Ten Years Later...
A lot had happened in the past decade for Ash, Misty and their family and friends.
Gary got his wish, and settled down five years after Alora was born with his wife, Leaf. With his grandfather finally retired, seeing Gary married made Samuel feel his grandson could cope with the responsibility of the lab, and passed his research facility onto him. So, Pallet Town is still the home of an infamous 'Professor Oak.' Gary and Leaf had a baby two years ago, a little girl named Rose. Misty had cooed over the child, while Ash raised his eyebrows and asked if they were going keep the nature theme within the entire family, but nonetheless, couldn't deny the little girl was a cutie.
Daisy and Tracey, like Daisy had wanted, had a baby about a year after she became an aunt. They too had a little girl, which Daisy was ecstatic about, gushing to Misty about her and Alora could be best friends. She named her daughter Misty, which both flattered and bemused Misty at the same time. Daisy had told her she wanted her daughter to be like her aunt; strong, independent as well as gorgeous. Four years ago they had another baby, Christian, named after Daisy and her sisters' father. Meanwhile, Violet and Lily, though happy to be aunts, decided that was all they wanted to be, and continued with their modelling and acting careers. Daisy, meanwhile, is still the Cerulean Gym Leader, whilst Tracey still works at Oak's lab, and is also a freelance artist.
True to his word, Ethan stayed home, and discovered that it was far more rewarding than he imagined. He and Misty found they had a mutual interest in fishing, and quite often went together while Delia and Ash watched over Alora. Eventually, Alora reached an age where she could join, and she loved it as much as her mother. Delia adored being a grandmother, and bonded with her granddaughter extremely well. They often baked together, went shopping together, or did the gardening.
May and Drew, Paul and Dawn and Iris and Cilan also raised their own families, and quite often come to the Kanto region so their children could play and grow up together.
Brock and Suzy, similar to Daisy and Tracey, also became parents just under a year after Ash and Misty did. Suzy gave birth to a baby boy, named Brandon, to whom Ash and Misty are godparents. Brock loved being a father, but also cherished his role as an uncle to Alora. The pair became very close, as did Alora and Brandon. Brock now runs his own Pokémon Centre in Pewter City, which has provided new techniques in Pokémon care, causing trainers from all over the globe to swarm to the rock city to visit. Suzy still runs her salon, and their daughter, Emily, born six years ago, is already keen to help her mother out and learn the ways of the trade herself. Brandon, meanwhile, has his heart set on becoming a trainer and loves talking to Ash about his journeys and time as Champion.
Misty is still a member of the Elite Four, and is now the forth, and considered the toughest, member. Ash, meanwhile, found a love for teaching young children about Pokémon, and set up a Pokémon school in Pallet. The kids love his stories about how Pikachu used to hate him, and giggled when he told the tale about trying to fight a Pidgeotto with a Caterpie. Being good friends with Gary also had its advantages, as he would take the children on trips to visit the Pokémon at the lab, and learn how to interact and care for them before receiving their own Pokémon the following summer. Ash wasn't ready to let entirely go of the League, and still helps the Elite Four train before a League begins, and is a member of the League Committee.
"You all ready to go sweetie?" Misty asked, kneeling down to her daughter's height. Alora stood in the doorway of their quaint home in Pallet, just a few doors down from her grandparent's house. She was quite tall for her age, probably similar to Misty's height when she was ten. She had hair as dark as the midnight sky that reached just passed her shoulders and eyes of cerulean. She was wearing shorts similar to those her mother had on her own journeys, with a black vest top and a blue and white sailor-style jacket as well as a pair of red trainers. Brock had bought the outfit for her, trying to combine both Ash and Misty's clothes from their adventure together. Around her neck was a water drop necklace Daisy had bought her, which had a striking resemblance to a Cascade badge, except it sparkled like a sapphire.
"I think so," Alora replied. Misty smiled at her daughter sympathetically; behind the glimmer of excitement in her eyes, she could see slight doubt and worry.
"You're going to be great," Misty said, kissing her daughter's forehead. "You remind me so much of your father, and he's one of the greatest trainers I've ever met."
"You really think so?" Alora asked, her own cerulean eyes meeting her mother's. Misty grinned.
"I really do."
Suddenly, Ash came bounding down the staircase, carrying something, followed by his loyal companion, Pikachu. Pikachu, upon seeing the girl leaving, dropped its ears, murmuring its name sadly. Alora scooped the Pokémon in her arms, cuddling him tightly.
"I'll miss you so much, Pikachu," she whispered. "I'll call lots okay?"
Pikachu licked her face in response, causing her to giggle happily. Ash placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, who was watching on proudly. Once Pikachu had finished his farewell, Ash leant down to his daughter.
"Today's a big day, kiddo. I can't wait to find out who your very first partner will be," Ash said, smiling broadly. "It'll be a tough choice, but don't worry, Professor Oak will take good care of you," he said with a wink.
"Just 'cause I'm his niece," Alora said, rolling her eyes and smiling.
Ash chuckled. "Don't you worry, if you were late, you'd get last choice..."
Misty scoffed. "Yeah, like you!" causing Ash to respond with 'Hey!'
Alora giggled at her parent's playful arguing. "Yeah, Dad, you didn't have to wake me up at five this morning, I didn't get your laziness…"
The trio shared a laugh, and then Ash turned back to his daughter. "Now, have you got your Pichu, my little Pichu?"
"Daaaaaaad!" Alora moaned, causing Misty to giggle under her breath; she sounded so much like Ash used to with his mother. "I'm ten now, I don't need a cuddly toy... And aren't I a little old to be called 'little Pichu?'"
Ash smiled, ruffling her raven hair. "You could be seventy-years-old and you'd still be my little Pichu, kiddo. Now, have you got Pichu?"
Alora rolled her eyes, but grinned. "Yes..."
"Have you got your lure?" Misty asked. Alora grinned at her, and pulled the lure from her pocket. Like Misty's lure, it was a mini replica of herself. Misty beamed at her. "That's my girl!"
"There's one last thing," Ash said. "Have you got clean underwear?"
The family burst into laughter once more, knowing Ash was imitating his mother; she'd given Alora the same talk she'd given Ash two decades ago the previous night. "Seriously though, there is one last thing. I want to give you something, now close your eyes."
Alora obeyed, and Ash placed the item on the top of her head. "This," Ash explained. "Was the hat I wore on my very first journey, in fact, all the journeys with your mother. After she had to leave to run the gym, I gave it to her. This hat was very special to me, and I gave it to her to prove to her that she was very, very special to me too. Now, I want you to have it, because you're very, very, very special to the both of us."
Alora held the hat, still on her head, with awe, knowing of its existence and appearance from photographs of her parent's adventures.
"Thanks, Dad," Alora said, reaching to give him a hug. Ash hugged her back tightly, trying to fight back tears. This day had come so quickly.
"You're going to go out there and be the very best, right?" Ash asked as they pulled back. Alora nodded determinedly.
"I'm going to be the greatest Pokémon Master of all time! It's my blood, after all," Alora said, grinning.
Ash and Misty shared knowing smiles, and then Misty leant down to give her daughter a hug.
"Call whenever you need me," Misty said, tears already rolling down her cheeks. "I love you so much, sweetie."
"I love you, Mom," Alora responded, then turned to her father. "I love you too, Dad."
"I love you so much, my little Pichu."
She scowled playfully at the name, but gave him another hug regardless.
"I better get going to Uncle Gary's lab," Alora said, hoisting her backpack on her back. "I'll miss you all so much."
"You too, darling," Misty replied. "Remember to drop in on Uncle Brock; he'd love to see you, Aunt Suzy, Brandon and Emily as well."
"Brandon should be able to join you on your journey soon, too," Ash smiled. "You'll be able to travel together, just like we did with your Uncle Brock."
Misty frowned. "I hope to Arceus that Brandon is nothing like Brock used to be."
Alora furrowed her brow. "What was wrong with Uncle Brock?"
Misty stammered, avoiding a response, causing Ash to chuckle. Eventually Misty replied passively with, "Nothing, sweetheart."
Alora shrugged it off, and with one final hug, she ran off down the street, waving and yelling goodbye as she went. Ash wrapped his arm round Misty, pulling her close, as they watched their only child run off, to begin her own adventure.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" Ash asked. "What if she takes after me..?" he trailed off. He knew he was a talented trainer now, two decades after his training began, but he was a pretty unqualified novice on his first adventure.
Misty giggled, holding him tightly. "Then she'll meet the love of her life on her first day. Is that such a bad thing?"
Ash smiled, placing a kiss to her forehead. "No… You're right."
"I do worry though… She's like a mini version of you… I just hope she won't be as reckless."
"If I wasn't reckless, she wouldn't be here," Ash said. Misty shivered at the thought. "If she does it with good intent, I'd be a little hypocritical to hold her back, wouldn't I?"
Misty sighed. "I swear, the pair of you are going to take ten years off my life," she said, chuckling.
"She'll be fine; she got your intelligence."
"And your determination," Misty added.
Ash smiled. "She's going to be amazing, I can feel it."
The pair returned their attention back to their daughter, a fair way into the distance now, dust flying off her feet with every step as she ran down the dirt track. Ash began to reminisce of his own journeys and adventures; the friends he'd made, the Pokémon he'd met, the places he'd seen and the experiences he'd had. He was suddenly very excited for his daughter, if not a little envious. Ash smiled softly, a little sadly, and then whispered to his daughter's retreating form.
"Go get 'em, kiddo."
A/N: I'm honestly a little bit in shock right now. This is it, my first multi-chapter fanfic, done and dusted. I actually had this ready a few days ago but couldn't bring myself to end it. However, for the past few nights I've been having dreams about Pokemon and potential fic ideas, and think it's my mind's way of saying it's time to move onto something else. I just want to take this time to thank each and every one of you who read, reviewed, favourited and followed this story. Your support has been completely overwhelming and I'm so touched by the response I've gotten. Thank you all so much for everything, I hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as I enjoyed writing it. Until the next story. Much love. x