A Favor

The first time was at cheer camp. Freshman year was set to start in less than a month, and Quinn was rooming in a little cabin with Santana and Brittany. This was back before they were a thing, and Santana and Quinn had clicked within moments of meeting each other.

They were so alike it was scary, not that they would admit it. Quinn wanted everyone to think she was this perfect angel, and Santana put up this front like she was such a badass, but really it wasn't like that. Not at all.

It was the last night, and they were drinking. Santana had stolen a few water bottles from one of the senior girls bags when they were on the bus on the way there, which turned out to be some type of really strong liquor. Quinn had only drank a couple times before that, with her big sister and her friends, but she'd never felt like this before. Brittany fell asleep almost instantly, leaving Santana and Quinn to their own devices.

"Let's play the Question Game." Santana suggested after they were about halfway through the bottle.

"What's that?" Quinn asked. She felt lightheaded, and she was afraid to stand up from her place on the floor.

"You just ask questions, and if you don't wanna answer you have to take a shot. Or a swig since we don't have a shot glass."

"Okay sure, you go first." Quinn grabbed a pillow off of her bed and spread herself out on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.

"Ummm... Okay have you ever smoked weed?" Santana asked. Munching on a bag of chips she'd found in Brittany's suitcase.

"Once, but I didn't really feel any different. I guess it was weak or something."

"Yeah it must have been. I used to smoke all the time when my cousin sold it. Okay your turn."

Quinn wanted to ask if her cousin was in a gang or something, but she didn't want that to be her question so she saved it for later.

"What's the worst lie you ever told?"

Santana laughed, like it was a joke. "This guy was trying to fuck me back in like seventh grade and I'm like, ew we're 12 no way, but he kept pushing. It was irritating, but I didn't want to say no because he was supposed to be my boyfriend and stuff, so I told him I had herpes. The next day he broke up with me, and I told him if he ever told anyone I'd have my Uncle Lue 'take care of him.' I don't even have an Uncle Lue."

Quinn must have been making a strange face, because suddenly Santana burst into this maniacal laughter. Quinn let out an uncomfortable giggle, briefly wondering where this strange girl came from.

"Okay, my turn. How many boyfriends have you had?"

"Two." Quinn answered a little too fast. It made Santana smirk and ask "Real boyfriends, ones you've kissed and stuff."

Quinn didn't want to answer, so she grabbed the bottle and swallowed what she assumed would me a sufficient amount of the burning liquid. "Whatever." Santana's sly smile was still in place. "Your turn then."

"Uhh... What's the farthest you've been with a boy?" Quinn didn't really want to know the answer, but it was the only thing she could think to ask. Her mind was fuzzy and she felt this weird bubbly feeling in the pit of her stomach that made her feel warm, but also made her want to throw up.

Quinn almost thought for a second Santana was gonna pass up the question, but she should've known better than that. Santana was the closest she would ever know to fearless.

"I've been eaten out before." She said, not meeting Quinn's eyes.

To Quinn's surprise, her face turned red instantly rather than Santana's. "I don't know what that means..." she grumbled, silently cursing her parents for her conservative upbringing. She never knew what anyone was talking about. And even though she was proud of her Christianity, but she grew tired of her innocence and purity keeping her from all things good and fun in life.

Quinn honestly expected Santana to laugh in her face, or do something equally as embarrassing, but she didn't. She gave her this look, as if trying to figure out whether or not she was joking, then smiled. "Well... Basically it's like a blowjob. But for girls. You know what a blow job is right?"

Quinn felt weird admitting it, but she did know. When she was 11 her Mom sat her down for a very awkward "talk," which had been more confusing than helpful. The Fabray family was so conservative, and a lot of things they said didn't really make much sense to her. All she knew at the time was that sex was really bad and it hurt and good girls didn't do it. Or talk about it. Or think about it... Good girls didn't really do anything.

After that her sister dragged her into her bedroom and had what she called "the real talk." She told her sex was good, but it had to be with the right person. She said "Just because you kiss, or make out, or do other stuff doesn't mean you sinned. You decide what is and is not a sin... But if it makes you feel uncomfortable, you probably shouldn't be doing it."

That made Quinn feel better, but she was still confused about a lot of stuff.

"Well yeah." Santana was saying. "Eating someone out is like a blowjob for girls. Except harder, I think, because you have to know where to touch. You have to lick the right places and stuff."

Quinn nodded, but it still didn't really make much sense to her. "Did you like it?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess. Boys don't really do it right. I do myself better."

Quinn's eyes went wide, trying to picture how a person could possibly contort themselves enough to...

Santana burst into laughter, saying "No, no... I don't think it's even possible to like, lick your own vagina."

That made Quinn laugh too, surprised at her own slowness. "Oh... So what did you mean?"

"I meant masturbation."

"Girls can do that?" Quinn asked, forgetting to be embarrassed for a second.

"Um. Yeah." Santana looked at her, not sure if she was joking. "Why don't you know, like, anything?"

She shrugged, reaching forward and taking another drink from the bottle. The burning in her chest felt numbed, and the taste didn't really bother her anymore.

"Does it have something to do with this?" she asked, leaning forward to flick the silver cross chained around her neck.

Quinn nodded. "So what's it like?" she was too tipsy to be ashamed at this point.

"I don't know if it's the same for everyone. It feels good, for me."

"I mean, obviously. But like... What do you do?" Quinn's cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, and she felt like she couldn't stand even if she tried.

"I mean..." She glanced around the room, not really sure how to explain. "You just do it... I don't know."

Quinn giggled. "I feel kinda slow now. I guess I've done it before, like touched myself. But nothing happened, it just felt awkward... Oh god."

"What?" San sat up really fast, making her head spin. "Are you gonna throw up?"

"No... I just realized I'm being like, overly honest."

"Thats called being drunk" Santana was laughing really hard now.

"Well I'm drunk, and I want to know how to do it..." She sighed. "I'm tired of feeling like this innocent little girl who doesn't know anything and do anything and just isn't... Anything."

Santana thought for a second. "Well um... Do you want me to show you?"

"Show me...?" Quinn gestured with her fingers in a motion that she assumed would suffice.

"I mean I can like, do it on you. If you want..."

Quinn thought about it for a second, trying to come up with a reason that she should say no. She could only think of one. "Would that make up gay?"

"No!" Santana said all too quickly, her cheeks reddening. "I mean, it's just me doing you a favor. Right? Unless you like me like that..."

"Hell no." Quinn said, almost offensively. "I mean... I think you're pretty and stuff, but I'm straight. I like boys."

Santana nodded, trying not to show the disappointment she felt. She didn't know what she'd expected Quinn to say. Of course Q was straight. She was too. At least that's what she kept telling herself, even though she found herself subconsciously checking out Quinn's ass increasingly often...

"So umm... Where do we start?"

"Just like... Lay back and pull off your shorts."

Quinn nodded and did as she was told. Santana scooted up so she was on her knees in front of her. She had her legs pressed tightly together so San couldn't see anything.

"Q, how am I supposed to touch you with your legs like this..." Santana asked, placing her hands on Quinns knees.

"I just... I'm nervous. We're drunk... I might regret this later." Quinn was staring up at the ceiling, picking at her thumb nail.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to Quinn. But it's not really sex... I won't even put my fingers inside you, so you'll still be a virgin all the way."

"How is it gonna feel good if you don't go inside..."

Santana's jaw dropped. "Wow Quinn, seriously?"

"Ugh!" Quinn sighed, sitting straight up. "Just go turn off the light so I feel a little better."

Santana stood, a hand over her mouth to stifle the giggles building up in her throat. It was hard finding Quinn in the dark, until she tripped over her and fell directly between her legs.

"Oofh..." Quinn groaned, adjusting so Santana didn't have her elbow in her ribcage. Santana pushed herself up, resting with her hands on either side of Quinn's head. She opened her mouth to say something, but the thought was quickly lost when she remembered the Quinn was laying under her, almost completely bottomless, and her pussy was directly under her hips. She moaned at the thought, although Quinn was clearly too distracted to hear it.

Santana moved, but not before rolling her hips and earning a barely-hushed moan from the blonde beneath her. If she laid there any longer she would end up doing something the was defiantly gay, and they were supposed to be straight.

Santana felt nervous, and she knew Quinn was about 5 seconds away from losing it too, so before she could talk herself out of it she reached down and cupped Quinn through her panties.

Quinn gasped loudly, slamming her legs shut impulsively. Santana smiled at the action, running her fingers over the hardening nub she found there. "Are you wimping out on me?"

"NO!" Quinn said defensively, relaxing her legs. "You just suprised me, that's all."

"Whatever." Santana said, smirk still firmly in place. She could feel the wetness coming from her center, even through her panties. In the moonlight streaming through the open window Santana could see they were these little blue ones, with a cute little flower on the front. Santana smiled, running her fingers over the design before hooking her thumbs in the sides and yanking them down.

Quinn gasped as the cool night air made contact with her bare pussy, and she could feel herself soaking her thighs. "Is that supposed to happen?" She asked.

"Is what supposed to happen?" Santana asked, running her fingers through Quinn's wet pussy lips, pushing them apart so she could find her clit.

"Like, that wet feeling. Is it supposed to be wet?"

"Is what supposed to be wet?" Santana teased, rubbing her fingers lightly over Quinn's rapidly hardening clit. Quinn's hips flew up so fast a the contact that Santana had to stop and use both hands to push her back down. "I can't do it if you're doing that." She felt a giggly rush in her tummy.

"You know what I'm talking about!" She said, stilling her hips so Santana would go back to work.

"Say it." San said, grinning at the girl beneath her. "And don't say vagina."

Quinn ignored her, now focusing her attention on the hand between her legs, rubbing something around in circles that made her feel really good down there.

"You better say it or I'll stop. And I won't tell you what I'm doing that's making you feel so good." Santana slowed down a bit so Quinn would know she was serious.

The blonde groaned in frustration, grabbing Santanas wrist to keep her from moving away. "Pussy" She said, so quietly she could barely be heard.

"What was that?" Santana asked, moving her finger lower to gather more wetness.

"PUSSY!" She yelled, making San giggle so hard she would have pulled away had it not been for Quinn's hand wrapped tightly around her wrist. "Don't you dare fucking stop. Tell me what you're doing." She commanded.

"Okay, okay, down Q." Santana picked up the pace, and placing a hand on Quinn's hip to keep her from lurching up in the air again. "This thing I'm touching that makes you feels so good? That's called your clit. It's almost impossible to come unless its being touched."

Quinn nodded, trying to focus on Santana's words but finding it increasingly difficult. "What does it look like?"

"I don't fucking know Q. Pink?" Santana shrugged, too drunk to be embarrassed. "Anyway, your clit is under what's called a hood. Some girls come out when they're really turned on, like you. But then some girls like me don't, and it only comes out if you push it the right way. It doesn't really matter if its out or not, you can come either way if you play with it the right way."

"What's the right way?" Quinn asked.

"It's different for everyone. Some people like it really gentle, but other people like it really rough."

"How do I like it?"

"Well I'm pushing kinda hard and you haven't complained yet."

Quinn didn't answer. She was too lost in the sensations of it all. She was sweating, and there was this pressure in her stomach that felt really weird and really nice at the same time. Then she felt something move down there where San wasn't touching.

"What is that?" She asked.

"What is what?"

"That twitching down there. Why is that happening?"

"That would be coming from here." Santana said, running a finger around Quinn's little hole. "That probably means you're ready to come."

As soon as she said it Quinn felt the pressure from her stomach move lower, down between her legs. She felt herself clench down there, and she thought for a second her whole body was about to explode. And then it happened. She shuddered and felt this gush of fluid, soaking Sans hand and making her thighs wetter than they already were. Santana kept circling her little pink nub until she came down from her high.

"Woah. Was that...?" Quinn sat up quickly, making her head spin.

"An orgasm? Yes. Did you like it?" Santana asked with a satisfied smirk, standing to go wash her hands.

"I loved it. Oh my gosh that was like the best feeling in the world." She layed back down and San grabbed her shorts off the floor, pushing them up Quinns legs before pulling the sleeping bag off her bed and cuddling with Quinn under it.

The next day when they woke up Britt found Quinn's underwear sitting in the middle of the floor. "Did you guys bang?" She asked Santana while Quinn was in the shower.

"No!" San answered too quickly and way too defensively, making Britt raise an eyebrow. "I just did her a favor."

Brittany giggled at Santana's blushing face, a sure sign she was lying. "That's hot." She said with a wink. "You should start doing favors for me."