Hey guys, S.D.A here and I'm really sorry that I haven't posted anything in a while. Life has been pretty horrible to me lately but I have been trying. For those of you who are reading any of my other stories, I will be updating those in the next week or so. Hopefully anyways.

Anyways so this is a fic that I haven't been able to get out of my head for a long time so I decided I may as well post it on here.

I do NOT own Star Trek, I only own the characters you don't recognize.

Mundane. Boring. Uneventful. Depressing.

Those are just a few of the words I would have chosen to describe my life after he left. It's been three years and I still don't know why, I still don't know why he left me without saying anything. No texts, no calls or emails and to this day I still can't figure out what hurt the most. The fact that he left me alone in the first place, or the fact that he thought I didn't deserve a reason and I try my damndest to get over it. I kept telling myself that if someone who was supposed to have loved me could leave me with no word, then they didn't deserve my time or energy. It didn't work but I never let it show, I never let anyone else see the hurt. I would go about my life as normal as I could during the day but at night when I was home alone I would wallow in my own self-pity and sadness.. I thought I was broken beyond repair, but then something happened that changed my life forever.

That morning was the same as any other; I got up, showered, ate some breakfast and then went to work. I was a music teacher at a local university while also being the vocalist for a somewhat famous rock band. The band itself was comprised of other teachers from the university with each member agreeing that our teaching came first so we would record and tour during holidays.

I left my apartment and decided to catch the bus into work instead of making the twenty minute walk and decided I'd head to the cafeteria first to grab some coffee. As soon as the bus stopped I headed off to get my caffeine fix and as I left the queue after paying for my drink I noticed two of my band members sitting eating their breakfast so I decided to head over and join them,

"Morning you two," I greeted sliding into the one of the available seats at the table.

"Morning," They both replied in unison.

"So Chris, Bex, how go the experiments?" I asked after taking a long sip of my drink and smiling as I felt the heavenly liquid warm me up.

Chris and Bex were both experimental physicists but at the same time there was not many people on this earth that could rock as hard as those two. I could never fully understand their research or what it was exactly they were doing but I managed to understand it was something to do with black holes,

"Not so good," Bex replied pushing away her now empty cereal bowl.

"Yeah, we just can't seem to..." Started Chris but I cut her off with a wave of my hands.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude but I never really understand what it is that you guys do," I said with a sheepish smile.

They both just shook their heads at me and smiled,

"So then why bother asking if you don't understand it?" Asked Chris.

"I was just trying to be polite," I said putting my hands in the air in mock surrender. More often than not the three of us could argue for hours over this particular subject but I really didn't have the energy to do it today.

"Alright, but you should come over to the lab after classes and take a look for yourself. It looks a lot cooler than it sounds," Said Bex looking at her watch for the time.

"Sounds like a plan, when we're don't there we can head over to my place for some food and band practice," I replied picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulders getting ready to head off to my first class.

"Sounds good, I'll text Tom at lunch and let him know where and when to meet us," Said Chris as both her and Bex also picked up their bags. We all waved goodbye to each other and headed off to our respective departments.

Classes started off pretty slow in the morning but began to pick up after lunch. My last class of the day didn't have many students in it so I let them practice their own pieces for their upcoming exams while I graded papers for some of my younger students. Before I knew it all my classes had ended for the day so I made my way to the physics department stopping in at the cafeteria on my way for another coffee. It only took me ten minutes or so to reach Chris and Bex's lab and I knocked on the door twice before heading in,

"Hey guys," I said before taking a seat next to one of the computers at the side of the room, but they didn't even acknowledge me.

They must have been super frustrated because there was nothing but cussing coming from the pair of them. They were both hovering over the same laptop and curiosity got the better of me so I made my way over to take a look, but I couldn't understand a damn thing on the screen. It was a mixture of letters, numbers and weird symbols and after a particularly nasty curse from Chris I decided I'd had enough of being ignored,

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" I teased leaning over Chris's ear and both girls jumped and turned around to look at me. Luckily for me I had great reflexes and managed to avoid bumping heads with Chris.

"What the fuck Kyra!" They both shouted.

"Nice of y'all to acknowledge my existence," I laughed moving to sit in my previous seat.

"Sorry, it's been a terrible day so far, and it doesn't look like it's gonna get better any time soon," Sighed Bex as she ran a hand through her short black hair.

"What's up? If you need to give me some fancy scientific answer, don't. Just dumb it down enough that I'll understand it," I replied finishing my coffee and moving to put it in the bin nearby.

"Well you know that we're working with string theory yes? And you know that we're working with black holes right? Well black holes are formed when stars die and their massive bulk collapsing in on itself creating intense gravitational fields. The application of string theory to study black holes is one of the most significant pieces of evidence in favour of string theory"* Said Chris.

"No-one has 'seen' a black hole, but we scientists have observed gravitational evidence consistent with predictions about them, so most of us believe they exist. Now what Chris and I are trying to do is to create our own black hole but this stupid machine isn't working properly and we don't know why," Finished Bex gesturing to a large machine towards the centre of the room connected to loads of different cables and computers.

"Alright, see now that I kind of understood," I said moving over to take a closer look at the black hole machine, careful to avoid tripping over or disconnecting any wires.

"Be careful, the last thing we need is yet another bloody malfunction," Sighed Bex as she typed stuff up on a different laptop.

Now that she and Chris had their backs turned to me I decided I'd try a little percussion maintenance on the malfunctioning machine . What I was gonna do usually worked on my guitar amps when they weren't working properly, and in hindsight it was a really stupid move in my part. I lifted my leg up and kicked the machine as hard as I could without hurting myself, the resounding crack as my foot hit it echoed around the lab making both Chris and Bex shriek and turn around to see what I did,

"What the HELL did you just do?! I told you to be careful!" Bex yelled at me as Chris ran forward to inspect any damage I'd caused.

"Hey it usually works with the amps," I protested although I knew there was a big difference.


I just smiled sheepishly and shrugged, I didn't think it was all that bad and it still seemed to work judging by the noises it made as Chris fiddled with it,

"Hey it still works, kind of anyways. What's the worst that could happen from one little kick," I replied picking up my messenger bag from the chair I was sitting on.

I honestly wished that I hadn't said that because as Chris fiddled with the machine some more, she pressed a button that caused the machine to make a really weird whirring noise and then everything went black.

*Now if any of that black hole/string theory stuff is wrong then I apologize. I got most of that off Black Holes for dummies I think it was. Anyways if you enjoyed it review, if not... XD