Title: Catching Time (1/2)
Summary: A first date.
Rating: PG-13/T, just in case.
Category: Glee, Avengers. Staine.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: For those of you who don't know, Staine = Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Blaine Anderson. I jumped on the Staine bandwagon via tumblr, and have been posting fic there. I'm just now getting around to uploading them here.


Dinner had gone well. Their first date. Conversation was easy, though Blaine found himself more than once rambling on about his music or school only to stop abruptly when he realized Steve was staring at him, eyes dancing and lips hinting at a smile. Blaine felt the blush rise at those times, and he would look down at the table with embarrassment. But then Steve would slide his finger under Blaine's chin and their eyes would meet-Blaine's so open and clearly adoring; Steve's more reserved but no less smitten. Steve would smile and Blaine would huff out a laugh, tamping down the urge to grab Steve's hand and never let go.

Steve insisted on walking Blaine home, despite Blaine's protests that they lived in opposite directions. So, they walked along the darkened streets in companionable silence. Blaine's apartment was close, and when they stopped at the top of the front steps, Blaine was the first to speak."I had a great time."

"Me too."

Blaine smiled shyly before stepping close. Steve watched Blaine's smile fade, held his breath as Blaine's fingers wrapped around his arm. Blaine stretched up, going to the balls of his feet, and pressed his lips gently against Steve's. Before Blaine could retreat, Steve was gripping his waist and tugging him closer. Blaine felt his weight tilt and his other hand landed on a shoulder, where he gripped the hard muscle there to ground him. Lips slid against each other more firmly. Blaine swiped his tongue along Steve's lower lip, and with a sigh, Steve opened his mouth. Tongues explored and caressed, eliciting quiet moans.

Blaine kept his tight hold on Steve's arms when they finally parted, the stoop barely under his toes and the world tilting in his periphery. The night was quiet save for their ragged breathing.

When Steve loosened his hold around Blaine's waist moments later, Blaine found his footing.

"Stay," Blaine said quietly, still breathless, still holding on.

Steve blinked and looked away.

"It's our first date," Steve pointed out needlessly.

"And it's the 21st century," Blaine countered gently, encouraged by the fact that Steve hadn't retreated, hadn't removed his hands that were settled so warm against Blaine's hips. Blaine reached back up, this time sliding his arms around Steve's neck and pulling him down to meet him. Their second kiss deepened quickly, and Steve moaned wantonly as Blaine swirled his tongue around his. Blaine's pulse raced when Steve pressed them closer together, pressed his fingers into the curves just above his ass. Blaine smiled when he pulled away, hearing Steve's petulant whine as his lips followed Blaine's.

"Stay," Blaine repeated, lips brushing against Steve's cheek. Steve's breathing hitched as Blaine trailed barely there kisses across his jaw. "Stay," he whispered against Steve's ear.

Steve sighed, dropping his head to rest on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine ran soothing hands over his back and neck, slid fingers into his hair.

"You're making it hard to be a gentleman," came Steve's muffled complaint.

"Who says I want you to be a gentleman?" Blaine replied amusedly. Steve lifted his head, his normally blue eyes shadowed and his lips reddened. Blaine took a deep breath and stepped back, sliding his hand to Steve's. Despite the size difference, their fingers slotted together easily. Blaine smiled as he watched their fingers twine, squeezing briefly before turning to the door.

Blaine pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, fumbling with the knob one-handed as he refused to let go of Steve. But Steve was there, pushing the door open and holding it as they slid into the dim hallway. They made their way up two flights of stairs and through another locked door in silence, all the while holding hands.