Code: Uh Oh!

Chapter 1:


The radio blared from my alarm clock, shaking me from my pleasant slumber. I groaned and hit the off button on the alarm. I rolled out of bed and landed face down in the carpet of my room. I got up and ran a hand through my hair. I'd grown it longer on the instruction of a certain blonde haired teen. Jeremie.

It had been a year since Xana had been shut down for good and lot's had changed. All of us had gone through growth spurts and our bodies had changed. All of us, but Jeremie.

Odd and Ulrich had gotten taller. Odd was no longer the shortest member of our group but the third tallest. The tallest being Ulrich, second being Yumi. I was taller than my boyfriend Jeremie and slightly shorter than Odd. Only slightly. Ulrich and Odd had gotten muscles and seemed to get smarter than when Xana had been around.

Me and Yumi had supposedly gotten 'sexier'. We were definitely taller and our bodies had gotten sort of curvy-er. But we didn't want to be vain about it. Our grades had improved as well as the boys. I guessed it was because we weren't always running around after Xana 24/7.

I got dressed slowly and my mind drifted to my boyfriend, Jeremie.

He'd stayed pretty much the same. He wore the same old blue sweater and beige shorts day in day out. He barely moved from his computer when he's free, he ate, sweat and breathed his computer. Then, if he wasn't on the computer he wasn't on his computer, he was eating. It was terrible, he ate and ate and was completely ruining his own body. He had also developed an attitude and had somehow found a way to make even Odd not want to be around him. The way he had annoyed Odd was something deep, making it uncomfortable to be in a room with the pair of them. I tried to stand by Jeremie but it was getting harder everyday. Then it was only made worse when Ulrich and Yumi sided with Odd. There was no hostility from the trio towards me. It was all directed at Jeremie.

I sighed as I finished getting dressed. I wore a white long sleeved top underneath a pink vest top. I wore a pink skirt, white tights and black knee height boots. I tied my hair into a ponytail and put on some lip gloss before leaving my room. I walked down the corridor and as I turned. A corner I walked smack into Odd.

We both toppled over and I groaned. I propped myself up on my elbows and saw Odd already getting up.

"You know." He said, "There ARE less painful ways of saying good morning Princess." He gave me his signature smile and stood up, holding out a hand to help me up.

He was wearing a purple 'Just Do It' and a pair of jet black jeans with a pair of white sneakers. His hair was just as spiked as ever with the questionable purple spot in the centre. He had never given up the look and he still loved purple. Naturally. I took his hand and he pulled me up,

"Sorry Odd. Morning!" I said and he just laughed and gave me a hug,

"Morning to you too Princess." He said and let me go, "You hungry. Cus I am."

"You're always hungry!" I said,

"Yeah, well looking this amazing has it's draw backs." He replied, I just laughed at him and he joined in. We walked down the hall and nearly bumped into Sissy.

"Hey Sissy!" Odd said cheerfully,

"Hi Odd! Have you seen Jeremie. He really needs a talk to from a girl who isn't Yumi." She replied, a dark look crossed Odds face then vanished quickly,

"Seriously? You're asking me where Jeremie is?" He said,

"Good point. See you at breakfast!" She called and walked past us. Sissy had only gotten taller, she wore the same vest top and jeans just a size bigger. Over the year since we'd shut down the supercomputer we'd all become closer friends with her. She'd stopped being so full of herself and wasn't so bad anymore. She was still totally crushing on Ulrich but she was resigned to the fact that he was with Yumi. She was cool now.

After that encounter me and Odd finally got to the dining room. Where Yumi and Ulrich were already at our table. They were talking, holding hands and were obviously in love. I felt a pang of jealousy rush through me. Why couldn't Jeremie be like that.

"Hey love birds!" Odd called as he walked past. Going to the canteen. Grabbing 2 trays.

"Hey guys!" I said, taking a seat.

"Hey Aelita." They said together. Smiling at me. Then Odd was back, he slid into a chair next to me and gave me a tray with a croissant, some fruit and a hot chocolate on it.

"Thanks Odd." I said and gave him a smile, he smiled back then went to his breakfast. I then heard shouting from outside. One voice was obviously Sissy's and the other was all too familiar as well.

"Jeremie." Odd muttered, his voice reflected dread. A dread I couldn't help feeling as well.


The canteen was a peaceful place before the argument between Sissy and Jeremie came to it.

It was pretty much empty. Only us and a couple of other students. We were sitting at our usual table. Me, Aelita, Ulrich and Yumi enjoying our breakfast. When shouting could be heard from outside,

"Jeremie." I muttered, knowing that Jeremie was in one of his moods and we were all in for it now.

Sissy burst in, mid flow,

"Well at least if I'm not as stuck up as you are!" She yelled, to be replied to immediately,

"Go cry to Ulrich. Oh wait, he doesn't want you!" Jeremie screamed,

"At least he doesn't abuse what he's got." She cried slamming the door and stomping over to us. Dropping into a seat next to Odd. Her body radiating anger. Then the door slammed open,

"At least Ulrich's got someone!" Said the large menace Jeremie.

Jeremie had gotten wider over the passing year. He still wore beige shorts and his blue sweater. But they were so small, that you could see the stretch marks from across the room. His clothes were so tight on him that he looked like he was about to burst. What did Aelita see in him? He was fat, mean, inappropriate and he spent next to no time with her. I just didn't get it. Aelita was a beautiful, kind and over all an amazing girl and Jeremie was just abusing her. He made me sick.

He walked across the dining room, getting either humourous or hateful glances from other students. He walked over to the table and stood behind my chair, he just stood there. As if he was waiting for something.

"Ummm Odd." He said,

"Yes Jeremie." I said cooley. Turning in my chair to face the large compute geek,

"I believe that's MY chair." He said, looking down his nose at me.

"Really, it's surprising what people believe these days isn't it?" I said calmly, trying to keep my cool,

"Well, are you going to move so I can sit next to my girlfriend or are you going to sit there like the waste of space that you are?!" He yelled at me, his hands balled into fists. I counted backwards from 10 in my head and took a deep breath. The whole cafeteria had heard the outburst and were waiting for my response.

"Yeah, take the seat. I'm finished." I said, getting up, grabbing my tray as I went and kicking the chair to Jeremie, it slid across the polished tile floor with ease, "Besides, it's suddenly started to stink." I added, I walked away leaving the group to watch with astonishment that I hadn't gotten into a fight with him. I was sick of him. I dumped my tray with the others and took my croissant with me.

I looked back to see Aelita standing up her back to me. She and Jeremie were hugging and even from here I could see Jeremie touching her butt. I felt a tongue of white hot anger rush through my body and I stared down at the crushed croissant in my hand, I'd balled my hands into fists and obliterated my now unappetising mush in my hands. I dumped it into the bin and walked out. Slamming the door again.

"Hey Odd! Wait up!" A voice came from behind me as I walked over the concrete yard, it was Emily. She was wearing a red sweater and faded blue jeans. She had black rimmed glasses, "Can I get some words for the newspaper?" She asked. I shrugged.

Emily had taken over when the two girls had, had to give it up because their grades had plummeted and they'd started publishing lies. I'd never had much time for them anyway.

"Sure thing. Shoot." I said, my temper having cooled,

"Thanks!" She said, flipping out a notepad and a pen, "So, why did you say Aelita was your cousin then almost a year on say she wasn't?" I thought about it,

We had, a month after Xana went bye bye, told Principal Delmas that Aelita was not my cousin. She was just the daughter of a close family friend. He'd eaten it up no questions asked. The whole school soon knew thanks to Sissy and the school newspaper had bugged us ever since,

"We thought it was weird saying it after a while so we told Principal Delmas the truth. I CONSIDER her as a cousin. So it helped. She also needed to get into the school so there you go." I said and she wrote furiously,

"Okay, hmm, can you explain Jeremie's erratic behaviour lately?" She asked,

"No." I said and made it clear that the subject was over,

"Pity." She said, taking a couple of notes on the notepad, "And finally, do you have any romantic feelings towards Aelita?"

I thought about it and a spark of mischief flashed through my head,

"Well Emily." I said, lowering my voice, "If I did, do you really think YOU would be the first to know." I said and I suppressed a laugh as her eyes widened, she looked like she'd just been offered a million bucks.

"I SEE!" She exclaimed and wrote yet more notes,

"Chow Emily!" I said and spun on my heels and walked across the yard to the main school building. I went inside and waited outside of Mrs Hertz's class. I was stood outside for barely a minute when Ulrich, Yumi and Sissy showed up,

"Okay, what medication are you on?!" Yumi exclaimed when she walked in,

"Huh?" Was my reply,

"Seriously dude!" Ulrich said, "If he'd said that to me I'd have torn his head off of his shoulders!"

"Yeah, well that's you." I sighed and rested my head against the wall,

"What's up Odd?" Yumi asked.

I locked eyes with Ulrich and he nodded and he whispered something to Yumi and she nodded and went and whispered something to Sissy. Then we walked down the corridor and back onto the yard.

"So, you DO have a crush on Aelita then?" He asked as we walked over to the christened Lyoko Bench.

"I dunno." I said, dropping onto the bench and sighing, "I guess so. It would explain everything if I do."

"What do you mean by 'everything'" Ulrich asked, sitting down next to me,

"Why I think about her all the time. Why I'm angry when he tells her what to do or treats her like dirt. Why I feel weird when the two of them are together. I guess this was what it felt like when you saw Yumi with William." I said, speaking the truth about my feelings for a change, "Except these two are ACTUALLY together so I can't actually do anything."

He nodded and we sat there in silence watching kids pile in and out of the canteen. Then finally the bell went for class and we got up and walked in silence to Mrs Hertz's class for Science. Jeremie and Aelita had arrived in our absence and as I walked in my eyes locked on the pink haired angel and I smiled wistfully. She saw me and gave me a relieved smile and walked over to me. Jeremie wasn't impressed.

"What're you doing Aelita?!" He asked viciously,

"I was going to stand with my friends." She said, confused.

"No, get back over here. Now!" He commanded and Aelita nodded. Clearly upset. It took all of my willpower to not go over their and knock him into next week. Aelita wouldn't be happy with me if I did.

Yumi and Sissy were chatting and they looked over at me and Ulrich every once and a while. Then they walked over to Aelita and asked her to come and talk in private. Jeremie glowered at the three of them as Aelita walked off.

"I wonder what they're talking about." I muttered to Ulrich,

"Odd they're girls. Were supposed to wonder." He said and we both stood their, watching the girls chat animatedly and watch Jeremie stare holes into the back of his girlfriends head...


After his outburst in the canteen and him telling me I couldn't stand with Odd and Ulrich. It was nice to go off with Sissy and Yumi. Yumi was in the class across the corridor from us, so she took me and Sissy over to her line and we talked in hushed tones.

"Aelita, why are you still with that creep?!" Sissy hissed,

"You wouldn't understand Sissy. Let's just say I owe him for a favour he did for me and I really can't repay him." I sighed,

"Seriously Aelita. You still don't owe him for THAT! You know it, I know it, Odd and Ulrich know it. Heck even Jeremie knows it!" She exclaimed, "No, it's something else."

Sissy and Yumi stared at me expectantly,

"Ok, you've got me. I don't feel like I owe him anymore."

"So why're you with him?!" Sissy hissed again, "He's mean, he's fat, he pretty much molests you in public. Do I need to go on?!"

"Look Sissy, I know. But I feel that if I stick to him, the old Jeremie will come back." I said,

"Face it Aelita," Yumi said, putting her hand on my shoulder and gently turning me to Jeremie, who was presently picking his nose, "he's too far gone."

"Yeah, the old Jeremie's long gone. You need to get out whilst you can." Sissy said, "You should find someone new."

"But how?!" I exclaimed, "We've been together for so long. How can I end it? Who else is out their for me?"

"You just go up to him calmly and tell him you're done. You can't fix things between the pair of you, it's over." Yumi said, then a man in a green suit walked into her classroom and her class started to enter, "Gotta go. We'll speak later okay?" Then Yumi ran into class. Sissy and I walked back over to our class,

"And as for someone for you." Sissy said, her voice low in my ear, "If you're still into blondes, I know a guy who's into you." She said and gestured over in Odd and Ulrich's direction before swishing her hair, giggling and walking over to the pair of them. I stood by Jeremie again,

"What did they want?" He asked impatiently,

"They asked me if I had a dress for the Fall dance yet." I said, lying easily, "And also if I thought Oreo's or Maryland Cookies were best for Yumi's slumber party this weekend."

"A slumber party?!" He shouted, "What slumber party?! You didn't tell me you were going to any slumber party!"

"You didn't ask." I said, there was a Fall dance and I was going to a slumber party this weekend. It was a Yumi's and it was me, Ulrich and Odd going. Jeremie wasn't invited, "oh, and I said Oreo's, by the way."

"You don't even like Oreo's." He snarled at me, thinking he'd caught me out.

"How would you know?" I said, glaring at my boyfriend in his stretched clothes, "You never asked me THAT either."

Then Mrs Hertz walked into the classroom and we followed.

I sat at the desk behind Odd and Ulrich and next to Sissy. Much to the anger of Jeremie, who sat alone at a desk to the side of the room.

Mrs Hertz began the lesson with a 10 minute lecture. She then gave us a worksheet to complete. When I was finished I began to talk with Sissy. Who was only a quarter of the way through.

"So Sissy." I said, my voice barely a whisper, "How do you know Odd likes me."

"Yumi told me." She said absently,"Plus, it is pretty obvious."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, completely puzzled, "How come?"

"Pay attention the next time he looks at you." Sissy said, her eyes glued to her sheet, "Now kindly be quiet. I'm trying to do question 5."

So I shut up. I sat back in my chair and a ball of paper hit me in the back of my head. I bent down and picked it up and read the words on it after I un-scrunched it.

'What did Sissy say?' It said in Jeremie's neat handwriting,

'It doesn't matter.' I wrote and threw the ball back. It hit Jeremie on the nose and people who were watching giggled,

"One hundred and eighty!" Odd said and I turned to see him barely concealing a laugh, "Nice shot Princess!" He then gave me a smile and I smiled back. I searched his face like Sissy had said to do and noticed a couple of things.

He always looked me in the eyes, his smile to me was always full and bright, he seemed to be perfectly comfortable staring. So was I if I was honest. He was extremely handsome but I had Jeremie so I couldn't pursue him.

What am I thinking?! Who said I'm going to pursue him? I'm happy where I am right? I mean, Jeremie may not spend a lot of time with me. But he's still nice. Ish...

Ok, Jeremie isn't nice. He demanding, mean, vile and he isn't very understanding. He stopped caring about my fathers deaths effect on me a week after I stopped talking to him. He them started a streak of mean comments and he started pulling the worst sort of comments out. He simply would guilt trip me and I would do whatever he wanted. I hated that he had that sort of leverage over me. He did it when no one was listening or looking and it was just so horrible and I hated it so much. Then there was the worst bit, he would touch me.

It didn't sound so bad. But it was. Only just this morning he had his hands all over my butt as if he owned every part of me. I found it highly inappropriate and hard to deal with.

Now as I think of it. I don't like Jeremie. I don't like Jeremie at all.

But the million dollar question was, if I didn't like Jeremie, who do I like.

I looked at the spiky blonde hair of the boy in front of me and I think that I know.