The exchange between the Doctor and the woman once known as Bones was interrupted when swarms of security personal and Jeffersonian janitors set upon the space, their faces horrified and questioning as they took in the mess of the lab.
"I'm afraid explaining the particulars of the entire incident would be very complicated and most likely too complex for you all to understand without the advanced educations of myself and Doctors Saroyan, Hodgins, Sweets, and Smith. To put it into as small of terms as I can, I'm afraid we had a chemical combustion that scared a few of Doctor Hodgins' animal experiments into a frenzy." To hear her speak, you'd have no clue she was no longer Temperance Brennan. She spoke with the same authoritative and somewhat arrogant tone that had the ability to both silence and annoy at the same time.
"I'm afraid I'm going to need a statement to explain this to my higher ups more completely." The head security guard was still stupefied at the damage and was hardly looking at the people involved, although one could see he was trying to hide his lack of comprehension behind a commanding façade.
"At this time none of us will be able to provide one as we currently believe foul play was involved in the chemical reaction. Right before you came in Agent Booth had just declared this a crime scene… isn't that right Booth?"
"Bones' right. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you all to leave so you don't contaminate the scene." Booth slipped back into FBI mode but it was easy to tell his heart was still breaking. Watching this person act like his Bones and knowing they aren't sent a sharp pain to his heart every time he took a breath.
The men in uniform didn't know what to do. The looks of confusion were so widespread that the Time Lady almost wanted to take pity on them, but a clearing of the throat from Camille and a thumb to the door by Hodgins had the group clearing out, one of them calling over their shoulders that they expected to see some FBI techs soon or else he'd have to come back.
"Well, that went well." The Doctor clapped his hands together and smiled at the group, seemingly unfazed by the various looks of negative emotions he received in return.
"I don't like you." Hodgins proclaimed sourly, looking at the Doctor with contempt.
"Well this is escalating quickly." Romana moved around to step in between the Jeffersonian crew and her Time Lord, stumbling slightly over the remains of a steel lab table. "How the hell did it manage that?" She asked aloud as she kicked the metal towards the side.
"Most likely it was a combination of intense heat, incredible strength, and steel's intolerance for terraliches' unique genetic makeup." She blinked at the Doctor's explanation before rolling her eyes.
"I knew all of that you idiot, I was asking a rhetorical question. Lord, all these years on your own is going to mean you're completely insufferable."
"Like you're a bloody princess."
"That is no way to talk to the President of the Time Lords!"
"What a to-do! The President of an extinct race! Oh, let me get my tiara!"
"As your president I declare you are a traitor to my rule. Booth, arrest him!"
"No, no! You can't do that! This would be double jeopardy! I was already a traitor on Gallifrey at the end of the Time War, so there!"
"Does anyone know what they're talking about?" Angela broke in, startling the two and reminding them of their audience.
"I have a better question. Who the hell is going to clean up the mess my lab is in?" Cam looked pointedly at her (former?) employee, who only smiled back and gestured towards her male counterpart. The Doctor's face contorted into horror as he looked around at the state of the Jeffersonian, which at that point chose to express its displeasure with how it looked by shorting out a light fixture, causing darkness to spread across.
"Oy, Romana, you got the number for UNIT?"