Cool. Summary? Well, Sakura's hurt. Syaoran's not at home. Eriol's buying a plane ticket. The guardian's are spooked. Tomoyo can't comfort her best friend. The school's spreading rumors like fire even before twenty-four hours have passed. All because of one event, it brings everyone together to open a door to a different world. Literally.

Disclaimer: The series Card Captor Sakura does not belong to me.

Chapter One: Be Disloyal and Be Gone

Day 1 - Earth

Sakura crumbled onto her seat as she enclosed herself in her room, her deep-blue colored dress showing her frailty in what had just happened, and her long, waist-length hair plastered against her. Thank God that nobody was home right now. Well, this entire situation was just wonderful. Delightful. Perfect. Little Miss Perfect. Little Miss I-Can-Do-Everything. Little Miss I-Love-Syaoran-And-Syaoran-Loves-Me.


Screwed. She got screwed over.

Subconsciously, she reached for her chain necklace, holding onto a locket. Clenching it into her fist, Sakura gave a sharp pull, and broke the chain, ignoring the immediate pain she felt from where it bit into her skin. Did not matter. It will go away soon enough. Even if the sorrow in her heart would not, at least the physical pain will. Sakura narrowed her eyes at the golden-colored item in her hand. Holding it high in the air, she gazed at it, when the locket fell open, so it showed a picture of Syaoran and her. Smiling.

Oh, God, of all the things that she had to see, it just had to be of her and him, together. Clamping the entire thing together in one hand, Sakura chucked it towards the opposite side of the room. After she heard it clink on the wall and plopped onto the ground, Sakura decided to follow its actions and plopped her head onto her desk, feeling her threatened tears storm out, causing her to break down.

It was over.

It was all over.


Day 1 - Earth

Taking a sip of tea, he stared out the window, at the early sunrise, and nodded his head to his guesses, finding that he has assumed right. Foreboding. There was an ominous energy in the air. He could feel it flow through him, leaving a cold swamp of nervous sweat behind. He could taste it, its murky effects running around him.

Yes. He had to leave again. This time, there was no way that he would call her on the phone and warn her. This time, he wanted to go back and see what help he could give. What help he would give. He felt his throat tighten up at the worry he had before, remembering the last time he had this kind of a feeling. Suddenly, the room did not feel so warm anymore. Even though he was wearing a vest over his shirt, and a pair of slacks, with this kind of a warm weather, it just did not feel so welcoming anymore. Okay. Time to stop worrying and start putting things together.

"Kaho," he called out, "I need to go back to Japan."

A second later, a tall, sleek woman entered the door, wearing a white, wool sweater and a silk-like yellow dress. She smiled at the sixteen-year-old in front of her with the deep blue hair, and asked, "and when did you make this decision?"

"Just now."

"Just now?"

"Now," he said firmly.

Kaho nodded. "I'll go make a call and buy a ticket right away, Eriol. Do you wish for company with you?"

Eriol shook his head. "I will go on this trip alone."

"Okay then. Go pack up," she said, never asking him for his reasons. "You'll leave as soon as possible."

After Kaho left, Eriol walked back to his seat, and sat down. He would have time to pack. He would have plenty of time to pack. Right now, he can just worry and be nervous and any other negative emotion that can come up to him. This feeling... He did not like it. He did not like it one bit. And he was not thinking clearly, for some reason. It seemed as if his lifetimes before were suddenly pushed out of his mind and hidden somewhere, leaving him with only the rationality of this life. Oh, dear. He was in enormous trouble, and he knew it. When Eriol looked down and glanced at his grip on the tea cup, he gasp. His hands were shaking, hard, as the liquid tea quivered to his actions. "God..." Eriol murmured, his eyes widening. "What in the world is going on?"

Distracted by his wariness, Eriol did not notice Nakuru and Spinel peeking in, their curiosity getting the better of them.

"Hey, Kaho," Nakuru blinked as she turned to look at the young woman walking off down the hall. "Is the master... agitated?!"

Kaho stopped walking off as she turned around and smiled at them. "What can you expect? He may have been the reincarnation of Clow, Nakuru, but he is still living a new life, and he is still just a teenager of sixteen years old. He has time to grow into another thoughtful young man, not that he isn't already. He is not supposed to be all perfect and all powerful, as you should know already."

Nakuru blinked again, this time in realization of something horrible to her mind. "He's... HE'S NOT?!?!?!?!??!?!" A second later, she fainted in shock as Kaho turned around to make a phone call, whistling and smiling obliviously as she left Spinel to the mess in the hall.


Day 2 - ______ World

Syaoran groaned as he opened his eyes, feeling as if his entire body was in pain. As he tried to get up, he heard a mixture of jingling sounds, and realized that he ached all over. His green T-shirt was torn and filthy. The pair of jeans he wore pushed against his legs as he laid on the ground. Trying to move again, he opened his eyes slightly a bit more, and realized that his legs were locked to a chain connected to the wall. And other than that, he found himself in a room similar to a prison cell. There were bars, keeping him in the disgusting and filthy quality of the entire place. Basically, he got the works.

Oh, goody.

Trying to kill some time, he started to try to think about stuff that has happened to him. But suddenly, looking back at his memory, Syaoran found that he couldn't remember or recall a thing that happened last night. Or the entire time of yesterday at all, to be exact. Unless he had already been here for days as well.

"Ugh..." he groaned, his voice hoarse, as he strained his way up to sit with his back on the cold wall. A prisoner. That's exactly what he was. But for who, why, where, and all those questions, Syaoran was coming up with a blank for it. And other than that problem. he needed a way out of this place. Coming up with an idea already, Syaoran reached into his pockets, and he fumbled for his scrolls that he had always kept with him. When he realized that whoever brought him here had also stripped him of all his magical materials and left him with nothing at all, Syaoran laid his head on the wall and just spent the next minutes breathing in, trying to gather some energy back into him.

Abruptly, his eyes shot open, remembering one certain person that he should have thought of the moment he woke up.


Where was she? Where was his love? He grasped the necklace he had on, and breathed a bit more easily when he still found it wrapped around his neck. Good. There was one thing that those people did not take from him. How nice of them. Opening the lock, he smiled softly at the picture. Sakura... He had no clue what was going on, and he felt as if he had a ton of bricks laid on his head last night. But with this locket, he can go on. He has to, for her sake, and for his. Sakura... he whispered again in his mind as thoughts of her and him enveloped him in memories. With those pictures in his head, Syaoran closed his eyes, and fell back into a silent slumber, a quiet smile decorating his lips.


Day 2 - Earth

The next day, Sakura woke up with the happy thought of cramps all over her body. "Ugh..." she groaned, moving her neck to try to get it to loosen up, and saw that the sun was not even out in the sky yet when she glanced out the window. Looking around, she soon realized that she had fallen asleep on her desk. "Oh, God..." she murmured as she also soon realized that she did not even shower or change last night, her homework left undone, and still untouched in her backpack. Taking a look at her clock, and seeing that it was 5:30 in the morning, she realized that she still had time left to start.

"Might as well," she mumbled. "It's not like I have anything better to do." Sakura made a grab for her backpack and turned it upside-down, dumping all of its contents onto the floor. Still in her stupor, she picked up her math book and binder, turning to the right pages and, after making a grab for her pencil, started to just jot down whatever came to her mind.

After she finished, she will go take a shower, she decided. That will do her some good. The boiling hot water and loud noise can drown out her thoughts and memories of yesterday. Heck, maybe she can somehow 'accidentally' drown herself as well. Oh, yeah. THAT will make her feel much better.


Day 1 - Earth

"You leave in the afternoon, Eriol, at 2:00, and will get to Sakura's hometown in the morning. I found out where she and Syaoran attends school, so you can meet them there. In the morning as well, of course. Are you sure that you're ready? This was really sudden," Kaho said cautiously. "We do not want anything to happen to you."

"I can take care of myself, Kaho," Eriol argued as he threw some clothes into his suitcases, realizing that he didn't sound like his usual self. In fact, he sounded like... like... a teenager! (Wow....)

Kaho must have realized as well, because she raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay. I'll leave the whole 'motherly' personality alone then," she said, a thin line on her lips. Some would have mistaken that for anger, when she was really trying to hide her smile.

Eriol sighed, frustrated, and raked his fingers through his glistening, dark hair. "I'm sorry. I don't know what is going on with me, Kaho," he whispered. "It's as if I was reading a book, when suddenly, somebody just slammed it shut and knocked me in the head, making me lose all of the stuff that I have learned. Somebody's doing this to me, and I have a feeling that my answers will be where the Card Captor and descendant lays."

Kaho nodded. "Well, here's your ticket. I picked them up just at first. You keep a hold on that one, and I'll keep a hold on the other two until we are all ready."

Eriol blinked, holding a sweater in his hands as he stopped in his tracks from putting it into his suitcase. "What?" he asked. "Why do you have two other tickets?"

"Because," she said, looking as if that was the most obvious thing in the world, "we all wanted to come along. Didn't you know?" she smiled. "Nakuru and Spinel miss everybody back in Japan as well."

"That's RIGHT!" Nakuru grinned as her head popped into from the side of a door as she walked in. "Suppi and I just want to go back with you, and Kaho agreed to it! Totally cool! I'm so psyched! I mean, it's not as if there was anything to do here anyway..." she sighed sadly, her expressions switching so quickly that it just took enough will to follow her emotions. "All I do is walk around in circles, and you, Kaho, and Suppi are my only company. Suppi's gonna just slip in as a stuffed animal. Damn. If only I could have some advantages like him, you know-"

"MY NAME IS NOT SUPPI!!!" Spinel hollered at her, popping up right beside her, the little creature flapping around angrily. "MY NAME IS SPINEL!!! GET IT RIGHT!!!"

"Geez. Loosen up, Spinster," she mumbled, and turned back to the other two. "AANNYYWWAAYY, I packed up already, and it's gonna be, like, incredibly awesome, you know!! I can't wait..." Spinel got so angry that he popped away, steaming as he did, leaving the second guardian to continue to babble on and on.

Eriol smiled as he started to pack up again. They worried about him. This will most definitely be quite an interesting trip...

But even as he smiled, he could not help but feel that portentous mood coming back up again. Shivering, he tried to push it to the back of his mind, and just focused and concentrated on putting stuff into his suitcases.


Day 2 - Earth

Sakura glanced around cautiously as she stepped into the school. When she saw two girls whispering and pointing to her, she felt her stomach lurch. Did they know already? So fast? No, Sakura decided. They can't. Syaoran and I just argued last night. There is no way that they could figure it out so quickly! Even Syaoran wouldn't have that big of a mouth! But as she continued down the hall, and as more heads turned to look at her, Sakura stared to doubt that thought she had in her mind.

As her doubts were proven when she saw Tomoyo by her locker.

"Sakura! Oh, God... How did it happen?!" she asked with worry in her voice.

Sakura groaned, and not for the first time. "So it's all over the school already?!"

Tomoyo's eyes widened even more. She was wearing a purple blouse, the tips of her hair just barely touching her shoulders. "Oh," she gasped. "You don't even know about it... I tried taking it off, but they all pushed me away. They'll let you see it, though. They'd want to let you see it." Slamming her locker shut, Tomoyo grabbed Sakura's hand and dragged her through to the end of the hall, where the bulletin was stationed. Tomoyo gave Sakura a small push forward, and she stumbled past the crowds.

Seeing a flyer there, Sakura quickly pulled it off angrily without another second's worth of hesitation, much to many of the students' disappointments. Feeling tears swell into her eyes again, Sakura felt like throwing herself into a hole right at this instant. It was here. It was all here. All about last night. About how Syaoran was supposed to meet up with her for a date. And how he never showed up. How Sakura when to look for her. And how she found him with kissing up a storm with another girl. There was a lot more that they had missed. But if the school could already whisper about this much, then Sakura should feel relieved that they didn't know more. But still. It was too much. Way too much.

I can't be here right now. I can't! Sakura exclaimed silently. She looked up, and saw the pitying stares, which were also mixed with confusion, gloating, and others that she couldn't identify. Backing up from them, Sakura turned quickly and ran down to the opposite end of the hall, where the exit was right in her view. All she needed was a few more seconds, ignoring the cries of her name and such as she rushed away.

Suddenly, Sakura felt a jerk on her arm, and she turned around, her eyes meeting Tomoyo's. "Sakura. Please. It can't be true, right? Syaoran would never do such a thing to do."

Feeling a forbidden tear run down her cheek, Sakura smiled ironically and replied, "Oh, I'm only running away to tell Syaoran the good news, you know. We made front page on the bulletin, and maybe even for the school paper. They might even mention it in the news, you know. Why, there's nothing wrong." Sakura was backing up, her back to the door. "There's nothing wrong at all. I mean, why should there be? I'm only crying because I WANT TO!!!" Feeling a bit of a sting when she saw the hurt in Tomoyo's eyes didn't do much. Instead, she jerked back around, only to run into somebody else. About to apologize quickly, Sakura looked up. But when her eyes connected with the person's face, she felt her words get stuck in her mouth, rendering her to become speechless.


Day 2 - _____ World

"GET UP, YOU LAZY BONE!!!" somebody hollered.

Suddenly, Syaoran felt a burst of cold water wrap around him, soaking his entire body. He jerked up, awake, and tried to rub the water out of his eyes. Looking up, he saw a woman standing there with long fiery, red hair that ran down her shoulders. Wearing a skimpy orange shirt and long, silk violent pants, she smirked. "Well, the prince is finally awake," she whispered in a husky voice.

Syaoran glared at her. "Who are you?" he demanded.

Pouting, she continued to stare down at him. "Oh..." she whimpered in a mocking voice. "He's forgotten already about his special night with her. What to do, what to do..."

Narrowing his eyes at her, Syaoran felt a surge go through his mind. He... Something happened to him. Somewhere. Those words caused him to feel a sense of deja vu, but nothing happened. "Who are you?" he asked again.

Sighing, she shook her head. "I can't believe this. Well, I'll just let you stay here and recollect yourself a bit," she grinned, and waved bye-bye as she walked off. "Be ready to work your ass off, honey," she continued as she left. "There ain't no way that she's letting you off this easily. Not after she's found somebody like you in such a long, long time."

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Syaoran yelled as he got up and slammed the bars with his hands, calling out at her. "Hey! Let me out of here!" he screamed as she walked off, laughing with the sound echoing down the hall. "DAMN!" Syaoran cursed as he punched the bars, ignoring the seething pain he got in return. What in the freaking world is going on right now?! Why can't I remember anything about last night?!


Day 1 - Earth


Looking up from her tears as she still cried the night away, Sakura caught a glimpse of sleek, silver hair. "Yue," she whispered.

Sitting on the desk lightly, he stoked her hair on her head as she laid her head back down to rest on her arms. "What happened?" he asked in a soft voice. "Your cry for help was so loud that I almost changed in front of Yukito's grandparents, before I was lucky enough to hold myself together to get away from them first. And where in the world is Cerberus at this moment?" he added, a touch of annoyance in his voice.

She sniffed. "My dad and bro are out checking out this museum thing," she said shakily. "I told Kero to go watch movies with Tomoyo, and he happily agreed, considering how I was going to go see Syaoran, and didn't want him to stay here all by himself."

"What did he do?" Yue asked, continuing to stroke her hair.

Biting her lip, Sakura forced her words to come out of her mouth. "I found him in bed with another girl," she said. "I mean, I have the key to his house, and thought that I would... surprise him or something. I didn't mean to... to... run in to that at all..." she sobbed. "I just can't believe that he'd do something like that to me. I mean, even WE haven't reached that point..."

Yue stayed silent.

"Unless... she was the reason for it..." Sakura realized.

Yue shook his head. "The descendant of Clow Reed will never do that to you," he reassured her.

"How would you know?" she whimpered.

"Because he loves you."

"But not enough, right?" she asked, shivering a bit. "He didn't love me enough to not cheat on me."

Taking his hand off of her hair, Yue bend down and wrapped a warm wing around her. "I know he loves you," Yue whispered, hugging her a bit with his own arm. "I will go talk with him about what he has done. And if you will, maybe you can accept him again."

Looking up at him, Sakura jumped into his arms. "Thanks, Yue," she said, clenching him to her. "Thank you for being there for me. You're one of my closest friends, and I thank you for being there for me all the time."

Closing his eyes, Yue held her closer. "You are my master, and my friend. If I do not comfort you, then there is no reason for me to be here."

Sighing, she said, "I wish to be left alone now, Yue."

Clenching his teeth together, feeling worry for his master, he asked, "Are you sure that you will be okay?"

"I'm just going to cry myself to sleep," Sakura decided. "And I want to be alone as I do that. I'm sorry, Yue. I just think that I deserve some silence after all of this."

Yue nodded. "I have business to tend to, anyway." With those words, he slid out through the small window, and flew away into the darkness.


Day 2 - Earth

"What is it that the master feels?" Nakuru asked as she sat down on a couch. Somehow, they were able to get back the big house they had stayed in the last time, though it was in a different location this time. "There is a reason that he came back here, and I want to know what it is."

Kaho smiled. "You do know about the other worlds, do you not?" she asked nonchalantly.

Shrugging, Nakuru nodded. "I've heard a few things about it. One or two or so, but those worlds remain as a mystery to everyone in the world."

"Yes, but even so, if one should slip from theirs to ours, it is still noticeable. Eriol may not notice it just yet, but that is why he is uneasy these days. This is why he returned here; someone has slipped into our world," she replied, "but he does not know that yet. He might realize it soon, but not currently."

Spinel purred as he curled around Kaho's feet. "What world?"

Kaho bent down to scratch his ears, causing Spinel to purr some more. "I felt the presence a while ago, but I thought that Sakura would have been able to take care of it."

Nakuru snorted. "That little girl?! Why, she can't even get up at the right time, let alone take care of a creature from another world."

Kaho raised an eyebrow at her words. "That same girl defeated Eriol when she was in fifth grade, whom is a reincarnation of Clow Reed. That same girl was also able to capture Void, and is now the master of all the Sakura Cards. She has a lot of potential, Nakuru."

"But..." Spinel said, knowing that there was going to be one of those coming up.

"But," Kaho nodded, "this presence has stayed for quite a while, days already, probably even months and years. I haven't been able to sense him or her until now, and I wonder how long this creature has planned to live here. I also had no clue how Sakura was dealing with it, and even now she is probably oblivious to it, considering how my senses show that nothing has been done about it."

"Which world did this presence come from?" Nakuru asked.

Kaho shrugged. "That I do not know. But we will find out soon. Eriol will figure it out, and he will report back to us."

Nakuru nodded. "That is why we came in the first place: we were worried for master."

Smiling secretly, Kaho replied, "that's not the only reason, is it?"

Blinking, Spinel and Nakuru asked, "What?"

Shaking her head, she turned away, and said, "Never mind," with that same smile still on her lips. Suddenly, her smiled broke. "And Sakura... That girl... Something ill is happening to her. She is hurt. Very hurt."

"What?" Nakuru asked, now very interested. "Did she get into a fight or something?"

Kaho shook her head. "No," she murmured. "It is not a physical wound, but an internal one." Then, her eyes widened. "Syaoran. He is the one whom caused her pain," she whispered in amazement.

"Whoa..." Nakuru said. "Relationships have really gone downhill lately, ne? I mean, the divorce rate is 50% these days, so just think about those who are just couples."

"Don't say that, Nakuru," Spinel scolded. "The master would not like to hear you badmouth them."

"As if I was trying to, Suppi," she cooed, happy that she got a glare back from him. "I'm just saying that it's kind of no surprise that the two of them would break up sooner or later. I mean, considering how the world's working these days."

"But they have been together since the sixth grade," Kaho said gravely. "Something awful must have caused this to happen to them."

"You speak as if you knew for sure that those two are done for," Spinel observed.

"Those poor, poor kids..." Kaho whispered. "I hope that they are ready for what's to come..."


Day 2 - Earth

"What happened?" he asked.

Sakura quickly looked up, and her eyes widened, ignoring her tears streaming down her face. She tried to wipe the tears with her green sweater, but found that Eriol's appearance shocked her enough to have her stay immobile. "Oh," she whispered in awe. "Eriol... What are you doing here?"

Eriol smirked as he saw the confusion expand in her expression as she soon realized that Eriol did not look as he did when she last saw him in fifth grade. "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't you hear?" he asked lightly, as if she was just standing there like any other person, without the tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just transferred in here. I'm your new classmate again, Sakura."


Okay, so maybe it doesn't get to the plot right away. It will soon! Please review now! *smiles*