And this is why I usually try to go to bed before now. EDIT: This is based off the video "Drunk Science" and the picture "Ask the science bros 19" (shopping for science). I had links on here, but someone pointed out to me that they don't work, so... I apologize. And... yeah. I only own Gen, whom I love. *Huggles Gen* But yeah, I don't own Bruce or Tony.

Gen Robins finally finished sweeping up the box of cereal a screaming two-year-old had ripped open several minutes ago - his haggard mother had apologized profusely and left immediately after Gen told her she didn't need to pay - and carefully held the dust pan up as she walked towards the back to dump it. Intent as she was on balancing the broom and the dust pan, she didn't notice the man pushing the shopping cart until she nearly crashed into the cart.

"Woah!" he said. The contents of the cart let out a soft moan, and she looked down in surprise to see a grown man sitting in it in what must be a very uncomfortable position, his long legs dangling over the side of the cart and his chin pressed up against his chest, smashed up against the side of the small shopping cart as he was. He was loosely clutching a beer bottle in one hand, the other draped over his stomach. Even with his haggard appearance and the drool dribbling down his chin, it was impossible not to recognize Tony Stark, and Gen gaped helplessly. She blinked several times (he was still there when she opened her eyes) then looked up at the man pushing the cart.

He had his right fore arm braced against it, as he was using his left hand to hold up his over-large pants (they had to be at least ten sizes too big), which were torn to shreds and just barely staying together. His glasses were crooked, and he gave her a friendly smile.

"Good morning. Could you please tell me where the pancake mix is?"

"What?" she asked blankly, swallowing as she tried to wrap her mind around what she was looking at: Tony Stark passed out in a shopping cart at the supermarket, and the man pushing said shopping cart, who was wearing a pair of pants that looked like they might fall off any second - and wouldn't that just make the whole thing even more surreal?"

He looked at her like she was an obstinate but adorable toddler, and repeatedly patiently, "Could you please tell me where the pancake mix is. You know, Bisquick? Nothing major, just the sort of add eggs and water thing."

"Blubberies," Tony Stark groaned, and the man nodded.

"Ah, yes. We'll need blueberries as well." She hesitated, examining them more carefully, and was still unable to form a complete sentence. "We have money," the man with the glasses said, misinterpreting the look.

"I could buy this place," Tony croaked, and the other man patted his foot.

"I don't think that's necessary. We'll just get the stuff for blueberry pancakes, okay?" He looked expectantly at Gen.

"Pancake mix is on aisle four," she squeaked. "And blueberries are on the produce aisle. That way," she added, with a vague gesture towards her left. He smiled his thanks and began to push the cart forward, surprisingly easily considering he was only using one arm and there was a grown man in it.

She shook her head a few times and blinked once more. Still there.

"What happened?" she burst out, and the man looked over his shoulder to smile ruefully at her.

"Drunk science."

And then he kept walking as if nothing had happened, and Gen walked dazedly to the back to empty the dustpan.