Look who just returned from hiking in the mountains for the past 5 weeks. It was beautiful and the view, as well as a few people here, motivated me to finally finish this short installment.

It took a different turn than I had originally planned but I scrapped that and redid the whole chapter. I love this version so much more.

So without further delay, enjoy.


The spilling of sunlight over the temples peak was glorious; the view was breathtaking. The gold of the walls caught the light and reflected it, glittering in the sun like precious gems. Of course, for my sensitive eyes it was damn near blinding but it truly was a thing of beauty. It reminded me of my beloved, the man to my right, hand clasped in mine. Teary eyes watched with awe as a sight unseen before by countless years took place before him once more. A sob escaped his throat and the small child between us looked to him in worry.

"Daddy, are you okay?"

Ichigo looked down to our son and smiled through his tears, his face blinding with joy. "Oh yes, Shiro. I haven't been this fine in so long."

Shiro furrowed his brow in confusion and looked to me. "But why is Daddy crying, Papa?"

With a huff of laughter, I hefted him up into my arms and began to walk towards the Temple of the Sun, the once demolished bridge rebuilt and steady for passage beneath our feet. "Well, Daddy's so happy right now that he can't contain his light. So, he's shedding it. This is something he's been waiting for a very long time to see again."

"That is too true, Shirosaki. So long in fact, that I had given up ever seeing such a sight once more." Ichigo latched onto my free hand and squeezed it lovingly. "And I have your father to thank for that… I will never be able to repay him all he has done for me."

I smiled in pride. "The only thing that I will accept from you, is that your eyes stay only on me and keep me warm throughout the nights." His face turned bright red as I smirked lecherously at him. He smacked my arm and I couldn't stop from laughing.

"Grimm. You're holding your son in your arms and speaking such dirty things."

Holding Shiro closer, I answered through my laughter. "My dear, he's far too young to understand what I just said and what I truly meant."

Ichigo huffed and stomped away towards the Temple. As he approached, the stiff posture of his shoulders melted away and I could feel the excitement thrumming through him. He smiled back at us and stepped inside. Glancing down at my boy, he took notice of my gaze and turned to me too. A beautiful smile grew, gap toothed and honest.

A wave of pure adoration filled me. My boy, my son; my child, Shirosaki. A child of day and night, blurred together and a thing of utter beauty. His skin was white as snow as was his hair. He had the gold and black eyes and red body markings of Ichigo but the soft, long ears and tail were all mine. His adorable adolescent claws were black and he constantly got them caught in things he shouldn't… such as my hair as of right now. With a gentle hiss, I softly helped him free of the tangle and set him upon his tiny feet. Grasping his palm in mine, I studied his innocent face.

"Are you ready to join your father?"

He stared at me in silence before a shark like smirk eerily similar to my own split his face, canines hanging low. "Yes, Papa!"

Barking out a laugh, we belatedly followed after Ichigo. I felt it pertinent to warn my son off from mischief, if at least only this once. "Now Shiro, this place is very important to your father. I want you to be on your best behavior. If not, there will be dire consequences, do you understand?"

"Yes, Papa."


We stepped into the Temple, the smell of burning incense and ozone filled my lungs. I looked for my beloved and found him already resting upon a cushion, deep in prayer. Glancing to the middle of the room, where the sun spilled in and our son was cried into being, there laid a sun stone upon the dais.

Finally. All my planning and praying and hoping had come to fruition. Now, all that needed to be done was to be heard.

The answer was so simple it was staggering in its simplicity. It made one wonder how could they not even think to try this before? Or… at a more depressing thought… perhaps they did and were not heard.

It was treacherous, this path to the dais. Countless cracked sun stones laid upon the ground and it was a battle in itself to step around one and not kick another. I moved to the one we would first try and gently pet its side in comfort.

"Hello, stranger." I shook my son's hand. "Don't be rude Shiro, greet them."


I smiled at him then turned back to the stone. "I realize you more than likely will not care to meet me. When you last interacted with my kind it was to.. eh, more violent terms. I'm hoping though, with this you will give my species a second chance. It has been far too long that we have attempted to make amends and I sorely wish to. As the leader of my people, the Night walker kingdom, I hope you would accept my humble apologies." I bowed to the stone and Shiro followed along.

It was quiet for a while before my name was softly called. "Grimmjow." We lifted from our bow and turned to look at a smiling Ichigo. "It is soon time."

A smirk passed my face. "Yes, my dear Sun Child stranger." I glanced back at the cracked and dull stone. "It is high time you woke from your nap." With a dignified sniff, I clasped my hands behind my back. "You should feel honored. My beloved Ichigo decided to wake you first. So in honor of that notion… wakey wakey."

Shiro giggled as I smirked playfully down at him. Hefting him into my arms, he burst into peals of laughter as I mercilessly tickled him, moving closer to our humorously exasperated Ichigo. We all stepped up to the pillow before the grand dais and sat upon our knees.

Ichigo turned to me in nervous excitement. "Hopefully, this won't take too long. I so desperately wish to gaze upon an old friend."

I merely nodded my understanding and he turned back to the sun stone. In the next couple minutes, the half day mark would be struck and the sun would be perfectly center above the temple, the light strongest. Ichigo lifted a knife and slit open the pad of his thumb. As blood spilled from the cut, he held his hand over cracked sun stone, letting it drip and fill the creases and abrasions. The sunlight hit the stone and it glittered in reflex.

Ichigo began to pray in a language I couldn't even begin to understand; a language archaic and far since dead; the spoken word of the Sun Children. I could attempt to repeat the words but the sounds were so fluid that I could do them no justice.

Shirosaki watched with wide wondrous eyes as the stone glowed and the sound of healing filled the temple.

I watched as Ichigo began to tremble through his prayers.


The answer was simple. So simple. In fact it had never occurred to me before that it had always been around me.

May the Sun be our shelter and forevermore guide us with its rays. Amen.

Our prayer, our very belief. We believe that in death that we fade from this earth and return to our place in our Father sun. As each death weakens him, it only stands to reason we weaken as he does. Therefore when sunlight is strongest, that is when we are strongest.

I've known this, known this for years but never made the connection. Grimmjow was the one who noticed it. If the stone can be healed, the cracks erased and whole once more, our Father sun and prayers can do the rest. The Night walkers already worship the very ground I walk on –as annoying as it can be sometimes.. –due to my beloved Grimmjow's instance, all that remains is for Zangetsu to give them strength. Hopefully, the Sun Child inside will have the drive to awaken from the grips of death and sleep. Remembering my own affair, it was a harsh task to undertake.

The question was also begged, how did Grimmjow learn that Sun Child blood would heal the cracks in the stone upon the exposure to sun. A fluke. All his years of searching on his own for the answer and the first time I accompany him to help, I cut myself on the sharp edge of the dais. T'was a small cut, enough for a drip or two to weep, but weep they did and onto the very stone that is currently resting upon the dais still.

He had rushed over, a steady palm to rub gently against the pain when he complained of a burning smell. In confusion, we both looked for anything that could have caught fire when he grabbed my arm and pointed to the sun stone and stated.

"Wasn't there a small piece missing there before?"

And upon closer inspection and excited bemusement, I answered. "Why, yes. My gods there had been!"

He stared at me and smirked. "I think it finally makes sense now. Ichigo, my sweet. Your husband is a genius."

"Humility is not one of his virtues though, for certain."

He merely cackled his animal laugh and began to explain to me what he had learned from countless years of studying Sun Child lore and belief. Shameful to say, I do believe he knows more of it better than I.

It is now that I reiterate how blessed I am to have him as my own… as annoying as he can be. I believe his exact words to the pressing question of how and why were, "Well, it stands to reason that since you are a being of light, created from the shed tears of the Father sun that your blood is also light. Almost like liquid sun… I don't know, something like that. Sunlight plus Sun Children slash sun stones equals stronger life force. Boom. Have I completely blown your mind, my sweet?"

Ass. Unbelievable, crude, beautifully thoughtful ass.

My thumb throbbed in time with the pulse of my racing heart, my words slurring as they picked up in speed. I could feel it, the almost heartbeat of my brother within the stone. He was rousing, slowly but surely and it was something. I had to lick my lips as the excitement started to build, making me antsy.

Grimm and Shiro watched me in total lack of comprehension. I understand that speaking in my language was not a requirement but I felt the sounds of a familiar word would beckon the lost Sun Child more dearly. The language of man was not a good enough motivator in my eyes.

There! I could feel it! An increasing in the temperature before me! My eyes flashed open and the prayer all but stopped, my husband and son confused as to why. And then, blinding light that I welcomed whole-heartedly surrounded us.

The light faded, if only slightly, and I stood up in confusion. The stone was still upon the dais, pulsing and glowing with vitality but there was no Sun Child beside it.

"Where-Where is he?"

Grimmjow stood and scratched at the tip of his ear. "I don't know, but I know the sight of when a Sun Child leaves their stone and that was definitely what just happened…"

"Daddy. Papa."

We both stopped and turned to look at Shirosaki who had crawled to the other side of the dais. Practically jumping over the pedestal, I leaned over to see as best I could.

My heart stopped because there, upon the ground laying in a daze… was a Sun Child. And not just any Sun Child, but someone from my past; someone incredibly dear to me.

"… Renji."

His black and gold eyes flashed open in a tired squint, his mane of red hair laid about him in a halo of flowing light. His eyes blearily glanced about, not a hint of focus in them. I stumbled around to him as Grimm watched in awe and Shiro poked at him with his toes.

"Is he stupid?"

Shock stopped me where I was as I turned to my son, innocence all that could be seen. Grimmjow burst out in guffawing laughter as I was held in speechlessness. "… No! He isn't stupid, Shiro! Terrible of you to say so!"

Shiro flinched and lowered his head. His foot scuffing against the ground, an ashamed frown pulling at my heart strings. With a sigh, I calmed myself from my agitated state; he didn't understand and didn't deserve my thoughtless yelling.

"Shiro, he has just woken from… a nap. An incredibly long nap. He's disoriented and confused. He needs a moment to gather himself." I had knelt at Renji's side while speaking to my son, fingers running soothingly through my past friend's hair.

I froze as warm fingers latched onto my own and a voice slurred with sleep was all I could hear. "… Ichigo?"

My attention was directly and fully on him and only him, my dear, dear friend. "Oh, yes Renji. Yes, it's Ichigo."

His eyes flashed about tiredly, as he licked his dry lips. His free hand lifted and scratched at the black markings across his forehead. "… Why do I feel as if I have just woken from a horribly long nightmare?"

It was so good to hear a dead language spoken from another voice other than my own. So good in fact, that I could not answer him. When he turned to stare at me in worry, my sense returned… It was time to explain the hard part.

"… Renji.. You were faded, your glow died and your stone cracked." His eyes widened and he sat up in horror. I continued quickly before things became too out of hand. "It's been so long, Renji. Several ages have past since I last laid eyes on another Sun Child. Thousands of years, Renji since I last saw you. Much has changed."

He grasped at his head and curled up his knees. "… I remember now. We were at war with those Night walkers… I-I was run through." A hand grasped at his stomach, a great tear through the ancient military robes that he wore. It was so strange to see something that used to be so familiar once more. He looked at me again, his horror quickly turning to panic. "We lost. I know it, I can feel it in my heart. We lost to those bastards and yet… here you are and here I am… Ichigo… How?"

I inhaled deeply through my nose, hardly glancing at Grimmjow and my son, telling them with my gaze that it would be all right. I turned back to Renji and gave him a wounded smile. And I began my tale of loneliness and trial; I left nothing out, he deserved that much. I told him everything until the present moment.

It was harrowing and left me ragged and desperate for the comfort of my son and Grimmjow's arms. Renji was devastated.

"So many years… So many years you've spent alone Ichigo. I cannot even fathom that pain. What you endured so others may…" He stared at the ground then lifted his head, determined. "Where is this king Grimmjow? I owe him so much."

I noted that my husband perked at the mention of his name and I smiled to my friend. "He already knows and he asks for nothing in return, only forgiveness for the actions of his species past transgressions against us." I motioned to him and I watched as Renji's eyes slid to behold the first Night walker he'd seen since the war and in different light.


To say it was nerve wrecking to have the eyes of someone who believed me to be an enemy would be an understatement. I so wanted to begin anew that I was practically choking for air. I watched as the Sun Child staggered to his feet, a burning stare directed solely to me.

He stumbled uncoordinatedly to me and stood before me. I noted that he was closer to my height than Ichigo was, his eyes almost at level with mine. He looked me up and down.

The Sun Child tilted his head and shook his head. "Be you the one who saved my king? The one who also saved me from the grips of death?"

At the strange way of speaking the first words I could understand, I glanced to Ichigo who smiled. "That was how man spoke all those years ago."

And it suddenly made sense. The Sun Child had not been around to learn the changes in the language itself. I nodded in the affirmative, deciding more formal speech would be best understood. "Yes, that is I."

The red headed Sun Child nodded in thought before he fell to his knees and bowed, hands pressed to the ground and at my feet. "For that, my Night walker king, I thank greatly. Without you, my own king and dear friend would certainly have perished. It appears that my life was also in your grasp, but you chose favorably. Many thanks I give to you."

A smirk started to grow across my face. In good conscience I could not keep up the rouse. "Nah, don't mention it."

At his bemused stare I held out my hand for him to grasp. "Sun Child, what is your name?"

He blinked at the hand and held on as I hefted him up. "Renji Abarai."

"Well, Renji Abarai. Be prepared, for this world is far different from what you are used to. The trees glow at night and the days are incredibly short. Though, I suppose that will change as more of you awaken…" I rubbed at my chin in thought.

"You… You intend to raise more from the darkness of their stones?" His voice was filled with shock, his expression nothing but.

I glared at him. "Of course! I wouldn't go through all the trouble I did to only save the two of you. It'd be idiotic and a waste."

Renji blinked in silence for a while. "Then… we the Sun Children rightly do owe you everything. For my species then," he clasped his hands together and bowed deeply, "I thank you."

I looked over to my beloved Ichigo, annoyed. "Is this how they're all going to be?"

He merely smiled at me. "And now you shall know my pain of all the constant groveling from your kind."

The annoyance flared and I looked away from him in time to watch Shiro clasp hands with Renji before him. At the shell-shocked look Renji gave him, confusion was all that I knew. He looked to Ichigo.

"Is the child that which I think he is?"

Ichigo's lips pursed and nodded once. "Yes."

Renji turned back in surprise as Shiro climbed closer to him, a smile growing. "He is yours then?"

"Yes. This is our son, Shirosaki."

Once more, startled eyes flew to my beloved. "Truly? Then it is commemoration or longing?"

The sad look upon Ichigo's face was steadily making me worried. What were they talking about. "It is only remembrance. He is dear to me, my son. It felt… right."

Renji nodded once and that was that. As his attention turned to Shiro and his endless questions, I turned to Ichigo. "What were you two speaking about?"

Old, tired eyes turned to me with a haunting sadness. It had been a while since I'd seen that look and I was desperate to chase it away for good. "… I will tell you some day. But it is a sad story, not one for this occasion."

I took him at his word and left well enough alone. For now.

I watched as my son played with a tired and worn, ancient Sun Child from thousands of years ago and wondered silently at the strangeness that was my life.


Renji stepped over to me, a smile upon his lips. "It has been months, and yet I still haven't gotten used to the quirky ways of the Night walkers."

"Hmm, I still haven't gotten used to the sounds of hearing my own language spoken back to me… You get used to them. They are actually very affectionate people."

We watched as young Night walkers mingled about, dancing and banging drums while older Sun Children played lyres and spun stories about ancient pasts.

There were few. So few Sun Children in number but there were enough. Many were unable to awaken from the darkness and so only a rare few were familiar faces. But, as the time has past, vitality was growing and new life was beginning.

Infant Sun Children and children made of night and day were grasped in the arms of new parents, the glow of the Father sun blanketing us in warmth and life. The sunflowers blew in the breeze as the mist swirled around everyone's feet. Old vacant houses now had life in them once more, the smells of home wafting through the streets.

Renji scoffed in good humor. "Never thought I'd see the day when Night walkers would move in to live in Seireitei."

"Yes, well I never thought I'd see the day when my own people would live once more. And besides, several Sun Children stayed behind to live in Hueco Mundo as well."

"Mmm, strange how things change."

I merely smiled as I caught sight of my son and Grimmjow strolling down the street. A little Night walker girl ran over and begged him to come off to play and together they began hopping stones and hiding in the mist hand in hand.

Grimmjow caught my look and smirked at me, my heart racing away from me.

Yes there were still too few Sun Children in the world, but things were turning around and only for the better. Looking up at the sun brightly shining high in the sky, I sighed contentedly.

"Thank you, Father Zangetsu. May your rays guide us to a grand future indeed. Amen."


Keep an eye out for the third and final installment of this series soon. And by soon, I mean soon as I am able. Thank you to HollowIchigo-Ichigo and RosesOnCream for not giving up on me with this and for constantly pushing me to continue it. If they hadn't, I would not have finished it at all. And then, the 3rd part would never have been started.

Though, I might finish a majority of the 3rd installment before I begin posting so it'll be easier for me since I am short on time. Speaking of, since I have so little time, would anyone be willing to be a Beta reader for me? It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you everybody for your time, please review and tell me what you thought. Thank you guys for all your reviews, they do get read and make me feel better.