Scar wanted to resume pacing. It was almost a hobby at this point, and with how their entire family seemed to do so when stressed, probably genetic as well. But like his nephew pointed out, that would only serve to put others more on edge than was the norm. So instead he opted to stew in his own thoughts in relative silence.

Zira had been gone longer than he'd expected, and while she was definitely adept at surviving in the worst circumstances, what he wasn't so optimistic about was her ability to not cause major collateral in the process.

Or that she wouldn't make an errant mistake and didn't end up biting off more than she could chew. That was always a concern with her. Granted, she had brought some very useful information. Of suspicious activity near the southern kingdom. More than likely as well, Vazio was deeply involved. Not only with hyenas either. If what she'd reported back days before embarking on her latest 'excursion' was remotely accurate, things were likely to become more problematic. The packs and ad hoc Jackal alliances of the south were not always the most agreeable, but they could at least normally be counted on to be loyal to their closest kingdom. Those that resided in the desert were a far different story.

The Jackal chiefs of those packs tended to be far more cutthroat on average, along with being far more unpredictable. They also had surprising numbers...if Vazio managed an alliance between those desert tribes and his wayward hyenas, they would be a legitimate threat to the Pridelands just in raw numbers alone. Not an insurmountable one, just a danger that couldn't be understated or ignored.

Once Zira made her return Scar had a good mind to lay into her for the risks she took...but at the same time he knew someone needed to get intel. He wasn't entirely sure someone as unstable as her needed to be the one to do so. Too late to change things, and she was a couple days travel by foot away. So the best he was hoping for was her not starting a bigger conflict, or getting herself killed. The worst thing -knowing her- was that the two were by no means mutually exclusive.

For the moment he was going to track down that troublesome nephew of his. There were some matters aside from this that he wanted some input on. Regarding both of his sons. And he certainly didn't want to talk to the rest of the pride. Even with the official vote to grant him some power, only a few could tolerate his presence, as well as vice versa.

For the last hour Simba had been thinking. Of how best to actually deal with Vazio. The monster was hovering near the Southern kingdom. When Zira came back the king was going to make a formal plan to start setting up an actual patrol network. The Hyena Tribe bordering the Southern Kingdom was willing to cooperate and spare a few mid ranking citizens to patrol a few miles north of their actual boundaries.

A few of the leopards and lionesses from the South Kingdom would also assist as backup. Further north they would link up with and switch out with some of the independent Cheetah lords and Wild Dogs. Most of the Jackals outside of the kingdoms were hesitant of trusting either kingdom, and some of those closer to the desert Simba honestly suspected had been making deals with Licha. Whether they were extorted into remained to be seen.

Finally he grew tired of brainstorming by himself. Scar had just walked out of his own den and seemed genuinely frustrated. He was the only other one that seemed appropriate to talk to however, and would be one of the best to bounce ideas off of.

His uncle actually was thinking something similar. "Ah...Simba...exactly the lion I was looking for."

Perplexed probably wasn't the first word that should have came to his mind. There were others, and deep down he knew he should be thanking all the spirits that these two were even alive. Despite that Decus was still shocked, among other things to see not only Kituko...but two long lost relatives that he'd presumed lost or dead. His sister was missing...though these children of hers could very well know of her ultimate fate. Part of him was afraid to get to that, as he greatly dreaded the answer.

"So I was informed that I was going to have a couple guests...long lost family if you both definitely live up to the part." He was going to play this as casual as possible at first. Kituko had filled him in on as much of their backstory as he felt was while the large leopard wanted to know everything about his two nephews lives...and of his sister...he knew he needed to ease into things. Their temperament from what he'd been told at times left something to be desired...they were impulsive as well.

Which was absolutely a trait of their stubborn at times mother. Not that he expected an ounce of aggression...but he couldn't be too careful. Plus with the hard time they must have had these last few years, Decus did not want to needlessly make things worse. "I've heard some things about both of you...and my iuvenis nephews...only some of it is...flattering."

The bigger of the two appeared to hang his head slightly in shame. This one bore much more of a resemblance to his sister...he had her facial features to a for the eye color.

His brother simply snorted, turning his head away slightly. Clearly the more standoffish of the two...though by any estimate Decus figured he too wasn't proud of some of his actions.

Then the larger of the two looked up again, making full eye contact. And he certainly wasn't lacking in presence. "My sibling and I...we've made some...questionable decisions...I know our friend Kituko here told you as much as he was comfortable sharing...and both myself as well as my 'little' brother were okay with that. You..those things...that is only fair for you to know these you can properly judge us yourself."

Decus tilted his head slightly. "Now...I don't find it my place to be too two have had to deal with a significant degree of turmoil no doubt to even be standing here today...but while I don't view this as any sort of final would be both difficult as well as un-aequus of me to do so while knowing only, or at least primarily, the bad or...less scrupulous parts of your past. So I think we should start with the your well as your own words, why you sought me out."

"Really straight to the point then...normally I introduce myself as stranger...except here that would be a little...suspicious to say the least." The feline spent a moment in thought. He wanted to get to know and trust this well as to have the same in time. So this first step was important. "My's Tulus...I won't speak for my younger twin...if only for the sake of manners...although I'm sure he has no problem telling you himself...right my brother?"

After all this time the younger showed real interest in the discussion. He looked more like Segredo. That made Decus feel a bit of...guilt if nothing else. "What I was given as a name," His voice was deeper. A bit more refined, with a hint of scratchiness to it from lack of recent use. "-is Espar. Normally we don't divulge all the time we've...I'm going to say cohabited, with Kakasi and her hateful companion, we haven't given our true names to them. They don't ask questions like least not to me."

"Yes...I'd imagine not...given your tempestuous pasts I can also imagine why you would be careful of those seeking to inquire too deeply." Yes. The leopard leader could understand why they were so secretive.

"That is very much our reasoning. Though to really get the best idea," Espar looked to his twin. "I think Tulus should tell the story...or at least an abridged version of it."

Tell the story he most certainly did. Of how, based on their mother's stories of how she'd met Segredo. Most of which Decus knew. But he choose not to let them know, partly because he wanted to see if any gaps existed in his information...more over to make for certain there was no duplicity. Much as the feline wanted to trust these two, doing so blindly was still foolhardy. Most things seemed accurate to his memory. Except he never knew that Vazio had indeed came close to killing her while she was pregnant. Apparently the only thing that really distracted him enough was Segredo giving the monster just enough false information that his plans couldn't materialize.

Then came the first real memory both halflings had.

Tulus finally gave a wry smile. "I recall this very well. It was about eight years ago...when my siblings and I were young cubs...dark outside...I remember mother had been moving from place to place recently, though at the time I had absolutely no idea why. All of a sudden we all heard frantic running through the grass...she was already entirely on when a young male lion came bursting through her reaction was...predictable."

That was something new as well. Decus couldn't recall his sister mentioning this. Whether that had been due to embarrassment or otherwise...he'd have to just keep listening.

" a blur of motion she'd swept the young lion clean off his feet, before slashing him clean across the face. He fell back...seemingly more in shock...then...then she was being held down by three nearly grown hyena adolescents..they screamed some obscenities...I didn't catch much of what was said...neither did my brother...all I know was that lion seemed to bare no ill will...he ordered those hyenas to leave her along with us alone...then the four took off...towards this area if I'm remembering correctly."

A most curious thing. Decus didn't have to take terribly wrong to come up with a list of suspects. Truthfully it was a rather short list. Not a lot of lions had a scar...nor did a lot of lions pal around with hyenas...he only knew of one who matched both criteria. If anything he was more surprised these two hadn't made the connection. "Did you ever figure out who that lion was? Not many running around with that sort of a scar." He was hoping that such a question would jog their memories. To his mild surprise a knowing look appeared after a few moments on the face of the eldest.

When she heard the rustling in the bushes, she grew alarmed. Then when it seemed Zira's focus was actually on the sound...and she was even more on edge, Nadhir thought that perhaps this was her chance to make a break for it. No more than a single step went by before Zira pounced into her path. The females red eyes were practically blazing, or at least they seemed to. Yet she didn't appear angry. Beneath the insanity the lioness actually seemed amused.

"Not so fast...surely you don't think it a good idea to leave. Why...we'd yet to become...acquainted." Zira clicked her teeth together before letting her canines show. "I do believe I asked a most prudent memory sometimes slips at this you recall what that happened to be?"

Nadhir knew that this carnivore was attempting to get into her head...intimidate her and get her to bend to her will. That wasn't going to happen so easily. But she had to admit that any lesser person might well be deeply terrified. Still, she wanted to be pragmatic...and knew that with how unsound the lioness seemed, best to pretend to play along. Well...enough to satisfy the demented former queen of the northern kingdom. If she was as evil as had been described...

"Yes I do. You, you asked me who I might have been traveling with." That made Zira smile. Such a thing could not mean anything good.

"Indeed...that sounds exactly like what I'd since you knew so well...I trust you have a very good answer...for such a simple request." Spoke the lioness softly. Despite the gentle tone...there was an undercurrent that was far more venomous. Nadhir picked up on that before the other even finished the sentence.

" a complicated matter...I don't know a lot about him. He's been...a little coy about sharing his past too much...says too many are out to get him."

Zira eyed the crossbreed carefully. She wanted to make sure that their was no treachery. From her observations...there had been no lies so far. However she had the strangest feeling there was information being kept from her...which made that a lie by omission. For the moment the best thing would be to keep this strange female need to treat her like a complete enemy. Yet. Without thinking she licked her lips, her tongue glancing over her teeth. "Yes...but surely someone with such a victim complex might have some story to tell..." 'Or he could be a filthy, lying sack of shit.' Zira practically shouted at herself internally. "...might I also mention that he may not be a saint himself."

Nadhir was grateful that this lioness was not attacking her. Though with everything she knew...this whole thing was likely just a sick game. "Perhaps not...but compared to monsters like you, I find it hard to believe that he's all that bad."

Shockingly Zira actually started to laugh softly. "You think that, do you?" Her gaze sharpened, a smirk still on her face. "I will never claim to be some do good, upstanding lioness...but if you're traveling with who I think you're traveling with...I think think the myth of him being anything but a soulless husk should quickly be dispelled."

Hissing as her mood suddenly darkened, red eyes glinting in the moonlight, she ran her claws through the sparse foliage. "That worthless bastard is behind so many things...assassinating a former king...stirring unrest in Scar's well as being the orchestrater of the massacre that got my first born slaughtered!" Somehow this had transition from an interrogation to her ranting madly. "I don't care what platitudes he's sold you on...if there is anything I would like more than sharpening my claws on the current king... on Simba's hide, it would be ripping him apart and using his blood to paint the ground red like the evening sky...yes indeed...his dying screams would forever be my lullaby."

On one paw she absolutely was stunned. Zira was now babbling instead of anything while preferable...there was more credence now to the lioness being more insane than anything. Perhaps her guest was mistaken...that the old queen had been not so much simply not right in the head. For a moment she pondered too who this 'Simba' character was...only to shove that to the side.

Slowly clarity was coming back. Zira realized that there were more important things than share her personal tragedies. She still refused to trust the larger feline in front of her, but she was managing to cobble enough together in her head to tell her that it was very possible Nadhir was being to some degree duped. So more imperative than before the questioning needed to continue.

"I don't much care if you believe me now..if you live long enough you will come to realize the truth...this is not about my story though. I want to know a few more things about your 'friend'." One of her eyes nearly twitched at the word. "How did you two happen to meet? And lying or mincing words anymore...that might bode poorly for you if you if you indeed do wish to will give me what I want."

The statement might have been a bluff, in this moment Nadhir didn't feel like leaving much to chance. Even though she was bigger and likely stronger, if a fight broke out there was a very real chance that there would be no real winner. "In the great river." Once she took in the expression of the lioness right in front of her she continued. "I don't know exactly how he did, but he survived that raging current...I helped him out...I don't believe in leaving anyone to simply die. The rest is pretty simple, I helped him recover, and listened to some of his tales."

While listening Zira was also keeping her senses tune to the surroundings. Someone was watching them, that much was certain. What they were waiting on was a mystery. If she was correct though in her suspicions, the situation could prove to be most interesting. Just needed to gather a bit more information on what Vazio might be up to...then switch the line of questioning up a bit.

It also just so happened that she knew exactly what to ask too.

Tulus is taken from Acutulus, Latin for shrewd

Espar is derived from Esperar, Portuguese for hope.