A crack of thunder, a splendor of golden light, the world of Shiz University become a symphony of light and darkness, followed by a down tempo of a heavy bass of thunder. And once again, the ebony velvet of the night once again plunges into darkness.
For anyone, the rain would have brought out a gaggle of giggles, as bodies slick with ice water, danced amongst the crystal raindrops. But for the resident green girl, the rain was like acid to her skin, burning and melting her flesh, causing the skin to literally slough away, revealing muscles and tendons, crimson waterfall to spill to the ground, staining the floor beneath her feet in violent red gore.
Elphaba stood by the antiquated glass doors to the dusty ruins of Shiz's prestigious library, old leather bound tomes pressed protectively to her chest. Her long raven hair fell over her shoulders, before the light fall breeze swept past her, picking up the ebony strands to dance gracefully in the night breeze.
Her dark chocolate eyes almost glared at the rain, as if her glare would be strong enough to make the rain dissipate, allowing her to run to the safety of her dorm, before the serenade of rain, thunder and lightning continued.
Small sparkling drops of rain splattered against her glasses, distorting her vision. Angrily, Elphaba snatches her glasses off her face. Gathering up a small piece of her rumpled skirts, untouched by the rain up between her fingers, she angrily wipes away the drops of rain, before placing the thin gold frames back on her small, pointed nose.
Sighing, Elphaba presses her back against the cool of the sandstone walls that made up half of the Library's structure. Her dark chocolate eyes having lost their anger glisten in frustration as they stare absently at the small splatter of rain hitting the pavement, beneath her feet.
"Galinda's going to kill me" growls Elphaba.
She was, regrettably late for a "girly" night with her roommate, who ironically, utterly loathed her from the start. Yet somehow, they had broken through their hatred for each other, and became the best of friends.
It had become an unspoken promise to her blonde, bubbly roommate, that on certain nights, the two would sit together, gossip, do each other's hair, nails, and make up. A fun night, as Galinda called it. For Elphaba, it was torture. Yet she endured it, for Galinda had become the only friend the emerald witch, ever had.
Sighing, Elphaba slowly raised her eyes back up to the ebony sky. Hope, and despair, glistened deep within the warm depths of her chocolate eyes. She was late, she knew it, and if she didn't return to the dorm, Galinda would come and look for her. Getting drenched, and complaining then how her beautiful curls were ruined by the horrendible rain water.
She waited, listening to an invisible tempo as her eyes watched the curtain of crystal rain. For a split second, Elphaba believed the torrents of rain slowed, allowing the rain to turn from a torrential downpour, to small trickles of crystal sparkles.
Deciding to chance it, Elphaba sucks in a deep breath, clenched the books tight against her bosom, before slipping the hood of her cloak over her head. The cloth of her hood was thin, but it would be enough to help protect her from the little fall of rain.
Quickly, Elphaba sprinted through the sparkling field of Shiz green, a sparkling orchestra of raindrops glistening by the light of the fire lamps nearby.
Wincing against the pain, Elphaba bit her lower lip, as she struggled to fight against the agonizing pain and the sickening sound of her flesh, sizzling by the raindrops landing on her uncovered skin.
She was just a few feet away from the lighted doors of Crage Hall, when something hard slammed into her, forcing her to collide hard with the saturated ground.
Biting back a scream of pain, Elphaba forced her eyes to open. What she saw, took her breath away. Eyes, the color of eyes, of death, glared hungrily back at her, chilling her bones, and freezing her blood.
"So it's true…there really is a green woman walking around this fine establishment" laughs the man.
Elphaba unconsciously wrinkled her nose against the foul smell of cigar and vodka, assaulting her senses, and making her world spin before her.
"Get…off…me!" growls Elphaba as she fights to get this hulking beast off of her.
The man, she guessed, lay on top of her, almost forcing all air from her lungs due to his almost obese weight. The foul smell of the man's body, mingled with cigars and heavy ale, made whatever resided in her stomach, to rise quickly up her throat.
"Hmm" moans the man as he lowers his nose towards her heated flesh.
A disgust of vomit ripples through Elphaba's skin, as the man's nose barely touches her skin, as he breathes in her scent. Bile rises within her throat at the feel of the man's tongue, gliding down the slender slope of neck, to the edge of her collar bone.
"Such an exotic scent" moans the man. His long, slippery tongue deathly glides past her collar bone, to the humps of her breasts. "For such an exotic creature of ethereal beauty"
Though she tried to stay strong, she couldn't help, but let a small whimper slip past her clenched lips. The feel of that man's slimy tongue on her flesh, forced the emerald witch to flashback to her forbidden childhood memories. Memories, she had long ago wished to bury.
"I wonder" a throaty moan slipping past his lips. Menacingly, he cocks his head to the side, making his icy blue eyes look almost dead as the rays of the moon casted dark shadows over his face, darkening his appearance.
A hard shudder ran down her back, half masking the burning sensation of the water searing the flesh of her back.
"If you taste" breathes the man in a husky voice. "If you taste…as exotic as you look"
Elphaba's eyes widen in horror as a demon like hiss, slips past the man's curled lips, revealing sharp, ivory fangs.
Before a scream could slip past her lips, the man's lips cover over hers. Hot liquid spills past the sides of her lips. The iron-like metal taste of the liquid, makes Elphaba scream in horror. Sadly, her scream is muffled by the ripples of the dark man's mouth locked over hers.
Footsteps approached, and for a second, hope flooded Elphaba's veins. Perhaps, just this once, someone in Shiz would help her, instead of allowing yet another tormentor, to torture her.
An icy hand, slowly slid down her side, tangling with the small fragments of her skirt; ripped from the fall and struggle. Slowly, the wet fabric slides up her legs, past her thighs, to her stomach, leave red, gruesome burnt flesh in its wake.
Another hand reached up and twisted around the neckline of her dress. The sound of fabric ripping fills Elphaba's ears, as the feel of her drenched dress is ripped away, revealing her well-endowed chest, and taught stomach.
Tears welled deep within her eyes, making the gold dust sprinkled like the stars in the velvety night's sky, to sparkle at the feel of the man's ice cold hands grabbing hard onto her breast, twisting her nipple to the point where, Elphaba dared believe, would twist off.
"Help me…please" whispers Elphaba, her voice hoarse, gurgled by the bubbling blood filling within her mouth.
"Hey, let us get a taste of that" growls a dark voice.
Forcing her eyes open, Elphaba's eyes dart back and forth at the four men, standing before her, their faces hidden by the darkness of the night.
"No!" screams Elphaba.
"Disobedient little freak!" snarls the man.
"She looks feisty" growls another.
"Gentlemen…perhaps this exotic creature…need a little persuasion" smiles the hooded man with dead blue eyes.
"Taming the Shrew" sneered another.
Before Elphaba could utter a single word, a heavy boot, collided with her head. Pain, exploded throughout her entire body, as fists, heavy leather boots, and bats, collided with her head, her chest, her stomach, and legs.
The sickening crack of bones, the white hot pain slicing across her abdomen, the explosion of black, slowly fading back to white flashing before her eyes, followed by the sickening twist and twirl of the world around her made the seduction to fall back into the ever-creeping darkness slowly consuming her body, all the more alluring.
1…2….3…4…5…6 heavy tipped boots beat into her head, before the encompassing darkness, exploded once again before her eyes, before the sweet darkness finally enveloped the green girl in its sweet symphony of peace and hope.
Fiyero Tiggular and Galinda Upland slowly made their way back towards Crage Hall, hand in hand, giggling softly at the secret conversation being held between the two friends.
Many at Shiz University believed the two to be dating, which was the farthest from the truth. They were close, and the two cared for each other greatly, but the feelings they held were nothing more than deep, loving friendship. For the two had known each other as children, when playing together at each other's grand estates, whilst their parents sat around, sipping their expensive wines, and holding conversations regarding wealth, and how to attain more of it.
Galinda's parents at first had joked about arranging a marriage between their daughter, and the Winkie Prince. But for Fiyero's parents, the union between a Gillikinese Noble, and their son, was very appealing. That was, until later when a High Ambassador to the Arjiki tribe, had offered an arranged marriage between Fiyero, and their daughter Sarima.
So it was decided, that once Fiyero graduated from College, that he would return to the Vinkus, and marry his child bride. A most excellent union between the two Houses of Nobility to the Vinkun Tribe.
Fiyero hated the arranged marriage. For years he had pleaded, argued, even shouted and destroyed things, all in an attempt to get out of the arrangement between himself and Sarima. But all his yelling, all the destruction to the fine furniture and antiques did nothing to persuade his parents away from the marriage. He would marry Sarima once he finished College, and that was that.
That, of course, was the start to Fiyero's dancing through life motif. How he saw it was, hey, if he was screwed once he left College, then he might as well enjoy the small amount of freedom he had left, until the suffering commenced.
So, when Fiyero arrived at Shiz, he was most pleased to have reunited with the only girl who wasn't after his crown; unlike the other girls who he had encountered at his many failed attempts at an "education" at other prestigious colleges around Oz.
And, while Galinda enjoyed the Prince's company, she knew that his heart truly belonged to another. A certain girl with skin the color of shimmering emeralds, hair the color of ebony, and eyes so full of life, of love and adventure, yet pure, and innocent, mesmerizing and haunting.
It was Galinda's hope, that Fiyero may find the courage to actually ask her peculiar green roommate out. Regardless of the fact of his pre-arrangement to another, Galinda felt, that the Prince still deserved to have "fun" before he became weighed down with one who he did not desire.
And though she appeared shallow and…clueless, Galinda was actually quite smart. Something that not many, were privileged to know, save for Elphaba and Fiyero. Which made her friendship between the two, that more special, and unique.
"But FiFi…surly there's a way for you to get out of this shameful excuse of unification between the two tribes" wails Galinda.
"I wish it were Galinda, but sadly there is not. Once we graduate, I'll be whisked back to the Vinkus, and marry my child bride" sighs Fiyero.
"What if you simply drop out of Shiz…like you did the others. Surly that would buy you more time?"
"Sadly no Glin…my parents warned me, that regardless if I graduate, or am expelled from this place, the marriage would still commence"
"That's so unfair" huffs Galinda in a defeated tone.
"Let's turn too much happier topics of conversation…shall we?" laughs Fiyero. Delicately, Fiyero places finger beneath Galinda's chin. Gently, he tips her chin up, till her dazzling cerulean eyes, stare back at his deep sapphire.
Even if he wasn't in love with the silly blonde, he had always found her eyes so alluring, like shimmering crystals sparkling bright within the darkened abyss.
"Ok" blushes Galinda as she pulls her face free from Fiyero's deep stare.
The strange silence between the two is quickly broken as Galinda rants away about her latest shopping excursion with her two friends, Millie and ShenShen, two girls who Fiyero absolutely despised, for they were exactly the types that his parents would be proud to call daughter.
"Then ShenShen had the nerve to question my knowledge of Louie Fertellin shoes and designer knock offs and…"
But her latest rant dies in the light summer's breeze. Utter annoyance vanishes in the breeze, as her eyes beheld a most gruesome sight, not a yard away, a person, a body, a female body, lying twisted on the ground. The moon above gives way to reveal glistening crimson dripping from multiple laceration wounds, violent bruises blossom across every square inch, of flesh, unhidden by torn pieces of ebony fabric. A curtain of tangled raven, mixed in blood, tangle around the upper torso of the corpse, half shielding the damage done to the persons back.
Delicate fingers cover bubble pink lips, as a simple phrase, slips past the blonde beauties lips.
"Dear Oz" whispers Galinda.
Ignoring the trembling girl next to him, Fiyero slowly made his way towards the half concealed body, lying crumpled and mutilated on the grass.
Instantly, Fiyero's stomach twists, at the sight of blood, and torn pieces of flesh and hair, lay strewn around this lifeless victim of the night.
Slowly, Fiyero falls to his knees, as the dark clouds part around the pearl of the night, allowing the soft rays of the moon to once again shine down upon the darkened Land of Oz
His breath, hitches within his throat, at the sight of emerald flesh stained in blood, almost glows before him. He knew that flesh; he knew who this poor victim of violence was. For who else here at Shiz possessed skin the color of emeralds.
"Elphaba" whispers Fiyero.
"What…Elphie…Elphie no!" cries Galinda.
Fiyero's eyes remain locked on the crumpled, lifeless body before him. The green girl, Elphaba Thropp, the girl who made his heart beat fast and slows at the same time whenever she was near, now laid dead, or close to death before him.
Without another thought, Fiyero gently scoops the green girl into his arms. Rising carefully to his full height, Fiyero never takes his eyes off the bruised and bloody face, of the girl, who had captivated him, stole his heart, and held it protectively within the palm of her slender green hands.
The weightless feel of her body against his, was a thought that Fiyero decided, would question later. Right now, Elphaba needed to get out of the cold, and have her wounds tended to, and her soaked clothes, taken off and replaced with dry ones.
"Quick Galinda, to your dorm and don't make a sound" whispers Fiyero.
The whole trip to Crage Hall was filled with silence, for neither Fiyero nor Galinda knew what to say to comfort the other. Both their hearts were breaking at the sight of their best friend.
Galinda, tried hard to bite back the tears threatening to spill from her cerulean eyes, as she forced her body to ascend the long, narrow stairwell leading to the top floor of Crage Hall.
Numbly, she stuck the key into the lock, and opened the door to their shared dorm room.
Fiyero couldn't help, but smile at the sigh before him. On one side of the room was obviously Galinda's, for he had never seen so much pink, and frills ever, in his entire life. Clothes from hours of finding the perfect outfit lay strewn across the floor, and the pink and white comforter. Ozmopolitan Magazines covered the fine Quox wood desk and night stand. At least ten pink and white teddy bears and unicorns covered most of the blonde's bed, some though, had spilled over to her roommates side, which, was a stark contrast, to the bubbly blondes.
Elphaba's side was clean and orderly, with books and papers neatly organized and placed in their appropriate places on the desk and night stand. Simple lavender sheets and an ebony comforter sat perfectly folded on the other bed. A half chewed apple, rested crooked against a heavy leather tome, half cracked open on the table, and a simple green dragon, rested against the white silk pillows with the Shiz colors sewn delicately against the edges.
How much time sped by, Galinda was unsure. To her, time seemed to move slowly, like the great River Jorge near her house in Pertha Hills. How the little blonde used to love to sit at the bank of the shore, her dark cerulean eyes sparkling beneath the last golden rays of the sunset, as she watched the river flow by her.
So lost within the rivers of her childhood memories that Galinda had failed to notice that Fiyero had finished his ministrations to the emerald witch, laying pale beneath lavender sheets. She watched, as Fiyero sat next to the bed, his one hand stroking softly against the apple of her bruised cheek. The other, softly plaiting through her raven locks.
"Fiyero…is she?" asks Galinda, but the words fade beneath a whisper at the sight of tears, brimming along the edges of the scandalicious Winkie Prince.
An ache pulsed deep within Galinda's heart. Yes she cared for Fiyero and Fiyero the same towards her. But the difference was those feelings of caring had slowly changed into feelings of love. And longing, longing to have the handsome Winkie Prince wrap her within the warm embrace of his strong arms, pull her softly against his body, and take her lips with his own in a passionate kiss.
Yet, no matter how much she longed for such desires she knew that Fiyero's heart yearned for another. One who was blind to the Winkie Prince's affections, though they were practically screaming in her face.
Several times, all Galinda wanted to do was give into her selfishness, and spin her yarn of lies to entrap the Prince within her tangled web. It wouldn't be hard, the Prince trusted her enough, why wouldn't he believe her. A simple twist of the truth and BAM, the scandalicious Winkie Prince was hers!
She was sure that, if Fiyero were to reciprocate her feelings, that his parents would be more than happy to abolish the arranged marriage between Fiyero and Sarima, and allowing her to take the crown, and the title.
Yes that was the old Galinda, the Galinda who would never have given a second thought to the deceiving depravity of such lies. Yet having befriended the green girl truly changed her. Changed her for Good. Though Galinda wouldn't admit it, it was true.
Galinda had to hold back the bile and tears rising within her at the darkness of the water after Fiyero had finished cleaning away the blood from Elphaba's face, body, and hair. Now, with the blood gone, the full extents to her injuries were so easy to see, a person would have had to be blind, not to see them.
Galinda worried, while Fiyero merely tended to as much of the injuries as he could. Many of them, he had treated before, having had to survive in the Thousand Year Grasslands as a boy; a rite of passage as it were from boyhood to manhood.
It was during that time, that Fiyero learned how to tend to injuries, administering first aid using the plants and various herbs growing within the half dried fields.
Many of Elphaba's injuries would heal in time. The broken ribs she suffered would mend, if she took it easy. Her fractured wrist had been splinted and bandaged in a way to reduce much mobility. The lacerations would fade, leaving behind minor scars.
Yes, the majority of her injuries were not something Fiyero fretted about. Though the one he was very concerned of, and was unsure to the full extent as the damage done to her head.
It was something Fiyero did not disclose with Galinda, during his time with tending to Elphaba's injuries, mainly due to not wanting to worry the petite blonde.
So in silence, Fiyero assessed the damage done, to the emerald enchantresses head. It was obvious that she had been kicked in the head several times and punched.
Yet he was unsure whether or not Elphaba's skull had suffered any fractures, or worse damage had been done. And though he worried, he knew that the answers he sought would not come until the green girl awoke.
For hours, Fiyero and Galinda sat by Elphaba's bedside, each silently pleading to the Gods above, for her to awaken, and be alright.
Finally, after six hours, a stir arouse the two from their half slumber. A moan of pain, and Fiyero shot up from the chair, falling to his knees, he automatically grasped onto Elphaba's hand.
"Fae" whispers Fiyero, unconsciously whispering the nickname he had made for her.
"Elphie?" whispers Galinda.
Slowly, long black lashes flutter, before giving way to dark, chocolate, sprinkled with gold dust.
"Oh Elphie…you're alright!" squeals Galinda.
Unconsciously, Galinda flops down on the bed, her long slender arms wrap tight around Elphaba's neck, bringing her in for a tight hug.
Normally Fiyero would have laughed at the sight of Elphaba wincing as the blonde powder puff engulfed her in yet another suicidal embrace. But the smile would not come, not when his eyes beheld the absolute terror alight, within Elphaba's dark eyes.
Like a wild animal, Elphaba writhed and thrashed, until finally she was able to throw the strange blonde creature down onto the floor.
With a screech of terror, Elphaba flings herself back, slamming hard into the wall. Her dark, chocolate eyes glance wildly around the room.
"Glin…are you alright?" asks Fiyero.
"Yeah…Hey Elphie what's the deal!" Whines Galinda, as she gracefully rises back onto her feet. Her dark cerulean eyes glare menacingly back at the green girl.
Yet the menace, the anger within Galinda's eyes fades, at the sight of absolute terror, screaming back at her, from her roommate's eyes.
"Fiyero?" whispers Galinda confused.
Slowly, Fiyero takes a step towards the bed, his right hand extends out, gesturing to the wild woman that he meant her no harm. Fresh tears swam within his eyes as he neared, for with every step he took, Elphaba would let out a strangled whimper, before slamming herself once again, against the wall.
"Elphaba…Fae…its alright…were not going to hurt you…were your friends" soothes Fiyero.
"Who" stammers Elphaba, her voice hoarse, yet sounding like that of a toddler.
"Who's Fae…who's Elphaba…who are you, what do you want with me!" cries Elphaba, her voice rising with each syllable.
"Elphie…don't…don't you?" starts Galinda.
"Who in Oz are you!" screams Elphaba.
Okay, first fic so please don't kill me for grammatical errors or spelling. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Next one will be coming soon, if enough people wish to see a next chapter Thank you again, and please review! Reviews are love too.