. Mashiro said as she kissed him on the cheek.
"Don't worry about it Mashiro-chan." Naruto said with a blush on his face turning away from Mashiro only for his eyes to catch the sight of what looked like to be shinigami's. "Fuck how could they have found out that the so-called traitors are here but if so how I'm the only one that use's soul form." Naruto thought to him self before he looked at Mashiro who only looked at him confused.
"Naruto-kun what's wrong?" Mashiro asked looking at him.
"Mashiro head home now." Naruto said as his eyes flashed to there hollow state.
"Naruto-kun what's going on?" Mashiro asked feeling a little scared.
"Reapers go." Naruto said making Mashiro go wide eyed that soul reapers would come to Karakura now.
"Right just be careful please I can't lose you Naruto-kun." Mashiro said looking at Naruto.
"Don't worry I'll be fine." Naruto said before Mashiro started to run home while he ran the other and then down an alley when he was sure no one could see him he took a pill out of him mouth and in a puff of smoke his appearance was changed while early he had on a black jeans and a blue shirt he now wore a pair of white loose baggy pant with black trim and a sash that held his Zanpakuto Kekkei Genkai at his side while he also had a matching jacket with black trim that he left it open it show off his abs since he didn't wear a shirt and unlike hair was different it was shoulder length with red streaks.
Man I love those Gigai pills so much easier than caring around a fake body. Naruto said a he shunpo'd to the location of the shinigami's.
With Naruko and Rukia
"Hey Rukia you feel that reiatsu." Naruko asked looking over at Rukia who nodded her head yes
"I do but who could give out so much. It's more powerful than the king and queen combined." Rukia said as Naruko nodded knowing just how powerful her parents are since she went up against her mother once and wound up in the hospital for a week.
"Hado #4 Byakurai!" A voice said making them look behind them just in time to dodge the kido spell. "Not bad shinigami's tell me what are your names are so I have something to write on your tombstones." The figure said showing it's self to the girls.
"You have any clue who you just attacked?" Naruko shouted pulling out her Zanpakuto.
"No which is why I asked you your name." The man said looking at the girls.
"Shouldn't you give your name first?" Rukia asked looking at the blond and red haired man.
"Fine the name's Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze." Naruto said only for him to be tackled by the blond girl.
"Brother I finally find you." Naruko said as she cried into his chest.
"What do you mean brother?" Naruto asked making the girl sit up and look at him with a smile.
"My name is Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze and I'm your little sister." Naruko said looking at a wide-eyed Naruto with a smile.
"But how I've been an only kid since I was born." Naruto said looking at the girl.
"True but you see I was born in Seireitei about a year after you were born in the living world we were suppose to meet when I turned thirteen but when mom and dad went to get you. You had already activated your powers you were gone nowhere to be found years later the leaf was destroyed and all your friends with it when they came to Seireitei they had one thing in mind finding you big brother." Naruko said with tears coming out of her eyes as she pulled out a medallion that was cut in half that said Maki and Kaze on it making Naruto's eyes go wide at seeing it.
"I see you noticed that mine only as Maki and Kaze on it that's because mom and dad gave you the one that says Uzu and Nami on it." Naruko said as a necklace around Naruto neck started to glow while Naruto did the same.
"They're coming together." Both Naruto and Naruko said at the same time as both pieces came together showing what it looked like as a full medallion.
"You see Naruto the medallion shows the truth I am your sister." Naruko said as she got up off of Naruto and put her hand out for him to grab.
"I always wanted to know why the medallion was like that." Naruto said as he grabbed his little sister's hand so he could get up.
"Ok can you two stop please I do have a mission." Rukia said tapping her foot.
"What would that miss shinigami?" Naruto asked looking at the girl.
"The name's Rukia Kuchiki not shinigami." Rukia said glaring at Naruto.
"Very well then miss Kuchiki what is the mission that you have in my little town?" Naruto asked looking at her.
"It is to guard it from hollows for the next month." Rukia said getting a laugh from Naruto.
"That as got to be the lamest mission I have ever heard about and believe me miss Kuchiki I this mission by my accounts is a fucking D-rank that only worthy of an academy student." Naruto said as he looked over Karakura town. "A hundred years I have been looking over this town and nothing but weak hollows." Naruto said sitting on the ledge of the building. "But that just my thought about it it's your mission do what you need just be careful there is one person here who will see you her name is Ichigo Kurosaki a nice girl who help lost souls try and find peace." Naruto said looking over at the high school.
"And how do you know she can see them." Rukia asked.
"Because I told her that I could to even though I'm shinigami born I still need friends." Naruto said as he looked back at his sister and Rukia. "Now I should be getting home the others are probably wondering what taking so long." He said getting up and walking away before turning back. "Would you like to come Naruko after all I do believe that this mission is for only miss Kuchiki." Naruto asked holding his hand out.
"He's right princess go with him I can do this my self." Rukia said as she disappeared in a shunpo.
"Well I guess I don't have a choice now do I." Naruko said grabbing her brother's hand.
"Well then lets go then." Naruto said before they disappeared in a shunpo.
Urahara candy shop
"Naruto why are we at a candy shop." Naruko asked looking at the shop.
"You'll see come on." Naruto said dragging her inside the shop.
"Hello welcome to Urahara's." A young girl asked. She was wearing a white shirt with the logo of the shop printed in pink and a pink skirt with white dots she had purple eyes and long black hair done up in pigtails.
"Can you please get that lazy ass bastard for me Ururu?" Naruto asked looking at the girl off nodded and walked off to the back.
"Naruto you shouldn't speak like that in front of little kids." Naruko said glaring at her bother as a tall man with light skin, gray eyes, and messy light blond hair came out of the back he was wearing a dark green shirt and pants topped with a black coat with a white diamond pattern along it bottom half he also had a pair of Japanese sandals and a striped-dark green and white bucket hat with a cane in his right hand.
"Well if it isn't my favorite customer Prince Naruto." The man said only to be hit with the end of pummel of Naruto's sword.
"Cut the crap Kisuke." Naruto said as Kisuke got up off the ground and rubbed the spot where he was hit.
"That's Kisuke the one mom and dad told me to come to if I need any thing." Naruko thought to herself.
"All right what do you need?" Kisuke asked looking him in the eye.
"Not me Kisuke my sister Naruko needs to place an order." Naruto said motioning to the next to him.
"Ah! Lady Naruko your parents told me you might be coming so I already have what you need." Kisuke said pulling a box out of his coat pocket and tossed it Naruko.
"My parents told you." Naruko asked looking at the man as she caught the box.
"Yes the King and Queen told me that you would be coming." Kisuke said pulling out a fan from nowhere.
"Should have known mom and dad would do something like that." Naruko said pulling out the item from the box and looked at it. "A pill?" Naruko asked looking at the pill.
"Yes that is the advanced version of a Gigai all wrapped up in an easy to care pill." Kisuke said as Naruto took out his Gigai pill.
"Watch Naruko." Naruto said putting the pill in his mouth and in a puff of smoke he was now wearing black jeans and a blue shirt his hair was shorter and the red streak were gone but he still and his necklace. "See." Naruto said showing that he was now in a Gigai.
"That's one powerful pill." Naruko said looking at the pill in her hand before popping it into her mouth just like her brother she was now wearing something different she was now wearing a blood red skirt with black shorts underneath and a matching red tang-top that stopped above her belly button it was a v-cut so you could see some of her cleavage as well.
"It looks good on you Naruko. Naruto said looking at his sister.
"Thanks Naruto." Naruko said with a blush.
Two hours later
Naruto and his twin have been walking around Karakura town for the past two hours after leaving Kisuke's shop.
"So Naruto how come you haven't tried to contact soul society?" Naruko asked her brother.
"It's not that I could Naruko it's just that with the way it is now I want nothing to do with it." Naruto said shocking his sister.
"What do you by the way it is now?" Naruko asked.
"Central 46 is corrupt just like any council all they care about is power and until they are gone I want nothing to do with that place." Naruto said swiping a hand through his hair.
"Naruto your not going to kill them are you." Naruko said looking at her brother.
"No! Like I said earlier I want nothing to do with that place." Naruto says pulling Naruko closer to him.
"Naruto what are you doing." Naruko said with a blush as her boobs were pressed up against her brother chest.
"Hold tight." Naruto said with a smirk as he focused on a seal that was back at the compound and with in two second they were gone in a flash of light.
Namikaze compound
"Damn it where is he." Mashiro muttered to herself while walking in circles.
"Mashiro stop it already." Kensei shouted.
"But Kensei what if something bad happened to him it been two hours since I got back." Mashiro said falling to her knees.
"Blondie will be fine." Hiyori said not even looking at the green hair girl.
"Hiyori's right! Naruto will be fine." Lisa said reading a book, as Naruto and his sister appeared in the room in a yellow flash.
"N-n-Naruto your safe!" Mashiro cheered as she got up and ran over to Naruto and hugged him while tears came out of her eyes. "I-I thought th-that you w-w-wouldn't m-m-make it." Mashiro said as she cried.
"Hey come on Mashiro I fine." Naruto told her.
"Hey Blondie who's the other blond." Hiyori said looking at the new girl.
"Guy say hello to my younger sister Naruko." He said making them look at the girl with wide eyes.
"Your sister but if that true than she would be a shinigami!" Lisa exclaimed.
"Yes she a shinigami and don't worry about her tell soul society about you guys." Naruto said with a smile.
"But how can you be sure." Kensei asked.
"Remember that I'm the future ruler of soul society thus you guys can to be touched by central 46 since I hold more power then them." Naruto said as Mashiro stopped crying and let go of Naruto. "Beside from the two hours that I spent with her she care's more about family than soul society it self." Naruto said looking over at his sister.
"He's right family is more important to me than anything else I would never cause my family any pain." Naruko said with a smile.
"Even so they know where you are at all time because of the limiter that all Lieutenant and Captain class shinigami have to use them including you." Hachi said.
"That maybe true Hachi but I took care of the limiter." Naruto said holding up a small device in his hands.
"That's the limiter but how did you get it out of her." Hachi asked looking at the device.
"Wasn't that hard to get it out. I just infused her with some of my reiatsu and a little kido of my own design and bingo no more limiter." Naruto said as he crushed it in his hands.
"Brother you shouldn't have done that." Naruko said with wide eyes and what her brother had just done.
"Why." He asked looking at his sister.
"I'm the spirit princess remember and with that gone everyone will come her looking for me." Naruko said in a worried tone knowing they would think she was a traitor.
"Relax sis this isn't a normal limiter." Naruto said opening his had to show that it was still intact.
"But you crushed it how can it be in one piece." Naruko said looking at the limiter.
"It a royal limiter sis!" Naruto says pointing to a red swirl. "That's the mark of the royal family these things are indestructible at least that's what Kisuke told me and it seems to be true if I couldn't crush it." Naruto said as Naruko picked it up and looked at it.
"Figures mom and dad would use this instead of a normal limiter but why." Naruko said looking at the limiter.
"You said it your self Naru-chan you're the spirit princess the only one that can take the throne since I'm not there." Naruto said snatching the device out of her hands. "Beside to them your more important than soul society it's self." Naruto said putting the limiter on the shelf.
"So what do I do now Rukia as a mission I only came to see if you were in this town?" Naruko asks with a frown.
"Easy you'll be staying here. I'll call Kisuke and have him set up a few things." Naruto says sitting down on the sofa.
"But what do I beside that." Naruko said only to gulp when she seen Naruto smirk. "Naruto stop smirking. You like mother when you have that smirk." Naruko said backing up to the wall.
"Now sis you must know that kids are age have to go to school." Naruto said making Naruko go wide eyed.
"No, no, no I won't go you cant make me." Naruko said shaking her head.
"Sorry sis you have to." Naruto said still wearing the smirk.
"But I hate school." Naruko said with a pout as she fell on her knees.
"Don't whine like a little baby." Naruto said making his sister snap her head up and glare.
"What did you just call me?" Naruko asked in a dangerous tone as Naruto smirked.
"I think it had something to do with little and baby." Naruto said with smirk as Naruko appeared on Naruto in a flash but what shocked her was the Naruto she landed on went up in smoke. "What the." She said with a shocked tone.
"You have to be faster than that." Naruto said making Naruko turn around to see Naruto standing by the wall with a smirk on his face as he pulled out a red lace thong and a matching bra from behind his back. "I must say you do wear quite the set of lingerie Naruko." Naruto said hold them up as Naruko blushed up a storm.
"How the fuck did you get those." Naruko shouted.
"What can I say I'm sneaker than the kitsune that's sealed inside me." Naruto said as Naruko stomped over to him.
"Keep your hand off my underwear you fucking pervert." Naruko shouted snatching her thong and bra out of her brother's hands.
"Not my fault I grew up with perverts." Naruto said shrugging his shoulders. "Oh and nice ass by the way." Naruto said only to dodge a punch that was meant for his head.
"Damn pervert." Naruko muttered as she walked away from a snickering blond.
Ok there's chapter one. The beginning was just a dream so that has nothing to do with the story the necklace the both Naruto and Naruko have play a part that will be revealed after the rescue arc is over and the Gigai being a pill is only for Naruto and Naruko and a few others like the vizoreds. Now how does Kisuke know the King and Queen only time will tell? Another reminder is that all the charters will be OOC the same with the clothes. Seems like Naruto's a little pervert. The following females are a go for Naruto harem Mashiro, Naruko
poll for harem on my profile it will be open until chapter two is out vote for as many as u what