"Do you have your egg bombs?"
"Emergency portal?"
"First aid kit?"
"I've got everything Mom!" Aster chuckled, Jack looking over Joy with a discerning eye, making sure she was armed and ready. The snow white Pooka was now as tall as Jack, minus her ears, growing into a strong young Pooka. She wore a light blue armor vest Jack had painstakingly sewn, as well as matching arm guards and utility belt with sparkling silver snowflakes. She had her boomerangs strapped to her back, specially made by himself for her birthday, her second gift being taken out in the field on Easter. It would be her first time out of the Warren for more than a quick visit, and of course the fifteen year old Pooka was excited, and in true Frost style lorded it over her younger siblings.
"She'll be fine." He said, interrupting Jack. "I'll be with her the whole time. Just relax and keep an eye on the ankle biters. We'll be back by nightfall." Jack let out a deep breath, calming himself down.
"Just don't do anything stupid." He sighed, hugging their first born tightly. Joy returned her Mother's embrace, nuzzling his cheek. "Stay away from big dogs, listen to and stick to your Father like glue, and do your best."
"Don't worry Mom." Laughed Joy. "Nothing faster than a rabbit." Aster took Jack in his arms as he released Joy, kissing him passionately.
"Ew, guys!" groaned Joy, ears flat against her head. "Get a room!"
"See you tonight." Said Aster, hugging Jack tightly. "And don't let the kids stay up late waiting for us, okay?"
"I make no promises." Snickered Jack. "Don't forget to say hi to Jamie and Sophie."
"Like I'd forget my favorite little invader." Laughed Aster. Jack watched from the door as they dashed off to deliver Easter, thousands of painted and prepared egglets in tow.
"Be safe." He said quietly before returning to the burrow. Slowly the home came alive, their second born coming to breakfast with his younger siblings in tow. Hunter, Aster's spiting image even at fourteen, helped his younger twin sisters into their chairs while Jack strapped Nick into his highchair. Emma and Rose's patched fur stuck up at odd angles, the seven year olds still rubbing their eyes and yawning. Nick's short brown fur was still downy to the touch, the two year old's white paws in stark contrast to the rest of his body.
"Mama, I'm hungry." Squeaked Rose, big green eyes looking up at him expectantly. Jack put big bowls of fruit on the table, smiling while the kids dug in. He cut up some of the bigger fruits for Nick, and as he was setting the plate on the tale he heard a crash. Hunter turned around in his chair, looking into the hall.
"What was that Mom?" he asked, ears swiveling as he tried to find the source.
"Probably one of the golems sitting down." Shrugged Jack, returning to breakfast.
"Slow down Joy!" yelled Aster, chasing the snow white Pooka through the tunnels.
"Is the big bad Easter Kangaroo getting too old to keep up?" she snickered, dashing along confidently. Aster huffed at the nickname.
"Oh, now you've done it sheila." He yelled, grinning as he shot forward. Suddenly he stopped, Joy smashing into his back.
"Hey, what's the hold up?" Aster sniffed the air, ears swiveling.
"Go to the pole." He said quietly.
"What?" asked Joy. "Why?"
"NOW, Joy." Blinking, Joy brought out her portal, whispering Santoff Claussen before smashing it to the ground. When Aster was sure she was through, the glowing portal gone, he dashed forward, more of the acrid stench filling his nose. Finally he sped out of the tunnels, his eyes widening in horror.
Black smoke curled into the sky, the egg golems running around in a panic, unable to get water to stop the blaze. Fire licked hungrily at the grass, a few trees burning slowly to the ground. Smoke billowed out of the burrows, and worst of all, he couldn't see Jack or their children anywhere. His ears perked as he heard familiar screams, heart stopping. Blue flashed behind the smoke, ice gripping the burrow for seconds before the flames melted it away. Bolting full speed, he jumped through the broken door, crouching low under the smoke.
"Bye bye Jackie." Aster's eyes narrowed, seeing the familiar smoky shadows creeping through the hall and to the master bedroom, following the melted ice. Grabbing his boomerangs, he heard Emma and Rose scream, Nick crying and Jack threatening Pitch.
"Get away from my family." He snarled, the tone, weak from heat and smoke inhalation, only making Pitch laugh.
"You ruined my future ruling the world with fear." He said dryly. "Now to take away theirs with you." Aster loosed his boomerangs, slicing into the dark smoke, a loud yell of pain telling him he hit his mark. Grabbing the boomerangs from the air, he rammed into Pitch, knocking him down, Jack in the far corner of the bedroom, Nick cradled in his arms, Emma, Rose and Hunter behind him. Blood ran down his side and head, face almost the normal color for a human, staff wet with melted frost. Grabbing a portal, he smashed it into the ground, opening a glowing portal to Santoff Claussen.
"Go!" he yelled, pushing Hunter through while picking up Jack and Nick. Rose and Emma ran through after their brother, Aster following while Pitch screamed in anger. With a loud thump the six toppled onto the globe room floor, North already commanding the yetis like a general. Joy hopped over, eyes wide at her sibling's sooty fur, her Mother's blood dripping onto the floor.
"What happened?!" she squeaked, terrified.
"Don't leave the room." Said Aster, the yetis taking Jack and the children to the infirmary. "Wait for Tooth and Sandy."
"What happened?" demanded North, Mrs. Clause jumping as the yetis nearly barrelled her over, tray of fresh cookies and hot cocoa nearly dumping all over her.
"Pitch attacked the Warren." Said Aster quietly. "The whole thing is in flames. He went after Jack and the kids. Joy was with me." Wordlessly North turned and pushed the massive key for the Aurora, the green hues filling the skies.
"Joy, stay in the globe room." Repeated Aster, seeing his daughter try and sneak out through the corner of his eye.
"Why?" she demanded. "What's going on?! What happened to Mom?!" Aster took a deep breath.
"Pitch Black tried to hurt him, and your little brothers and sisters." He said. "He used your Mother's weakness to heat against him, and set fire to the Warren."
"Because he has a bad grudge against your Mother." Said Aster. "If you hadn't been out with me today, I probably wouldn't have made it back in time. If Pitch hadn't gotten them, another ten minutes in the burrow would have." Wordlessly, Joy wrapped her arms around Aster, Aster gently rubbing her back as silent sobs racked her body. Once she stopped quivering, Aster let her go.
"Wait here for Tooth and Sandy." He said. "North and I need to check on your Mother and siblings." Joy nodded, parking herself on the couch. North and Aster walked solemnly up to the infirmary, focussing on one thing.
"Daddy!" yelled Emma, Rose sitting on one of the beds as the yetis worked the soot from her fur. Jack was in a bathtub full of snow, semi conscious and slowly regaining his normal snowy white complexion. Aster could see the shallow wound on his head, stitched merely for the size, reaching from his ear to his hairline. Hunter was getting his burnt paw checked out, and Nick was hooked up to an oxygen tank, but was smiling happily.
"You all alright?" he asked, checking over his youngest with a discerning eye.
"Yeah." Said Hunter. "Mom's the worst off, but I think that's from how hot it was. Phil said we'll be fine."
"Joy-" Jack coughed, slipping deeper into the ice and snow. The yetis forced an oxygen mask on, careful of Jack's head wound.
"Joy is fine." Said Aster crouching by the tub and gently ruffling Jack's snow white hair. "I sent her here when I caught scent of the smoke. She's waiting for Tooth and Sandy in the globe room. We finished earlier than expected." At that moment, Mrs. Clause burst in, making Aster jump.
"Who's up for milk and cookies?" she declared, scooping up Nick. Emma and Rose looked pleadingly at their parents.
"Go on." Said Aster, Jack nodding weakly. "It's fine, just stay where the yetis and Mrs. Clause can see you." Hunter left with his sisters, sending a worried look at his Mother and Father while Nick babbled about cookies before he left. Aster turned back to Jack, who had his head resting on his shoulder, eyes shut.
"Oi, Snowflake!" said Aster worriedly.
"Relax Kangaroo." Sighed Jack. "I'm just tired. To much heat…"
"What happened?" he asked, looking down as Jack opened his bleary blue eyes.
"I don't know." Said Jack. "Hunter was on edge all day, but there was nothing. Then, I was making dinner and...I knew it was too quiet. I checked on them and he was THERE. He had them. Sweet MiM he was in the burrow!"
"Shh…" Aster braved the icy snow and rubbed soothing circles on Jacks back, cool fingers digging into his other arm. Jack trembled, the full force of the encounter with Pitch finally hitting him. "It's fine. Everyone is safe, and he didn't do anything to them. It's going to be alright."
"He got stronger." Whispered Jack. "I couldn't stop him. A few more minutes and-"
"We'll send him back into the dark hole he crawled out of." Said Aster assuringly. "He'll never get the chance to touch our kits again. If he tries it, I'll rip off his grubby little hands." Jack snuggled into Aster's chest, sighing contently.
"And I'll hold him down for you." Aster kissed his forehead, the only thing not covered by plastic on Jack's face.
"I'll hold you to that." He purred, relishing in the fact that his mate was safely wrapped in his arms. This time would be different. This time, Pitch would not get the chance to destroy his family.